Hilfe, Error beim flashen IBM M1015


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ich wollte gerade meinen IBM M1015 auf den LSI 9211-8i umflasehn.

Laut Anleitung von hier - LSI Controller FW updates IR/IT modes

Ich habe folgendes Image verwendet

LSI MegaRAID with SAS2008 chipsets

1) IBM ServeRAID M1015

2) Intel RS2WC080

Please let me know (PM or post here) what Card you have successfully flashed with the LSI MegaRAID SAS2008 chipset with the provided zip.

20.10.1-0037 (APP-2.120.54-1235) / 15-APR-11
Only iMR mode available.

LSI MegaRAID SAS2008 Controller.zip - 5.32 MB (Windows)

Linux Driver: megaraid_sas - supports the LSI SAS1078, SAS1078 GEN2, SAS1079 GEN2, SAS0073 and SAS0071 chipsets. Though is is an old version indeed. (Thanks to "BRiT"s prior post)
unRAID Support: Driver not included at this point.

Drive Spin Down support: YES (UPDATE: Added as of 5.0Beta7)
Drive Temp Readings: YES

3TB Drive Support with this card: YES (UPDATE: 5.0Beta7 added 3TB Drive support)

Update: Convert your LSI MegaRAID controller card with LSI SAS2008 chipset to a Plain SAS2008 controller card (IT or IR mode), will look and feel like a LSI SAS9211-8i, and will be ready to use with unRAID (BIG THANKS to KKM for creating the empty.bin, so you dont need to have to worry about which sbr to obtain and use.)

1) IBM ServeRAID M1015 (tested successfully)

2) Intel RS2WC080 (tested successfully)

Please let me know (PM or post here) what Card you have successfully flashed with the LSI MegaRAID to SAS2008 with the provided zip.

LSI MegaRAID to SAS2008(P10).zip - 6.38 MB (DOS, via bootable usb key)
LSI MegaRAID to SAS2008(P11).zip - 5.87 MB (DOS, via bootable usb key)

Please read the __READMEFIRST.txt file so you are clear as to all the steps and why it is important not to skip any steps.

Laut Anleitung aus der readmefirst bin ich jetzt bei Step 5 (12).

11) Prepare a USB stick you do not mind formatting. You only need about 12MB.

2) Go into the bootable_usb_stick directory and install the HP USB Boot Utility (HP_USB_Boot_Utility.exe)

3) Launch the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

4) See screenshot "bootable_usb_stick.png" as reference, you just need to select "FAT32" file system
I named the volume KILLMEGA :), "Quick Format" otherwise it takes a LONG time, "Create a DOS startup disk"
and select "using DOS system files located at:" and browse to the directory "usbdos" which is a sub
folder under the boot_usb_stick directory where you installed the HP USB Boot Utility.
Click start

5) Once completed, unzip "LSIMega.zip" to the root of the usb stick.

6) Boot up to the usb stick.

7) Launch each step, Step 1, 1.bat (This will dump all the information about your card to a file Named ADAPTERS.TXT
In this file is your SAS Address which will be required for step 6 (6.bat)

HW Configuration
SAS Address : 500605b001f31fa0

8) Step 2, 2.bat will save your current controllers SBR to a file Mega.sbr, please rename it to the cards model
your using this on, example IBM M1015, rename mega.sbr to SBRM1015.bin and post on the forum (would like
to collect all SBRs)

9) Step 3, 3.bat will wipe your current SBR and clear your controllers BIOs.

10) Set 4, Shutdown your system now, plug your USB stick in another system were you can get at the ADAPTERS.TXT
(that was dumped in step 1) file to write donw your SAS Controllers Address

11) Put back usb stick in the system with the Mega card and boot to usb again.

12) In step 5 you can Flash your card to either IT or IR mode by lauched the respective batch file (5IT.bat or
5IR.bat) This will file your mega controller to SAS2008 firmware P10 (lastest as of time posted)

13) Step 6, 6.bat will echo out the command you need to run manually in a commandline to re-program back your
SAS Address you obtain when you shutdown your system and wrote it down from the ADAPTERS.TXT file

SHOULD for any reason the SAS Address have not been in the ADAPTERS.TXT file, it should be on a sticker on the
back of your controller card, 16 characters without "-" dashes or spaces

14) reboot and enjoy!

Leider wird der M1015 nicht mit der neuen Firmware geflasht. Ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung.

ERROR: Failed to initialize PAL. Exiting Program.

Was habe ich den falsch gemacht? Habe ich die falsche Imagedatei (LSI MegaRAID to SAS2008(P11).zip - 5.87 MB) genommen?

Thx für eure Hilfe.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Das liegt an deinem Mainboard. Versuche es mit einem anderen Mainboard. Dein Board hat nicht genug Platz für "Rom-Options".
Einerseits hattest du recht das es am Bord liegt, aber es lag eher daran das es ein UEFI Board ist.

Habe zwar schon bevor ich den Post erstellt habe wie wild gegoogelt, aber nichts gefunden. Ist aber typisch, nachdem ich gepostet habe bin ich 5min später fündig geworden.

