Linux SuperPi Thread

King Bill

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Super PI
  • super_pi.tar.gz entpacken
    • entweder auf der grafischen oberfläche oder
    • tar xvf super_pi.tar.gz
  • in den super pi ordner wechseln
  • super pi starten
    • sh super_pi -20 (für 1 m)
    • sh super_pi -21 (für 2 m)
    • sh super_pi -22 (für 4 m)
    • sh super_pi -23 (für 8 m)
    • sh super_pi -24 (für 16 m)
    • sh super_pi -25 (für 32 m)

CPU Info

  • cat proc/cpuinfo

Die Liste​


<User> | <Ergebnis > | <CPU+ MHz> | <Linux Distrubition> | <Screen>


King Bill | 26.998 | AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ @ 2,7 GHz | Ubuntu 6.10 32Bit |

ohne screen ist auch möglich, z.b. ohne grafische oberfläche hat man eine höhere performance, da wäre es ratsam mit dem
 tag das ergebnis einzutragen z.b. statt dem screen halt

[code] ------ Started super_pi run : Di 27. Mär 22:41:36 CEST 2007
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.372 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.188 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.364 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.356 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.364 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.356 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.348 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.332 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.300 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.208 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      26.870 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.128 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      26.998(       0.684) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Di 27. Mär 22:42:03 CEST 2007

wichtig: gebt bitte an was ihr berechnet habt 1m oder 32m ;)


[b]Rank 	User			Score		CPU					Distrubition		Screen[/b]

1	ulukay 			| 8.140 	| C2D E8500 @ 4500mhz 			| Gentoo InstallCD 	| [url][/url]
2	tuxfusion 		| 8.306 	| E8400 @ 4,5 GHZ 			|| [url][/url]
3	Arimes 			| 10.072 	| Xeon X5670 @2,93GHz 			| openSUSE 11.4 x64	| [url][/url]
4	eUncle 			| 10.425 	| E6750 @3760MHz 			| Ubuntu 7.10 		| [url][/url]
5	Ulukay -> Gamepc@home	| 11.281 	| E6600@3300 				| Gentoo x86_64 	| [url][/url]
6	BdMdesigN 		| 13.213 	| AMD Phenom II X4 960T @ 4,2 GHz 	| opensuse 12.1 64Bit	| [url][/url]
7	xri12 			| 13.539 	| AMD Phenom II X4 B50 @4000Mhz 	| OpenSuse11.2 32Bit	| [url][/url]
8	Seegurke 		| 14.107 	| C2D 6400@3200MHz 			| sidux			| [url][/url]
9	Ulukay -> Firmenpc	| 18.642 	| E6400@2560mhz 			| Gentoo 		| [url][/url]		
10	Seegurke 		| 21.587 	| Celeron D 420@2400 MHz 		| sidux			| [url][/url]
11	ulukay 			| 24.554 	| 2x E7330 				| SLES10		| [url][/url]
12	King Bill 		| 26.998 	| AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ @ 2,7 GHz 	| Ubuntu 6.10 i386 	| [url][/url]	
13	MSchelle 		| 27.478 	| AMD Athlon64 1640-LE 			| Ubuntu 8.04 Beta 64Bit| [url][/url]
14	hostile 		| 27.510 	| Intel Pentium D 930 			| Gentoo i386 		| [url][/url]
15	ankabo 			| 27.618 	| Intel T5500 - 1.66 Ghz		| Debian Etch		| [url][/url]
16	Ulukay -> Server@home	| 31.315 	| Opteron 170@2250 			| Gentoo 		| [url][/url]
17	ankabo 			| 32.770 	| AMD Opteron 148 - 2.2 Ghz 		| Gentoo i386		| [url][/url]
18	Sebi20V (Desktop) 	| 33.438 	| P4 (Northwood) 2,8 @ 3,2 		| Ubuntu 6.10 i386 	| [url][/url]
19	pr3f3rr3d 		| 42.799 	| opteron 144 1,8ghz 			| Ubuntu 6.10 i386 	| [url][/url]
20	Sebi20V (Notebook) 	| 45.847 	| Pentium M (Banias) 1,7 		| Ubuntu 6.10 i686 	| [url][/url]
21	vento 			| 50.084	| Intel M 1400 banias 			| Zenwalk 5.0 		| [url][/url]


leider habe ich noch kein programm gefunden was die ramsteppings ausliest, deswegen hoffe ich das mir da einer einen passenden link gibt ;)

so ich wünsche viel spass beim benchen :wink:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Sebi20V (Desktop) | 33.438 | P4 (Northwood) 2,8 @ 3,2 | Ubuntu 6.10 i386 | (siehe unten)

