[Sammelthread] foobar2000 v2.24 preview 2024-10-04 wurde veröffentlicht


"LyricsDB" wird schon schon seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr weiterentwickelt. Ich hatte damit auch schon vor längerem Server-Probleme.

Du könntest Dir mal alternativ Lyric Show Panel 3 anschauen, welches "Timestamped"- und reine Text-Lyrics herunterladen und darstellen kann.

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Danke für den Link...

Aber naja die Sache ist die.... ich habe das mal halb alleine und halb mit jmd. anderen gemacht...weil bei mir echt viele componenten eingebunden sind...
Und ich müsste mich jetzt echt stuuunden damit beschäftigen wie ich die panel etc. wieder neu einbinde ....^^

Also ne direkte alternativ URL gibt es nicht nein?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  1. Layout Editing Mode (View -> Layout -> enable layout editing mode)
  2. Rechtsklick auf das Panel
  3. Replace UI Element
  4. Lyric Show Panel 3

Mehr musst du nicht machen. Alle weiteren optischen Anpassungen sind selbsterklärend erschließbar und über [Rechtsklick] [Panel preferences] zu erreichen.
Mit ein paar Tabs kann man das Panel recht flexibel einsetzen. Aber Flexibilität ist für Foobar ja generell kein Fremdwort.

Danke für die gute Erklärung! Werd ich gleich mal testen... :)

Kleine Nebenfrage...man kann bei den aktuellen Versionen nicht mehr einstellen ob er die config im Programmordner oder unter dem Benutzerordner speichert ...oder hab ich das übersehen?

€: Habe mehrere Reiter...wie lyrics...album browser etc. angelegt... Wenn ich z.B. das neue lyrics panel adde wird es allerdings ganz rechts angefügt...will es aber dort wo das alte war...wie kriege ich es verschoben?

Außerdem steht bei mit "Live editing"
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

das geht auch bei den aktuellen Versionen noch. Bei dem 3. Installationsschritt ("Choose Install Type") kann zwischen einer Standard- und einer Portable-Installation gewählt werden.

Bzgl. der Reiter.: Wenn der "Layout Editing Mode" aktiviert ist kann man die Reiter mit gedrückter (linker) Maustaste beliebig verschieben.

"Live editing" ist ein Button in der Toolbar, mit dem diesen "Layout Editing Mode" an- und ausschalten kann. Wenn Du diesen Button nicht benötigst kannst Du ihn auch einfach per Rechtsklick aus der Toolbar entfernen. Dieser Modus ist ja, wie von Monocus schon erwähnt, auch über das Menü zu erreichen.

Auf deviantART gibt z.B. ein eigene Sparte mit foobar2000-Configs.

Ansonsten kann man auch selber wunderbar einfach mit dem "Default User Interface" und der "Scratchbox" (Menü - Layout - Create scratchbox) herumspielen ohne seine aktuelle Config anzutasten. Bei Bedarf kann man natürlich dann auch diese "Spielerei" speichern und übertragen, bzw. übernehmen.

Eine Übersicht der erhältlichen "Components" gibt es von der foobar2000-Homepage aus: foobar2000: Components Repository

Um sich ein paar Inspirationen zu holen kann ich diesen Thread im offiziellen foobar2000-Forum empfehlen (am besten von hinten anfangen zwecks Aktualität): Default UI Gallery, Screenshots only

Bei mir tritt neuerdings das Problem eines Playback Errors auf wenn ich online Radio starte. Die Musik/der Stream selbst startet zwar, aber es kommt immer folgende Meldung:

"Unable to open item for playback (Connection error):

Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte oder wie ich die Meldungen unterbinde?

dann scheint die Verbindung zeitweise etwas instabil zu sein (entweder Deine Internet-Leitung oder halt Probleme von der Server-Seite aus). Momentan läuft Dein Stream bei mir ohne Fehlermeldung durch.

Die Fehlermeldung habe ich auch ab und zu mal bei Radio-Streams. Nach kurzer Zeit lief es dann allerdings wieder problemlos.

Ausser die Popups mit den Fehlermeldungen komplett zu deaktivieren ("Preferences - Advanced - Playback" ... den Haken bei "Show error message popups" entfernen), gibt es für diese Verbindungs-Schwierigkeiten eigentlich keine weitere Lösung in foobar2000.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Diese Fehlermedung habe ich auch manchmal, also eher selten, und ich höre sehr viel Radio-Streams. Wenn's Schwierigkeiten gibt, höre ich einfach einen anderen Stream vom gleichen Anbieter. Dieses Popup möchte ich aber nicht entfernen, denn mit diesem weiß ich immer, das deren Server wohl Probleme macht.
@Bollerkopp: Ah super vielen Dank. Ja das kuriose ist dass es nur bei #Musik Streams auftritt, bei anderen habe ich solche Error Meldungen nie. Das positive ist aber dass der Stream trotz Error Meldung dann nach kurzer Zeit trotzdem startet, somit wäre das Unterdrücken der Meldungen wohl die beste Lösung. :)

foobar2000 1.1.14 Final wurde veröffentlicht.

In addition to IETF Opus codec support introduced in the betas, the final version addresses various stability issues.

Changelog v1.1.14:

  • Added support for the IETF Opus codec.
  • Improved compliance of ReplayGain tagging for Opus files (beta 2).
  • More robust handling of ID3v2.3 TDAT frames (beta 2).
  • Added Opus encoding support in Converter (requires external opusenc.exe binary) (beta 3).
  • Fixed a deadlock when reading strange/corrupted zip files (final).
  • Fixed a rare deadlock related to updating tags on the file being currently played.
  • Fixed a rare deadlock related to starting/stopping playback.

Download foobar2000 1.1.14 Final

foobar2000 1.1.14 a Final wurde veröffentlicht.

A regression that slipped into 1.1.14 final has been corrected; thanks to all the people who submitted crash telemetry so quickly. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Changelog v1.1.14:

  • Added support for the IETF Opus codec.
  • Improved compliance of ReplayGain tagging for Opus files (beta 2).
  • More robust handling of ID3v2.3 TDAT frames (beta 2).
  • Added Opus encoding support in Converter (requires external opusenc.exe binary) (beta 3).
  • Fixed a deadlock when reading strange/corrupted zip files (final).
  • Fixed a rare deadlock related to updating tags on the file being currently played.
  • Fixed a rare deadlock related to starting/stopping playback.

Download foobar2000 1.1.14 a Final
Hintergrundbild o_O

hallo @all
es geht um das einfügen von hintergrundbildern, bzw. von einem hintergrundbild.
Es iist jaa möglich, wenn ich es hinter Elplaylist lege mit dem panel stack splitter, alles vorhanden, aber geht immer noch nicht :grrr: .
deswegen bin ich auf den gedanken gekommen, warum nicht gleich auf eine neue ebene setzen und die foobar im vordergrund laufen lassen, das natürlich alles in der Foobar2000 mit drin! ebenfalls vielleicht mit einem extra filter oder einem unscharfen "fenster" dazwischen, damit es auch gut aussieht und nicht wie standardt.

hat jemand von euch ideen wie das funktioniert oder was ich verwenden kann? :confused:
(Component) Update!

Für einige vielleicht nicht uninteressant: WASAPI output component 3.0 wurde veröffentlicht.

The long-awaited update of the WASAPI output component has been released. (Quelle: foobar2000-Homepage)

3.0 version highlights:

  • Faster volume control
  • 32bit integer mode if 32bit floating-point is not supported by the device
  • Operates in two different modes, regular and event-driven - the latter seems to be more compatible with USB devices, but not supported by some other devices.
  • Separate process sandbox for improved stability.

Download WASAPI output component 3.0

foobar2000 1.1.15 beta 2 wurde veröffentlicht.

Changelog v1.1.15:

  • Added basic MusicBrainz tagging capability to the audio CD ripper.
    - CD ripper can now look up CD information automatically each time a new CD is about to be ripped.
  • Worked-around shell integration incompatibility with Windows 8.
  • Converter performance tweaks for multi-core encoding (beta 2).
  • Resolved incompatibility with Matroska files processed with mkvclean (beta 2).
  • ID3v2: “rating” tags now compatible with Windows Media Player (beta 2).
  • Resolved Converter incompatibility with new Opus encoder (beta 2).

Download foobar2000 1.1.15 beta 2

foobar2000 1.1.15 Final wurde veröffentlicht.

Changelog v1.1.15:

  • Added basic MusicBrainz tagging capability to the audio CD ripper.
    - CD ripper can now look up CD information automatically each time a new CD is about to be ripped.
  • Worked-around shell integration incompatibility with Windows 8.
  • Converter performance tweaks for multi-core encoding (beta 2).
  • Resolved incompatibility with Matroska files processed with mkvclean (beta 2).a
  • ID3v2: “rating” tags now compatible with Windows Media Player (beta 2).
  • Resolved Converter incompatibility with new Opus encoder (beta 2).
  • Worked-around drag&drop incompatibility with Windows explorer read-only optical media (final).
  • Added an advanced preferences option to minimize the app on [ x] close (final).
  • Worked-around NSIS installer incompatibility with Windows 8 address space layout randomization (final).

Download foobar2000 1.1.15 Final
Mein foobar hat über die letzten Wochen ein paar Updates erfahren (Default UI + sehr viel WSH Panel):

Normale Ansicht | Gestoppte Wiedergabe

Alternative Ansichten


Hinter den übrigen Tabs stecken Peak Meter, Dynamic Range Meter, Playlist View, Konsole, diverse Last.fm-Charts und der WSH Playlist Viewer mit größerer Schriftart.
Wenn ich den WSH Playlist Viewer beibringen könnte meinen Custom Tag darzustellen wäre ich wunschlos glücklich. Ohne Script-Kenntnisse geht das aber leider nicht.
Hallo Monocus,

sehr geschmackvoll, Dein Layout. Gefällt mir gut. :)

Was für ein Custom Tag soll denn im WSH Playlist Viewer erscheinen? Und vorallem wo genau? Könntest Du sonst mal den Code (Rechtsklick "Configure) posten? Ich bin zwar auch kein WSH-"Profi", aber vielleicht bekommen wir das ja hin. :)

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Ich habe einen Custom Tag names "Sound" erstellt, damit ich verschiedene Versionen eines Albums (CD, DVD-Audio, remastered...) unterscheiden kann.
An der angedachten Stelle unter dem Albumtitel sieht man momentan "undefined".
Da habe ich versucht den Tag einzufügen, was offensichtlich nur halb funktioniert hat.
Wo und wie ich den Tag definieren kann ist mir nicht ganz klar.
Bei meinen stümperhaften Experimenten bin ich zu keinem Ergebnis gekommen
Hier der Code:
// @name "WSH Playlist Viewer"
// @version "2.0.1"
// @author "Br3tt aka Falstaff >> http://br3tt.deviantart.com"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"

// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better  >> http://foobar2000.org
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.3.1 or better  >> http://code.google.com/p/foo-wsh-panel-mod/downloads/list
// * Optional: Font uni 05_53  >> http://www.dafont.com/uni-05-x.font
//    this font is required to display extra info in group header (codec + genre) and playcount info
// * Optional: Font guifx v2 transports  >> http://blog.guifx.com/2009/04/02/guifx-v2-transport-font
//    this font is required to get nice stars for the rating columns, but if not installed, it will works with standard star (*) character
// [/Requirements]

// [Installation]
// * import/paste this jscript into a WSH Panel Mod instance of your foobar2000 layout (DUI or CUI)
// [/Installation]

// [Informations]
// * Use Jscript9 engine (if supported by your system) for better performances
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (Properties from settings menu -> toolbar button)
// * double click on toolbar > Show Now Playing item
// * use keyboard to search artist in the playlist (incremental search feature)
// [/Informations]

//=================================================// General declarations
// }}
// Use with MenuManager() 
// {{
MF_STRING = 0x00000000;
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800;
MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
MF_POPUP = 0x00000010;
// }}
// Used in window.SetCursor()
// {{
IDC_ARROW = 32512;
IDC_IBEAM = 32513;
IDC_WAIT = 32514;
IDC_CROSS = 32515;
IDC_UPARROW = 32516;
IDC_SIZE = 32640;
IDC_ICON = 32641;
IDC_SIZEWE = 32644;
IDC_SIZENS = 32645;
IDC_SIZEALL = 32646;
IDC_NO = 32648;
IDC_HAND = 32649;
IDC_HELP = 32651;
// }}
// Use with GdiDrawText() 
// {{
var DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
var DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
var DT_TOP = 0x00000000;
var DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;
var DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;
var DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010;
var DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;
var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400;
var DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800;
var DT_EDITCONTROL = 0x00002000;
var DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;
// }}
// Keyboard Flags & Tools
// {{
var VK_BACK = 0x08;
var VK_RETURN = 0x0D;
var VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
var VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
var VK_ALT = 0x12;
var VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B;
var VK_PGUP = 0x21;
var VK_PGDN = 0x22;
var VK_END = 0x23;
var VK_HOME = 0x24;
var VK_LEFT = 0x25;
var VK_UP = 0x26;
var VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
var VK_DOWN = 0x28;
var VK_INSERT = 0x2D;
var VK_DELETE = 0x2E;
var VK_SPACEBAR = 0x20;
var KMask = {
    none: 0,
    ctrl: 1,
    shift: 2,
    ctrlshift: 3,
    ctrlalt: 4,
    ctrlaltshift: 5,
    alt: 6
function GetKeyboardMask() {
    var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false;
    var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false;
    var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false;
    var ret = KMask.none;
    if (c && !a && !s) ret = KMask.ctrl;
    if (!c && !a && s) ret = KMask.shift;
    if (c && !a && s) ret = KMask.ctrlshift;
    if (c && a && !s) ret = KMask.ctrlalt;
    if (c && a && s) ret = KMask.ctrlaltshift;
    if (!c && a && !s) ret = KMask.alt;
    return ret;
// }}
// {{
// Used in window.GetColorCUI()
ColorTypeCUI = {
    text: 0,
    selection_text: 1,
    inactive_selection_text: 2,
    background: 3,
    selection_background: 4,
    inactive_selection_background: 5,
    active_item_frame: 6
// Used in window.GetFontCUI()
FontTypeCUI = {
    items: 0,
    labels: 1
// Used in window.GetColorDUI()
ColorTypeDUI = {
    text: 0,
    background: 1,
    highlight: 2,
    selection: 3
// Used in window.GetFontDUI()
FontTypeDUI = {
    defaults: 0,
    tabs: 1,
    lists: 2,
    playlists: 3,
    statusbar: 4,
    console: 5
// {{
// Used in gr.DrawString()
function StringFormat() {
    var h_align = 0,
    v_align = 0,
    trimming = 0,
    flags = 0;
    switch (arguments.length) {
        case 3:
        trimming = arguments[2];
        case 2:
        v_align = arguments[1];
        case 1:
        h_align = arguments[0];
        return 0;
    return ((h_align << 28) | (v_align << 24) | (trimming << 20) | flags);
StringAlignment = {
    Near: 0,
    Centre: 1,
    Far: 2
var lt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);
var ct_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Near);
var rt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);
var lc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Centre);
var cc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Centre);
var rc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Centre);
var lb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Far);
var cb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Far);
var rb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far);
// {{
// Used in utils.GetAlbumArt()
AlbumArtId = {
	front: 0,
	back: 1,
	disc: 2,
	icon: 3,
	artist: 4
// {{
// Used everywhere!
function RGB(r, g, b) {
    return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));
function RGBA(r, g, b, a) {
    return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));
function getAlpha(color) {
    return ((color >> 24) & 0xff);

function getRed(color) {
    return ((color >> 16) & 0xff);

function getGreen(color) {
    return ((color >> 8) & 0xff);

function getBlue(color) {
    return (color & 0xff);
function num(strg, nb) {
    var i;
    var str = strg.toString();
    var k = nb - str.length;
    if (k > 0) {
        for (i=0;i<k;i++) {
            str = "0" + str;
    return str.toString();
//Time formatting secondes -> 0:00
function TimeFromSeconds(t){
    var zpad = function(n){
    var str = n.toString();
        return (str.length<2) ? "0"+str : str;
    var h = Math.floor(t/3600); t-=h*3600;
    var m = Math.floor(t/60); t-=m*60;
    var s = Math.floor(t);
    if(h>0) return h.toString()+":"+zpad(m)+":"+zpad(s);
    return m.toString()+":"+zpad(s);
function TrackType(trkpath) {
    var taggable;
    var type;
    switch (trkpath) {
        case "file":
        taggable = 1;
        type = 0;
        case "cdda":
        taggable = 1;
        type = 1;
        case "FOO_":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 2;
        case "http":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 3;
        case "mms:":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 3;
        case "unpa":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 4;
        taggable = 0;
        type = 5;
    return type;
function replaceAll(str, search, repl) {
    while (str.indexOf(search) != -1) {
        str = str.replace(search, repl);
    return str;
function removeAccents(str) {
    var norm = new Array('À','Á','Â','Ã','Ä','Å','Æ','Ç','È','É','Ê','Ë',
    'Ì','Í','Î','Ï', 'Ð','Ñ','Ò','Ó','Ô','Õ','Ö','Ø','Ù','Ú','Û','Ü','Ý',
    var spec = new Array('A','A','A','A','A','A','AE','C','E','E','E','E',
    'I','I','I','I', 'D','N','O','O','O','O','O','O','U','U','U','U','Y',
    for (var i = 0; i < spec.length; i++) {
        str = replaceAll(str, norm[i], spec[i]);
    return str;

//=================================================// Button object
ButtonStates = {normal: 0, hover: 1, down: 2};
button = function (normal, hover, down) {
    this.img = Array(normal, hover, down);
    this.w = this.img[0].Width;
    this.h = this.img[0].Height;
    this.state = ButtonStates.normal;
    this.update = function (normal, hover, down) {
        this.img = Array(normal, hover, down);
    this.draw = function (gr, x, y, alpha) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.img[this.state] && gr.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h, 0, alpha);
    this.display_context_menu = function (x, y, id) {};
    this.repaint = function () {
        window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
    this.checkstate = function (event, x, y) {
        this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1);
        this.old = this.state;
        switch (event) {
         case "down":
            switch(this.state) {
             case ButtonStates.normal:
             case ButtonStates.hover:
                this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
         case "up":
            this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
         case "right":
             if(this.ishover) this.display_context_menu(x, y, id);
         case "move":
            switch(this.state) {
             case ButtonStates.normal:
             case ButtonStates.hover:
                this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
         case "leave":
            this.state = this.isdown ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
        if(this.state!=this.old) this.repaint();
        return this.state;

//=================================================// Tools (general)
function get_system_scrollbar_width() {
    var tmp = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
    return tmp;

function get_system_scrollbar_height() {
    var tmp = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
    return tmp;

String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {
    return new Array(num+1).join(this);

function getTimestamp() {
    var d, s1, s2, s3, hh, min, sec, timestamp;
    d = new Date();
    s1 = d.getFullYear();
    s2 = (d.getMonth() + 1);
    s3 = d.getDate();
    hh = d.getHours();
    min = d.getMinutes();
    sec = d.getSeconds();
    if(s3.length == 1) s3 = "0" + s3;
    timestamp = s1 + ((s2 < 10) ? "-0" : "-") + s2 + ((s3 < 10) ? "-0" : "-" ) + s3 + ((hh < 10) ? " 0" : " ") + hh + ((min < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + min + ((sec < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + sec;
    return timestamp;

//=================================================// Sort pattern used in this panel
var sort_pattern_album = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_album", "%album artist%|$if(%album%,$if2(%date%,9999),0000)|%sound%|%album%|%discnumber%|%tracknumber%");
var sort_pattern_artist = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_artist", "%artist%|$if(%album%,$if2(%date%,9999),0000)|%album%|%discnumber%|%tracknumber%");
var sort_pattern_path = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_path", "%path%");
var sort_pattern_date = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_date", "%date%");
var sort_pattern_genre = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_genre", "%genre%");

//=================================================// Group pattern used in this panel
var group_pattern_album = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group_pattern_album", "%album artist%%album%%sound%%discnumber%");
var group_pattern_artist = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group_pattern_artist", "%artist%");
var group_pattern_path = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group_pattern_path", "%directory%");

//=================================================// Image declarations
var playicon_off;
var playicon_on;
var nocover;
var nocover_img;
var noartist;
var noartist_img;
var streamcover;
var streamcover_img;
var glass_reflect_img;
var icon_arrow_left;
var singleline_group_header_icon;
var bt_settings_off;
var bt_settings_ov;
var bt_settings_on;
var bt_sort_off;
var bt_sort_ov;
var bt_sort_on;

function on_get_album_art_done(metadb, art_id, image, image_path) {
    var draw_limit = list.tocut+list.nbvis+group.nbrows+1;
    if(draw_limit>list.item.length) draw_limit = list.item.length;
    for(var i=list.tocut;i<draw_limit;i++) {
        if(list.item[i].metadb && list.item[i].gridx==group.nbrows) {
            if(list.item[i].metadb.Compare(metadb)) {
                list.item[i].cover_img = g_image_cache.getit(list.item[i], image);
                var cx = list.item[i].x + cover.margin;
                var cy = list.item[i].y - ((group.nbrows-1)*row.h);
                cx = cover.margin;
                cy = list.item[i].y - ((group.nbrows-1)*row.h);
                // fix for a weird behaviour with engine Jscript9
                if(!cx) cx = 2; else if(cx<2) cx = 2;
                if(!cy) cy = 2; else if(cy<2) cy = 2;
                window.RepaintRect(cx-2, cy-2, group.nbrows*row.h, group.nbrows*row.h);

