[Sammelthread] foobar2000 v2.24 preview 2024-10-04 wurde veröffentlicht

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
gehst dir nur um die schneller Steuerung? Dafür würden ja dann Hotkey genügen ;) Aber ich versteh was du meinst, nur ich würde es nich brauchen da ich eh immer ein Tool offen hab was mir alle nötigen infos anzeigt ;)
gehst dir nur um die schneller Steuerung? Dafür würden ja dann Hotkey genügen ;) Aber ich versteh was du meinst, nur ich würde es nich brauchen da ich eh immer ein Tool offen hab was mir alle nötigen infos anzeigt ;)

Ich spiel gern im Fenstermodus bei HD AUflösung, so habe ich in Windows bei 1920x1200 halt oben und unten noch Platz und würdemmir gerne, wie es auch bei Windamp möglich ist, den Titel und die Controlls am oberen Bildschirmrand anzeigen lassen.
kein problem :wink:
ka warum leute unbedingt deutsche SW einsetzen wollen obwohl sie mehr bugs hat und meistens bugfixes spaeter kommen als bei der original englischen version

Schneinst ja richtig Ahnung zu haben, nämlich keine.

Das eindeutschen dauert max. 1 Tag, je nachdem wieviel Zeit der Programmierer hat. Siehe z.B. QIP. Da dann dort auch noch andere dran arbeiten, gibt es meist sofort eine aktualisierte Fassung.

Und wieso soll sie mehr bugs haben? Ist doch die original englische, nur eingedeutscht.
kurze frage und zwar habe ich mir gerade mal foobar geladen, ist bis jetzt nen geiler player, aber leider habe ich es noch nicht hinbekommen, dass ich z.b. ingame mit den tasten meiner G11 Tastatur ein lied weitermache oder stoppe

edit: Problem gelöst hab einfach in den einstellungen für jede taste nen makro eingefügt und den haken bei global gesetzt
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

ich antworte einfach mal für SyPi - ich hoffe, dass es für ihn in ordnung ist. :d

ja, das kann man. hier geht s lang: IBIZA v1.6b Released by ~Br3tt

lg :wink:

Das ist meins ;)

Klick für groß
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hab mir foobar heute auch mal runtergeladen und find den player geil ! der media player wurde direkt verbannt :bigok:
jetzt wollte ich mal fragen wie ihr es so toll hinbekommen habt den player zu stylen ?! find das standard design irgendwie lasch

am liebsten wärs mir mit anleitung ^^

danke im vorraus :wink:

hier gibt es massenhaft foobar-configs: DeviantART: Browse Foobar2000

bei den meisten werden andere user interfaces wie "columns UI" oder "panels UI" verwendet. meistens ist eine anleitung inkl. der benötigten komponenten dabei.

ansonsten sollte man auch mal einen blick in das foobar2000-forum werfen.

alles klar, vielen dank :wink:
hier stehen in den comments die components, die du noch brauchst inkl. link: IBIZA foobar config by ~Br3tt

und weiter unten stehen dann sogar noch die "INSTALLATION NOTES".

Ok.. Ich war mal so frei und hab mir das Fullpack runtergeladen.

In den Notes steht ja: "run foobar with ColumnsUI as interface"

Wie bekomm ich das hin? In den Einstellungen habe ich nichts dazu gefunden
du musst in den einstellungen unter "display" - "user interface module" auf "columns UI" umstellen.

Damn, da gibt's bei mir nix zur Auswahl :fresse:

Edit: Das ist in den Notes falsch beschrieben. Die Dateien müssen in "Components"
Edit2: Jetzt ist die Datei, die man importieren soll nicht dabei -.-
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
genau, die components müssen in den components-ordner. ^^

wie? die "ibiza16b.fcl"-datei zum importieren ist doch im download dabei.
Ich hatte irgendwie was falsches geladen. ^^
Naja, jetzt kommt erstmal direkt ein Fehler, wenn ich es starte :fresse:
achso ok.