Unter Windows XP braucht er übrigens 42s, dass GNU/Linux flotter ist hab ich mir schon gedacht, aber so ein Unterschied :d
Ergebnisse vom Notebook werden demnächst nachgereicht, Server läuft leider noch unter Win 2003 :(

 ------ Started super_pi run : Mo 26. Mär 11:24:06 CEST 2007
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.468 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.472 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.688 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.692 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.688 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.680 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.696 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.684 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.668 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.644 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.608 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.488 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      33.282 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.156 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      33.438(       0.608) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Mo 26. Mär 11:24:40 CEST 2007
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hostile | 27.510 | Intel Pentium D 930 | Gentoo i386 | (siehe unten)

 ------ Started super_pi run : Mon Mar 26 12:52:17 MEST 2007
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.400 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.220 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.380 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.380 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.380 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.390 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.380 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.370 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.350 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.300 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.200 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      27.340 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.170 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      27.510(       0.850) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Mon Mar 26 12:52:44 MEST 2007

PD930 ~ # uname -a
Linux PD930 2.6.19-gentoo-r5 #3 SMP Tue Feb 20 22:23:56 CET 2007 i686 Intel(R)
 Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

Sebi20V (Notebook) | 45.847 | Pentium M (Banias) 1,7 | Ubuntu 6.10 i686 | (siehe unten)

Ziemlich lahm, aber unter Win XP braucht er sogar 58 s.

Noch eine organisatorische Frage, welche Zeit soll denn genannt werden die reine Berechnungs-Zeit oder die incl. Dateizugriff? Ich hab mich jetzt mal an den Thread-Ersteller gehalten und erstere genommen.
EDIT: Andere Zeit genommen

------ Started super_pi run : Di 27. Mär 21:31:54 CEST 2007
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.624 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.992 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       2.304 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       2.312 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       2.308 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       2.316 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       2.308 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       2.304 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       2.304 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       2.304 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       2.324 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       2.304 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       2.312 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       2.300 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       2.304 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       2.300 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       2.296 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       2.260 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       2.220 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       2.096 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      45.607 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.240 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      45.847(       1.260) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Di 27. Mär 21:32:40 CEST 2007
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
oh ja lol, bei mir kam ja ein fehler :fresse: hätte doch mal sudo nehmen sollen *indieeckestellundschäm*

ok wir einigen uns auf Total calculation(I/O)

werde den fehler gleich mal ausbessern
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
so hab mal meine ramtimings von 3-3-3-8 1T auf 2-3-3-8 1T geändert

$ sudo ./super_pi 20
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 ------ Started super_pi run : Mo 2. Apr 16:46:15 CEST 2007
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.368 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.156 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.320 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.328 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.320 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.328 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.320 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.324 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.316 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.312 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.296 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.264 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.172 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      26.142 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.128 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      26.270(       0.756) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Mo 2. Apr 16:46:41 CEST 2007
So hab auch mal 1mb gemacht.
tjalf | 24,702 sec | Opti 144 @2,8Ghz | Ubuntu 6.10 i386 mit gnome (graphisches Systen geladen)| (hab mal die shell kopiert)
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 ------ Started super_pi run : So 15. Apr 02:01:55 CEST 2007
 Parameter(%i) to super_pi is missing. Parameter value ? 20
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.332 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.080 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.264 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.240 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.240 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.240 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.240 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.240 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.236 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.220 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.188 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.112 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      24.574 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.128 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      24.702(       0.676) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : So 15. Apr 02:02:24 CEST 2007
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
eUncle | 10.425 | E6750 @3760MHz | Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon | KLICK


Bin da grad bissl am Benchen und Ocen - denke, dass ich mit dem ganzen System noch höher kommen werden:
E6750 @3760MHz
2x je 2 Cellshock-Riegel (je 1GB => total: 4GB) @4-4-4-12
Gigabyte P35-DS4
XFX GF8800 640MB XXX @standard
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
MSchelle | 27.478 | AMD Athlon64 1640-LE | Ubuntu 8.04 Beta 64Bit |

berechnet mit 1m

 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 ------ Started super_pi run : So 30. Mär 19:09:41 CEST 2008
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.932 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.244 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.352 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.328 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.344 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.352 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.372 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.320 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.356 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.404 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.344 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.376 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.360 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.364 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.356 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.340 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.304 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.308 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.292 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.216 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      27.330 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.148 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      27.478(       0.608) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : So 30. Mär 19:10:10 CEST 2008
vento | 50.084s (1million) | Intel M 1400 banias | Zenwalk 5.0 |