//=================================================// Cover Tools
image_cache = function () {
    this._cachelist = {};
    this.hit = function (item) {
        var img = this._cachelist[item.metadb.Path];
        if (typeof img == "undefined") {
            if(!cover.load_timer) {
                cover.load_timer = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        case 0:
                            var art_id = AlbumArtId.front;
                        case 1:
                            var art_id = AlbumArtId.artist;
                        case 2:
                            var art_id = AlbumArtId.front;
                    utils.GetAlbumArtAsync(window.ID, item.metadb, art_id, true, false, false);
                    cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
                    cover.load_timer = false;
                }, 35);
        return img;
    this.getit = function (item, image, image_path) {
        var img;
        if(cover.keepaspectratio) {
            if(!image) {
                var pw = (cover.w-cover.margin*2);
                var ph = (cover.h-cover.margin*2);
            } else {
                if(image.Height>=image.Width) {
                    var ratio = image.Width / image.Height;
                    var pw = (cover.w-cover.margin*2)*ratio;
                    var ph = (cover.h-cover.margin*2);
                } else {
                    var ratio = image.Height / image.Width;
                    var pw = (cover.w-cover.margin*2);
                    var ph = (cover.h-cover.margin*2)*ratio;
        } else {
            var pw = cover.w-cover.margin*2;
            var ph = cover.h-cover.margin*2;
        // item.cover_type : 0 = nocover, 1 = external cover, 2 = embedded cover, 3 = stream
        if(item.track_type!=3) {
            if(item.metadb) {
                img = FormatCover(image, pw, ph);
                if(!img) {
                    img = (group.type==1)?noartist_img:nocover_img;
                    item.cover_type = 0;
                } else {
                    item.cover_type = 1;
        } else {
            img = streamcover_img;
            item.cover_type = 3;
        this._cachelist[item.metadb.Path] = img;
        return img;
var g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function FormatCover(image, w, h) {
	if(!image || w<=0 || h<=0) return image;
    if(cover.draw_glass_effect) {
        var new_img = image.Resize(w, h, 2);
        var gb = new_img.GetGraphics();
        if(h>w) {
            gb.DrawImage(glass_reflect_img, Math.floor((h-w)/2)*-1+1, 1, h-2, h-2, 0, 0, glass_reflect_img.Width, glass_reflect_img.Height, 0, 150);
        } else {
            gb.DrawImage(glass_reflect_img, 1, Math.floor((w-h)/2)*-1+1, w-2, w-2, 0, 0, glass_reflect_img.Width, glass_reflect_img.Height, 0, 150);
        return new_img;
    } else {
        return image.Resize(w, h, 2);

function FormatWP(image, w, h) {
	if(!image || w<=0 || h<=0) return image;
    return image.Resize(w, h, 2);

function draw_glass_reflect(w, h) {
    // Mask for glass effect
    var Mask_img = gdi.CreateImage(w, h);
    var gb = Mask_img.GetGraphics();
    gb.FillEllipse(-20, 25, w*2+40, h*2, 0xffffffff);
    // drawing the white rect
    var glass_img = gdi.CreateImage(w, h);
    gb = glass_img.GetGraphics();
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, w, h, 0xffffffff);
    // resizing and applying the mask
    var Mask = Mask_img.Resize(w, h);
    return glass_img;

function reset_cover_timers() {
    cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
    cover.load_timer = false;

function repaint_rating(ry) {
    if(!columns.rating_timerID) {
        //columns.rating_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
            window.RepaintRect(columns.rating_x, ry, columns.rating_w, row.h);
            columns.rating_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(columns.rating_timerID);
            columns.rating_timerID = false;

function repaint_mood(ry) {
    if(!columns.mood_timerID) {
        //columns.mood_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
            window.RepaintRect(columns.mood_x, ry, columns.mood_w, row.h);
            columns.mood_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(columns.mood_timerID);
            columns.mood_timerID = false;

//=================================================// Item Object
ItemStates = {normal: 0, hover: 1, selected: 2};
item = function (id, idx, gridx) {
    if (typeof this.id == "undefined") {
        this.id = id;
        this.idx = idx;
        this.gridx = gridx;
        this.grp_idx = 0;
        this.metadb = list.handlelist.Item(this.id);
        this.x = 0;
        this.defaulty = toolbar.h + (idx) * row.h;
        this.w = ww;
        this.h = row.h;
        this.l_rating = 0;
        this.l_mood = 0;
        this.tooltip = false;
        if(this.metadb) {
            this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.group_key = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0,4));
            if(this.gridx==0) {
                this.tracknumber = tf_tracknumber.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.artist = tf_artist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.title = tf_title.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.sound = tf_sound.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.playcount = columns.playcount ? tf_playcount.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.duration = tf_duration.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.mood = columns.mood ? tf_mood.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.rating = columns.rating ? tf_rating.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.bitrate = columns.bitrate ? tf_bitrate.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : "";
            } else {
                this.genre = tf_genre.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.date = tf_date.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.codec = tf_codec.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.disc_info = tf_disc_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);

    this.update_infos = function() {
        if(this.metadb) {
            this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.group_key = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0,4));
            if(this.gridx==0) {
                this.tracknumber = tf_tracknumber.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.artist = tf_artist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.title = tf_title.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.sound = tf_sound.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.playcount = tf_playcount.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.duration = tf_duration.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.mood = columns.mood ? tf_mood.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.rating = columns.rating ? tf_rating.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.bitrate = columns.bitrate ? tf_bitrate.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : "";
            } else {
                this.genre = tf_genre.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.sound = tf_sound.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.date = tf_date.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.codec = tf_codec.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.disc_info = tf_disc_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);

    this.draw = function(gr, id, idx) {
        this.y = this.defaulty - (list.tocut * row.h);
        if(this.gridx==0) {
            // ---------------------
            // ::: Draw item
            // ---------------------
            if(list.focus_id==this.id) {
                // focused item bg
                var state = 2;
                try {
                    list.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 10);
                    list.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, this.x, this.y, ww-vscrollbar.w, this.h);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawRoundRect(this.x+1, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-3, this.h-1, 2, 2, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x20ffffff);
                    gr.FillGradRect(this.x+2, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-4, this.h-1, 90, 0, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff, 1.0);
            } else {
                if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id)) {
                    // selected item bg
                    var state = 1;
                    try {
                        list.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 10);
                        list.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, this.x, this.y, ww-vscrollbar.w, this.h);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.DrawRoundRect(this.x+1, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-3, this.h-1, 2, 2, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x20ffffff);
                        gr.FillGradRect(this.x+2, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-4, this.h-1, 90, 0, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff, 1.0);
                } else {
                    // default item bg (odd/even)
                    var state = 0;
                    if(Math.floor(this.grp_idx/2) == this.grp_idx/2) {
                        gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w, this.h, RGBA(255,255,255,5));
                    } else {
                        gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w, this.h, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
                    if(list.gradient_lines_show) {
                        gr.FillGradRect(this.x+30, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-60, 1, 0, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,80), 0.5);
                        gr.FillGradRect(this.x+30, this.y+1, this.w-vscrollbar.w-60, 1, 0, 0, RGBA(255,255,255,15), 0.5);
            // last item shadow effect
            if(this.id==list.total-1) {
                gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+this.h+0, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,75));
                gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+this.h+1, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,35));
                gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+this.h+2, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,12));
            // ****************************
            // .start. *** cols metrics ***
            // ****************************
            columns.playicon_x = 0;
            if(columns.playicon) {
                columns.playicon_w = (cover.margin + 20);
            } else {
                columns.playicon_w = 3;
            columns.tracknumber_x = columns.playicon_x + columns.playicon_w;
            if(columns.tracknumber) {
                columns.tracknumber_w = 40;
            } else {
                columns.tracknumber_w = 5;
            if(columns.rating || columns.bitrate || columns.mood) {
                if(columns.duration_w<=0) {
                    columns.duration_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("00:00:00", g_font);
            } else {
                columns.duration_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(" -"+this.duration, g_font);
            columns.duration_x = ww-vscrollbar.w - columns.duration_w - cover.margin;
            if(columns.rating_w<=0) {
                if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                    columns.rating_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("bbbbb", rating_font);
                } else {
                    columns.rating_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("*****", rating_font);
            columns.rating_x = columns.duration_x - (columns.rating_w*columns.rating);
            if(columns.mood_w<=0) {
                if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                    columns.mood_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("v", mood_font) + 3;
                } else {
                    columns.mood_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("♥", mood_font) + 3;
            columns.mood_x = columns.rating_x - (columns.mood_w*columns.mood);
            if(columns.bitrate_w<=0) {
                columns.bitrate_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("XXXXXXX", g_font)*columns.bitrate;
            columns.bitrate_x = columns.mood_x - (columns.bitrate_w*columns.bitrate);
            if(columns.playcount && this.playcount>0) {
                var playcount_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(this.playcount, gdi.Font("Droid Sans", 10))+3;
            } else {
                var playcount_w = 0;
            columns.title_x = columns.tracknumber_x + columns.tracknumber_w;
            columns.title_w = (columns.rating_x - columns.title_x - 3 - playcount_w) - (columns.bitrate_w*columns.bitrate) - (columns.mood_w*columns.mood);
            // **************************
            // .end. *** cols metrics ***
            // **************************
            row.parity = (row.h/2==Math.floor(row.h))?1:0;
            // now playing info : Play icon + Progress bar
            var duration = this.duration;
            var bitrate = this.bitrate;
            if(plman.PlayingPlaylist == plman.ActivePlaylist) {
                if(fb.IsPlaying) {
                    list.nowplaying = plman.GetPlayingItemLocation();
                    if(this.id==list.nowplaying.PlaylistItemIndex) {
                        var isplaying = true;
                        g_playing_item_y = this.y;
                        // progress bar (if not a stream!)
                        if(this.track_type!=3 && row.show_progress && fb.PlaybackLength) {
                            var length_seconds = tf_length_seconds.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                            var progress = Math.round(g_seconds / length_seconds * (ww-vscrollbar.w-this.x-2));
                            gr.FillGradRect(this.x+1, this.y, progress, this.h, 90, g_textcolor_sel&0x20ffffff, 0, 0.5);
                        // calc dynamic other tf values
                        duration = tf_playback_time_remaining.Eval(true);
                        bitrate = tf_bitrate_playing.Eval(true);
                        if(columns.playicon) {
                            if(g_seconds/2==Math.floor(g_seconds/2)) {
                                gr.DrawImage(playicon_off, columns.playicon_x+9, this.y, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 0, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 255);
                            } else {
                                gr.DrawImage(playicon_on, columns.playicon_x+9, this.y, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 0, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 255);
                    } else {
                        var isplaying = false;
            // draw tracknumber
            if(columns.tracknumber) {
                if(plman.IsPlaybackQueueActive()) {
                    var queue_index = plman.FindPlaybackQueueItemIndex(this.metadb, plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id);
                if(state==0) {
                    if(queue_index>=0) {
                        gr.FillGradRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-7, this.h-6, 90, g_backcolor&0x15ffffff, RGBA(100,180,100,70), 1.0);
                        gr.DrawRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-8, this.h-7, 1.0, RGBA(100,180,100,40));
                    } else {
                        if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                            gr.FillGradRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-7, this.h-6, 90, g_backcolor&0x15ffffff, RGBA(100,180,100,70), 1.0);
                            gr.DrawRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-8, this.h-7, 1.0, RGBA(100,180,100,40));
                        } else {
                            gr.FillGradRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-7, this.h-6, 90, g_backcolor&0x15ffffff, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff, 1.0);
                            gr.DrawRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-8, this.h-7, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x10ffffff);
                //var new_tracknumber = (this.tracknumber>0)? this.tracknumber : (group.nbrows>0?num(this.grp_idx+1,2):"?");
                var new_tracknumber = (queue_index>=0) ? " " + num(queue_index+1,2) + "*" : ((this.tracknumber>0)? this.tracknumber : num(this.grp_idx+1,2));
                try {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(new_tracknumber, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Caps Light", 14), (queue_index>=0 || isQueuePlaylistActive())?RGB(100,180,100):(isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor), columns.tracknumber_x, this.y, columns.tracknumber_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(new_tracknumber, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), (queue_index>=0 || isQueuePlaylistActive())?RGB(100,180,100):(isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor), columns.tracknumber_x, this.y, columns.tracknumber_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);

            // draw title
            try {
                tf_title_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(this.title, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid light",14,0));
                if(tf_title_w > columns.title_w) {
                    tf_title_w = columns.title_w;
                    this.tooltip = true;
                gr.GdiDrawText(this.title, g_font, isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, isplaying?g_font=gdi.Font("Corpid", 12):g_font,columns.title_x, this.y, columns.title_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } catch(e) {
                tf_title_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(this.title, gdi.Font ("Corpid Light", 13));
                if(tf_title_w > columns.title_w) {
                    tf_title_w = columns.title_w;
                    this.tooltip = true;
                gr.GdiDrawText(this.title, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 13), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.title_x, this.y, columns.title_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // draw artist
            if(group.nbrows==0 || (columns.title==1 && this.artist!=this.albumartist) || columns.title==2) {
                var artist_x = columns.title_x + tf_title_w;
                try {
                    var artist_w = columns.title_w - tf_title_w;
                    tf_artist_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12));
                    if(tf_artist_w > artist_w) {
                        tf_artist_w = artist_w;
                        this.tooltip = true;
                    if(tf_title_w < columns.title_w) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Light",12), g_textcolor_hl, artist_x, this.y, artist_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } catch(e) {
                    var artist_w = columns.title_w - tf_title_w;
                    tf_artist_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12));
                    if(tf_artist_w > artist_w) {
                        tf_artist_w = artist_w;
                        this.tooltip = true;
                    if(tf_title_w < columns.title_w) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), g_textcolor_hl, artist_x, this.y, artist_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } else {
                if(tf_title_w > columns.title_w) this.tooltip = true;
                tf_artist_w = 0;
            // draw playcount
            if(columns.playcount && playcount_w>0) {
                var playcount_x = columns.title_x + tf_title_w + tf_artist_w;
                try {
                    gr.DrawString(this.playcount, gdi.Font("Droid Sans", 9), g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, playcount_x+3, this.y+1, playcount_w, this.h-row.parity, rc_stringformat);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawString(this.playcount, gdi.Font("Droid Sans", 8), g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, playcount_x, this.y-4, playcount_w, this.h-row.parity, rc_stringformat);
            // draw rating
            if(columns.rating) {
                // Rating engine
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++){
                            var r_color = (i > (this.rating_hover ? this.l_rating : this.rating)) ? g_textcolor&0x12ffffff : (this.rating_hover ? (i==this.rating ? (i==this.l_rating ? RGB(255,50,50) : g_textcolor_sel) : g_textcolor_sel) : g_textcolor&0x90ffffff);
                            if(this.rating_hover && this.l_rating==this.rating) {
                                r_color = i<=this.l_rating ? RGB(255,50,50) : g_textcolor&0x12ffffff;
                        } else {
                            var r_color = g_textcolor&0x12ffffff;
                        if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                                gr.DrawString("x", del_rating_font, r_color, columns.rating_x+14*(i-1)+1, this.y-1, 14, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                            } else {
                                gr.DrawString("b", rating_font, r_color, columns.rating_x+14*(i-1), this.y, 14, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                        } else {
                            gr.DrawString("*", rating_font, r_color, columns.rating_x+12*(i-1), this.y+4, 12, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                } else {
                    if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                        gr.DrawString("bbbbb", rating_font, g_textcolor&0x12ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y-1, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                        gr.DrawString("b".repeat(Math.round(this.rating)), rating_font, g_textcolor&0x90ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y-1, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                    } else {
                        gr.DrawString("*****", rating_font, g_textcolor&0x12ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y+4, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                        gr.DrawString("*".repeat(Math.round(this.rating)), rating_font, g_textcolor&0x90ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y+4, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);

            // draw bitrate
            if(columns.bitrate) {
                try {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(bitrate, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.bitrate_x, this.y, columns.bitrate_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(bitrate, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.bitrate_x, this.y, columns.bitrate_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // draw Mood icon
            if(columns.mood) {
                    r_color = this.mood_hover ? g_textcolor_sel : (this.mood!=0 ? RGB(255,80,120) : g_textcolor&0x12ffffff);
                } else {
                    var r_color = g_textcolor&0x12ffffff;
                if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                    gr.DrawString("v", mood_font, r_color, columns.mood_x, this.y+1, columns.mood_w, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                } else {
                    gr.DrawString("♥", mood_font, r_color, columns.mood_x, this.y, columns.mood_w, row.h, lc_stringformat);

            // draw playbacktime/duration
            try {
                gr.GdiDrawText(duration, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 13), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.duration_x, this.y, columns.duration_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_RIGHT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } catch(e) {
                gr.GdiDrawText(duration, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 13), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.duration_x, this.y, columns.duration_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_RIGHT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // if dragging items, draw line at top of the hover items to show where dragged items will be inserted on mouse button up
            if(dragndrop.drag_in && this.ishover && panel.ishover) {
                if(!plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id)) {
                    if(this.id>dragndrop.drag_id) {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y+this.h, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y+this.h, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y+this.h-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y+this.h-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id;
                    } else if(this.id<dragndrop.drag_id) {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id;

        } else if(this.gridx==group.nbrows && group.nbrows>0) {
            // ---------------------
            // ::: Draw group Header
            // ---------------------
            // total items in the group
            var total_grp_items = list.groups[list.hlist[this.id]-1];
            // background
            if(group.nbrows>1 && group.type==0) {  // display the year only if group by album (group.type = 0)
                var date_str = gr.MeasureString(this.date, gh_date_font, 0, 0, 200, 30, 0);
                var year_x = ww-vscrollbar.w-date_str.Width-cover.margin;
                var year_w = (group.nbrows>1 && (this.album.length>0 || total_grp_items==1) && this.date)?date_str.Width+cover.margin*2:0;
            } else {
                var year_x = 0;
                var year_w = 0;
            gr.FillGradRect(this.x, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), this.w-vscrollbar.w-year_w, group.nbrows*row.h, 90, RGBA(255,255,255,15), RGBA(0,0,0,15), 1.0);
            gr.FillGradRect(this.x-30, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), this.w-vscrollbar.w+60, 1, 0, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,15), 0.5);
            gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+1, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(255,255,255,15));
            gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+row.h-0, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(255,255,255,5));
            gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+row.h-1, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
            // draw cover art
            if(cover.show && cover.visible && this.y>(0-group.nbrows*row.h) && this.y<(wh-toolbar.h)+(group.nbrows*row.h)) {
                // cover bg
                var cv_x = this.x+cover.margin;
                var cv_y = ((this.y+row.h)-(row.h*group.nbrows))+cover.margin;
                var cv_w = cover.w-cover.margin*2;
                var cv_h = cover.h-cover.margin*2;
                if(!cover.keepaspectratio) {
                    gr.FillSolidRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w-2, cv_h-2, g_backcolor);
                    gr.FillSolidRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w-2, cv_h-2, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff);
                    gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x80ffffff);
                this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
                if(this.cover_img) {
                    if(cover.keepaspectratio) {
                        // *** check aspect ratio *** //
                        if(this.cover_img.Height>=this.cover_img.Width) {
                            var ratio = this.cover_img.Width / this.cover_img.Height;
                            var pw = cv_w*ratio;
                            var ph = cv_h;
                            this.left = Math.floor((ph-pw) / 2);
                            this.top = 0;
                            cv_x += this.left;
                            cv_y += this.top*1;
                            cv_w = cv_w - this.left*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                            cv_h = cv_h - this.top*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                        } else {
                            var ratio = this.cover_img.Height / this.cover_img.Width;
                            var pw = cv_w;
                            var ph = cv_h*ratio;
                            this.top = Math.floor((pw-ph) / 2);
                            this.left = 0;
                            cv_x += this.left;
                            cv_y += this.top*1;
                            cv_w = cv_w - this.left*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                            cv_h = cv_h - this.top*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                        // *** check aspect ratio *** //
                    // Draw Cover Art (when available)
                    if(cover.keepaspectratio) {
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+2, cv_y+2, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,45));
                        gr.DrawImage(this.cover_img, cv_x, cv_y, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 0, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, g_backcolor);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x80ffffff);                    
                    } else {
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+2, cv_y+2, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,45));
                        gr.DrawImage(this.cover_img, cv_x, cv_y, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 0, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, g_backcolor);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x80ffffff);
            // draw TF text info of the group header
            var grp_y = cover.margin+this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h);
            var grp_h = group.nbrows*row.h - cover.margin*2;
            // Year info (& date separator & backgound)
            if(year_w>0) {
                gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), year_w, group.nbrows*row.h, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), 5, group.nbrows*row.h, 00, RGBA(0,0,0,15), 0, 1.0);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w-1, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+5, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-10, 90, 0, RGBA(255,255,255,25), 0.5);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w+0, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+5, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-10, 90, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,40), 0.5);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w+1, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+10, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-20, 90, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,15), 0.5);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w+1, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+15, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-30, 90, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,5), 0.5);
                gr.DrawString(this.date, gh_date_font, g_backcolor&0xddffffff, year_x, grp_y-7, year_w, group.nbrows*row.h-1, lc_stringformat);
                gr.DrawString(this.date, gh_date_font, g_textcolor&0x25ffffff, year_x, grp_y-8, year_w, group.nbrows*row.h-1, lc_stringformat);
            // Artist + Album infos
            if(group.type==0) {
                var album_tag = this.album.length>0?this.album:(total_grp_items>1?"Singles":"Single");
                if(group.nbrows>1) {
                    var text_x = (cover.show && cover.visible) ? this.x+cover.w : this.x + cover.margin;
                    var text_w = (ww-vscrollbar.w)-cover.w-cover.margin*2-(year_w-5);
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Caps Light",19,0), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                        gr.GdiDrawText(album_tag+this.disc_info, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Caps Bold",23,0), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y+Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), text_w, Math.ceil(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist, gdi.Font("Corpid Cd Bold", 18), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                        gr.GdiDrawText(album_tag+this.disc_info, gdi.Font("Corpid Cd Bold", 18), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y+Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), text_w, Math.ceil(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } else {
                    gr.DrawImage(singleline_group_header_icon, cover.margin, this.y+Math.floor(row.h/2)-8, 16, 16, 0, 0, 16, 16, 0, 255);
                    var text_x = this.x+cover.margin+singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    var text_w = ww-vscrollbar.w-cover.margin*2-singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist+" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+album_tag+this.disc_info, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist+" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+album_tag+this.disc_info, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } else {
                var t_path = this.group_key;
                if(group.nbrows>1) {
                    var text_x = (cover.show && cover.visible) ? this.x+cover.w : this.x + cover.margin;
                    var text_w = (ww-vscrollbar.w)-cover.w-cover.margin*2-(year_w-5);
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } else {
                    gr.DrawImage(singleline_group_header_icon, cover.margin, this.y+Math.floor(row.h/2)-8, 16, 16, 0, 0, 16, 16, 0, 255);
                    var text_x = this.x+cover.margin+singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    var text_w = ww-vscrollbar.w-cover.margin*2-singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, g_font = gdi.Font("Corpid Light", 12) , g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, gdi.Font("Corpid bold", 12), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // extra group infos (3rd line)
            //var total_grp_length = TimeFromSeconds(list.groups[list.hlist[this.id]-1]);
            if(group.nbrows==2 && group.type!=0) {
                try {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRACKS":" TRACK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+"| "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), gdi.Font("Droid Sans",11), g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lb_stringformat);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRACKS":" TRACK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+"| "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), gdi.Font("Droid Sans",11), g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lb_stringformat);
            } else if(group.nbrows>1) {
                try {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRACKS":" TRACK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+"| "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), gdi.Font("Droid Sans",11), g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRACKS":" TRACK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+"| "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), gdi.Font("Droid Sans",11), g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
        if(group.nbrows>0 && this.gridx>0) {
            // if dragging items, draw line at top of the hover items to show where dragged items will be inserted on mouse button up
            if(dragndrop.drag_in && this.ishover && panel.ishover) {
                if(!plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id)) {
                    if(this.id<=dragndrop.drag_id) {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id;
                    } else {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id>0?this.id-1:0;

