Crysis, Tastenkombination für Nano Anzug???

Indiana Jones

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hab jetzt mal Crysis angespielt. Was mir aber etwas ungeschickt erscheint, ist die Wahlmöglichkeit für die Fähigekeiten des Anzuges, also maximale Panzerung, maximale Kraft usw.
Gibt es da eine Tastenkombination um die Fähigkeiten zu wählen. Ich würde mir dann ein Makro für meine Reclusa erstellen und drauf laden. Würde gerne erreichen, mit einer Tastenbedienung zwischen der Fähigkeiten hin und her schalten zu können.
Hat da jemand schon ne Möglichkeit gefunden ?
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Suit Shortcuts: By default, whether this option is ticked or not, you can already access the suit menu by pressing the middle mouse button, or the V key, and either move your mouse in the direction of the suit power you wish to choose, or press a numerical key for each power. You can also press C at any time while holding a weapon to bring up the weapon customization options. However, with this option ticked, you can also activate any suit power simply by double-tapping a particular key (default keys shown):

double-tap Crouch (CTRL) to activate Cloak mode
double-tap Back (S) for Armor mode
double-tap Jump (Space) or Melee (T) for Strength mode
double-tap Sprint (SHIFT) while pressing Forward (W) for Speed mode

Some people may wish to disable this option if they find they're accidentally enabling a mode when they don't wish to, e.g. activating Strength mode by accident when quickly tapping the space bar to jump around. Note that you can also adjust the double-tap time to prevent this by using the dt_time command variables - see the Advanced Tweaking section. Note further that you can also bind any key to a suit mode by editing the Actionmaps.xml file - instructions are once again in the Advanced Tweaking section at the bottom of Page 8.
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