------ Started super_pi run : Sun Mar 30 23:26:36 CEST 2008
 Parameter(%i) to super_pi is missing. Parameter value ? 20
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.684 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       2.163 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       2.520 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       2.526 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       2.524 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       2.531 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       2.539 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       2.515 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       2.528 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       2.518 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       2.512 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       2.541 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       2.517 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       2.531 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       2.517 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       2.523 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       2.502 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       2.458 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       2.415 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       2.279 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      49.795 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.289 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      50.084(       1.349) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Sun Mar 30 23:27:47 CEST 2008
ankabo | 32.770 | AMD Opteron 148 - 2.2 Ghz | Gentoo i386

 ------ Started super_pi run : Mon Mar 31 09:31:18 CEST 2008
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.440 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.440 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.640 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.670 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.640 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.660 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.640 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.650 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.640 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.610 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.570 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.490 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      32.600 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.170 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      32.770(       0.980) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Mon Mar 31 09:31:51 CEST 2008

ankabo | 27.618 | Intel T5500 - 1.66 Ghz| Debian Etch

 ------ Started super_pi run : Mon Mar 31 00:49:07 PDT 2008
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.368 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.216 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.392 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.392 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.396 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.392 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.392 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.396 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.392 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.396 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.392 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.408 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.388 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.392 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.388 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.384 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.376 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.356 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.320 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.236 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      27.470 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.148 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      27.618(       0.952) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Mon Mar 31 00:49:35 PDT 2008
Seegurke | 21.587 | Celeron D 420@2400 MHz | sidux

------ Started super_pi run : Mo 31. Mär 10:05:12 CEST 2008
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.300 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       0.951 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.085 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.090 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.086 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.091 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.086 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.088 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.087 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.089 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.092 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.091 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.083 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.088 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.085 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.081 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.075 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.067 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.040 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       0.975 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      21.484 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.103 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      21.587(       0.544) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Mo 31. Mär 10:05:35 CEST 2008
Seegurke | 14.107 | C2D 6400@3200MHz | sidux

------ Started super_pi run : Mi 23. Apr 03:52:03 CEST 2008
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.190 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       0.610 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       0.710 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       0.713 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       0.711 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       0.713 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       0.707 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       0.715 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       0.716 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       0.720 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       0.713 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       0.712 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       0.712 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       0.715 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       0.712 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       0.710 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       0.700 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       0.690 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       0.675 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       0.634 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      14.029 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.078 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      14.107(       0.449) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Mi 23. Apr 03:52:18 CEST 2008
2 x Intel Nehalem Gainestown 2133MHz
2 x 4 Cores + EMT = 16 Cores
auf Tylersburg + ICH9 Mainboard mit 18 GB DDR3


------ Started super_pi run : Wed Jul 16 22:25:52 EDT 2008
------ Ended super_pi run : Wed Jul 16 22:26:07 EDT 2008
Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
End of initialization. Time= 0.245 Sec.
I= 1 L= 0 Time= 0.649 Sec.
I= 2 L= 0 Time= 0.744 Sec.
I= 3 L= 1 Time= 0.738 Sec.
I= 4 L= 2 Time= 0.736 Sec.
I= 5 L= 5 Time= 0.744 Sec.
I= 6 L= 10 Time= 0.739 Sec.
I= 7 L= 21 Time= 0.749 Sec.
I= 8 L= 43 Time= 0.734 Sec.
I= 9 L= 87 Time= 0.741 Sec.
I=10 L= 174 Time= 0.740 Sec.
I=11 L= 349 Time= 0.741 Sec.
I=12 L= 698 Time= 0.738 Sec.
I=13 L= 1396 Time= 0.735 Sec.
I=14 L= 2794 Time= 0.734 Sec.
I=15 L= 5588 Time= 0.731 Sec.
I=16 L= 11176 Time= 0.732 Sec.
I=17 L= 22353 Time= 0.716 Sec.
I=18 L= 44707 Time= 0.698 Sec.
I=19 L= 89415 Time= 0.640 Sec.
End of main loop
End of calculation. Time= 14.584 Sec.
End of data output. Time= 0.080 Sec.
Total calculation(I/O) time= 14.664( 0.564) Sec.

processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 0
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4323.82
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 1
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 0
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.01
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 2
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 1
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.02
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 3
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 1
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.02
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 4
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 2
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.02
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 5
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 2
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.02
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 6
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 3
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.02
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 7
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 3
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.02
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 8
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 0
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.06
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 9
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 0
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.06
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 10
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 1
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.06
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 11
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 1
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.07
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 12
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 2
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.06
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 13
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 2
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.05
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 14
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 3
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.06
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 15
vendor_id : GenuineIntel

cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 0000 @ 2.13GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 1596.000
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 1
siblings : 8
core id : 3
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida
bogomips : 4266.06
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ulukay | 24.554 | 2x E7330 | SLES10

nett die 16 cores :)
aber rein von der pro-mhz-leistung hat der ja auch ordentlich zugelegt
hier ein superpi eines unserer neueren server
2x E7330 (2,4ghz Quad) mit 32gb ram

u054:~/install/superpi # ./super_pi -20
Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
------ Started super_pi run : Thu Jul 17 12:17:22 CEST 2008
Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
End of initialization. Time= 0.276 Sec.
I= 1 L= 0 Time= 1.064 Sec.
I= 2 L= 0 Time= 1.236 Sec.
I= 3 L= 1 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I= 4 L= 2 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I= 5 L= 5 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I= 6 L= 10 Time= 1.236 Sec.
I= 7 L= 21 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I= 8 L= 43 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I= 9 L= 87 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I=10 L= 174 Time= 1.236 Sec.
I=11 L= 349 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I=12 L= 698 Time= 1.236 Sec.
I=13 L= 1396 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I=14 L= 2794 Time= 1.240 Sec.
I=15 L= 5588 Time= 1.236 Sec.
I=16 L= 11176 Time= 1.232 Sec.
I=17 L= 22353 Time= 1.216 Sec.
I=18 L= 44707 Time= 1.196 Sec.
I=19 L= 89415 Time= 1.132 Sec.
End of main loop
End of calculation. Time= 24.454 Sec.
End of data output. Time= 0.100 Sec.
Total calculation(I/O) time= 24.554( 0.964) Sec.
------ Ended super_pi run : Thu Jul 17 12:17:47 CEST 2008
Klar chrisi du wieder mit deinem Mega rechner auf arbeit! ich sags doch schlepp das ding RAUS!!!
Und hier gleich mal n durchlauf mit meinem Q6600 @ 3,6GHz

Wenn ich das mit dem Original getaktetem Nehalem vergleiche steht der Gainestown sehr gut da!

Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
------ Started super_pi run : Fr 18. Jul 16:37:32 CEST 2008
Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
End of initialization. Time= 0.171 Sec.
I= 1 L= 0 Time= 0.468 Sec.
I= 2 L= 0 Time= 0.532 Sec.
I= 3 L= 1 Time= 0.532 Sec.
I= 4 L= 2 Time= 0.534 Sec.
I= 5 L= 5 Time= 0.532 Sec.
I= 6 L= 10 Time= 0.532 Sec.
I= 7 L= 21 Time= 0.534 Sec.
I= 8 L= 43 Time= 0.536 Sec.
I= 9 L= 87 Time= 0.533 Sec.
I=10 L= 174 Time= 0.533 Sec.
I=11 L= 349 Time= 0.533 Sec.
I=12 L= 698 Time= 0.533 Sec.
I=13 L= 1396 Time= 0.533 Sec.
I=14 L= 2794 Time= 0.531 Sec.
I=15 L= 5588 Time= 0.530 Sec.
I=16 L= 11176 Time= 0.525 Sec.
I=17 L= 22353 Time= 0.557 Sec.
I=18 L= 44707 Time= 0.559 Sec.
I=19 L= 89415 Time= 0.477 Sec.
End of main loop
End of calculation. Time= 10.736 Sec.
End of data output. Time= 0.090 Sec.
Total calculation(I/O) time= 10.826( 0.456) Sec.
------ Ended super_pi run : Fr 18. Jul 16:37:43 CEST 2008