    this.checkstate = function (event, x, y, id) {
        var state = 0;
        if(y<toolbar.delta) return true;
        var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
        var prev_rating_hover = this.rating_hover;
        var prev_l_rating = this.l_rating;
        var prev_mood_hover = this.mood_hover;
        var prev_l_mood = this.l_mood;
        if(y>toolbar.h) {
            this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - vscrollbar.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h);
        } else {
            this.ishover = false;
        this.rating_hover = (this.gridx==0 && x>=columns.rating_x && x<=columns.rating_x+columns.rating_w && y>this.y+2 && y<this.y+this.h-2);
        this.mood_hover = (this.gridx==0 && x>=columns.mood_x && x<=columns.mood_x+columns.mood_w-3 && y>this.y+2 && y<this.y+this.h-2);
        if(row.buttons_hover) {
            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
        } else {
            row.buttons_hover = (this.rating_hover || this.mood_hover);
        switch (event) {
        case "down":
            if(this.gridx>0) {
                if(this.ishover) {
                    if(list.metadblist_selection.Count>=1) {
                        dragndrop.drag_out = true;
                        dragndrop.drag_id = this.id;
                        if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                            dragndrop.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                                dragndrop.drag_in = true;
                                dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                                dragndrop.timerID = false;
                            }, 250);
            } else {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    columns.rating_drag = true;
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                    columns.mood_drag = true;
                } else {
                    if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                        if(this.ishover) {
                            if(list.metadblist_selection.Count>=1) {
                                dragndrop.drag_out = true;
                                if(list.metadblist_selection.Count>1) {
                                    // test if selection is contigus, if not, drag'n drop disable
                                    var first_item_selected_id = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(0));
                                    var last_item_selected_id = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(list.metadblist_selection.Count-1));
                                    var contigus_count = (last_item_selected_id - first_item_selected_id)+1;
                                } else {
                                    var contigus_count = 0;
                                if(list.metadblist_selection.Count==1 || list.metadblist_selection.Count == contigus_count) {
                                    dragndrop.drag_id = this.id;
                                    if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                                        dragndrop.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                                            dragndrop.drag_in = true;
                                            dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                                            dragndrop.timerID = false;
                                        }, 250);
                            if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
                                if(list.focus_id != this.id) {
                                    if(list.SHIFT_start_id!=null) {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.SHIFT_start_id, this.id);
                                    } else {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.focus_id, this.id);
                            } else if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
                                if(plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(act_pls)!=this.id) {
                                    plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, false);
                            } else if(list.metadblist_selection.Count==1) {
                                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                    } else {
                        if(this.ishover) {
                            if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
                                if(list.focus_id != this.id) {
                                    if(list.SHIFT_start_id!=null) {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.SHIFT_start_id, this.id);
                                    } else {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.focus_id, this.id);
                            } else if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
                                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                            } else {
                                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                    list.metadblist_selection = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(act_pls);

        case "dblclk":
            if(this.gridx==0) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                } else {
                    if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                        if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                            if(this.ishover) {
                                plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(act_pls, this.id);
        case "right":
            if(this.ishover) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                } else {
                    if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                    } else {
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                    new_context_menu(x, y, this.id, this.idx);
                    state = -1;
        case "up":
            if(this.ishover) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    // Rating
                    if(this.track_type<2) {
                        if(foo_playcount) {
                            // Rate to database statistics brought by foo_playcount.dll
                            if (this.l_rating != this.rating) {
                                if(this.metadb) {
                                    var bool = fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb("Rating/"+((this.l_rating==0) ? "<not set>" : this.l_rating), this.metadb);
                                    this.rating = this.l_rating;
                            } else {
                                var bool = fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb("Rating/<not set>", this.metadb);
                                this.rating = 0;
                        } else {
                            // Rate to file
                            if (this.l_rating != this.rating) {
                                if(this.metadb) {
                                    var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("RATING", this.l_rating);
                                    this.rating = this.l_rating;
                            } else {
                                var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("RATING","");
                                this.rating = 0;
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                    // Mood
                    if(this.track_type<2) {
                        // tag to file
                        if (this.l_mood != this.mood) {
                            if(this.metadb) {
                                var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("MOOD", getTimestamp());
                                this.mood = this.l_mood;
                        } else {
                            var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("MOOD","");
                            this.mood = 0;
                } else {
                    if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                        if(!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) && !utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
                            if(!dragndrop.drag_in) {
                                if(this.gridx==0) {
                                    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                    plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                            dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                            dragndrop.timerID = false;
                            dragndrop.drag_in = false;
                            dragndrop.drag_out = false;
            columns.rating_drag = false;
            columns.mood_drag = false;
        case "move":

            if(columns.rating && !columns.rating_drag) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    this.l_rating = Math.floor((x - columns.rating_x) / (g_font_guifx_found?14:12)) + 1;
                    if(this.l_rating>5) this.l_rating = 5;
                } else {
                    this.l_rating = 0;
                if(this.rating_hover != prev_rating_hover || this.l_rating != prev_l_rating) {
            if(columns.mood && !columns.mood_drag) {
                if(this.mood_hover) {
                    this.l_mood = 1;
                } else {
                    this.l_mood = 0;
                if(this.mood_hover != prev_mood_hover || this.l_mood != prev_l_mood) {
        case "leave":
        return state;

//=================================================// Titleformat field
var tf_cover_path = fb.TitleFormat("$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)");
var tf_tracknumber = fb.TitleFormat("$num($if2(%tracknumber%,0),2)");
var tf_artist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_title = fb.TitleFormat("%title%");
var tf_albumartist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%album artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_album = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,,'web radios'))");
var tf_disc = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%discnumber%,0)");
var tf_disc_info = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%discnumber%,$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1,' - [disc '%discnumber%$if(%totaldiscs%,'/'%totaldiscs%']',']'),),)");
var tf_rating = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%rating%,0)");
var tf_mood = fb.Titleformat("$if(%mood%,1,0)");
var tf_sound = fb.Titleformat("(%sound%)");
var tf_dynamicrange = fb.Titleformat("(%dynamic range%)")
var tf_playcount = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%LASTFM_PLAYCOUNT_DB%,$if2(%LASTFM_PLAYCOUNT_DB%,0))");
var tf_duration = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%length%,' 0:00')");
var tf_date = fb.TitleFormat("[$year($replace(%date%,/,-,.,-))]");
var tf_genre = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%genre%,'Other')");
var tf_playback_time = fb.TitleFormat("%playback_time%");
var tf_playback_time_remaining = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,-%playback_time_remaining%,'0:00')");
var tf_length_seconds = fb.TitleFormat("%length_seconds_fp%");

var tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group_pattern_album);
// TECH 
var tf_codec = fb.Titleformat("%__codec%");
var tf_sound = fb.Titleformat("(%sound%)");
var tf_samplerate = fb.Titleformat("%__samplerate%");
var tf_bitrate = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%__bitrate_dynamic%,$if(%el_isplaying%,%__bitrate_dynamic%'kbps',$if($stricmp($left(%codec_profile%,3),'VBR'),%codec_profile%,%__bitrate%'kbps')),$if($stricmp($left(%codec_profile%,3),'VBR'),%codec_profile%,%__bitrate%'kbps'))");
var tf_bitrate_playing = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%__bitrate_dynamic%,$if(%_isplaying%,$select($add($mod(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,2),1),%__bitrate_dynamic%,%__bitrate_dynamic%),%__bitrate_dynamic%),%__bitrate%)'kbps'");
var tf_channels = fb.TitleFormat("$if($stricmp($codec(),MP3),$get(space2)$caps(%__mp3_stereo_mode%),$if(%__channels%,$ifgreater(%__channels%,1,Stereo,Mono),$if($strcmp(%__channels%,4),4 Ch,$sub(%__channels%,1)'.1' Ch)))");

//=================================================// Globals
var g_instancetype = window.InstanceType;
var g_font = null;
var g_font_headers = null;
var gh_date_font = gdi.Font("Corpid caps", 27, 0);
var g_font_guifx_found = utils.CheckFont("guifx v2 transports");
var rating_font = null;
var mood_font = null;
var del_rating_font = null;
var mini_font = gdi.Font("uni 05_53", 8, 0);
var ww = 0, wh = 0;
var mouse_x = 0, mouse_y = 0;
var g_textcolor = 0, g_textcolor_sel = 0, g_textcolor_hl = 0, g_backcolor = 0, g_backcolor_sel = 0;
var g_backcolor_R = 0, g_backcolor_G = 0, g_backcolor_B = 0;
var g_metadb;
var bool_on_size = false;
var g_search_string = "";
var incsearch_font = gdi.Font("TheMixMono 3-Light", 9, 0);
var incsearch_font_big = gdi.Font("TheMixMono 3-Light", 20, 1);
var clear_incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer = false;
var g_playing_item_y = null;
var g_seconds = 0;
var foo_playcount = utils.CheckComponent("foo_playcount", true);
var g_tooltip = window.CreateTooltip();
var g_tooltip_timer = false;
var show_tooltip = false;
var g_menu_displayed = false;
var g_add_items_timerID = false;
var g_drag = false;

panel = {
    themed: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.themed", true),
    wallpaper_path: window.GetProperty("*USER.background.image.path", ".\\images\\background.jpg"),
    wallpaper_img: false,
    show_wallpaper: window.GetProperty("*USER.background.image.enabled", false),
    show_shadow_border: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.shadow.border.enabled", true),
    opacity: window.GetProperty("*USER.panel.opacity.level [0,255]", 255),
    custom_textcolor: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.text.color.normal", "RGB(200,200,210)"),
    custom_textcolor_selection: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.text.color.selection", "RGB(64,128,200)"),
    custom_textcolor_highlight: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.text.color.highlight", "RGB(150,200,250)"),
    custom_backcolor: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.background.color", "RGB(30,30,35)"),
    custom_colors: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.custom.colors", false),   
    nogroupheader: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.no.group.header", false),
    tag_separator: window.GetProperty("*USER.title-artist.separator", "|"),
    properties_separator: window.GetProperty("----------------------------", "----------------------------")

dragndrop = {
    enabled: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.dragndrop.enabled", true),
    drag_id: -1,
    drop_id: -1,
    timerID: false,
    drag_in: false,
    drag_out: false

clipboard = {
    selection: null

columns = {
    playicon: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playicon.enabled", true),
    playicon_x: 0,
    playicon_w: 0,
    tracknumber: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.tracknumber.enabled", true),
    tracknumber_x: 0,
    tracknumber_w: 0,
    title: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.title.pattern", 1),
    title_x: 0,
    title_w: 0,
    rating: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.rating.enabled", true),
    rating_x: 0,
    rating_w: 0,
    rating_timerID: false,
    rating_drag: false,
    mood: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.mood.enabled", true),
    mood_x: 0,
    mood_w: 0,
    mood_timerID: false,
    mood_drag: false,
    bitrate: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.bitrate.enabled", false),
    bitrate_x: 0,
    bitrate_w: 0,
    duration_x: 0,
    duration_w: 0,
    playcount: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playcount.enabled", true)

list = {
    theme: false,
    first_launch: true,
    total: 0,
    total_gh: 0,
    total_with_gh: 0,
    nbvis: 0,
    gridx: 0,
    item: Array(),
    hlist: Array(),
    empty: Array(),
    groups: Array(),
    collapse: false,
    handlelist: null,
    metadblist_selection: plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(plman.ActivePlaylist),
    focus_id: 0,
    tocut: 0,
    mousewheel_scrollstep: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.mousewheel.scrollstep", 3),
    nowplaying: 0,
    SHIFT_start_id: null,
    SHIFT_count: 0,
    inc_search_noresult: false,
    keypressed: false,
    buttonclicked: false,
    gradient_lines_show: window.GetProperty("*USER.items.gradient.lines", false)
row = {
    h: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.row.height", 25),
    parity: 0,
    show_progress: window.GetProperty("*USER.show.progress.bar", true),
    buttons_hover: false
group = {
    nbrows_default: window.GetProperty("*USER.group.rows.number", 3),
    nbrows: 0,
    min_item_per_group: 5,
    type: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", 0),
    key: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group_pattern_album),
    w: 0
toolbar = {
    h: 0,
    lock: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.toolbar.lock", false),
    buttons: Array(),
    timerID_on: false,
    timerID_off: false,
    timerID1: false,
    timerID2: false,
    collapsed_y: -24,
    delta: 0,
    step: 3,
    state: false
vscrollbar = {
    theme: false,
    show: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.vscrollbar.visible", true),
    visible: true,
    hover: false,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    default_w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
    w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
    h: 0,
    button_total: 2,
    default_step: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.vscrollbar.step", 3),
    step: 3,
    arr_buttons: Array(),
    letter : null
scrollbarbt = {
    timerID1: false,
    timerID2: false,
    timer1_value: 400,
    timer2_value: 60
button_up = {
    img_normal: null,
    img_hover: null,
    img_down: null,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    w: vscrollbar.default_w,
    h: vscrollbar.default_w
button_down = {
    img_normal: null,
    img_hover: null,
    img_down: null,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    w: vscrollbar.default_w,
    h: vscrollbar.default_w
cursor = {
    bt: null,
    img_normal: null,
    img_hover: null,
    img_down: null,
    popup: null,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    w: vscrollbar.default_w,
    h: vscrollbar.default_w+3,
    default_h: vscrollbar.default_w+3,
    hover: false,
    drag: false,
    grap_y: 0,
    timerID: false,
    last_y: 0
cover = {
    show: window.GetProperty("*USER.cover.art.enabled", true),
    draw_glass_effect: window.GetProperty("*USER.cover.art.glass.effect.enabled", true),
    keepaspectratio: window.GetProperty("*USER.cover.keep.aspect.ratio", true),
    visible: true,
    margin: 6,
    w: 0,
    nbrows: 0,
    h: 0,
    top_offset: 0,
    load_timer: false

// stats globals (used in on_playback_time & on_playback_new_track Callbacks)
stats = {
    metadb: null,
    path_prefix: "",
    taggable_file: false,
    enabled: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.statistics.enabled", false), 
    updated: false,
    foo_playcount: utils.CheckComponent("foo_playcount", true),
    tf_length_seconds: fb.TitleFormat("%length_seconds_fp%"),
    tf_first_played: fb.Titleformat("%first_played%"),
    tf_play_counter: fb.Titleformat("%play_counter%"),
    tf_play_count: fb.Titleformat("%play_count%"),
    time_elapsed: 0,
    delay: 0,
    limit: 0

//=================================================// Playlist load
function refresh_spv_cursor(pls) {
    // RAZ actual list
    list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
    list.tocut = 0;

    // calc ratio of the scroll cursor to calc the equivalent item for the full playlist (with gh)
    var ratio = (cursor.y-vscrollbar.y) / (vscrollbar.h-cursor.h);
    // calc idx of the item (of the full playlist with gh) to display at top of the panel list (visible)
    var idx = Math.round((list.total_with_gh - list.nbvis) * ratio);
    // search what's the item that is the first to display in the list, and calc the list.tocut if needed
    var start_id_min = Math.floor(idx / (group.nbrows+1));
    var b = 0;
    for(var id = start_id_min; id < list.total; id++) {
        b = id + (list.hlist[id]*group.nbrows);
        if(b >= idx) {
    // item (id) is found, now we check how many line are to cut (c)!
    if(b > idx) {
        var c = b - group.nbrows;
        for(var d = 1; d < group.nbrows+1; d++) {
            if(idx == c + d) {
                list.tocut = d;
    } else if(b == idx) {
        if(id==0) {
            list.tocut = group.nbrows;
        } else {
            if(list.hlist[id] > list.hlist[id-1]) {
                list.tocut = group.nbrows;
            } else {
                list.tocut = 0;
    if(id<=0) {
        id = 0;
        var previous_group_key = null;
    } else {
        var previous_group_key = list.hlist[id-1];
    var i = id;
    var k = 0;
    while(i < list.total && k<=list.nbvis+group.nbrows) {
        list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        if(group.nbrows>0) {
            if(list.hlist[i] != previous_group_key) {
                list.item[k].gridx = 1;
                for(var j = 1; j < group.nbrows; j++) {
                    list.item.push(new item(i, k, j+1));
                list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        previous_group_key = list.hlist[i];
    // affect group index of each track of each group in list.item[]

//=================================================// Playlist scroll down
function scrolldown_spv(pls, step) {
    if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) return true;
    var last_item_id = list.item[list.item.length-1].id;
    if(last_item_id >= list.total-1) {  // dernier item id = le dernier id de la playlist!
        var last_item_gridx = list.item[list.item.length-1].gridx;
        if(last_item_gridx>0) {
            var k = list.item.length;
            for(var j=last_item_gridx+1;j<=group.nbrows;j++) {
                list.item.push(new item(last_item_id, k, j));
            list.item.push(new item(last_item_id, k, 0));
        } else {
            // is last_item already visible? otherwise, no scroll to do, bottom reached!
            var idx_last_item_vis = list.tocut+list.nbvis-1;
            if(idx_last_item_vis>list.item.length-1) idx_last_item_vis = list.item.length-1;
            var last_item_vis_gridx = list.item[idx_last_item_vis].gridx;
            if(last_item_vis_gridx>0) {
                var last_item_vis_id = list.item[idx_last_item_vis].id - 1;
            } else {
                var last_item_vis_id = list.item[idx_last_item_vis].id;
            if(last_item_vis_id >= last_item_id) {
                return true;
            } else {
                // scroll to do (no new item to add at bottom, but tocut index to increase)
    } else {
        // on n'est pas sur le dernier id, on peut en ajouter un au tableau item!
        var last_item_group_key = list.hlist[last_item_id];
        var last_item_gridx = list.item[list.item.length-1].gridx;
        if(last_item_gridx > 0) {
            if(last_item_gridx < group.nbrows) {
                var next_item_id = last_item_id;
                var next_item_gridx = last_item_gridx + 1;
            } else {
                var next_item_id = last_item_id;
                var next_item_gridx = 0;
        } else {
            var next_item_id = last_item_id + 1;
            if(list.hlist[next_item_id] != last_item_group_key) {
                if(group.nbrows>0) {
                    var next_item_gridx = 1;
                } else {
                    var next_item_gridx = 0;
            } else {
                var next_item_gridx = 0;
        // add the next item (new one) to the array
        list.item.push(new item(next_item_id, list.item.length, next_item_gridx));
        if(list.item[list.item.length-2].gridx>0) {
            list.item[list.item.length-1].grp_idx = 0;
        } else {
            list.item[list.item.length-1].grp_idx = list.item[list.item.length-2].grp_idx + 1;
        // remove the first item of the array, to always keep the same number of items in the Array
    var len = list.item.length;
    for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
        list.item[i].idx = i;
        list.item[i].defaulty = toolbar.h + i * row.h;
        list.item[i].y = list.item[i].defaulty - (list.tocut * row.h);


