Das Geheimnis der UTTs ;)


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habe ich gerade hier gefunden... beantwortet von einem Mushkin Rep

UTT- that is the term we in the memory industry call for untested raw chips directly from the build houses. They have not been screened or tested for any speed.. ie ddr266, ddr333, ddr400.

winbond makes 2 differnt versions. there is a bh and ch quality. there is NO BH5 or CH5 anymore. Winbond does not mark any of the chips anymore. Most of the new UTT are built by Infineon for Winbond. So based on the 2 dyes, the memory guys like US or Twinmos or OCZ buys whichever one they need and test and test and test and test to get what grade or yeild they need. Once they have that then they allocated to a specific part or product that you the consumer see as the final product. So depending on the testing and binnnig as u call it, there are various yeild rates for certain speed and latency. Thus, not all parts are the same. You can have a BH built module but it only runs at xzy speed with xyz latency BUT with a lot of testing and binning, you can have the same BH dye part that runs at a xyz+ speed ad lower latency. The cost and time is in the testing and retesting and testing thus like the old saying ... *you get what you pay for* but there are some lucky few that will get more than what they pay for.

Hier noch ein paar Q/A:

1) You stated above that Winbond makes 2 diff versions, a bh and a ch quality, but does not mark them. You then go and state that most of the new UTT are build by Infineon for Winbond. That last statement confuses me. Does Infineon make these or does Winbond? I've seen copies of news release dated back to August of 2004 which stated that Winbond was selling the excess capacity which was not purchased by Infineon in the open market as unmarked (UTT) chips. Who is doing the manufacturing for whom here? Did you intend to say that the UTT was built for Infineon by Winbond?

>winbond is a fabless manufacturer. they contracted with infineon to build for the. infineon builds it based on winbond specs and quality control.

2) You stated that there are two versions...is there one that has the "legendary" Winbond dimples (like the TwinMOS Speed Premiums have) and one without (like the recently released OCZ Value VX which has no dimples) or is this packaging merely an exterior without any meaning to it?

>the ch at the beginning of 2005 has no dimples. the bh/ch starting this month has 2 dots/ dimples

3) Next...just what do you mean by a bh and a ch quality? I know that Winbond does not MARK/LABEL the chips, but are they being manufactured based on the old bh vs ch dyes?

>bh/ ch quaity is are made with different dye processes. i am not sure if it based on the old dyes thus we have been doing a lot of testing.

4) Since there is a connection to Infineon in all of this...does Infineon sell a product using these (Winbond produced or Infineon produced) chips. In other words, are there Infineon labeled chips out there with these same characteristics as the "Winbond UTT" and if so, are you guys using any of them?

>not that we have seen...
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Hey, die machen das was ich auch mache: Pretesten :banana:

Wie gesagt ich hatte ja schon Chargen vom Speed Premium dazwischen, die total grottig gingen, das ist wohl die Erklärung dafür.
so ein Selektions-Setup (Advantest) kostet mehrere Millionen und die Teile zu mieten laut meinen Infos ca. 800.-€/Stunde

wie lange die Tests gehen usw. kann ich leider nicht sagen...
Ist ja interessant, aber diese ganze Sache mit "Infineon produziert jetzt für Winbond" find ich schon extrem komisch. Sogesehen, hätte Infineon ja schon zu Zeiten der PC2700 6-A Riegel (Ende 2002) für Winbond produzieren müssen. :hmm: Denn ich glaube nicht, dass Infineon damals die Chips extra von Winbond, ohne jegliche Zusammenarbeit, einfach so eingekauft hat.

Also entweder Infineon produziert wirklich schon lange für andere (was ich irgendwie bezweifle), oder der gute Mushkin Mitarbeiter hat da irgendwas verdreht. :hmm:
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>winbond is a fabless manufacturer. they contracted with infineon to build for the. infineon builds it based on winbond specs and quality control.

Winbond hatte noch nie eine eigene Fabrik ... vorher haben se also woanders fertigen lassen ...

ana wie nu genau Winbond technik auf Infineon Sticks kommt ist doch net Soooo wichtig ...
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Anarchy schrieb:
Winbond hatte noch nie eine eigene Fabrik ... vorher haben se also woanders fertigen lassen ...

ana wie nu genau Winbond technik auf Infineon Sticks kommt ist doch net Soooo wichtig ...

Naja, zumindest haben se anscheinend demnächst ne eigene/neue. Haben ja nen RIESEN Kredit dafür vor kurzem aufgenommen.
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