# cat /proc/cpuinfo

processor : 3
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 15
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
stepping : 11
cpu MHz : 3600.000
cache size : 4096 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 4
core id : 1
cpu cores : 4
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 10
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm
bogomips : 8104.09
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
B001 home # sh super_pi -20
Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
------ Started super_pi run : Fri Nov 20 14:25:46 CET 2009
Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
End of initialization. Time= 0.143 Sec.
I= 1 L= 0 Time= 0.408 Sec.
I= 2 L= 0 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I= 3 L= 1 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I= 4 L= 2 Time= 0.467 Sec.
I= 5 L= 5 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I= 6 L= 10 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I= 7 L= 21 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I= 8 L= 43 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I= 9 L= 87 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I=10 L= 174 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I=11 L= 349 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I=12 L= 698 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I=13 L= 1396 Time= 0.466 Sec.
I=14 L= 2794 Time= 0.464 Sec.
I=15 L= 5588 Time= 0.463 Sec.
I=16 L= 11176 Time= 0.459 Sec.
I=17 L= 22353 Time= 0.451 Sec.
I=18 L= 44707 Time= 0.434 Sec.
I=19 L= 89415 Time= 0.401 Sec.
End of main loop
End of calculation. Time= 9.169 Sec.
End of data output. Time= 0.050 Sec.
Total calculation(I/O) time= 9.219( 0.270) Sec.
------ Ended super_pi run : Fri Nov 20 14:25:55 CET 2009

Core i5 750 @ 3600MHz

processor : 3
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 30
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz
stepping : 5
cpu MHz : 3600.241
cache size : 8192 KB
Wird die Liste hier noch aktualisiert?
Hab grad mal unter Linux 1M berechnen lassen und bin doch verwundert um wieviel besser mein Ergebnis ist, als unter Linux.

xri12 | 13.539 | AMD PhenomII X4 B50 @4000Mhz | OpenSuse11.2 32Bit | siehe unten

Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 ------ Started super_pi run : So 14. Feb 11:06:42 CET 2010
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.196 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       0.593 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       0.683 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       0.683 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       0.683 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       0.682 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       0.680 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       0.679 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       0.675 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       0.666 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       0.644 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       0.597 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=      13.446 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.093 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=      13.539(       0.326) Sec.
 ------ Ended super_pi run : So 14. Feb 11:06:56 CET 2010
E8400 @ 4,5 ghz

tuxfusion | 8.306 | Intel E8400 @ 4,5 GHZ | Arch Linux custom kernel :

Und hier der inhalt der logfile, erstellt per :
sh super_pi -20 2>&1 > log && cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>&1 >> log
cat log
 ------ Started super_pi run : Sa 30. Apr 14:03:22 CEST 2011
 ------ Ended super_pi run : Sa 30. Apr 14:03:31 CEST 2011
 Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS
 Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of
 f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.
 pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -Mnoframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the
 Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits
 End of initialization. Time=       0.123 Sec.
 I= 1 L=       0        Time=       0.367 Sec.
 I= 2 L=       0        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 3 L=       1        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 4 L=       2        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 5 L=       5        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 6 L=      10        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 7 L=      21        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 8 L=      43        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I= 9 L=      87        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I=10 L=     174        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I=11 L=     349        Time=       0.417 Sec.
 I=12 L=     698        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I=13 L=    1396        Time=       0.420 Sec.
 I=14 L=    2794        Time=       0.417 Sec.
 I=15 L=    5588        Time=       0.417 Sec.
 I=16 L=   11176        Time=       0.413 Sec.
 I=17 L=   22353        Time=       0.407 Sec.
 I=18 L=   44707        Time=       0.393 Sec.
 I=19 L=   89415        Time=       0.363 Sec.
 End of main loop
 End of calculation.    Time=       8.256 Sec.
 End of data output.    Time=       0.050 Sec.
 Total calculation(I/O) time=       8.306(       0.313) Sec.
processor	: 0
vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
cpu family	: 6
model		: 23
model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8400  @ 3.00GHz
stepping	: 10
cpu MHz		: 4499.420
cache size	: 6144 KB
physical id	: 0
siblings	: 2
core id		: 0
cpu cores	: 2
apicid		: 0
initial apicid	: 0
fpu		: yes
fpu_exception	: yes
cpuid level	: 13
wp		: yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 xsave lahf_lm dts tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority
bogomips	: 9002.79
clflush size	: 64
cache_alignment	: 64
address sizes	: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor	: 1
vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
cpu family	: 6
model		: 23
model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8400  @ 3.00GHz
stepping	: 10
cpu MHz		: 4499.420
cache size	: 6144 KB
physical id	: 0
siblings	: 2
core id		: 1
cpu cores	: 2
apicid		: 1
initial apicid	: 1
fpu		: yes
fpu_exception	: yes
cpuid level	: 13
wp		: yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 xsave lahf_lm dts tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority
bogomips	: 9003.07
clflush size	: 64
cache_alignment	: 64
address sizes	: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

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