//=================================================// Playlist scroll up
function scrollup_spv(pls, step) {

    if(list.item.length<list.nbvis) return true;
    var first_item_id = list.item[0].id;
    if(first_item_id <= 0) {
        // is the first id already visible? otherwise, no scroll to do, top of the list is already reached!
        var first_item_vis_id = list.item[list.tocut].id;
        if(first_item_id >= first_item_vis_id) {
            if(group.nbrows > 0) {
                var first_item_gridx = list.item[0].gridx;
                if(first_item_gridx==1) {
                    if(list.tocut==0) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // prev item to add to complete the group header of the first item
                    var prev_item_id = first_item_id;
                    var prev_item_gridx = (first_item_gridx==0) ? group.nbrows : first_item_gridx - 1;
                    // add the next item (new one) to the array
                    list.item.unshift(new item(prev_item_id, 0, prev_item_gridx));
                    // set group index value of the new item
                    if(prev_item_gridx>0) {
                        list.item[0].grp_idx = 0;
                    } else {
                        if(list.item[1].gridx>0) {
                        } else {
                            list.item[0].grp_idx = list.item[1].grp_idx - 1;
                    // remove the last item of the array, to always keep the same number of items in the Array
        } else {
            // scroll to do (no new item to add at top, but tocut index to decrease)
    } else {
        if(list.tocut>group.nbrows) {
        } else {
            // on n'est pas sur le premier id, on peut en ajouter un au tableau item!
            var first_item_group_key = list.hlist[list.item[0].id];
            var first_item_gridx = list.item[0].gridx;
            if(first_item_gridx > 0) {
                if(first_item_gridx == 1) {
                    var prev_item_id = first_item_id - 1;
                    var prev_item_gridx = 0;
                } else {
                    var prev_item_id = first_item_id;
                    var prev_item_gridx = first_item_gridx - 1;
            } else {
                var prev_item_id = first_item_id - 1;
                if(list.hlist[prev_item_id] != first_item_group_key) {
                    if(group.nbrows>0) {
                        prev_item_id = first_item_id;
                        prev_item_gridx = group.nbrows;
                    } else {
                        prev_item_gridx = 0;
                } else {
                    prev_item_gridx = 0;
            // add the next item (new one) to the array
            list.item.unshift(new item(prev_item_id, 0, prev_item_gridx));
            // set group index value of the new item
            if(prev_item_gridx>0) {
                list.item[0].grp_idx = 0;
            } else {
                if(list.item[1].gridx>0) {
                } else {
                    list.item[0].grp_idx = list.item[1].grp_idx - 1;
            // remove the last item of the array, to always keep the same number of items in the Array
            if(list.item.length - list.tocut > list.nbvis+1+group.nbrows) {
    var len = list.item.length;
    for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
        list.item[i].idx = i;
        list.item[i].defaulty = toolbar.h + i * row.h;
        list.item[i].y = list.item[i].defaulty - (list.tocut * row.h);

//=================================================// Playlist load
function refresh_spv(pls, force) {
    var nbvis = Math.ceil((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h);
    var mid_nbvis = Math.round(nbvis / 2) - 1;
    // test if center focus item required   
    if(!force && list.item.length>0) {
        var vis_min_idx = list.item[list.tocut].id;
        var delta2max = (list.tocut+list.nbvis) - 1;
        if(delta2max<list.item.length) {
            vis_max_idx = (list.item[delta2max].gridx==0) ? list.item[delta2max].id : (list.item[delta2max].id - 1);
        } else {
            vis_max_idx = list.item[list.item.length-1].id;
        if(list.focus_id>=vis_min_idx && list.focus_id<=vis_max_idx) {
            if(button_up.timerID && list.focus_id==0 && list.item[list.tocut].gridx!=1) {
            } else {
                return true;
    var m;
    var focus_idx = 0;
    list.tocut = 0;

    // RAZ actual list
    list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
    if(list.total<=0) return true;
    var r = list.focus_id - list.nbvis;
    if(r<=0) {
        r = 0;
        var previous_group_key = null;
    } else {
        var previous_group_key = list.hlist[r-1];
    var i = r;
    var k = 0;

    while(i < list.total && k<=((group.nbrows>0?(list.nbvis*group.nbrows):list.nbvis)*2)) {
        list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        if(group.nbrows>0) {
            if(list.hlist[i] != previous_group_key) {
                list.item[k].gridx = 1;
                for(var g=1;g<group.nbrows;g++) {
                    list.item.push(new item(i, k, g+1));
                list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        if(list.item[k].id == list.focus_id) focus_idx = k;
        previous_group_key = list.hlist[i];
    // calc value of list.tocut
    if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) {
        list.tocut = 0;
    } else {
        list.tocut = focus_idx - mid_nbvis;
        if(list.tocut<=0) {
            list.tocut = 0;
        if(focus_idx+mid_nbvis+1>list.item.length-1) {
            list.tocut = list.item.length - list.nbvis;
    // affect group index of each track of each group in list.item[]

    if(vscrollbar.show) {
        if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) vscrollbar.visible = false; else vscrollbar.visible=true;
    } else {
        vscrollbar.visible = false;
    var ratio = list.nbvis / list.total_with_gh;
    if(ratio>1) ratio = 1;
    cursor.h = Math.round(ratio * vscrollbar.h);
    // boundaries for cursor height
    if(cursor.h>vscrollbar.h) cursor.h = vscrollbar.h;
    if(cursor.h<cursor.default_h) cursor.h = cursor.default_h;
    // redraw cursor image
    // set cursor position


function set_grp_idx_all() {
    if(list.item.length<=0) return true;
    if(group.nbrows>0) {
        var id = list.item[0].id;
        var key1 = list.hlist[id];
        var key2 = null;
        var grp_idx = 0;
        if(list.item[0].gridx==0) {
            while(id>0) {
                key2 = list.hlist[id-1];
                if(key2 != key1) {
                    id = 0;
                } else {
        id = list.item[0].id;
        for(var i=0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
            if(list.item[i].gridx==0) {
                list.item[i].grp_idx = grp_idx;
            } else {
                list.item[i].grp_idx = 0;
                grp_idx = 0;
    } else {
        for(var i=0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
            list.item[i].grp_idx = list.item[i].id;

function set_grp_idx_first() {
    if(list.item.length<=0) return true;
    if(group.nbrows>0) {
        var id = list.item[0].id;
        var key1 = list.hlist[id];
        var key2 = null;
        var grp_idx = 0;
        if(list.item[0].gridx==0) {
            while(id>0) {
                key2 = list.hlist[id-1];
                if(key2 != key1) {
                    id = 0;
                } else {
            list.item[0].grp_idx = grp_idx;
        } else {
            list.item[0].grp_idx = 0;
    } else {
        for(var i=0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
            list.item[i].grp_idx = list.item[i].id;

//=================================================// Offset calculations
function setcursory() {
    if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) {
        cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
    } else if(list.item.length>list.tocut){      
        var first_id = list.item[list.tocut].id;
        if(list.item[list.tocut].gridx == 0) {
            var ratio = (first_id + ((list.hlist[first_id]-0) * group.nbrows)) / (list.total_with_gh-list.nbvis);
        } else {
            var ratio = (first_id + ((list.hlist[first_id]-0) * group.nbrows) - (group.nbrows+1-list.item[list.tocut].gridx)  ) / (list.total_with_gh-list.nbvis);
        if(ratio<0) ratio = 0;
        if(ratio>1) ratio = 1;
        cursor.y = vscrollbar.y + Math.round((vscrollbar.h-cursor.h) * ratio);

function init_active_pls() {
    var temp_key1;
    var temp_key2;
    var gh_count = 0;
    var empty = 0;
    var count = 0;
    var grp_length = 0;
    var metadb;
    //var d1 = new Date();
    //var t1 = d1.getSeconds()*1000 + d1.getMilliseconds();
    list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
    list.empty.splice(0, list.empty.length);
    list.groups.splice(0, list.groups.length);
    if(list.handlelist) list.handlelist.Dispose();
    list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist);
    list.total = list.handlelist.Count;
    if(group.nbrows>0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < list.total; i++) {
            metadb = list.handlelist.Item(i);
            temp_key2 = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(metadb);
            if(temp_key1 != temp_key2){
                if(i>0) {
                if(i>0 && count<group.min_item_per_group) {
                    empty += (group.min_item_per_group - count);
                count = 0;
                //grp_length = 0;
                temp_key1 = temp_key2;
            //grp_length += metadb.Length;
            // on last item
            if(i == list.total-1) {
    } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < list.total; i++) {
    list.total_gh = gh_count;
    list.total_with_gh = list.total + (list.total_gh * group.nbrows);
    //var d2 = new Date();
    //var t2 = d2.getSeconds()*1000 + d2.getMilliseconds();
    //fb.trace("pl old apres="+t2+" ==> delta = "+Math.round(t2-t1)+" /list.hlist.length="+list.hlist.length);

//=================================================// Colour & Font Callbacks
function on_font_changed() {
    columns.duration_w = 0;
    columns.bitrate_w = 0;
    refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);

function on_colors_changed() {
    g_image_cache = new image_cache;

//=================================================// Init
function on_init() {   
    tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);

//=================================================// OnSize
function on_size() {
    if (!window.Width || !window.Height) return;
    window.DlgCode = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
    bool_on_size = true;
    if(g_instancetype == 0) { // CUI
        window.MinWidth = 200;
        window.MinHeight = 100;  
    } else if(g_instancetype == 1) { // DUI
        window.MinWidth = 200;
        window.MinHeight = 100;
    ww = window.Width;
    wh = window.Height;
    if(wh<100) wh = 100;
    // set wallpaper
    panel.wallpaper_img = FormatWP(gdi.Image(panel.wallpaper_path), ww, wh);
    // only on first launch
    if(list.first_launch) {
        list.first_launch = false;
    } else {
        // if just a window resize, refresh list.item and repaint :)
        refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        vscrollbar.w = vscrollbar.visible?vscrollbar.default_w:0;

//=================================================// OnPaint
function on_paint(gr) {
    // default background
    if(panel.opacity>=255) {
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_backcolor);
    } else {
        if(panel.show_wallpaper) {
            if(panel.wallpaper_img) {
                gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_backcolor);
                gr.DrawImage(panel.wallpaper_img, 0, 0, ww, wh, 0, 0, panel.wallpaper_img.Width, panel.wallpaper_img.Height, 0, 255-panel.opacity);
            } else {
                gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, panel.opacity));
        } else {
            gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, panel.opacity));

    // draw items
        g_playing_item_y = null;
        var draw_limit = list.tocut+list.nbvis+group.nbrows+1;
        if(draw_limit>list.item.length) draw_limit = list.item.length;
        for(var idx=list.tocut;idx<draw_limit;idx++) {
            list.item[idx].draw(gr, list.item[idx].id, idx);
    } else {
        vscrollbar.visible = false;
        vscrollbar.w = 0;

        if(fb.PlaylistCount>0) {
            var text_top = fb.GetPlaylistName(plman.ActivePlaylist);
            var text_bot = "This playlist is empty";
        } else {
            var text_top = "Br3tt's WSH Playlist Viewer";
            var text_bot = "Create a playlist to start!";
        // if empty playlist, display text info
        gr.DrawString(text_top, gdi.Font("tahoma", 17, 0), g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, 0, toolbar.h-20, ww, wh, cc_stringformat);
        gr.DrawString(text_bot, gdi.Font("tahoma", 13, 0), g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, 0, toolbar.h+20, ww, wh, cc_stringformat);
        gr.FillGradRect(40, toolbar.h+Math.floor(wh/2), ww-80, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, 0.5);

    // draw toolbar
    if(!toolbar.state && !toolbar.timerID1) {
        // draw marker to indicate toolbar expandable
        gr.DrawLine(Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)-3, 2, Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+3, 2, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gr.DrawLine(Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)-2, 3, Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+0, 5, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gr.DrawLine(Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+2, 3, Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+1, 4, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
    if(toolbar.state || toolbar.timerID1) {
        gr.FillRoundRect(09, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) - 10, ww-vscrollbar.w-20 + 2, Math.abs(toolbar.collapsed_y) + 10 + 1, 6, 6, RGBA(0,0,0,60));
        gr.FillRoundRect(10, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) - 10, ww-vscrollbar.w-20, Math.abs(toolbar.collapsed_y) + 10, 5, 5, RGBA(0,0,0,190));
        gr.DrawRoundRect(11, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) - 10, ww-vscrollbar.w-20-2, Math.abs(toolbar.collapsed_y) + 10-1, 4, 4, 1.0, RGBA(250,250,250,40));
        // draw toolbar buttons
        for(i=0;i<toolbar.buttons.length;i++) {
            switch (i) {
             case 0:
                toolbar.buttons[i].draw(gr, 16, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) + 3, 255);
             case 1:
                toolbar.buttons[i].draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w-30-15, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) + 3, 255);

    // draw vscrollbar
    if(vscrollbar.visible && vscrollbar.show) {
        // draw scrollbar background
        try {
            vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 1);
            vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh);
        } catch(e) {
            gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,10), RGBA(255,255,255,5), 0.5);
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w, 0, 1, wh, RGBA(0,0,0,20));
        // draw cursor
        cursor.bt.draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, 255);
        try {
            vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(9, 1);
            vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, cursor.w, cursor.h);
        } catch(e) {};
        // draw scrollbar buttons (up/down)
        for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            switch (i) {
             case 0:
                vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, button_up.y, 255);
             case 1:
                vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, button_down.y, 255);
        if(cursor.drag) {
            vscrollbar.letter = list.item[list.tocut].group_key.substring(0,1).toUpperCase();
            cursor.popup && gr.DrawImage(cursor.popup, ww-vscrollbar.w-cursor.popup.Width, cursor.y+Math.floor(cursor.h/2)-Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height/2), cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
            cursor.popup && gr.GdiDrawText(vscrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, ww-vscrollbar.w-cursor.popup.Width, cursor.y+Math.floor(cursor.h/2)-Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height/2), cursor.popup.Width-5, cursor.popup.Height, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
    if(panel.show_shadow_border) {
        // vertical left borders (Sunken effect)
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
        gr.FillSolidRect(1, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
        gr.FillSolidRect(2, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        // and the right one, only if scrollbar is hidden
        if(!vscrollbar.visible || !vscrollbar.show) {
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-1, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-2, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-3, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        } else {
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-1, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,10));
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-2, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        // top border
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
        gr.FillSolidRect(1, 1, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
        gr.FillSolidRect(2, 2, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        // bot border
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, wh-1, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
        gr.FillSolidRect(1, wh-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
        gr.FillSolidRect(2, wh-3, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));

    // Incremental Search Tooltip
    if(g_search_string.length>0) {
        var tt_x = Math.floor(((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2));
        var tt_y = Math.floor((wh/2) - 30);
        var tt_w = Math.round((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
        var tt_h = 60;
        gr.FillRoundRect(tt_x, tt_y, tt_w, tt_h, 5, 5, RGBA(0,0,0,150));
        gr.DrawRoundRect(tt_x, tt_y, tt_w, tt_h, 5, 5, 2.0, RGBA(255,255,255,200));
        gr.DrawRoundRect(tt_x+2, tt_y+2, tt_w-4, tt_h-4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,150));
        gr.GdiDrawText(g_search_string, incsearch_font_big, RGB(0,0,0), tt_x+1, tt_y+1 , tt_w , tt_h, DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER);
        gr.GdiDrawText(g_search_string, incsearch_font_big, list.inc_search_noresult?RGB(255,75,75):RGB(250,250,250), tt_x, tt_y , tt_w , tt_h, DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER);

//=================================================// Mouse Callbacks
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {

    g_drag = true;
    bool_on_size = false;
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    // check toolbar buttons
    if(toolbar.state) {
        for(var j=0;j<toolbar.buttons.length;j++) {
            toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("down", x, y);
    if(y>toolbar.delta) {
        // check items
        var len = list.item.length;
        row.buttons_hover = false;
        for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {
            list.item[i].checkstate("down", x, y, i);
    // check scrollbar
    if(vscrollbar.visible && vscrollbar.show) {
        if(cursor.bt.checkstate("down", x, y)==ButtonStates.down) {
            cursor.drag = true;
            cursor.grap_y = y - cursor.y;
            cursor.last_y = cursor.y;
        if(vscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
            vscrollbar.step = list.nbvis;
            if(y<cursor.y) {
                if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                    list.buttonclicked = true;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                            if(vscrollbar.hover) {
                                if(mouse_x>ww-vscrollbar.w && cursor.y > mouse_y) {
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
            } else {
                if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                    list.buttonclicked = true;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                            if(vscrollbar.hover) {
                                if(mouse_x>ww-vscrollbar.w && cursor.y+cursor.h < mouse_y) {
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        // check other vscrollbar buttons
        for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            switch(i) {
             case 0:
                if(vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("down", x, y)==ButtonStates.down) {
                    if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                        list.buttonclicked = true;
                        scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                                scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
                            }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value);
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
             case 1:
                if(vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("down", x, y)==ButtonStates.down) {
                    if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                        list.buttonclicked = true;
                        scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                                scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
                            }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value);
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, mask) {

    if(y<toolbar.delta) {
    } else if(x<ww-vscrollbar.w) {
        var len = list.item.length;
        row.buttons_hover = false;
        for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {
            list.item[i].checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i);
    } else {
        on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y);

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
    vscrollbar.step = vscrollbar.default_step;

    // scrollbar button up and down RESET
    list.buttonclicked = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = false;

    // check toolbar buttons
    if(toolbar.state) {
        for(var j=0;j<toolbar.buttons.length;j++) {
            switch(j) {
                case 0:
                    if(toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("up", x, y)==ButtonStates.hover) {
                        g_menu_displayed = true;
                        settings_menu(x, y);
                case 1:
                    if(toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("up", x, y)==ButtonStates.hover) {
                        g_menu_displayed = true;
                        sort_group_menu(x, y);

    if(list.total>0) {
        // check scrollbar buttons
        cursor.bt.checkstate("up", x, y);
        for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("up", x, y);
        if(cursor.drag) {
            window.RepaintRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-cursor.popup.Width-5, 0, cursor.popup.Width+vscrollbar.w+5, wh);
            cursor.drag = false;
        } else {
            // check items
            var len = list.item.length;
            row.buttons_hover = false;
            for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
                list.item[i].checkstate("up", x, y, i);

    // Drop items after a drag'n drop outside the playlist (e.g. to a WSH playlist tab manager panel)
    if(dragndrop.drag_out) {
        if(!panel.ishover) {
            window.NotifyOthers("WSH_playlist_drag_drop", list.metadblist_selection);
            dragndrop.drag_out = false;
    // Drop items after a drag'n drop inside the panel playlist
    if(dragndrop.drag_in) {
        if(panel.ishover && dragndrop.drag_id>=0 && dragndrop.drop_id>=0){
            var nb_selected_items = list.metadblist_selection.Count;
            if(dragndrop.drop_id > dragndrop.drag_id) {
                // on pointe sur le dernier item de la selection si on move vers le bas
                var new_drag_pos = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(nb_selected_items-1));
            } else {
                // on pointe sur le 1er item de la selection si on move vers le haut
                var new_drag_pos = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(0));
            var move_delta = dragndrop.drop_id - new_drag_pos;
            plman.MovePlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, move_delta);
    dragndrop.drag_id = -1;
    dragndrop.drop_id = -1;
    dragndrop.drag_in = false;
    dragndrop.drag_out = false;
    dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
    dragndrop.timerID = false;
    g_drag = false;
    // toolbar collapse if mouse out after a lbtn up
    if(!toolbar.lock) {
        if(y>30 || x<10 || x>ww-vscrollbar.w-10) {
            if(toolbar.delta==0) {
                toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
                toolbar.timerID_on = false;
            if(toolbar.state) {
                if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                    if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                        toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                            if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                                toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                    toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                    if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                        toolbar.delta = 0;
                                        toolbar.state = false;
                                        toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                    window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                                }, 30);
                            } ;
                            toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                            toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                        }, 400);

function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x, y) {
    bool_on_size = false;
    var len = list.item.length;
    row.buttons_hover = false;
    for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {
        if(list.item[i].checkstate("right", x, y, i)==-1) break;

function on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y) {
    if(!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
        return true;

