Cebop MEX 100 oder Sony Vaio VGN-S4M


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Also ich stehe kurz davor mir eine Subnotebook anzuschaffen. In die engere Auswahl sind das Cebop MEX 100 sowei das Sony Vaio VGN-S4M gekommen.

Kurz zu den Daten der beiden Notebooks:

Cebop MEX 100
Sony Vaio VGN-S4M

Jetzt meine Frage:
Für welches würdet ihr euch entscheiden ? Zu dem Cebop hab ich gesehen gibt es hier ja schon einen schönen Thread, aber wie siehts mit dem Sony aus ? Wie ist die Verarbeitung beider Notebooks ? Wie laut sind die Notebooks ? Lohnt sich der Aufpreis für das Sony ?

Vielen Dank schonmal für euere Hilfe !
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Hab das Sony mal im Saturn gesehen und fands ziemlich geil!
Ob sich der Aufpreis lohnt ist ne andere Frage, denn bei Sony zahlt man sehr viel für den Namen.
Verarbeitung und Display waren jedenfalls top!

Was hälst du denn vom MSI S260?
Cebop with a similar configuration would cost apprx. 500 Euro less,
it is smaller (12") but heavier (2.1kg) than Sony S-series.
Sony S-series has better graphic card. This can be essential to play some
games which are impossible to play using Intel integrated graphic of cebop.
The keyboard of Sony is better. The service and spare details including battery
are much more expensive for Sony. Both laptops are rather noisy.
However, Cebop with a modest 1.6-1.7GHz processor can be not that bad.
Don't remember about the battery life of Sony S, but I don't expect it to be
good because of the more powerful graphic and sanoma platform used
vs. the integrated graphic and centrino-I platform in Cebop.
On the other hand, Sony S certaily has better productivity, though, most likely,
not productivity per cost.

I did not like Sony S look, though many people like it very much and even say it is the best laptop design. Sony S in Saturn was looking worse (cheap aluminium color on the back side) than the one I have seen in Media Markt (velvet black and nice to touch back side of the display, though it absorbs fat very fast).
Cebop, on the contrary, has a back side aluminium color which can be scratched very easily and needs special care.

The build quality of Sony is (obviously) better, but not that better that I'd pay extra 500 Euro for it and for the name Sony only.

Thus, the choice between the both is very personal thing. :drool:

In addition, MSI S260 would be better choice than Cebop!
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