was lautet denn genau die fehlermeldung?
So: ^^

Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 062E5900h
Access violation, operation: write, address: 062E5900h
Call path not available.
Code bytes (062E5900h):
062E58C0h: 22 5D 32 92 7A 12 80 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
062E58D0h: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
062E58E0h: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
062E58F0h: 00 00 00 00 C8 58 2E 06 49 07 00 00 01 00 00 00
062E5900h: 55 8B EC 53 56 57 8B D9 8B CA 8B 75 08 81 E1 FC
062E5910h: FF FF FF 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 66
062E5920h: 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 66
062E5930h: 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 90
Stack (07CEF430h):
07CEF410h: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07CEF420h: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
07CEF430h: 03E3831D 0628D340 0622AD18 0000000C
07CEF440h: 0622AE14 03E38342 0622AE14 0622AD18
07CEF450h: 0628D340 03E38BFC 03E382E0 0622AE14
07CEF460h: 0622AD18 00000000 07CEF590 0622AD18
07CEF470h: 00000001 00000003 00000004 068B17A4
07CEF480h: 0622ADF8 00000004 00000000 00000001
07CEF490h: 00000000 062E5900 00000004 0628D340
07CEF4A0h: 07CEF4A8 06242D00 D46EDC25 0000139A
07CEF4B0h: 0622F02C 06242C3C 047910A0 0000000C
07CEF4C0h: 00000000 07CEF570 03E42158 00000001
07CEF4D0h: 07CEF5AC 0622AC00 06836FC4 07CEF4FC
07CEF4E0h: 00000000 0499F000 00000003 00000003
07CEF4F0h: 0605AA38 00000000 05DE2F40 00000002
07CEF500h: 042913AF 00000020 00000000 00000004
07CEF510h: 00000000 00000000 07CEF574 02278978
07CEF520h: 07CEF558 00000000 03E2578E 06836FC4
07CEF530h: 07CEF548 02278978 04741260 00000002
07CEF540h: 00000000 00000000 00001FA0 00000001
EAX: 0622AD18, EBX: 05DE5F40, ECX: 06242D00, EDX: 00000004
ESI: 062E5900, EDI: 0628D340, EBP: 03E382E0, ESP: 07CEF430
Unable to identify crash location