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
    var txt = "";
    show_tooltip = false;
    if(x==mouse_x && y==mouse_y) return true;
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    panel.ishover = (x>=0 && x<=ww && y>=0 && y<=wh);
    if(dragndrop.enabled && (dragndrop.drag_in || dragndrop.drag_out)) window.SetCursor(IDC_HELP); else window.SetCursor(IDC_ARROW);

    if(y>toolbar.delta) {
        var len = list.item.length;
        var move_limit = list.tocut+list.nbvis+group.nbrows+1;
        if(move_limit>len) move_limit = len;
        row.buttons_hover = false;
        for(var j=list.tocut;j<move_limit;j++) {
            list.item[j].checkstate("move", x, y, j);
            if(list.item[j].ishover && x>columns.title_x && x<columns.title_x+columns.title_w) {
                if(group.nbrows==0 || (columns.title==1 && list.item[j].artist!=list.item[j].albumartist) || columns.title==2) {
                    txt = list.item[j].title+" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+list.item[j].artist;
                } else {
                    txt = list.item[j].title;
                if(txt) {
                    if(txt.length>0 && list.item[j].tooltip && !g_tooltip_timer) {
                        show_tooltip = true;
                if(g_tooltip.Text != txt) {     
                    g_tooltip.TrackActivate = true;
                    g_tooltip.Text = txt ? txt : "";
                    g_tooltip.TrackPosition(columns.title_x-6, list.item[j].y+Math.floor(row.h/2)-(18/2));
    } else {
        // check toolbar buttons
        if(toolbar.state) {
            for(j=0;j<toolbar.buttons.length;j++) {
                toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("move", x, y);

    if(show_tooltip) {
        g_tooltip.TrackActivate = true;
    } else {
        g_tooltip.TrackActivate = false;
    if(list.item.length>0 && vscrollbar.visible && vscrollbar.show) {
        vscrollbar.hover = (x>=ww-vscrollbar.w && x<=ww && y>=vscrollbar.y && y<=vscrollbar.y+vscrollbar.h);
        cursor.hover = (x>=cursor.x && x<=cursor.x+cursor.w && y>=cursor.y && y<=cursor.y+cursor.h);
        // check buttons
        cursor.bt.checkstate("move", x, y);
        for(var i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("move", x, y);
        if(cursor.drag && mouse_y!=y) {
            cursor.y = y - cursor.grap_y;
            // check boundaries
            if(cursor.y<vscrollbar.y) cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
            if(cursor.y>vscrollbar.y+vscrollbar.h-cursor.h) cursor.y = vscrollbar.y+vscrollbar.h-cursor.h;
            if(!cursor.timerID) {
                cursor.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                    cursor.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(cursor.timerID);
                    cursor.timerID = false;
                }, 30);
    show_tooltip = false;
    if(dragndrop.drag_in) {
        if(y<toolbar.h && y > toolbar.h-row.h) {
            if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                list.buttonclicked = true;
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                    for(i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                        scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
                }, 100);
        } else if(y>wh && y < wh+row.h) {
            if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                list.buttonclicked = true;
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                    for(i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                        scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
                }, 100);
        } else {
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
            list.buttonclicked = false;
            if(Math.floor((y-toolbar.h)/row.h)!=Math.floor((mouse_y-toolbar.h)/row.h)) {
                if(!dragndrop.timerID) {
                    dragndrop.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                        dragndrop.timerID = false;
                    }, 30);
    // hide/show toolbar
    if(!toolbar.lock && !g_drag) {
        if(y>=0 && y<=15 && x>10 && x<ww-vscrollbar.w-10) {
            if(!row.buttons_hover && !dragndrop.drag_in && !dragndrop.drag_out) {
                if(toolbar.delta==toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                    toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                    toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                if(!toolbar.timerID_on) {
                    if(toolbar.delta==0) {
                        toolbar.timerID_on = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                            toolbar.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(toolbar.timerID2);
                            toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                            if(!toolbar.timerID1) {
                                toolbar.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                    toolbar.delta += toolbar.step;
                                    if(toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta >= 0) {
                                        toolbar.delta = toolbar.collapsed_y*-1;
                                        toolbar.state = true;
                                        toolbar.timerID1 = false;
                                    window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                                }, 30);
                            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
                            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
                        }, 400);
                    } else if(toolbar.timerID2) {
                        toolbar.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(toolbar.timerID2);
                        toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                        if(!toolbar.timerID1) {
                            toolbar.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                toolbar.delta += toolbar.step;
                                if(toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta >= 0) {
                                    toolbar.delta = toolbar.collapsed_y*-1;
                                    toolbar.state = true;
                                    toolbar.timerID1 = false;
                                window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                            }, 30);
        } else if(y>30 || x<10 || x>ww-vscrollbar.w-10) {
            if(toolbar.delta==0) {
                toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
                toolbar.timerID_on = false;
            if(toolbar.state) {
                if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                    if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                        toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                            if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                                toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                    toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                    if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                        toolbar.delta = 0;
                                        toolbar.state = false;
                                        toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                    window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                                }, 30);
                            } ;
                            toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                            toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                        }, 400);
    mouse_x = x;
    mouse_y = y;

function on_mouse_wheel(delta) {
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    var abs_delta = Math.abs(delta);
    if(abs_delta==1) {
        if(delta>0) {
            for(var i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
        } else {
            for(var i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
    } else if(delta>0) {
        for(i=0;i<delta;i++) {
            scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
    } else {
        for(i=0;i<abs_delta;i++) {
            scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);

function on_mouse_leave() {

    // check buttons
    if(list.total>0) {
        cursor.bt.checkstate("leave", 0, 0);
    for(var i in vscrollbar.arr_buttons) {
        vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("leave", 0, 0);
    for(var j in toolbar.buttons) {
        toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("leave", 0, 0);

    var len = list.item.length;
    row.buttons_hover = false;
    for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
        list.item[i].checkstate("leave", 0, 0, i);

    // toolbar is to hide if visible or amorced
    if(toolbar.delta==0) {
        toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
        toolbar.timerID_on = false;
    if(!toolbar.lock && !g_drag) {
        if(!g_menu_displayed) {
            if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                    if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                        toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                            toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                            if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                toolbar.delta = 0;
                                toolbar.state = false;
                                toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                            window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                        }, 30);
                    } ;
                    toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                    toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                }, 400);

//=================================================// Callbacks

function refresh_playlist_content() {
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    list.focus_id = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(act_pls);
    refresh_spv(act_pls, true);
    vscrollbar.w = vscrollbar.visible?vscrollbar.default_w:0;

function on_playlist_switch() {
    if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
    } else {
        // test if there is an active playlist focused (may happen whenyou delete a playlist from pl manager)
        var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
        var pls_count = plman.PlaylistCount;
        if(act_pls < 0 || act_pls > pls_count) {
            if(pls_count>0) {
                act_pls = 0;
                plman.ActivePlaylist = 0;

function on_playlist_items_added(playlist_idx) {
    if(playlist_idx==plman.ActivePlaylist) {
        // timer to avoid freeze due to many tracks added at the same time, with this tweaks, refresh will be done when last item added only!
        if(g_add_items_timerID) {
            g_add_items_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(g_add_items_timerID);
            g_add_items_timerID = false;
        } else {
            g_add_items_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                g_add_items_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(g_add_items_timerID);
                g_add_items_timerID = false;
            }, 250);

function on_playlist_items_removed(playlist_idx, new_count) {
    if(playlist_idx==plman.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_playlist_items_reordered(playlist_idx) {
    if(playlist_idx==plman.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_selection_changed(metadb) {

function on_playlist_items_selection_change() {

function on_item_focus_change(playlist, from, to) {
    if(!ww || !wh) return true;
    if(to<0) { // after a remove item in playlist!
        return true;
    if(playlist!=plman.ActivePlaylist) { // case of the item played was from the queue but was the last queued so now queue is empty
        return true;
    list.focus_id = to;
    refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, bool_on_size);
    bool_on_size = false;

function on_metadb_changed(metadb_or_metadbs, fromhook) {
    var len = list.item.length;
    for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {

function on_focus(is_focused) {
    if(is_focused) {
    } else {
        g_tooltip.TrackActivate = false;
        g_tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(g_tooltip_timer);
        g_tooltip_timer = window.SetTimeout(function() {
            g_tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(g_tooltip_timer);
            g_tooltip_timer = false;
        }, 500);

//=================================================// Keyboard Callbacks
function on_key_up(vkey) {
    vscrollbar.step = vscrollbar.default_step;
    // scroll keys up and down RESET (step and timers)
    list.keypressed = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = false;
    if(vkey==VK_SHIFT) {
        list.SHIFT_start_id = null;
        list.SHIFT_count = 0;

function on_key_down(vkey) {
    if(dragndrop.drag_in) return true;
    var mask = GetKeyboardMask();
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    if (mask == KMask.none) {
        switch (vkey) {
        case VK_SHIFT:
            list.SHIFT_count = 0;
        case VK_BACK:
            if(g_search_string.length>0) {
                var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
                var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
                var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
                var tt_h = 60;
                g_search_string = g_search_string.substring(0, g_search_string.length-1);
                window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, tt_h+4);
                clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
                incsearch_timer && window.ClearTimeout(incsearch_timer);
                incsearch_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    incsearch_timer = false;
                }, 400);
        case VK_ESCAPE:
        case 222:
            var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
            var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
            var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
            var tt_h = 60;
            g_search_string = "";
            window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, tt_h+4);
        case VK_UP:
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id>0)?list.focus_id-1:0;
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id>0)?list.focus_id-1:0;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+5);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_DOWN:
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1)?list.focus_id+1:list.total-1;
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1)?list.focus_id+1:list.total-1;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+5);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_PGUP:
            var delta = 0;
            var step = 0;
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                delta = list.tocut;
                step = list.focus_id - list.item[delta].id;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id-step-1>0)?list.focus_id-step-1:0;
                list.focus_id = new_focus_id;
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        delta = list.tocut;
                        step = list.focus_id - list.item[delta].id;
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id-step-1>0)?list.focus_id-step-1:0;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_PGDN:
            var delta = 0;
            var step = 0;
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                delta = (list.tocut+list.nbvis<list.item.length)?list.tocut+list.nbvis:list.item.length-1;
                step = list.item[delta].id - list.focus_id;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1-step)?list.focus_id+step:list.total-1;
                list.focus_id = new_focus_id;
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        delta = (list.tocut+list.nbvis<list.item.length)?list.tocut+list.nbvis:list.item.length-1;
                        step = list.item[delta].id - list.focus_id;
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1-step)?list.focus_id+step:list.total-1;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_RETURN:
            // play focus item
            if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(act_pls, list.focus_id);
        case VK_END:
            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.total-1);
            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.total-1, true);
        case VK_HOME:
            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, 0);
            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, 0, true);
        case VK_DELETE:
            if(!fb.IsAutoPlaylist(act_pls)) {
                if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                    var affected_items = Array();
                    var first_focus_id = null;
                    var next_focus_id = null;
                    for(var k=0; k<list.total; k++) {
                        if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, k)) {
                            if(first_focus_id==null) fist_focus_id = k;
                            next_focus_id = k + 1;
                    if(next_focus_id>=list.total) {
                        next_focus_id = fist_focus_id;
                    if(next_focus_id!=null) {
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, next_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, next_focus_id, true);
                } else {
                    plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(act_pls, false);
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(act_pls), true);
    } else {
        switch(mask) {
            case KMask.shift:
                if(vkey==VK_UP) { // SHIFT + KEY UP
                    if(list.SHIFT_count==0) {
                        if(list.SHIFT_start_id==null) {
                            list.SHIFT_start_id = list.focus_id;
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                        if(list.focus_id>0) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else if(list.SHIFT_count<0) {
                        if(list.focus_id>0) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else {
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, false);
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                if(vkey==VK_DOWN) { // SHIFT + KEY DOWN
                    if(list.SHIFT_count==0) {
                        if(list.SHIFT_start_id==null) {
                            list.SHIFT_start_id = list.focus_id;
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                        if(list.focus_id<list.total-1) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else if(list.SHIFT_count>0) {
                        if(list.focus_id<list.total-1) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else {
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, false);
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
            case KMask.ctrl:
                if(vkey==65) { // CTRL+A
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Select all");
                if(vkey==67) { // CTRL+C
                    clipboard.selection = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(plman.ActivePlaylist);
                if(vkey==86) { // CTRL+V
                    // insert the clipboard selection (handles) after the current position in the active playlist
                    if(clipboard.selection) {
                        if(clipboard.selection.Count>0) {
                            try {
                                if(list.total>0) {
                                    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist, list.focus_id+1, clipboard.selection);
                                } else {
                                    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist, 0, clipboard.selection);
                            } catch(e) {
                                fb.trace("WSH Playlist WARNING: Clipboard can't be paste, invalid clipboard content.");
                if(vkey==70) { // CTRL+F
                if(vkey==78) { // CTRL+N
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/New playlist");
                if(vkey==79) { // CTRL+O
                if(vkey==80) { // CTRL+P
                if(vkey==83) { // CTRL+S
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Save playlist...");
            case KMask.alt:
                if(vkey==65) { // ALT+A
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Always on Top");

function on_char(code) {
    if(list.total>0) {
        var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
        var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
        var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
        var tt_h = 60;
        if(code==32 && g_search_string.length==0) return true; // SPACE Char not allowed on 1st char
        if(g_search_string.length<=20 && tt_w<=ww-vscrollbar.w-20) {
            if (code > 31) {
                g_search_string = g_search_string + String.fromCharCode(code).toUpperCase();
                window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww, tt_h+4);
                clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
                clear_incsearch_timer = false;
                incsearch_timer && window.ClearTimeout(incsearch_timer);
                incsearch_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    incsearch_timer = false;
                }, 400);

//=================================================// Playback Callbacks
function on_playback_new_track(info) {
    g_seconds = 0;
    g_metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying();

function on_playback_stop(reason) {
    if(reason==0) { // on user Stop
        g_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
    g_seconds = 0;

function on_playback_pause(state){

function on_playback_seek(time) {

function on_playback_time(time) {
    // refresh now playing track in the playlist (play icon + time elapsed/remaining)
    g_seconds = time;
    if(g_playing_item_y!=null && plman.PlayingPlaylist==plman.ActivePlaylist) {
        if(g_playing_item_y>=0-row.h && g_playing_item_y<=wh+row.h) {
            if(g_playing_item_y<0) {
                g_playing_item_y = 0;
            if(g_playing_item_y>wh-row.h) {
                g_playing_item_y = wh-row.h;
            window.RepaintRect(0, g_playing_item_y, ww-vscrollbar.w, row.h);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
    // Statistics TAGs Engine (v1.0 by Br3tt)
    // Update the TAGs below after 50% time played :
    // <FIRST_PLAYED>, <LAST_PLAYED>, <PLAY_COUNTER> (<PLAY_COUNT> replaced if found)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
    if(time <= 1) {
        stats.updated = false;
        stats.metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying();
        stats.path_prefix = stats.metadb ? stats.metadb.rawpath.substring(0,4) : "";
        stats.taggable_file = (stats.path_prefix == "file" || stats.path_prefix== "cdda");
    if(stats.metadb && stats.taggable_file && fb.IsMetadbInMediaLibrary(stats.metadb)) {
        if(time <= 1) {
            var total_seconds = stats.tf_length_seconds.Eval();
            stats.time_elapsed = Math.floor(time);
            if(total_seconds >= 10) {
                stats.limit = total_seconds - 5;
                stats.delay = Math.floor(total_seconds / 2);
            } else {
                stats.limit = total_seconds - 1;
                stats.delay = 2;
            if(stats.delay < 0) stats.delay = 0;
        } else if(stats.time_elapsed > 0) {
        if(stats.time_elapsed >= stats.delay && time <= stats.limit) {
            stats.time_elapsed = 0;

            var new_play_counter;
            var old_play_count, old_play_counter;
            old_play_count = stats.tf_play_count.Eval();
            old_play_counter = stats.tf_play_counter.Eval();

            var timestamp = getTimestamp();

            if(old_play_count >= 0 && old_play_counter == "?") {
                new_play_counter = Math.floor(old_play_count) + 1;
            } else if(old_play_counter=="?") {
                new_play_counter = 1;
            } else {
                new_play_counter = Math.floor(old_play_counter) + 1;
            var firstplayed_ts = stats.tf_first_played.Eval();

            // UPDATE TAGs
            if(stats.enabled && !stats.foo_playcount && !stats.updated) {
                if(firstplayed_ts != "?") {
                    var bool = stats.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("LAST_PLAYED", timestamp, "PLAY_COUNTER", new_play_counter, "PLAY_COUNT", "");
                } else {
                    var bool = stats.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("FIRST_PLAYED", timestamp, "LAST_PLAYED", timestamp, "PLAY_COUNTER", new_play_counter, "PLAY_COUNT", "");
                stats.updated = true;
                // report to console
                fb.trace("WSH: Statistics updated to file at : " + fb.PlaybackTime + ".");

//=================================================// Font & Colors
function get_font() {
	if (g_instancetype == 0) {
		g_font = window.gdi.Font("corpid light",12,0);
		g_font_headers = window.gdi.Font("corpid light",12,0);
	} else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
		g_font = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.playlists);
		g_font_headers = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.tabs);
    if(g_font_guifx_found) {
        rating_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 17, 0);
        del_rating_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 13, 0);
        mood_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 16, 0);
    } else {
        rating_font = gdi.Font("corpid CD Bold",22,0);
        del_rating_font = gdi.Font("corpid CD Bold",22,0);
        mood_font = gdi.Font("corpid CD Bold",22,1);

function get_colors() {
	if (g_instancetype == 0) {
		g_textcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.text);
		g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_text);
		g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.active_item_frame);
		g_backcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.background);
		g_backcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_background)
	} else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
		g_textcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.text);
		g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.selection);
		g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.highlight);
		g_backcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.background);
		g_backcolor_sel = g_textcolor_sel

    // Custom colors set in Properties of the panel
    if(panel.custom_colors) {
            if(panel.custom_textcolor.length>0) g_textcolor = eval(panel.custom_textcolor);
            if(panel.custom_textcolor_selection.length>0) {
                g_textcolor_sel = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_selection);
                g_backcolor_sel = g_textcolor_sel;
            if(panel.custom_backcolor.length>0) g_backcolor = eval(panel.custom_backcolor);
            if(panel.custom_textcolor_highlight.length>0) g_textcolor_hl = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_highlight);
        } catch(e) {};

	g_backcolor_R = getRed(g_backcolor);
	g_backcolor_G = getGreen(g_backcolor);
	g_backcolor_B = getBlue(g_backcolor)

//=================================================// Images (general)
function set_scroller() {
    var gb;
    try {
        cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
    } catch(e) {
        cursor.h = cursor.default_h;
        cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
    gb = cursor.img_normal.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(3, 1);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h);
    } catch(e) {
        gb.FillSolidRect(3, 0, cursor.w-6, cursor.h, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);

    cursor.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
    gb = cursor.img_hover.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(3, 2);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h);
    } catch(e) {
        gb.FillSolidRect(3, 0, cursor.w-6, cursor.h, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);
    cursor.bt = new button(cursor.img_normal, cursor.img_hover, cursor.img_hover);

function init_vscrollbar_buttons() {
    var i, gb;

    cursor.popup = gdi.CreateImage(27, 22);
    gb = cursor.popup.GetGraphics();
    var points = Array(22-2,7, 22-2+6,11, 22-2,22-7);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_textcolor, 0, points);
    gb.DrawPolygon(RGBA(0,0,0,150), 1.0, points);
    button_up.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
    gb = button_up.img_normal.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 1);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, 10, mid_x+0, 5, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, 6, mid_x+3, 10, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);

    button_up.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
    gb = button_up.img_hover.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 2);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, 10, mid_x+0, 5, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, 6, mid_x+3, 10, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);

    button_up.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
    gb = button_up.img_down.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 3);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, 10, mid_x+0, 5, 2.0, g_textcolor);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, 6, mid_x+3, 10, 2.0, g_textcolor);

    button_down.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
    gb = button_down.img_normal.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 5);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, button_down.h-11, mid_x+0, button_down.h-6, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, button_down.h-7, mid_x+3, button_down.h-11, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);

    button_down.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
    gb = button_down.img_hover.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 6);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, button_down.h-11, mid_x+0, button_down.h-6, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, button_down.h-7, mid_x+3, button_down.h-11, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);

    button_down.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
    gb = button_down.img_down.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 7);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, button_down.h-11, mid_x+0, button_down.h-6, 2.0, g_textcolor);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, button_down.h-7, mid_x+3, button_down.h-11, 2.0, g_textcolor);

    vscrollbar.arr_buttons.splice(0, vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length);
    for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.button_total;i++) {
        switch(i) {
         case 0:
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons.push(new button(button_up.img_normal, button_up.img_hover, button_up.img_down));
         case 1:
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons.push(new button(button_down.img_normal, button_down.img_hover, button_down.img_down));

