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The file system structure on the volume listed in the message might be corrupt because of one or more of the following reasons:

* The disk might have bad sectors.
* I/O requests issued by the file system to the disk subsystem might not have been completed successfully.


Check the state of the file system and repair it if necessary.

To check the state of the file system

1. Click Start, click Run, and then, in the Open box, type
2. To determine whether the volume is corrupt, at the command prompt, type
chkntfs Drive:

* If the message “Drive_letter: is dirty” is displayed, the volume is corrupt. In this case, repair the file system.
* If the message “Drive_letter: is not dirty” is displayed, the volume is not corrupt and no further action is required.

To repair the file system

1. Save any unsaved data and close any open programs.
2. Restart the computer.
The volume is automatically checked and repaired when you restart the computer.

Alternatively, you can run the Chkdsk tool from the command prompt without shutting down the computer first.

1. Click Start, click Run, and then type
2. At the command prompt, type

chkdsk /X Drive:
Chkdsk runs and automatically repairs the volume.

If the following message appears, type Y.

“Cannot lock current drive. Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts?”

The next time the computer is started, Chkdsk will automatically run.

If the NTFS 55 message appears regularly, for example daily or weekly, run Chkdsk using the /R command-line option. This option allows Chkdsk to locate bad sectors on the hard disk.


drin sind
4*1gb ram
750gb hdd
geforce 210 512mb
2500mhz q8300 intel
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Öhm ins startmenü gehen rechtsklick auf eingabeaufforderung *als administrator ausführen* ?

oder was willst du wissen?
ok is auch ned das problem hab hier aber nochwas gefunden was zu den zeitabhängigen abstürzen passen würde :)

nur leider is mein englisch im zusammenhang mit it etwas zu rostig bitte hilfe was muss ich machen???
Event ID 4374 — Package Installations or Removals

Updated: September 20, 2007

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

A package is a combination of updates, which are installed using Package Manager.
Event Details
Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 4374
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Servicing
Version: 6.0
Symbolic Name: CbsPackageNotApplicable
Message: Windows Servicing identified that package %1(%2) is not applicable for this computer.
Obtain a valid package or check the logs

The package might not be applicable to this computer. To resolve this problem, do the following:

1. To determine whether this computer supports the package:
* First search online for information about any dependencies and architecture requirements. You should check the requirements on the Web site you downloaded the package from. You can also search the Microsoft Knowledge Base (Microsoft Support) for a KB article for the package. You can often find the Knowledge Base number in the .mum file of the package (search for KB), or in the error message.
* Look at the last error in the Component-Based Servicing (CBS) log (located at %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log) and ensure that Applicability:4 is specified in the message. If the applicability attribute is not 4, then the package does not apply to this computer.
2. Install any dependencies that the computer is missing, or obtain a valid package. If you think the package is applicable, download the package again.
3. Try the operation again.

If you determine that the package is applicable to the computer, but you continue to receive this error, then you have encountered a more complex issue. In this case, you may need to call Customer Service and Support (CSS) in order to resolve the problem. If you want to try to determine the cause yourself, you can diagnose the Windows Update log (%windir%\WindowsUpdate.log), the Component-Based Servicing log (%windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log), and driver logs. For information about diagnosing these logs, see Optional Component Setup Log Diagnoser.

If you do not want to diagnose the logs, you should call CSS and provide the following logs to them. For information about how to contact CSS, see Support Options from Microsoft Services (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=89446).

* Windows Update log (%windir%\WindowsUpdate.log)
* Component Based Servicing log (%windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log)
* Windows Side-by-Side Pending log (%windir%\winsxs\pending.xml)
* Windows Side-by-Side Pending Bad log (%windir%\winsxs\pending.xml.bad)
* Pending Operations Queue Exec log (%windir%\winsxs\poqexec.log)
* DPX Setup Act log (%windir%\logs\DPX\setupact.log)


If you did not receive a message in the user interface that confirmed that the package was installed or uninstalled, then you may have to try several methods to confirm that the package is installed or uninstalled. Use the following methods in the specified order.
Method 1

If you were installing or uninstalling an optional component (that would appear in Windows Features) using OCsetup or Package Manager, open Control Panel, click Programs, and under Programs and Features, click Turn Windows features on or off. Verify that the component is listed or not listed.
Method 2

If you were installing or uninstalling a package using Package Manager then in Control Panel, click Programs, and under Programs and Features, click View installed updates. Verify that the item is either listed or unlisted. For example, if you are installing an update associated with a Microsoft Knowledge Base article, then the KB number will be listed.
Method 3

Open Event Viewer and verify that Component-Based Servicing (CBS) raised one of the following events.

* Event 4373: Windows Servicing successfully set package <PackageName>(<PackageReleaseType>) state to <LocalizedPackageInstallState>(<PackageInstallState>)
* Event 4372: Windows Servicing is setting package <PackageName>(<PackageReleaseType>) state to <LocalizedPackageInstallState>(<PackageInstallState>)
* Event 4371: Windows Servicing started a process of changing package <PackageName>(<PackageReleaseType>) state from <LocalizedInitialPackageInstallState>(<InitialPackageInstallState>) to <LocalizedNewPackageInstallState>(<NewPackageInstallState>)

Note: If you receive Event 4376 (Servicing has required reboot to complete the operation of setting package <PackageName>(<PackageReleaseType>) into <LocalizedPackageInstallState>(<PackageInstallState>) state), then the package may be reported as installed even though you still need a restart the computer to complete the installation.
Method 4

If you know the assemblyIdentity name of the package (you can find this in the .mum file—for example, SQL-Server-2005-Embedded-Edition-Windows-Package), then use Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) to check the installation status of that package under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages.

* If you were installing, check that your package is listed and that the value for the CurrentState key is one of the following: 7 (installed), 6 (installation is pending a reboot), or 4 (all of the manifests and files are present on the computer, but the files have not been projected and are not being used by the computer).
* If you were uninstalling, check that your package is not listed, or that it is listed and the value for the CurrentState key is 0 (absent) or 5 (removal is pending a restart).

Method 5

* Use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event handler. For more information, see Win32_QuickFixEngineering (Win32_QuickFixEngineering Class (Windows)).

---------- Beitrag hinzugefügt um 21:34 ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag war um 20:44 ----------

lohnt da wohl nochma n bios flash?

is eigentlich überflüssig wenns letzte woche gemacht wurde oder?
So alle 3 fehler gefunden -.-
1 fehler 97 abstürze defektes druckerupdate
2 fehler ca. 150 abstürze fehlerhaftes bios
3 fehler ca. 50 abstürze windos service pack 2 update fehlerhaft

nu bin ich mal gespannt ob es noch mehr gibt -.- aber er läuft schonma seid 2 stunden problemlos :)

---------- Beitrag hinzugefügt um 10:49 ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag war um 09:24 ----------

nachwievor die selben probleme
das system zeigt mir nur jetzt keine warnungen mehr an und wenig fehler die ich zum grössten teil ausser wmi und neuerdings nero ignorieren soll...

statt abstürze nach 5 minuten habe ich jetzt allerdings 45-90 minuten ruhe :)

meint ihr das könnte an nero liegen da nero wohl einen fehler hat bei der speed disc exe...
Falls jemand die threads unter

windows vista
und jetzt diesen hier mitverfolgt hat und ihn noch das 4te interessiert...

das letzte biosupdate vom 28.5 was ich lautr pb flashen sollte damit der fehler ausm bios verschwindet und der pc wieder gut läuft hatte ebenfalls ein programmierfehler und musste nochmals durch ein 50%tiges update geflasht werden...

mfg alles behoben -.-
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