Loaded modules:
foobar2000 loaded at 00090000h - 001BB000h
ntdll loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
kernel32 loaded at 76CC0000h - 76D98000h
COMCTL32 loaded at 752B0000h - 75444000h
msvcrt loaded at 76C10000h - 76CBA000h
ADVAPI32 loaded at 76A80000h - 76B3F000h
RPCRT4 loaded at 76B40000h - 76C03000h
GDI32 loaded at 768A0000h - 768EB000h
USER32 loaded at 77C40000h - 77CDE000h
SHLWAPI loaded at 77EA0000h - 77EF5000h
SHELL32 loaded at 76DA0000h - 7786E000h
ole32 loaded at 766F0000h - 76834000h
shared loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
COMDLG32 loaded at 76670000h - 766E4000h
IMM32 loaded at 77F00000h - 77F1E000h
MSCTF loaded at 77AE0000h - 77BA7000h
LPK loaded at 77E00000h - 77E09000h
USP10 loaded at 77E20000h - 77E9D000h
avgrsstx loaded at 00070000h - 00075000h
uxtheme loaded at 754D0000h - 7550F000h
GameHook loaded at 10D00000h - 10D0F000h
lgscroll loaded at 10100000h - 1010E000h
MSVCR80 loaded at 762D0000h - 7636B000h
NTMARTA loaded at 75880000h - 758A1000h
WLDAP32 loaded at 77A00000h - 77A49000h
WS2_32 loaded at 768F0000h - 7691D000h
NSI loaded at 76840000h - 76846000h
PSAPI loaded at 76590000h - 76597000h
SAMLIB loaded at 75FA0000h - 75FB1000h
foo_albumlist loaded at 01130000h - 0119C000h
foo_cdda loaded at 01280000h - 012C0000h
foo_chronflow loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
WINMM loaded at 74780000h - 747B3000h
OLEAUT32 loaded at 77A50000h - 77ADC000h
OLEACC loaded at 74740000h - 74778000h
gdiplus loaded at 749F0000h - 74B9A000h
OPENGL32 loaded at 69800000h - 698CB000h
GLU32 loaded at 741E0000h - 74203000h
DDRAW loaded at 6F980000h - 6FA66000h
DCIMAN32 loaded at 6F970000h - 6F976000h
SETUPAPI loaded at 77870000h - 779F9000h
dwmapi loaded at 711C0000h - 711CC000h
foo_converter loaded at 017A0000h - 01807000h
foo_dsp_std loaded at 01530000h - 01579000h
foo_input_std loaded at 019E0000h - 01B0C000h
foo_rgscan loaded at 01910000h - 0196B000h
foo_uie_albumlist loaded at 01710000h - 0174D000h
foo_uie_elplaylist loaded at 01970000h - 019CF000h
foo_uie_graphical_browser loaded at 69210000h - 692A4000h
MSIMG32 loaded at 75590000h - 75595000h
foo_uie_lyrics loaded at 01C10000h - 01C71000h
WININET loaded at 765A0000h - 76670000h
Normaliz loaded at 77E10000h - 77E13000h
iertutil loaded at 76850000h - 76895000h
foo_uie_panel_splitter loaded at 01D00000h - 01D48000h
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown loaded at 01D50000h - 01D89000h
foo_uie_quicksearch loaded at 01DB0000h - 01DF6000h
foo_uie_trackinfo loaded at 02020000h - 0204E000h
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod loaded at 02050000h - 020A6000h
MSVCP80 loaded at 72510000h - 72597000h
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum loaded at 021F0000h - 0222A000h
foo_uie_wsh_panel loaded at 02390000h - 023C4000h
foo_ui_columns loaded at 02530000h - 02658000h
foo_ui_std loaded at 02890000h - 02965000h
mscms loaded at 6FA70000h - 6FAD2000h
WINSPOOL loaded at 73CF0000h - 73D31000h
USERENV loaded at 76450000h - 7646E000h
Secur32 loaded at 76430000h - 76444000h
icm32 loaded at 6A450000h - 6A488000h
atioglxx loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
SXS loaded at 76370000h - 763CF000h
CLBCatQ loaded at 77BB0000h - 77C34000h
jscript loaded at 6B2C0000h - 6B338000h
rsaenh loaded at 75920000h - 75958000h
imagehlp loaded at 76920000h - 76949000h
dbghelp loaded at 744A0000h - 7457C000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 03E3831Dh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+00055A5Dh)
Address: 03E38342h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+00055A82h)
Address: 03E38BFCh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0005633Ch)
Address: 03E382E0h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+00055A20h)
Address: 03E42158h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0005F898h)
Address: 042913AFh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+0044276Fh)
Address: 03E2578Eh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+00042ECEh)
Address: 03E2360Eh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+00040D4Eh)
Address: 03E297ECh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+00046F2Ch)
Address: 03E24140h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+00041880h)
Address: 03E240B2h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+000417F2h)
Address: 03E24169h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+000418A9h)
Address: 03E139A0h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+000310E0h)
Address: 03E19BFEh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0003733Eh)
Address: 040F39D3h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+002A4D93h)
Address: 03DFFD70h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0001D4B0h)
Address: 03E13C3Ah, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0003137Ah)
Address: 03DFF08Dh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0001C7CDh)
Address: 03DFFD70h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0001D4B0h)
Address: 03E0D49Dh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "DrvPresentBuffers" (+0002ABDDh)
Address: 040F3D94h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+002A5154h)
Address: 042970E6h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+004484A6h)
Address: 040F3BACh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+002A4F6Ch)
Address: 040FCE10h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+002AE1D0h)
Address: 040E4C95h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00296055h)
Address: 040E86B5h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00299A75h)
Address: 040E8A2Ch, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00299DECh)
Address: 040E8E1Fh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+0029A1DFh)
Address: 017DCEFAh, location: "foo_converter", loaded at 017A0000h - 01807000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0001FD2Ah)
Address: 040E8083h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00299443h)
Address: 040EA789h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+0029BB49h)
Address: 040FF59Fh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+002B095Fh)
Address: 040E6ACFh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00297E8Fh)
Address: 040E6AECh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00297EACh)
Address: 040EDA37h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+0029EDF7h)
Address: 03EB37EDh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00064BADh)
Address: 03F91B5Eh, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+00142F1Eh)
Address: 013AFE5Dh, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Address: 013A25E5h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Address: 013A2464h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Address: 77CE8BF2h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
Symbol: "EtwLogTraceEvent" (+000000FBh)
Address: 77D227DCh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
Symbol: "RtlAcquirePrivilege" (+0000001Ah)
Address: 77D42033h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+0000074Dh)
Address: 77D41C21h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
Symbol: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection" (+0000033Bh)
Address: 013EF958h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00035BF8h)
Address: 76D07A7Eh, location: "kernel32", loaded at 76CC0000h - 76D98000h
Symbol: "HeapFree" (+00000014h)
Address: 013D5788h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0001BA28h)
Address: 013C354Bh, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+000097EBh)
Address: 013C356Ah, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0000980Ah)
Address: 013EF958h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00035BF8h)
Address: 013C704Fh, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0000D2EFh)
Address: 013A1DF9h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Address: 013C37FBh, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00009A9Bh)
Address: 013C52B0h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+0000B550h)
Address: 013C38A0h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00009B40h)
Address: 76D03833h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 76CC0000h - 76D98000h
Symbol: "BaseThreadInitThunk" (+00000012h)
Address: 77D1A9BDh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
Symbol: "LdrInitializeThunk" (+0000004Dh)
Address: 77CE8BF2h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
Symbol: "EtwLogTraceEvent" (+000000FBh)
Address: 77D222E4h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77CE0000h - 77DFE000h
Symbol: "wcscmp" (+00001228h)
Address: 013C3821h, location: "foo_chronflow", loaded at 013A0000h - 01401000h
Symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+00009AC1h)
Address: 04000000h, location: "atioglxx", loaded at 03DB0000h - 046B7000h
Symbol: "atiPPHSN" (+001B13C0h)
Address: 000AFD55h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00090000h - 001BB000h
Address: 76EA8395h, location: "SHELL32", loaded at 76DA0000h - 7786E000h
Symbol: "Ordinal790" (+00000E76h)

