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    Zu hohe Spannung: Intel gibt Ergebnis seiner Analyse zu ausfallenden Prozessoren bekannt

    Microcode 0x125 will raise AC/DC 1.100/1.100mohm and low load voltage,aka idle witll increase with about 0.060V from previous bios and microcode 0x123 This is a patetic atempt for intel to stabilize short term already degraded cpu to bypass zen 5 launch and all the hate created past year...
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    [Sammelthread] Ada Lovelace RTX 4xxx: Coilwhine / Fiep / Rassel Thread

    I bought TUF 4080 3 days ago and had coil whine and rattle like no other videocard i have had (i had alot of videocards from radeon 8500 to 4080). Today i have almost no rattle and coil whine. Solution burnin with voltage maxed out 1,1V,+140-150mhz core,+10% power and ~ 3 hours kombustor and...
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