//=================================================// Init Icons and Images (no_cover ...)
function init_icons() {
    var i;
    var gb;
    var gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 15, 0);
    glass_reflect_img = draw_glass_reflect(120, 120);
    playicon_off = gdi.CreateImage(20, row.h);
    gb = playicon_off.GetGraphics();
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = Math.floor(row.h/2) - 6;
    var x2 = 12;
    var y2 = Math.floor(row.h/2);
    var x3 = 0;
    var y3 = Math.floor(row.h/2) + 6;
    var points = Array(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_backcolor, 0, points);
    gb.DrawPolygon(g_textcolor, 1.0, points);

    playicon_on = gdi.CreateImage(20, row.h);
    gb = playicon_on.GetGraphics();
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = Math.floor(row.h/2) - 6;
    var x2 = 12;
    var y2 = Math.floor(row.h/2);
    var x3 = 0;
    var y3 = Math.floor(row.h/2) + 6;
    var points = Array(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);    gb.FillPolygon(g_backcolor, 0, points);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_backcolor, 0, points);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_textcolor_sel&0x77ffffff, 0, points);
    gb.DrawPolygon(g_textcolor, 1.0, points);
    // singleline group header icon 
    singleline_group_header_icon = gdi.CreateImage(18, 16);
    gb = singleline_group_header_icon.GetGraphics();
    // drag_n_drop markers around line of insert
    icon_arrow_left = gdi.CreateImage(8, 8);
    gb = icon_arrow_left.GetGraphics();
    gb.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, 7, 1.0, g_textcolor);
    gb.DrawLine(1, 1, 1, 7-1, 1.0, g_textcolor);
    gb.DrawLine(2, 2, 2, 7-2, 1.0, g_textcolor);
    gb.DrawLine(3, 3, 3, 7-3, 1.0, g_textcolor);

    nocover = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
    gb = nocover.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 108, 1);
    gb.DrawString("NO", gui_font, g_textcolor&0x25ffffff, 0, 0, 200, 110, cc_stringformat);
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 48, 1);
    gb.DrawString("COVER", gui_font, g_textcolor&0x20ffffff, 1, 70, 200, 110, cc_stringformat);
    gb.FillSolidRect(24, 155, 152, 20, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff);
    noartist = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
    gb = noartist.GetGraphics();

    streamcover = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
    gb = streamcover.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 42, 0);
    gb.DrawString("stream", gui_font, g_backcolor, 1, 2, 200, 190, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString("stream", gui_font, g_textcolor&0x99ffffff, 1, 0, 200, 190, cc_stringformat);

    // Toolbar buttons
    // Settings Menu button
    bt_settings_off = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_settings_off.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 28, 1);
    gb.DrawString("*", gui_font, RGB(150,150,150), 0, 2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(140,140,140));

    bt_settings_ov = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_settings_ov.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 28, 1);
    gb.DrawString("*", gui_font, RGB(190,190,190), 0, 2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(180,180,180));
    bt_settings_on = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_settings_on.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 28, 1);
    gb.DrawString("*", gui_font, RGB(230,230,230), 0, 2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(220,220,220));

    // Sort/group Menu button
    bt_sort_off = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_sort_off.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 15, 0);
    gb.DrawString("Az", gui_font, RGB(140,140,140), 0, -2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(140,140,140));

    bt_sort_ov = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_sort_ov.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 15, 0);
    gb.DrawString("Az", gui_font, RGB(180,180,180), 0, -2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(180,180,180));
    bt_sort_on = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_sort_on.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 15, 0);
    gb.DrawString("Az", gui_font, RGB(220,220,220), 0, -2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(220,220,220));

    toolbar.buttons.splice(0, toolbar.buttons.length);
    for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
        switch(i) {
         case 0:
            toolbar.buttons.push(new button(bt_settings_off, bt_settings_ov, bt_settings_on));
         case 1:
            toolbar.buttons.push(new button(bt_sort_off, bt_sort_ov, bt_sort_on));

function recalc_datas() {
    if(toolbar.lock) {
        toolbar.delta = toolbar.collapsed_y*-1;
        toolbar.state = true;
    if(panel.nogroupheader) {
        group.nbrows = 0;
    } else {
        group.nbrows = group.nbrows_default;
    list.nbvis = (((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h) == Math.ceil((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h)) ? Math.ceil((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h) : Math.ceil(((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h)-1);
    if(panel.themed) {
        vscrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar");
        list.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("listview");
    } else {
        vscrollbar.theme = false;
        list.theme = false;
    button_up.y = 0;
    button_down.y = wh - button_down.h;
    vscrollbar.y = button_up.h;
    vscrollbar.h = wh - button_up.h - button_down.h;
    cursor.x = ww-vscrollbar.w;
    cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
    if(cover.show) {
        cover.w = group.nbrows*row.h;
    } else {
        cover.w = 0;
    if(cover.w>row.h) {
        cover.visible = true;
        cover.h = cover.w;
        cover.nbrows = Math.ceil(cover.w/row.h);
    } else {
        cover.visible = false;
        cover.h = cover.w;
        cover.nbrows = Math.ceil(cover.w/row.h);

function redraw_stub_images() {
    nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w-cover.margin*2), (cover.h-cover.margin*2));
    noartist_img = FormatCover(noartist, (cover.w-cover.margin*2), (cover.h-cover.margin*2));
    streamcover_img = FormatCover(streamcover, (cover.w-cover.margin*2), (cover.h-cover.margin*2));

function SelectGroupItems(start_id) {
    var count = 0;
    var affectedItems = Array();
    if(!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {

    for(var i = start_id; i < list.total; i++) {
        if(list.hlist[i] != list.hlist[start_id]) {
        } else {
        if(count>9999) break;
    plman.SetPlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, affectedItems, true);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, start_id);

function SelectAtoB(start_id, end_id) {

    var affectedItems = Array();
    if(list.SHIFT_start_id==null) {
        list.SHIFT_start_id = start_id;
    var previous_focus_id = list.focus_id;
    if(start_id<end_id) {
        var deb = start_id;
        var fin = end_id;
    } else {
        var deb = end_id;
        var fin = start_id;        

    for(var i=deb;i<=fin;i++) {
    plman.SetPlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, affectedItems, true);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, end_id);
    if(affectedItems.length>1) {
        if(end_id > previous_focus_id) {
            var delta = end_id - previous_focus_id;
            list.SHIFT_count += delta;
        } else {
            var delta = previous_focus_id - end_id;
            list.SHIFT_count -= delta;

function ShowNowPlaying() {
    if(fb.IsPlaying) {
        if(plman.PlayingPlaylist!=plman.ActivePlaylist) {
            plman.ActivePlaylist = plman.PlayingPlaylist;
        if(plman.PlaylistItemCount(plman.PlayingPlaylist)==0 || !fb.GetFocusItem(false)) return true;
        list.nowplaying = plman.GetPlayingItemLocation();
        var pid = list.nowplaying.PlaylistItemIndex;
        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid, true);
        if(pid>=0 && pid<list.total) {
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, false);
    } else {
        var pid = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(plman.ActivePlaylist);
        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid, true);
        if(pid>=0 && pid<list.total) {
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, false);

function ShowSelectedItem(pid) {
    if(list.total==0 || !fb.GetFocusItem(false)) return true;
    if(pid<0) {
        pid = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(plman.ActivePlaylist);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid);
    plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid, true);

function IncrementalSearch() {
    var count=0;
    var albumartist;
    var chr;
    var gstart;
    var pid = -1;
    // exit if no search string in cache
    if(g_search_string.length<=0) return true;
    // 1st char of the search string
    var first_chr = g_search_string.substring(0,1);  
    var len = g_search_string.length;
    // which start point for the search
    if(list.total>1000) {
        albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(Math.floor(list.total/2)));
        chr = albumartist.substring(0,1);
        if(first_chr.charCodeAt(first_chr) > chr.charCodeAt(chr)) {
            gstart = Math.floor(list.total/2);
        } else {
            gstart = 0;
    } else {
        gstart = 0;

    var format_str = "";
    for(var i=gstart;i<list.total;i++) {
        albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
        format_str = albumartist.substring(0,len).toUpperCase();
        if(format_str==g_search_string) {
            pid = i;
    if(pid>=0) { // found!
    } else {
        list.inc_search_noresult = true;
    clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
    clear_incsearch_timer = window.SetInterval(function () {
        // reset incremental search string after 1 seconds without any key pressed
        var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
        var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
        var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
        var tt_h = 60;
        g_search_string = "";
        window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, tt_h+4);
        clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
        clear_incsearch_timer = false;
        list.inc_search_noresult = false;
    }, 1000);

//=================================================// Item Context Menu
function new_context_menu(x, y, id, array_id) {
    var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var Context = fb.CreateContextMenuManager();
    var _child01 = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _child02 = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    list.metadblist_selection = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(plman.ActivePlaylist);
    Context.BuildMenu(_menu, 1, -1);
    _child01.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Selection...");
    _child01.AppendMenuItem((fb.IsAutoPlaylist(plman.ActivePlaylist) || isQueuePlaylistActive())?MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED:MF_STRING, 1000, "Remove");
    _child02.AppendTo(_child01, MF_STRING, "Send to...");
    _child02.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 2000, "a New playlist...");
    _child02.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, "");
    var pl_count = plman.PlaylistCount;
    for(var i=0;i<pl_count;i++) {
        if(i!=plman.ActivePlaylist && !fb.IsAutoPlaylist(i)) {
            _child02.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 2001+i, plman.GetPlaylistName(i));

    var ret = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
    if(ret<800) {
        Context.ExecuteByID(ret - 1);
    } else if(ret<1000) {
        switch (ret) {
        case 880:
    } else {
        switch (ret) {
        case 1000:
            plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, false);
        case 2000:
            fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/New playlist");
            plman.InsertPlaylistItems(plman.PlaylistCount-1, 0, list.metadblist_selection, false);
            var insert_index = plman.PlaylistItemCount(ret-2001);
            plman.InsertPlaylistItems((ret-2001), insert_index, list.metadblist_selection, false);
    return true;

function sort_group_menu(x, y) {
    var idx;
    var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _sort = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _groupby = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    _sort.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Sort");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 100, "Sort by album");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 110, "Sort by artist");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 120, "Sort by file path");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 130, "Sort by date");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 140, "Sort by genre");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 150, "Randomize");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 160, "Reverse");
    _groupby.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Group/Sort");
    _groupby.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 200, "Group/Sort by album");
    _groupby.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 201, "Group/Sort by artist");
    _groupby.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 202, "Group/Sort by file path");
    idx = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
    switch(idx) {
        case 100:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_album, false);
        case 110:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_artist, false);
        case 120:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_path, false);
        case 130:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_date, false);
        case 140:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_genre, false);
        case 150:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "", false);
        case 160:
        case 200:
            group.type = 0;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", group.type);
            group.key = group_pattern_album;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group.key);
            tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "%album artist% | %date% | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", false);
        case 201:
            group.type = 1;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", group.type);
            group.key = group_pattern_artist;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group.key);
            tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "%artist% | %date% | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", false);
        case 202:
            group.type = 2;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", group.type);
            group.key = group_pattern_path;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group.key);
            tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "%path%", false);

    g_menu_displayed = false;
    // collapse toolbar
    if(!toolbar.lock) {
        if(toolbar.delta==0) {
            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
        if(toolbar.state) {
            if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                    toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                            toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                    toolbar.delta = 0;
                                    toolbar.state = false;
                                    toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                            }, 30);
                        } ;
                        toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                        toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                    }, 400);
    return true;

function settings_menu(x, y) {
    var idx;
    var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _columns = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _appearance = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1, "Lock Toolbar");
    _menu.CheckMenuItem(1, toolbar.lock?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Appearance");
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 100, "Use Themed Style");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(100, panel.themed?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 110, "Use Custom Colors");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(110, panel.custom_colors?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 120, "No Group Header");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(120, panel.nogroupheader?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 130, "Light Shadow Border (sunken effect)");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(130, panel.show_shadow_border?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 140, "Show Scrollbar");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(140, vscrollbar.show?1:0);

    _columns.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Columns");
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 200, "Play Icon");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(200, columns.playicon?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 210, "Track Number");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(210, columns.tracknumber?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 330, "Title");
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 331, "Title (Smart)");
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 332, "Title / Artist");
    _columns.CheckMenuRadioItem(330, 332, columns.title+330);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 300, "Playcount");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(300, columns.playcount?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 310, "Rating");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(310, columns.rating?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 320, "Love Track");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(320, columns.mood?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 340, "Bitrate");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(340, columns.bitrate?1:0);
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(fb.IsPlaying?MF_STRING:MF_GRAYED|MF_DISABLED, 6, "Show Now Playing");
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(plman.IsPlaybackQueueActive()?MF_STRING:MF_GRAYED|MF_DISABLED, 7, "Show Queue Playlist");
    _menu.AppendMenuItem((cover.show && list.total>0 && group.nbrows>1)?MF_STRING:MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED, 8, "Refresh Covers");
    if(!stats.foo_playcount) {
        _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 10, "Enable Playback Statistics");
        _menu.CheckMenuItem(10, stats.enabled?1:0);
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 20, "Properties");
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 21, "Configure...");
    idx = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
    switch(idx) {
        case 1:
            toolbar.lock = !toolbar.lock;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.toolbar.lock", toolbar.lock);
        case 6:
            if(plman.ActivePlaylist != plman.PlayingPlaylist) {
                if(list.handlelist) list.handlelist.Dispose();
                list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(fb.PlayingPlaylist);
                list.total = list.handlelist.Count;
                plman.ActivePlaylist = plman.PlayingPlaylist;
            } else {
        case 7:
        case 8:
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
        case 10:
            stats.enabled = !stats.enabled;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.statistics.enabled", stats.enabled);
        case 20:
        case 21:
        case 100:
            panel.themed = !panel.themed;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.themed", panel.themed);
            if(panel.themed) {
                panel.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar");
            } else {
                panel.theme = false;
        case 110:
            panel.custom_colors = !panel.custom_colors;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.custom.colors", panel.custom_colors);
        case 120:
            panel.nogroupheader = !panel.nogroupheader;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.no.group.header", panel.nogroupheader);
        case 130:
            panel.show_shadow_border = !panel.show_shadow_border;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.shadow.border.enabled", panel.show_shadow_border);
        case 140:
            vscrollbar.show = !vscrollbar.show;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.vscrollbar.visible", vscrollbar.show);
            if(list.item.length>list.nbvis) {
                if(vscrollbar.show) {
                    vscrollbar.visible = true;
                } else {
                    vscrollbar.visible = false;
            } else {
                vscrollbar.visible = false;
        case 200:
            columns.playicon = !columns.playicon;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playicon.enabled", columns.playicon);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 210:
            columns.tracknumber = !columns.tracknumber;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.tracknumber.enabled", columns.tracknumber);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 300:
            columns.playcount = !columns.playcount;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playcount.enabled", columns.playcount);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 310:
            columns.duration_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate_w = 0;
            columns.rating = !columns.rating;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.rating.enabled", columns.rating);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 320:
            columns.duration_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate_w = 0;
            columns.mood = !columns.mood;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.mood.enabled", columns.mood);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 340:
            columns.duration_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate = !columns.bitrate;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.bitrate.enabled", columns.bitrate);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 330:
        case 331:
        case 332:
            columns.title = idx - 330;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.title.pattern", columns.title);

    g_menu_displayed = false;
    // collapse toolbar
    if(!toolbar.lock) {
        if(toolbar.delta==0) {
            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
        if(toolbar.state) {
            if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                    toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                            toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                    toolbar.delta = 0;
                                    toolbar.state = false;
                                    toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                            }, 30);
                        } ;
                        toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                        toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                    }, 400);
    return true;

//=================================================// Drag'n'Drop Callbacks
var wsh_dragging = false;

function on_drag_enter() {
    wsh_dragging = true;

function on_drag_leave() {
    wsh_dragging = false;

function on_drag_over(action, x, y, mask) {
    on_mouse_move(x, y);

function on_drag_drop(action, x, y, mask) {
    wsh_dragging = false;
    // We are going to process the dropped items to a playlist
    action.Playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    action.ToSelect = false;

//=================================================// Queue Playlist features

function on_playback_queue_changed(origin) {
    if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
    } else {

function isQueuePlaylistActive() {
    var queue_pl_idx = isQueuePlaylistPresent();
    if(queue_pl_idx<0) {
        return false;
    } else if(plman.ActivePlaylist == queue_pl_idx) {
        return true;

function isQueuePlaylistPresent() {
    for(var i=0; i<plman.PlaylistCount; i++) {
        if(plman.GetPlaylistName(i)=="Queue Content") return i;
    return -1;    

function SetPlaylistQueue() {
    var total_pl = plman.PlaylistCount;
    var queue_pl_idx = isQueuePlaylistPresent();
    if(queue_pl_idx<0) {
        return true;
    } else {
        var total_in_pls = plman.PlaylistItemCount(queue_pl_idx);
        if(total_in_pls > 0) {
            var affected_items = Array();
            for(var i=0; i<total_in_pls; i++) {
            plman.SetPlaylistSelection(queue_pl_idx, affected_items, true);
    var queue_total = plman.GetPlaybackQueueCount();
    var vbarr = plman.GetPlaybackQueueContents();
    var arr = vbarr.toArray();
    var q_handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(queue_pl_idx);
    for(var j=0; j<queue_total; j++) {
    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(queue_pl_idx, j, q_handlelist, false);

function ShowPlaylistQueue(focus_id) {
    var total_pl = plman.PlaylistCount;
    var queue_pl_idx = isQueuePlaylistPresent();
    if(queue_pl_idx<0) {
        plman.CreatePlaylist(total_pl, "Queue Content");
        queue_pl_idx = total_pl;
        plman.ActivePlaylist = queue_pl_idx;
    } else {
        plman.ActivePlaylist = queue_pl_idx;
    var queue_total = plman.GetPlaybackQueueCount();
    var vbarr = plman.GetPlaybackQueueContents();
    var arr = vbarr.toArray();
    var q_handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(queue_pl_idx);
    for(var i=0; i<queue_total; i++) {
    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(queue_pl_idx, i, q_handlelist, false);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(queue_pl_idx, focus_id);
Ich habe es nach etwas Rumprobieren bei meinen Tests hinbekommen. Der Wert des "%sound%"-Tags wird jetzt in der dritten Reihe des Group-Headers angezeigt. Wenn kein Wert vorhanden ist wird ein "N.a." (Not available) ausgegeben. Das kann man natürlich beliebig ändern.