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.5.6
Windows 6.0

Additional info:
Channel Spectrum panel 0.16 (foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8 (foo_rgscan)
Default User Interface 0.9.5 (foo_ui_std)
ELPlaylist (foo_uie_elplaylist)
Album list panel 0.2.2 (foo_uie_albumlist)
Album List 4.3 (foo_albumlist)
Graphical Browser rev015 (foo_uie_graphical_browser)
Converter 1.1.2 (foo_converter)
CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3 (foo_cdda)
Standard DSP Array 1.0 (foo_dsp_std)
WSH Panel (uie) 0.7.2 (foo_uie_wsh_panel)
Lyric Show Panels DEV [Sep 16 2007 - 08:44:03] (foo_uie_lyrics)
Panel Stack Splitter 0.3.4(alpha) (foo_uie_panel_splitter)
foobar2000 core (Core)
Track info panel 0.8 (foo_uie_trackinfo)
Chronial's Coverflow 0.3.0 (foo_chronflow)
Standard Input Array 1.0 (foo_input_std)
Playlists Dropdown 0.6 alpha 4 (foo_uie_playlists_dropdown)
Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan 5 2007 - 13:36:12] (foo_uie_trackinfo_mod)
Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l (foo_uie_quicksearch)
Columns UI 0.3 beta 2 preview 11b (foo_ui_columns)
hmm, komisch... lösch mal testweise die "coverflow"-komponente aus dem components-ordner. ich habe auch schon die erfahrung, dass das teil nicht immer so reibungslos funktioniert. und ansonsten vielleicht mal versuchen die config mit einer frischen foobar-installation zu importieren. ansonsten hab da nicht direkt ne lösung. :(

Ok danke dir, heute hab ich keine Zeit mehr, aber morgen häng ich mich nochmal rein! ;)

foobar2000 v0.9.6 beta 1 wurde veröffentlicht.


  • Media Library now automatically keeps track of any changes made to its folders; no more need to manually rescan them.
  • Improved compatibility of file type associations with Windows Vista.
  • No more delay when playing/enqueuing files from Windows Explorer.
  • The installer now includes “portable mode” that works in limited user contexts and doesn't make any changes to system configuration, registry, etc.
  • New Converter user interface.
  • Built-in Matroska support.

Download foobar2000 v0.9.6 beta 1
die beta ist murks

mein cdart display plugin will da nich mehr -.-

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