Admiral, Altweintrinker
Wer von euch hat noch so ne E-Mail bekommen?
Wäre nett wenn se mal jemand übersetzen könnte. Ich hab se nur ma durch den Translator gejagt ...
Kein Dateianhang ... Ich dachte ja erst an nen Virus/Wurm what ever ...
Ach so die E-Mail Addi war -->
Wäre nett wenn se mal jemand übersetzen könnte. Ich hab se nur ma durch den Translator gejagt ...
22.01. 2004
Dear friend,
Please I need urgent assistance and advice.
My name is Jume Hasa Hussein. I am daughter of Sadam Hussein, former
ruler of Iraq Islamic Republic now in captivity. I was a student of
Microbiology at Islamic University Al-Athmia before the United Nations
weapons inspectors arrived Iraq and subsequent outbreak
of hostilities between my father and the Coalition forces. Eventually,
father was arrested at Ad-Dawr, Tikrit on the 13th day of december
2003. To my understanding, the american soldiers have narcotized my
There is a saying in Iraq "a lion in a cage is still a lion"
All my father's known assets have been confiscated by
the united nation's coalition group as illegally acquired at the
expense of our country. Three of my brothers where tortured to
death by the US soldiers for withholding information of my father's
whereabout. Other members of our family have fled our country for
fear of persecution. I am presently broke and trapped in a hidden
location in our country pending when I secure help from a good
samaritan who will assist me to claim a sum of US$30million which
my father deposited in my name in a secured vault in Victoria Island
in 1995 during my twenty first birthday out of foresight should we his
children ever find ourselves in this kind of situation.
Most importantly, apart from helping me claim this funds into your
you will also help me relocate from iraq, to a place where I will
my studies with relative peace of mind. For your
assistance I am willing to offer you a generous compensation, if you
help me.
Send your response to my secure email address:
to enable me further this relationship.
Ms. J. Hasana Hussein
Kein Dateianhang ... Ich dachte ja erst an nen Virus/Wurm what ever ...
Ach so die E-Mail Addi war -->