// @name "WSH Playlist Viewer"
// @version "2.0.1"
// @author "Br3tt aka Falstaff >> http://br3tt.deviantart.com"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"

// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better  >> http://foobar2000.org
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.3.1 or better  >> http://code.google.com/p/foo-wsh-panel-mod/downloads/list
// * Optional: Font uni 05_53  >> http://www.dafont.com/uni-05-x.font
//    this font is required to display extra info in group header (codec + genre) and playcount info
// * Optional: Font guifx v2 transports  >> http://blog.guifx.com/2009/04/02/guifx-v2-transport-font
//    this font is required to get nice stars for the rating columns, but if not installed, it will works with standard star (*) character
// [/Requirements]

// [Installation]
// * import/paste this jscript into a WSH Panel Mod instance of your foobar2000 layout (DUI or CUI)
// [/Installation]

// [Informations]
// * Use Jscript9 engine (if supported by your system) for better performances
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (Properties from settings menu -> toolbar button)
// * double click on toolbar > Show Now Playing item
// * use keyboard to search artist in the playlist (incremental search feature)
// [/Informations]

//=================================================// General declarations
// }}
// Use with MenuManager() 
// {{
MF_STRING = 0x00000000;
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800;
MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
MF_POPUP = 0x00000010;
// }}
// Used in window.SetCursor()
// {{
IDC_ARROW = 32512;
IDC_IBEAM = 32513;
IDC_WAIT = 32514;
IDC_CROSS = 32515;
IDC_UPARROW = 32516;
IDC_SIZE = 32640;
IDC_ICON = 32641;
IDC_SIZEWE = 32644;
IDC_SIZENS = 32645;
IDC_SIZEALL = 32646;
IDC_NO = 32648;
IDC_HAND = 32649;
IDC_HELP = 32651;
// }}
// Use with GdiDrawText() 
// {{
var DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
var DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
var DT_TOP = 0x00000000;
var DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;
var DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;
var DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010;
var DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;
var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400;
var DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800;
var DT_EDITCONTROL = 0x00002000;
var DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;
// }}
// Keyboard Flags & Tools
// {{
var VK_BACK = 0x08;
var VK_RETURN = 0x0D;
var VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
var VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
var VK_ALT = 0x12;
var VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B;
var VK_PGUP = 0x21;
var VK_PGDN = 0x22;
var VK_END = 0x23;
var VK_HOME = 0x24;
var VK_LEFT = 0x25;
var VK_UP = 0x26;
var VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
var VK_DOWN = 0x28;
var VK_INSERT = 0x2D;
var VK_DELETE = 0x2E;
var VK_SPACEBAR = 0x20;
var KMask = {
    none: 0,
    ctrl: 1,
    shift: 2,
    ctrlshift: 3,
    ctrlalt: 4,
    ctrlaltshift: 5,
    alt: 6
function GetKeyboardMask() {
    var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false;
    var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false;
    var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false;
    var ret = KMask.none;
    if (c && !a && !s) ret = KMask.ctrl;
    if (!c && !a && s) ret = KMask.shift;
    if (c && !a && s) ret = KMask.ctrlshift;
    if (c && a && !s) ret = KMask.ctrlalt;
    if (c && a && s) ret = KMask.ctrlaltshift;
    if (!c && a && !s) ret = KMask.alt;
    return ret;
// }}
// {{
// Used in window.GetColorCUI()
ColorTypeCUI = {
    text: 0,
    selection_text: 1,
    inactive_selection_text: 2,
    background: 3,
    selection_background: 4,
    inactive_selection_background: 5,
    active_item_frame: 6
// Used in window.GetFontCUI()
FontTypeCUI = {
    items: 0,
    labels: 1
// Used in window.GetColorDUI()
ColorTypeDUI = {
    text: 0,
    background: 1,
    highlight: 2,
    selection: 3
// Used in window.GetFontDUI()
FontTypeDUI = {
    defaults: 0,
    tabs: 1,
    lists: 2,
    playlists: 3,
    statusbar: 4,
    console: 5
// {{
// Used in gr.DrawString()
function StringFormat() {
    var h_align = 0,
    v_align = 0,
    trimming = 0,
    flags = 0;
    switch (arguments.length) {
        case 3:
        trimming = arguments[2];
        case 2:
        v_align = arguments[1];
        case 1:
        h_align = arguments[0];
        return 0;
    return ((h_align << 28) | (v_align << 24) | (trimming << 20) | flags);
StringAlignment = {
    Near: 0,
    Centre: 1,
    Far: 2
var lt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);
var ct_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Near);
var rt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);
var lc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Centre);
var cc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Centre);
var rc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Centre);
var lb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Far);
var cb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Far);
var rb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far);
// {{
// Used in utils.GetAlbumArt()
AlbumArtId = {
	front: 0,
	back: 1,
	disc: 2,
	icon: 3,
	artist: 4
// {{
// Used everywhere!
function RGB(r, g, b) {
    return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));
function RGBA(r, g, b, a) {
    return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));
function getAlpha(color) {
    return ((color >> 24) & 0xff);

function getRed(color) {
    return ((color >> 16) & 0xff);

function getGreen(color) {
    return ((color >> 8) & 0xff);

function getBlue(color) {
    return (color & 0xff);
function num(strg, nb) {
    var i;
    var str = strg.toString();
    var k = nb - str.length;
    if (k > 0) {
        for (i=0;i<k;i++) {
            str = "0" + str;
    return str.toString();
//Time formatting secondes -> 0:00
function TimeFromSeconds(t){
    var zpad = function(n){
    var str = n.toString();
        return (str.length<2) ? "0"+str : str;
    var h = Math.floor(t/3600); t-=h*3600;
    var m = Math.floor(t/60); t-=m*60;
    var s = Math.floor(t);
    if(h>0) return h.toString()+":"+zpad(m)+":"+zpad(s);
    return m.toString()+":"+zpad(s);
function TrackType(trkpath) {
    var taggable;
    var type;
    switch (trkpath) {
        case "file":
        taggable = 1;
        type = 0;
        case "cdda":
        taggable = 1;
        type = 1;
        case "FOO_":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 2;
        case "http":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 3;
        case "mms:":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 3;
        case "unpa":
        taggable = 0;
        type = 4;
        taggable = 0;
        type = 5;
    return type;
function replaceAll(str, search, repl) {
    while (str.indexOf(search) != -1) {
        str = str.replace(search, repl);
    return str;
function removeAccents(str) {
    var norm = new Array('À','Á','Â','Ã','Ä','Å','Æ','Ç','È','É','Ê','Ë',
    'Ì','Í','Î','Ï', 'Ð','Ñ','Ò','Ó','Ô','Õ','Ö','Ø','Ù','Ú','Û','Ü','Ý',
    var spec = new Array('A','A','A','A','A','A','AE','C','E','E','E','E',
    'I','I','I','I', 'D','N','O','O','O','O','O','O','U','U','U','U','Y',
    for (var i = 0; i < spec.length; i++) {
        str = replaceAll(str, norm[i], spec[i]);
    return str;

//=================================================// Button object
ButtonStates = {normal: 0, hover: 1, down: 2};
button = function (normal, hover, down) {
    this.img = Array(normal, hover, down);
    this.w = this.img[0].Width;
    this.h = this.img[0].Height;
    this.state = ButtonStates.normal;
    this.update = function (normal, hover, down) {
        this.img = Array(normal, hover, down);
    this.draw = function (gr, x, y, alpha) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.img[this.state] && gr.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h, 0, alpha);
    this.display_context_menu = function (x, y, id) {};
    this.repaint = function () {
        window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
    this.checkstate = function (event, x, y) {
        this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1);
        this.old = this.state;
        switch (event) {
         case "down":
            switch(this.state) {
             case ButtonStates.normal:
             case ButtonStates.hover:
                this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
         case "up":
            this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
         case "right":
             if(this.ishover) this.display_context_menu(x, y, id);
         case "move":
            switch(this.state) {
             case ButtonStates.normal:
             case ButtonStates.hover:
                this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
         case "leave":
            this.state = this.isdown ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
        if(this.state!=this.old) this.repaint();
        return this.state;

//=================================================// Tools (general)
function get_system_scrollbar_width() {
    var tmp = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
    return tmp;

function get_system_scrollbar_height() {
    var tmp = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
    return tmp;

String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {
    return new Array(num+1).join(this);

function getTimestamp() {
    var d, s1, s2, s3, hh, min, sec, timestamp;
    d = new Date();
    s1 = d.getFullYear();
    s2 = (d.getMonth() + 1);
    s3 = d.getDate();
    hh = d.getHours();
    min = d.getMinutes();
    sec = d.getSeconds();
    if(s3.length == 1) s3 = "0" + s3;
    timestamp = s1 + ((s2 < 10) ? "-0" : "-") + s2 + ((s3 < 10) ? "-0" : "-" ) + s3 + ((hh < 10) ? " 0" : " ") + hh + ((min < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + min + ((sec < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + sec;
    return timestamp;

//=================================================// Sort pattern used in this panel
var sort_pattern_album = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_album", "%album artist%|$if(%album%,$if2(%date%,9999),0000)|%album%|%discnumber%|%tracknumber%");
var sort_pattern_artist = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_artist", "%artist%|$if(%album%,$if2(%date%,9999),0000)|%album%|%discnumber%|%tracknumber%");
var sort_pattern_path = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_path", "%path%");
var sort_pattern_date = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_date", "%date%");
var sort_pattern_genre = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.sort_pattern_genre", "%genre%");

//=================================================// Group pattern used in this panel
var group_pattern_album = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group_pattern_album", "%album artist%%album%%discnumber%");
var group_pattern_artist = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group_pattern_artist", "%artist%");
var group_pattern_path = window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group_pattern_path", "%directory%");

//=================================================// Image declarations
var playicon_off;
var playicon_on;
var nocover;
var nocover_img;
var noartist;
var noartist_img;
var streamcover;
var streamcover_img;
var glass_reflect_img;
var icon_arrow_left;
var singleline_group_header_icon;
var bt_settings_off;
var bt_settings_ov;
var bt_settings_on;
var bt_sort_off;
var bt_sort_ov;
var bt_sort_on;

function on_get_album_art_done(metadb, art_id, image, image_path) {
    var draw_limit = list.tocut+list.nbvis+group.nbrows+1;
    if(draw_limit>list.item.length) draw_limit = list.item.length;
    for(var i=list.tocut;i<draw_limit;i++) {
        if(list.item[i].metadb && list.item[i].gridx==group.nbrows) {
            if(list.item[i].metadb.Compare(metadb)) {
                list.item[i].cover_img = g_image_cache.getit(list.item[i], image);
                var cx = list.item[i].x + cover.margin;
                var cy = list.item[i].y - ((group.nbrows-1)*row.h);
                cx = cover.margin;
                cy = list.item[i].y - ((group.nbrows-1)*row.h);
                // fix for a weird behaviour with engine Jscript9
                if(!cx) cx = 2; else if(cx<2) cx = 2;
                if(!cy) cy = 2; else if(cy<2) cy = 2;
                window.RepaintRect(cx-2, cy-2, group.nbrows*row.h, group.nbrows*row.h);

//=================================================// Cover Tools
image_cache = function () {
    this._cachelist = {};
    this.hit = function (item) {
        var img = this._cachelist[item.metadb.Path];
        if (typeof img == "undefined") {
            if(!cover.load_timer) {
                cover.load_timer = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        case 0:
                            var art_id = AlbumArtId.front;
                        case 1:
                            var art_id = AlbumArtId.artist;
                        case 2:
                            var art_id = AlbumArtId.front;
                    utils.GetAlbumArtAsync(window.ID, item.metadb, art_id, true, false, false);
                    cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
                    cover.load_timer = false;
                }, 35);
        return img;
    this.getit = function (item, image, image_path) {
        var img;
        if(cover.keepaspectratio) {
            if(!image) {
                var pw = (cover.w-cover.margin*2);
                var ph = (cover.h-cover.margin*2);
            } else {
                if(image.Height>=image.Width) {
                    var ratio = image.Width / image.Height;
                    var pw = (cover.w-cover.margin*2)*ratio;
                    var ph = (cover.h-cover.margin*2);
                } else {
                    var ratio = image.Height / image.Width;
                    var pw = (cover.w-cover.margin*2);
                    var ph = (cover.h-cover.margin*2)*ratio;
        } else {
            var pw = cover.w-cover.margin*2;
            var ph = cover.h-cover.margin*2;
        // item.cover_type : 0 = nocover, 1 = external cover, 2 = embedded cover, 3 = stream
        if(item.track_type!=3) {
            if(item.metadb) {
                img = FormatCover(image, pw, ph);
                if(!img) {
                    img = (group.type==1)?noartist_img:nocover_img;
                    item.cover_type = 0;
                } else {
                    item.cover_type = 1;
        } else {
            img = streamcover_img;
            item.cover_type = 3;
        this._cachelist[item.metadb.Path] = img;
        return img;
var g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function FormatCover(image, w, h) {
	if(!image || w<=0 || h<=0) return image;
    if(cover.draw_glass_effect) {
        var new_img = image.Resize(w, h, 2);
        var gb = new_img.GetGraphics();
        if(h>w) {
            gb.DrawImage(glass_reflect_img, Math.floor((h-w)/2)*-1+1, 1, h-2, h-2, 0, 0, glass_reflect_img.Width, glass_reflect_img.Height, 0, 150);
        } else {
            gb.DrawImage(glass_reflect_img, 1, Math.floor((w-h)/2)*-1+1, w-2, w-2, 0, 0, glass_reflect_img.Width, glass_reflect_img.Height, 0, 150);
        return new_img;
    } else {
        return image.Resize(w, h, 2);

function FormatWP(image, w, h) {
	if(!image || w<=0 || h<=0) return image;
    return image.Resize(w, h, 2);

function draw_glass_reflect(w, h) {
    // Mask for glass effect
    var Mask_img = gdi.CreateImage(w, h);
    var gb = Mask_img.GetGraphics();
    gb.FillEllipse(-20, 25, w*2+40, h*2, 0xffffffff);
    // drawing the white rect
    var glass_img = gdi.CreateImage(w, h);
    gb = glass_img.GetGraphics();
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, w, h, 0xffffffff);
    // resizing and applying the mask
    var Mask = Mask_img.Resize(w, h);
    return glass_img;

function reset_cover_timers() {
    cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
    cover.load_timer = false;

function repaint_rating(ry) {
    if(!columns.rating_timerID) {
        //columns.rating_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
            window.RepaintRect(columns.rating_x, ry, columns.rating_w, row.h);
            columns.rating_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(columns.rating_timerID);
            columns.rating_timerID = false;

function repaint_mood(ry) {
    if(!columns.mood_timerID) {
        //columns.mood_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
            window.RepaintRect(columns.mood_x, ry, columns.mood_w, row.h);
            columns.mood_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(columns.mood_timerID);
            columns.mood_timerID = false;

//=================================================// Item Object
ItemStates = {normal: 0, hover: 1, selected: 2};
item = function (id, idx, gridx) {
    if (typeof this.id == "undefined") {
        this.id = id;
        this.idx = idx;
        this.gridx = gridx;
        this.grp_idx = 0;
        this.metadb = list.handlelist.Item(this.id);
        this.x = 0;
        this.defaulty = toolbar.h + (idx) * row.h;
        this.w = ww;
        this.h = row.h;
        this.l_rating = 0;
        this.l_mood = 0;
        this.tooltip = false;
        if(this.metadb) {
            this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.group_key = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0,4));
            if(this.gridx==0) {
                this.tracknumber = tf_tracknumber.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.artist = tf_artist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.title = tf_title.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.playcount = columns.playcount ? tf_playcount.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.duration = tf_duration.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.mood = columns.mood ? tf_mood.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.rating = columns.rating ? tf_rating.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.bitrate = columns.bitrate ? tf_bitrate.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : "";
            } else {
                this.genre = tf_genre.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.date = tf_date.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.codec = tf_codec.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.sound = tf_sound.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.disc_info = tf_disc_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);

    this.update_infos = function() {
        if(this.metadb) {
            this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.group_key = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
            this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0,4));
            if(this.gridx==0) {
                this.tracknumber = tf_tracknumber.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.artist = tf_artist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.title = tf_title.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.playcount = tf_playcount.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.duration = tf_duration.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.mood = columns.mood ? tf_mood.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.rating = columns.rating ? tf_rating.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : 0;
                this.bitrate = columns.bitrate ? tf_bitrate.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb) : "";
            } else {
                this.genre = tf_genre.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.date = tf_date.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.codec = tf_codec.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.sound = tf_sound.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                this.disc_info = tf_disc_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);

    this.draw = function(gr, id, idx) {
        this.y = this.defaulty - (list.tocut * row.h);
        if(this.gridx==0) {
            // ---------------------
            // ::: Draw item
            // ---------------------
            if(list.focus_id==this.id) {
                // focused item bg
                var state = 2;
                try {
                    list.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 10);
                    list.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, this.x, this.y, ww-vscrollbar.w, this.h);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawRoundRect(this.x+1, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-3, this.h-1, 2, 2, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x20ffffff);
                    gr.FillGradRect(this.x+2, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-4, this.h-1, 90, 0, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff, 1.0);
            } else {
                if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id)) {
                    // selected item bg
                    var state = 1;
                    try {
                        list.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 10);
                        list.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, this.x, this.y, ww-vscrollbar.w, this.h);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.DrawRoundRect(this.x+1, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-3, this.h-1, 2, 2, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x20ffffff);
                        gr.FillGradRect(this.x+2, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-4, this.h-1, 90, 0, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff, 1.0);
                } else {
                    // default item bg (odd/even)
                    var state = 0;
                    if(Math.floor(this.grp_idx/2) == this.grp_idx/2) {
                        gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w, this.h, RGBA(255,255,255,5));
                    } else {
                        gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w, this.h, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
                    if(list.gradient_lines_show) {
                        gr.FillGradRect(this.x+30, this.y, this.w-vscrollbar.w-60, 1, 0, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,80), 0.5);
                        gr.FillGradRect(this.x+30, this.y+1, this.w-vscrollbar.w-60, 1, 0, 0, RGBA(255,255,255,15), 0.5);
            // last item shadow effect
            if(this.id==list.total-1) {
                gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+this.h+0, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,75));
                gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+this.h+1, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,35));
                gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+this.h+2, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,12));
            // ****************************
            // .start. *** cols metrics ***
            // ****************************
            columns.playicon_x = 0;
            if(columns.playicon) {
                columns.playicon_w = (cover.margin + 20);
            } else {
                columns.playicon_w = 3;
            columns.tracknumber_x = columns.playicon_x + columns.playicon_w;
            if(columns.tracknumber) {
                columns.tracknumber_w = 40;
            } else {
                columns.tracknumber_w = 5;
            if(columns.rating || columns.bitrate || columns.mood) {
                if(columns.duration_w<=0) {
                    columns.duration_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("00:00:00", g_font);
            } else {
                columns.duration_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(" -"+this.duration, g_font);
            columns.duration_x = ww-vscrollbar.w - columns.duration_w - cover.margin;
            if(columns.rating_w<=0) {
                if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                    columns.rating_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("bbbbb", rating_font);
                } else {
                    columns.rating_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("*****", rating_font);
            columns.rating_x = columns.duration_x - (columns.rating_w*columns.rating);
            if(columns.mood_w<=0) {
                if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                    columns.mood_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("v", mood_font) + 3;
                } else {
                    columns.mood_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("?", mood_font) + 3;
            columns.mood_x = columns.rating_x - (columns.mood_w*columns.mood);
            if(columns.bitrate_w<=0) {
                columns.bitrate_w = gr.CalcTextWidth("XXXXXXX", g_font)*columns.bitrate;
            columns.bitrate_x = columns.mood_x - (columns.bitrate_w*columns.bitrate);
            if(columns.playcount && this.playcount>0) {
                var playcount_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(this.playcount, mini_font)+3;
            } else {
                var playcount_w = 0;
            columns.title_x = columns.tracknumber_x + columns.tracknumber_w;
            columns.title_w = (columns.rating_x - columns.title_x - 3 - playcount_w) - (columns.bitrate_w*columns.bitrate) - (columns.mood_w*columns.mood);
            // **************************
            // .end. *** cols metrics ***
            // **************************
            row.parity = (row.h/2==Math.floor(row.h))?1:0;
            // now playing info : Play icon + Progress bar
            var duration = this.duration;
            var bitrate = this.bitrate;
            if(plman.PlayingPlaylist == plman.ActivePlaylist) {
                if(fb.IsPlaying) {
                    list.nowplaying = plman.GetPlayingItemLocation();
                    if(this.id==list.nowplaying.PlaylistItemIndex) {
                        var isplaying = true;
                        g_playing_item_y = this.y;
                        // progress bar (if not a stream!)
                        if(this.track_type!=3 && row.show_progress && fb.PlaybackLength) {
                            var length_seconds = tf_length_seconds.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
                            var progress = Math.round(g_seconds / length_seconds * (ww-vscrollbar.w-this.x-2));
                            gr.FillGradRect(this.x+1, this.y, progress, this.h, 90, g_textcolor_sel&0x20ffffff, 0, 0.5);
                        // calc dynamic other tf values
                        duration = tf_playback_time_remaining.Eval(true);
                        bitrate = tf_bitrate_playing.Eval(true);
                        if(columns.playicon) {
                            if(g_seconds/2==Math.floor(g_seconds/2)) {
                                gr.DrawImage(playicon_off, columns.playicon_x+9, this.y, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 0, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 255);
                            } else {
                                gr.DrawImage(playicon_on, columns.playicon_x+9, this.y, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 0, playicon_off.Width, playicon_off.Height, 0, 255);
                    } else {
                        var isplaying = false;
            // draw tracknumber
            if(columns.tracknumber) {
                if(plman.IsPlaybackQueueActive()) {
                    var queue_index = plman.FindPlaybackQueueItemIndex(this.metadb, plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id);
                if(state==0) {
                    if(queue_index>=0) {
                        gr.FillGradRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-7, this.h-6, 90, g_backcolor&0x15ffffff, RGBA(100,180,100,70), 1.0);
                        gr.DrawRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-8, this.h-7, 1.0, RGBA(100,180,100,40));
                    } else {
                        if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                            gr.FillGradRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-7, this.h-6, 90, g_backcolor&0x15ffffff, RGBA(100,180,100,70), 1.0);
                            gr.DrawRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-8, this.h-7, 1.0, RGBA(100,180,100,40));
                        } else {
                            gr.FillGradRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-7, this.h-6, 90, g_backcolor&0x15ffffff, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff, 1.0);
                            gr.DrawRect(columns.tracknumber_x+3, this.y+3, columns.tracknumber_w-8, this.h-7, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x10ffffff);
                //var new_tracknumber = (this.tracknumber>0)? this.tracknumber : (group.nbrows>0?num(this.grp_idx+1,2):"?");
                var new_tracknumber = (queue_index>=0) ? " " + num(queue_index+1,2) + "*" : ((this.tracknumber>0)? this.tracknumber : num(this.grp_idx+1,2));
                try {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(new_tracknumber, g_font, (queue_index>=0 || isQueuePlaylistActive())?RGB(100,180,100):(isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor), columns.tracknumber_x, this.y, columns.tracknumber_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(new_tracknumber, gdi.Font("tahoma", 11), (queue_index>=0 || isQueuePlaylistActive())?RGB(100,180,100):(isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor), columns.tracknumber_x, this.y, columns.tracknumber_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);