LSI 9211-8i flash via the EFI Shell
I finally managed to flash my M1015 to LSI 9211-8i in IR mode using my Asus P9X79 WS, the same motherboard that give me headaches in the native DOS prompt.
I was able to flash it via the UEFI shell. The method I used it`s a simple one and I think it should work for everyone who had the "Failed to initialize PAL" error.

You can read below all the steps I`ve made, starting in DOS and finishing via the EFI Shell:
1. I downloaded the latest updates (sas2008.zip) for LSI 9211-8i from mobilenvidia`s laptopvideo2go.com forum: http://forums.laptopvideo2go.com/top...age__hl__m1015. I was a bit lazy and I found very convenient to download everything in one go. Thanks mobilenvidia!
2. Then using a USB stick I created a MS-DOS Bootable Flash Drive. You can finf how to do it here: Windows 7 Forums
3. After that I extracted the content from sas2008.zip on the USB stick.
4. I set up in Bios to boot from the USB and in DOS prompt, I followed the instructions from the first post in the earlier mentioned thread:

Convert LSI9240(IBM M1015) to a LSI9211-IR mode
Type in the following exactly:
megarec -writesbr 0 sbrempty.bin
megarec -cleanflash 0
<reboot, back to USB stick>

5. In DOS, after reboot using "sas2flsh -o -f 2118ir.bin -b mptsas2.rom" command I got the infamous "ERROR: Failed to initialize PAL. Exiting program".
6. I went to ArchWiki, to the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) page.
The web address is: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php...ace#UEFI_Shell
Scroll down to "UEFI Shell " and download "x86_64 UEFI Shell 2.0 (Beta)" and "x86_64 UEFI Shell 1.0 (Old)"
To flash my card I used "x86_64 UEFI Shell 1.0 (Old)".
I renamed the "Shell_Full.efi" to "shellx64.efi" and copied on the USB stick, over the previous files from the "sas2008.zip" archive.
7. I also had to copy on the stick the sas2flash.efi program. You can download the "Installer_P13_for_UEFI " from the LSI support page: http://www.lsi.com/channel/products/...AS9211-8i.aspx
8. Attach the USB, restart the PC and go in the UEFI Bios. Check if the UEFI USB drive is your first boot option. On the top right corner click on the "Exit" button. You will get a new menu and the last option is "Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device" Click on it and you will go in the UEFI Shell.
Here I was able to continue the flashing procedure:

sas2flash.efi -o -f 2118ir.bin -b mptsas2.rom
sas2flash.efi -o -sasadd 500605bxxxxxxxxx (x= numbers for SAS address)

9. Done.

I thought it`ll be a good idea to post in detail all the steps, especially for guys like me, who don`t do everyday things like this.

Also, a big thanks to Servethehome.com for the great article "IBM ServeRAID M1015: Performance of the LSI 9220-8i". That was the article that pointed me to the M1015. Also, thanks mobilenvidia for putting all together. It helped me a lot.
Now I`m happy, I have a little monster ready to chew all the data I`m going to feed him.

Es hat ueber die UEFI Shell geklappt.

EDIT : Das Board war ein Supermicroboard.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja, gleicher Fehler kommt halt wenn es ein Board ist mit fehlenen oder zu kleinen ROM Optionen.
Hat das jemand schon mit einem UEFI-Gigabyte hingekriegt?
Wohl eher nicht ....

Bin mit der Karte zu einem Kumpel marschiert, der hatte noch ein S1156-Board ohne UEFI. Innerhalb von ein paar Mins war die LSI-SW drauf
konnte die FW zwar löschen mit einem DQ77MK, aber nicht neu aufspielen.
über die UEFI-Shell hats aber wunderbar funktionierts.

Frage zum Controller: hat der im IR-Mode ein Bios, zum Einstellen vom Raid? das kann ich im Intel nicht erreichen. Wird evtl wegen dem Intel-Logo nicht angezeigt.
Welche Tastenkombi braucht das Bios? Strg+C? Danke
Ich habe ähnliche Probleme und komme derzeit beim flashen über UEFI-Shell nicht weiter.

Nach bekannten Anleitungen mit den 3 (UEFI) Mainboards MSI H67MA-E45 (B3), Asrock H77 Pro4/MVP sowie Asrock Z68M-ITX/HT immer die selbe Fehlermeldung:

"sas2flsh.efi is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file"

Verschiedene Revisionen, veschiedene Rootverzeichnisse vom USB, AHCI deaktivieren.. weiß vielleicht noch jemand was anderes? Was könnte man sonst noch übersehen oder vergessen haben? Irgendeine BIOS Einstellung o.ä.?
Auf absehbare Zeit habe ich leider auch erst einmal keine Möglichkeit es ohne ein UEFI Mainboard zu probieren.
schreibfehler?: sas2flash.efi, nicht sas2flsh.efi

ansonsten geht das auch mit gigabyte - uefi - boards (z.B. H77).
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