Intel X25-M G2 Postville 80GB Verschiedene Varianten


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will mir eine Intel Postville zulegen jetzt wurde mir die Frage gestellt mit welchen Stepping ! Was ist an Stepping A und B anderes und was ist besser ???

A- oder B-Stepping?

Intel X25-M G2 Postville 80GB, 2.5", SATA II (SSDSA2MJ080G2C1/SSDSA2MJ080G201) (B-Stepping)

Intel X25-M G2 Postville 80GB, 2.5", SATA II (SSDSA2MH080G2C1/SSDSA2MH080G201) (A-Stepping)
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Herr Roos von war so freundlich bezüglich der X25 bei Intel anzufragen.

Vielen Dank! Er hat folgende Antwort erhalten.

There was a NAND stepping that was implemented on our 80GB SSDs. It did not affect form, fit, or function (no change to performance either) of the SSD.

The first 2 line items listed below show that one digit changed on the brown box sku (C1): The “H” was changed to a “J”. This is to allow OEM customers who have qualified the “H” to test and insure the “J” also meets their qualification requirements. There have been no issues in customer testing.

Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm), A stepping (SSDSA2MH080G2C1)
Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm), B stepping (SSDSA2MJ080G2C1)

The 3rd line item is the retail box (R5), targeted for consumer applications and it was left unchanged because again it is 100% form, fit, function compatible with the previous version.
Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm Retail) (SSDSA2MH080G2R5)
Herr Roos von war so freundlich bezüglich der X25 bei Intel anzufragen.

Vielen Dank! Er hat folgende Antwort erhalten.

There was a NAND stepping that was implemented on our 80GB SSDs. It did not affect form, fit, or function (no change to performance either) of the SSD.

The first 2 line items listed below show that one digit changed on the brown box sku (C1): The “H” was changed to a “J”. This is to allow OEM customers who have qualified the “H” to test and insure the “J” also meets their qualification requirements. There have been no issues in customer testing.

Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm), A stepping (SSDSA2MH080G2C1)
Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm), B stepping (SSDSA2MJ080G2C1)

The 3rd line item is the retail box (R5), targeted for consumer applications and it was left unchanged because again it is 100% form, fit, function compatible with the previous version.
Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm Retail) (SSDSA2MH080G2R5)

Danke für die Antwort eine Übersetzung wäre jetzt noch genial :)
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