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    [Sammelthread] OC Prozessoren Intel Sockel 1700 (Alder Lake-S & Raptor Lake-S)

    I agree with Strix if going with 2x16. Seen no feedback on Asrock, Gigabyte has issues with DR past 3600-3800, MSI is ok to around 4000. Asus Tuf will get very close to Strix as a couple people on had both and clocked about the same on mem and CPU OCs. None do very well with...
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    [Sammelthread] OC Prozessoren Intel Sockel 1700 (Alder Lake-S & Raptor Lake-S)

    I think I got a lower bin of the 4000c14. Mine are pretty much maxed. I know 1 person who rma (bin) a few kits to get a 4000c14 kit that ran XMP. I think he was more binning but that is what he said. I have or have had around 12 differen b die 2x16 kits in the last year or so and most have a...
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    Memtest zeigt DDR4 langsamer als DDR3 ???

    I dont think memtest86 give accurate info. I have tested 2133 vs 4400 on ddr4 and it showed little to no difference. Sometimes even a regression. I wouldnt put any value into what it says.
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    [Sammelthread] OC Prozessoren Intel Sockel 1700 (Alder Lake-S & Raptor Lake-S)

    I would run 1.45 to 1.5 but what is safe? I do not know. Lower is better, I think you have to balance it as some IMC might need less than others. Scales with clock and tighter timings it seems. If someone is worried I would say stay below 1.35v.
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    [Sammelthread] OC Prozessoren Intel Sockel 1700 (Alder Lake-S & Raptor Lake-S)

    Best bios for me on Strix d4 with 2x16 with the little tesing I have done. Much lower sa and vddq needed for my setting. previous bios version I needed sa 1.4 to 1.45 and vddq 1.5v NO CPU oc @ defaults Strix A d4 812 4133c15-15-15-35 see 1.35 vddq 1.35 dram 1.55 mem kit gskill ripjaw...
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps

    After more testing it doesnt seem to be stable. Using y cruncher erros and aida64 mem and cache test errors. I havent tried rasing sa but I dont think it is a good long solution for me. Seesm really temp senstiive vs 4133c15 even using same voltages. Much over 43-44c mem temps error easily on...
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps

    z690 ddr4 4266c16-16-16 Strix A d4 808 sa1.4 vddq 1.5 dram 1.55 mem kit gskill ripjaw 4000c14-15-15 2x16
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    [Sammelthread] OC Prozessoren Intel Sockel 1700 (Alder Lake-S & Raptor Lake-S)

    There is hope for 808 ;) No CPU OC was just trying to get past 4133 with DR b die. The same setting I have tried before but lowered room temp a couple degrees and turned fans to 100%. 4266c16-16-16 Strix A d4 808 sa1.4 vddq 1.5 dram 1.55 mem kit gskill ripjaw 4000c14-15-15 2x16
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps

    @BangerMV VDDQ and SA are going to be IMC dependent, also mem clock and timing dependent. From my experience with z690 Strix Ad4 with DR at 4000+ you will need 1.35 to 1.4v +. You can look at other setting and I bet you will not see any that pass stability tests running lower dq and sa. If you...
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps Calling ram oc guru need you to test 808. It obviously has more potential than I could get out of it I have gottten 707, 803 and 807 stable for memtest @ 4133c15 but not 808.
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    [Sammelthread] Intel LGA1700 Mainboard Laberthread (Z790, H770, B760, Z690, H670, B660, H610)

    @DynarunO.C. Last I saw Gigabyte has a lot of issues with their ddr4 board and running much over 3200mhz. Many ended up returning them. As for a suggestion I would try running memory at lower speeds and slowly raise it. Try lower frequency like 3000mhz, then 32000mhz and test stability.
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps

    @BF2-Gamer Had the neo kit of 4000c16-16-16 and they were excellent. I think it is lotto as usual. Some will be good and some not so good
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps

    DRAM 1.55 SA 1:45 VDDQ 1.5
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps

    @Scrush You can save your money. Unless you want look at or post benchmarks online in use you wont be able to tell a difference.
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    [Sammelthread] OC Prozessoren Intel Sockel 1700 (Alder Lake-S & Raptor Lake-S)

    I. remember seeing this in MSI video, I thought it only applied to ddr5. So this applies for ddr4 to on their MB? Can anyone point me to something official this is for ddr4 also on MSI? The video only shows it for ddr5. vid time 1:03:00 Here
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    wer von euch hat nen i5 12600k,i7 12600k oder i9 12900k?

    I have no idea good or bad. I might have misunderstood his "good" may have meant I ran the test correctly not good results:)
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    wer von euch hat nen i5 12600k,i7 12600k oder i9 12900k?

    It was actually interesting for me to do and compare Windows 10 and Windows 11. That is what took a lot of time is booting to 2 differen OS back and forth to test. Plus I have never used that software so it was a learning curve. Hope the resulls help you.
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    wer von euch hat nen i5 12600k,i7 12600k oder i9 12900k?

    I. thought you said it wouldnt take too long? We have a different idea of time ;)
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    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR4 RAM OC Thread + Guides und Tipps

    I. have been setting tWR in z690. Havent tried TWRPRE. I also heard a user say using the newest Asrock Timing Config his tWR was not displaying correctly but it works fine for me on z690 A d4.
  20. B

    [Sammelthread] OC Prozessoren Intel Sockel 1700 (Alder Lake-S & Raptor Lake-S)

    I. have a Strix D4 also and it will not boot or be stable without setting VDDQ and VCCSA in the 1.45 to 1.5 range for 4000+ with DR.
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