Aquadrive Dual black info...


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Trento ITA
hi , i've bought a pc who have installed an aquadrive dual black...but i don't want to use it...

can i have a photo or link for know what is in the box when a guy buy this cooling system ?? or a link of a review ??
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As far as I know it comes with 4 Screws and 4 rubber dampers for installing the Aqua-Drive itself. Also included are normal screws (8 I believe ;)) for installing the Hard-Drives into the Aqua-Drive.
To be absolutely sure, you should check back with aqua-computer. You'll find contact information on their website.
you will get 4 x rubber bearing and 4 x screws (phillips) with the aquadrive. you can use a chieftec rail system also with the included screws. Also you will get 8 normales screws for installing the HDDs.

hope this will help you ;)


edit: to slow :/
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