Der "was hört ihr gerade" Thread [Part 12]

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4177. In Flames - [A Sense Of Purpose (2008) #01] [Melodic Death Metal] The Mirror's Truth [3:02]
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4 Promille- Time For Suicide

4 Promille - Auf der Suche nach der Freiheit
3183. Endstille - [Endstilles Reich (2007) #01] [Black Metal] Among Our Glorious Existence [4:51]
Queen + Paul Rodgers - [Live at O2 Arena 2008] I Want It All
3175. Endstille - [Navigator (2005) #03] [Black Metal] Navigator [3:48]
Ray Charles - I've Got A Woman
In Gedenken an G.W. Bush :teufel:
Gut, da mach ich mit :bigok:

Nazareth - [the Newz] Liar [2008]
You think you're owed a living
Something 'bout you family tree
Your daddy was a bad man
You are just a crazy freak
The ship is surely sinking
And history will finger you
For staggering incompetence
And all the things you didn't do.

You're a liar
Liar, liar
Liar, liar.

You couldn't get elected
Without messing with democracy
You should have been arrested
But you've got job security
And weapons in the desert
Dubya knew it wasn't true
Illiterate. And full of shit
Daddy must be proud of you.

You're a liar
Liar, liar
Liar, liar.

Liar, liar... Pants on fire.

Shamed administration and you're working on shame
There ain't no climate change
Embarrassing your nation 'cause you never gave a damn
About no hurricane
God is no excuse for taking all you can
You must be deranged.

Liar, liar
Liar, liar
Pussycat Dolls - I hate this Part

Nicole Scherzinger das heiße luder :)
16. Tom Waits - [Behind The Backdrop #16] Cold Cold Ground [4:18]

Einfach die perfekte Musik bei einem guten Glas Rotwein
Linkin Park - B12 [Splitting the DNA CD2/2 | Special Extended]
The Pillows - [Runners High (1999) #05] [J-Rock] No Self Control [3:37]
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