            // draw title
            try {
                tf_title_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(this.title, g_font);
                if(tf_title_w > columns.title_w) {
                    tf_title_w = columns.title_w;
                    this.tooltip = true;
                gr.GdiDrawText(this.title, g_font, isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.title_x, this.y, columns.title_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } catch(e) {
                tf_title_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(this.title, gdi.Font("tahoma", 11));
                if(tf_title_w > columns.title_w) {
                    tf_title_w = columns.title_w;
                    this.tooltip = true;
                gr.GdiDrawText(this.title, gdi.Font("tahoma", 11), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.title_x, this.y, columns.title_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // draw artist
            if(group.nbrows==0 || (columns.title==1 && this.artist!=this.albumartist) || columns.title==2) {
                var artist_x = columns.title_x + tf_title_w;
                try {
                    var artist_w = columns.title_w - tf_title_w;
                    tf_artist_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, g_font);
                    if(tf_artist_w > artist_w) {
                        tf_artist_w = artist_w;
                        this.tooltip = true;
                    if(tf_title_w < columns.title_w) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, g_font, g_textcolor_hl, artist_x, this.y, artist_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } catch(e) {
                    var artist_w = columns.title_w - tf_title_w;
                    tf_artist_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, gdi.Font("tahoma", 11));
                    if(tf_artist_w > artist_w) {
                        tf_artist_w = artist_w;
                        this.tooltip = true;
                    if(tf_title_w < columns.title_w) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+this.artist, gdi.Font("tahoma", 11), g_textcolor_hl, artist_x, this.y, artist_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } else {
                if(tf_title_w > columns.title_w) this.tooltip = true;
                tf_artist_w = 0;
            // draw playcount
            if(columns.playcount && playcount_w>0) {
                var playcount_x = columns.title_x + tf_title_w + tf_artist_w;
                try {
                    gr.DrawString(this.playcount, mini_font, g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, playcount_x, this.y-4, playcount_w, this.h-row.parity, rc_stringformat);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawString(this.playcount, gdi.Font("tahoma", 8), g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, playcount_x, this.y-4, playcount_w, this.h-row.parity, rc_stringformat);
            // draw rating
            if(columns.rating) {
                // Rating engine
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++){
                            var r_color = (i > (this.rating_hover ? this.l_rating : this.rating)) ? g_textcolor&0x12ffffff : (this.rating_hover ? (i==this.rating ? (i==this.l_rating ? RGB(255,50,50) : g_textcolor_sel) : g_textcolor_sel) : g_textcolor&0x90ffffff);
                            if(this.rating_hover && this.l_rating==this.rating) {
                                r_color = i<=this.l_rating ? RGB(255,50,50) : g_textcolor&0x12ffffff;
                        } else {
                            var r_color = g_textcolor&0x12ffffff;
                        if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                                gr.DrawString("x", del_rating_font, r_color, columns.rating_x+14*(i-1)+1, this.y-1, 14, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                            } else {
                                gr.DrawString("b", rating_font, r_color, columns.rating_x+14*(i-1), this.y, 14, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                        } else {
                            gr.DrawString("*", rating_font, r_color, columns.rating_x+12*(i-1), this.y+4, 12, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                } else {
                    if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                        gr.DrawString("bbbbb", rating_font, g_textcolor&0x12ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y-1, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                        gr.DrawString("b".repeat(Math.round(this.rating)), rating_font, g_textcolor&0x90ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y-1, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                    } else {
                        gr.DrawString("*****", rating_font, g_textcolor&0x12ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y+4, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                        gr.DrawString("*".repeat(Math.round(this.rating)), rating_font, g_textcolor&0x90ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y+4, columns.rating_w+1, row.h, lc_stringformat);

            // draw bitrate
            if(columns.bitrate) {
                try {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(bitrate, g_font, isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.bitrate_x, this.y, columns.bitrate_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.GdiDrawText(bitrate, gdi.Font("tahoma", 11), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.bitrate_x, this.y, columns.bitrate_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // draw Mood icon
            if(columns.mood) {
                    r_color = this.mood_hover ? g_textcolor_sel : (this.mood!=0 ? RGB(255,80,120) : g_textcolor&0x12ffffff);
                } else {
                    var r_color = g_textcolor&0x12ffffff;
                if(g_font_guifx_found) {
                    gr.DrawString("v", mood_font, r_color, columns.mood_x, this.y+1, columns.mood_w, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                } else {
                    gr.DrawString("?", mood_font, r_color, columns.mood_x, this.y, columns.mood_w, row.h, lc_stringformat);

            // draw playbacktime/duration
            try {
                gr.GdiDrawText(duration, g_font, isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.duration_x, this.y, columns.duration_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_RIGHT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } catch(e) {
                gr.GdiDrawText(duration, gdi.Font("tahoma", 11), isplaying?g_textcolor_sel:g_textcolor, columns.duration_x, this.y, columns.duration_w, this.h-row.parity, DT_RIGHT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // if dragging items, draw line at top of the hover items to show where dragged items will be inserted on mouse button up
            if(dragndrop.drag_in && this.ishover && panel.ishover) {
                if(!plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id)) {
                    if(this.id>dragndrop.drag_id) {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y+this.h, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y+this.h, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y+this.h-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y+this.h-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id;
                    } else if(this.id<dragndrop.drag_id) {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id;

        } else if(this.gridx==group.nbrows && group.nbrows>0) {
            // ---------------------
            // ::: Draw group Header
            // ---------------------
            // total items in the group
            var total_grp_items = list.groups[list.hlist[this.id]-1];
            // background
            if(group.nbrows>1 && group.type==0) {  // display the year only if group by album (group.type = 0)
                var date_str = gr.MeasureString(this.date, gh_date_font, 0, 0, 200, 30, 0);
                var year_x = ww-vscrollbar.w-date_str.Width-cover.margin;
                var year_w = (group.nbrows>1 && (this.album.length>0 || total_grp_items==1) && this.date)?date_str.Width+cover.margin*2:0;
            } else {
                var year_x = 0;
                var year_w = 0;
            gr.FillGradRect(this.x, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), this.w-vscrollbar.w-year_w, group.nbrows*row.h, 90, RGBA(255,255,255,15), RGBA(0,0,0,15), 1.0);
            gr.FillGradRect(this.x-30, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), this.w-vscrollbar.w+60, 1, 0, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,15), 0.5);
            gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+1, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(255,255,255,15));
            gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+row.h-0, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(255,255,255,5));
            gr.FillSolidRect(this.x, this.y+row.h-1, this.w-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
            // draw cover art
            if(cover.show && cover.visible && this.y>(0-group.nbrows*row.h) && this.y<(wh-toolbar.h)+(group.nbrows*row.h)) {
                // cover bg
                var cv_x = this.x+cover.margin;
                var cv_y = ((this.y+row.h)-(row.h*group.nbrows))+cover.margin;
                var cv_w = cover.w-cover.margin*2;
                var cv_h = cover.h-cover.margin*2;
                if(!cover.keepaspectratio) {
                    gr.FillSolidRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w-2, cv_h-2, g_backcolor);
                    gr.FillSolidRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w-2, cv_h-2, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff);
                    gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x80ffffff);
                this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
                if(this.cover_img) {
                    if(cover.keepaspectratio) {
                        // *** check aspect ratio *** //
                        if(this.cover_img.Height>=this.cover_img.Width) {
                            var ratio = this.cover_img.Width / this.cover_img.Height;
                            var pw = cv_w*ratio;
                            var ph = cv_h;
                            this.left = Math.floor((ph-pw) / 2);
                            this.top = 0;
                            cv_x += this.left;
                            cv_y += this.top*1;
                            cv_w = cv_w - this.left*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                            cv_h = cv_h - this.top*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                        } else {
                            var ratio = this.cover_img.Height / this.cover_img.Width;
                            var pw = cv_w;
                            var ph = cv_h*ratio;
                            this.top = Math.floor((pw-ph) / 2);
                            this.left = 0;
                            cv_x += this.left;
                            cv_y += this.top*1;
                            cv_w = cv_w - this.left*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                            cv_h = cv_h - this.top*2 - cover.margin - 1;
                        // *** check aspect ratio *** //
                    // Draw Cover Art (when available)
                    if(cover.keepaspectratio) {
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+2, cv_y+2, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,45));
                        gr.DrawImage(this.cover_img, cv_x, cv_y, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 0, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, g_backcolor);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w+cover.margin*1, cv_h+cover.margin*1, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x80ffffff);                    
                    } else {
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+2, cv_y+2, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x+1, cv_y+1, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,45));
                        gr.DrawImage(this.cover_img, cv_x, cv_y, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 0, cover.w, cover.h, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, g_backcolor);
                        gr.DrawRect(cv_x, cv_y, cv_w-1, cv_h-1, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x80ffffff);
            // draw TF text info of the group header
            var grp_y = cover.margin+this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h);
            var grp_h = group.nbrows*row.h - cover.margin*2;
            // Year info (& date separator & backgound)
            if(year_w>0) {
                gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), year_w, group.nbrows*row.h, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h), 5, group.nbrows*row.h, 00, RGBA(0,0,0,15), 0, 1.0);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w-1, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+5, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-10, 90, 0, RGBA(255,255,255,25), 0.5);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w+0, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+5, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-10, 90, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,40), 0.5);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w+1, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+10, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-20, 90, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,15), 0.5);
                gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-year_w+1, this.y-((group.nbrows-1)*row.h)+15, 1, group.nbrows*row.h-30, 90, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,5), 0.5);
                gr.DrawString(this.date, gh_date_font, g_backcolor&0xddffffff, year_x, grp_y-7, year_w, group.nbrows*row.h-1, lc_stringformat);
                gr.DrawString(this.date, gh_date_font, g_textcolor&0x25ffffff, year_x, grp_y-8, year_w, group.nbrows*row.h-1, lc_stringformat);
            // Artist + Album infos
            if(group.type==0) {
                var album_tag = this.album.length>0?this.album:(total_grp_items>1?"Singles":"Single");
                if(group.nbrows>1) {
                    var text_x = (cover.show && cover.visible) ? this.x+cover.w : this.x + cover.margin;
                    var text_w = (ww-vscrollbar.w)-cover.w-cover.margin*2-(year_w-5);
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist, g_font, g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                        gr.GdiDrawText(album_tag+this.disc_info, g_font, g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y+Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), text_w, Math.ceil(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist, gdi.Font("tahoma",11), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                        gr.GdiDrawText(album_tag+this.disc_info, gdi.Font("tahoma",11), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y+Math.floor(grp_h/group.nbrows), text_w, Math.ceil(grp_h/group.nbrows), DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } else {
                    gr.DrawImage(singleline_group_header_icon, cover.margin, this.y+Math.floor(row.h/2)-8, 16, 16, 0, 0, 16, 16, 0, 255);
                    var text_x = this.x+cover.margin+singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    var text_w = ww-vscrollbar.w-cover.margin*2-singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist+" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+album_tag+this.disc_info, g_font, g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(this.albumartist+" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+album_tag+this.disc_info, gdi.Font("tahoma",11), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            } else {
                var t_path = this.group_key;
                if(group.nbrows>1) {
                    var text_x = (cover.show && cover.visible) ? this.x+cover.w : this.x + cover.margin;
                    var text_w = (ww-vscrollbar.w)-cover.w-cover.margin*2-(year_w-5);
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, g_font, g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, gdi.Font("tahoma",11), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                } else {
                    gr.DrawImage(singleline_group_header_icon, cover.margin, this.y+Math.floor(row.h/2)-8, 16, 16, 0, 0, 16, 16, 0, 255);
                    var text_x = this.x+cover.margin+singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    var text_w = ww-vscrollbar.w-cover.margin*2-singleline_group_header_icon.Width;
                    try {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, g_font, g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
                    } catch(e) {
                        gr.GdiDrawText(t_path, gdi.Font("tahoma",11), g_textcolor_hl, text_x, grp_y, text_w, grp_h, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
            // extra group infos (3rd line)
            //var total_grp_length = TimeFromSeconds(list.groups[list.hlist[this.id]-1]);
            if(group.nbrows==2 && group.type!=0) {
                try {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRKS":" TRK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+" | "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), mini_font, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lb_stringformat);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRKS":" TRK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+" | "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), gdi.Font("tahoma",11), g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lb_stringformat);
            } else if(group.nbrows>2) {
                try {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRKS":" TRK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+" | "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), mini_font, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
                } catch(e) {
                    gr.DrawString(total_grp_items+(total_grp_items>1?" TRKS":" TRK")+" | "+this.codec+" | "+this.sound+" | "+this.genre.toUpperCase(), gdi.Font("tahoma",11), g_textcolor&0x44ffffff, text_x+1, (this.y-cover.margin)+2, text_w-1, row.h, lc_stringformat);
        if(group.nbrows>0 && this.gridx>0) {
            // if dragging items, draw line at top of the hover items to show where dragged items will be inserted on mouse button up
            if(dragndrop.drag_in && this.ishover && panel.ishover) {
                if(!plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(plman.ActivePlaylist, this.id)) {
                    if(this.id<=dragndrop.drag_id) {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y-(this.gridx-1)*row.h-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id;
                    } else {
                        gr.DrawLine(this.x+5, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h, ww-vscrollbar.w-5, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h, 2.0, g_textcolor);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h-4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        gr.DrawImage(icon_arrow_left, this.x+ww-vscrollbar.w, this.y+(group.nbrows-this.gridx+1)*row.h-4, -8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 255);
                        dragndrop.drop_id = this.id>0?this.id-1:0;

    this.checkstate = function (event, x, y, id) {
        var state = 0;
        if(y<toolbar.delta) return true;
        var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
        var prev_rating_hover = this.rating_hover;
        var prev_l_rating = this.l_rating;
        var prev_mood_hover = this.mood_hover;
        var prev_l_mood = this.l_mood;
        if(y>toolbar.h) {
            this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - vscrollbar.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h);
        } else {
            this.ishover = false;
        this.rating_hover = (this.gridx==0 && x>=columns.rating_x && x<=columns.rating_x+columns.rating_w && y>this.y+2 && y<this.y+this.h-2);
        this.mood_hover = (this.gridx==0 && x>=columns.mood_x && x<=columns.mood_x+columns.mood_w-3 && y>this.y+2 && y<this.y+this.h-2);
        if(row.buttons_hover) {
            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
        } else {
            row.buttons_hover = (this.rating_hover || this.mood_hover);
        switch (event) {
        case "down":
            if(this.gridx>0) {
                if(this.ishover) {
                    if(list.metadblist_selection.Count>=1) {
                        dragndrop.drag_out = true;
                        dragndrop.drag_id = this.id;
                        if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                            dragndrop.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                                dragndrop.drag_in = true;
                                dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                                dragndrop.timerID = false;
                            }, 250);
            } else {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    columns.rating_drag = true;
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                    columns.mood_drag = true;
                } else {
                    if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                        if(this.ishover) {
                            if(list.metadblist_selection.Count>=1) {
                                dragndrop.drag_out = true;
                                if(list.metadblist_selection.Count>1) {
                                    // test if selection is contigus, if not, drag'n drop disable
                                    var first_item_selected_id = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(0));
                                    var last_item_selected_id = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(list.metadblist_selection.Count-1));
                                    var contigus_count = (last_item_selected_id - first_item_selected_id)+1;
                                } else {
                                    var contigus_count = 0;
                                if(list.metadblist_selection.Count==1 || list.metadblist_selection.Count == contigus_count) {
                                    dragndrop.drag_id = this.id;
                                    if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                                        dragndrop.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                                            dragndrop.drag_in = true;
                                            dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                                            dragndrop.timerID = false;
                                        }, 250);
                            if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
                                if(list.focus_id != this.id) {
                                    if(list.SHIFT_start_id!=null) {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.SHIFT_start_id, this.id);
                                    } else {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.focus_id, this.id);
                            } else if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
                                if(plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(act_pls)!=this.id) {
                                    plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, false);
                            } else if(list.metadblist_selection.Count==1) {
                                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                    } else {
                        if(this.ishover) {
                            if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
                                if(list.focus_id != this.id) {
                                    if(list.SHIFT_start_id!=null) {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.SHIFT_start_id, this.id);
                                    } else {
                                        SelectAtoB(list.focus_id, this.id);
                            } else if(utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
                                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                            } else {
                                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                    list.metadblist_selection = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(act_pls);

        case "dblclk":
            if(this.gridx==0) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                } else {
                    if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                        if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                            if(this.ishover) {
                                plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(act_pls, this.id);
        case "right":
            if(this.ishover) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                } else {
                    if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                    } else {
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                    new_context_menu(x, y, this.id, this.idx);
                    state = -1;
        case "up":
            if(this.ishover) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    // Rating
                    if(this.track_type<2) {
                        if(foo_playcount) {
                            // Rate to database statistics brought by foo_playcount.dll
                            if (this.l_rating != this.rating) {
                                if(this.metadb) {
                                    var bool = fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb("Rating/"+((this.l_rating==0) ? "<not set>" : this.l_rating), this.metadb);
                                    this.rating = this.l_rating;
                            } else {
                                var bool = fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb("Rating/<not set>", this.metadb);
                                this.rating = 0;
                        } else {
                            // Rate to file
                            if (this.l_rating != this.rating) {
                                if(this.metadb) {
                                    var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("RATING", this.l_rating);
                                    this.rating = this.l_rating;
                            } else {
                                var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("RATING","");
                                this.rating = 0;
                } else if(this.mood_hover) {
                    // Mood
                    if(this.track_type<2) {
                        // tag to file
                        if (this.l_mood != this.mood) {
                            if(this.metadb) {
                                var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("MOOD", getTimestamp());
                                this.mood = this.l_mood;
                        } else {
                            var bool = this.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("MOOD","");
                            this.mood = 0;
                } else {
                    if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, this.id)) {
                        if(!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) && !utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
                            if(!dragndrop.drag_in) {
                                if(this.gridx==0) {
                                    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, this.id);
                                    plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, this.id, true);
                            dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                            dragndrop.timerID = false;
                            dragndrop.drag_in = false;
                            dragndrop.drag_out = false;
            columns.rating_drag = false;
            columns.mood_drag = false;
        case "move":

            if(columns.rating && !columns.rating_drag) {
                if(this.rating_hover) {
                    this.l_rating = Math.floor((x - columns.rating_x) / (g_font_guifx_found?14:12)) + 1;
                    if(this.l_rating>5) this.l_rating = 5;
                } else {
                    this.l_rating = 0;
                if(this.rating_hover != prev_rating_hover || this.l_rating != prev_l_rating) {
            if(columns.mood && !columns.mood_drag) {
                if(this.mood_hover) {
                    this.l_mood = 1;
                } else {
                    this.l_mood = 0;
                if(this.mood_hover != prev_mood_hover || this.l_mood != prev_l_mood) {
        case "leave":
        return state;

//=================================================// Titleformat field
var tf_cover_path = fb.TitleFormat("$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)");
var tf_tracknumber = fb.TitleFormat("$num($if2(%tracknumber%,0),2)");
var tf_artist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_title = fb.TitleFormat("%title%");
var tf_albumartist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%album artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_album = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,,'web radios'))");
var tf_disc = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%discnumber%,0)");
var tf_disc_info = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%discnumber%,$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1,' - [disc '%discnumber%$if(%totaldiscs%,'/'%totaldiscs%']',']'),),)");
var tf_rating = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%rating%,0)");
var tf_mood = fb.Titleformat("$if(%mood%,1,0)");
var tf_playcount = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%play_counter%,$if2(%play_count%,0))");
var tf_duration = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%length%,' 0:00')");
var tf_date = fb.TitleFormat("[$year($replace(%date%,/,-,.,-))]");
var tf_genre = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%genre%,'Other')");
var tf_playback_time = fb.TitleFormat("%playback_time%");
var tf_playback_time_remaining = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,-%playback_time_remaining%,'0:00')");
var tf_length_seconds = fb.TitleFormat("%length_seconds_fp%");
var tf_sound = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%sound%,'N.a.')");
var tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group_pattern_album);
// TECH 
var tf_codec = fb.Titleformat("%__codec%");
var tf_samplerate = fb.Titleformat("%__samplerate%");
var tf_bitrate = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%__bitrate_dynamic%,$if(%el_isplaying%,%__bitrate_dynamic%'K',$if($stricmp($left(%codec_profile%,3),'VBR'),%codec_profile%,%__bitrate%'K')),$if($stricmp($left(%codec_profile%,3),'VBR'),%codec_profile%,%__bitrate%'K'))");
var tf_bitrate_playing = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%__bitrate_dynamic%,$if(%_isplaying%,$select($add($mod(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,2),1),%__bitrate_dynamic%,%__bitrate_dynamic%),%__bitrate_dynamic%),%__bitrate%)'K'");
var tf_channels = fb.TitleFormat("$if($stricmp($codec(),MP3),$get(space2)$caps(%__mp3_stereo_mode%),$if(%__channels%,$ifgreater(%__channels%,1,Stereo,Mono),$if($strcmp(%__channels%,4),4 Ch,$sub(%__channels%,1)'.1' Ch)))");

//=================================================// Globals
var g_instancetype = window.InstanceType;
var g_font = null;
var g_font_headers = null;
var gh_date_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 25, 2);
var g_font_guifx_found = utils.CheckFont("guifx v2 transports");
var rating_font = null;
var mood_font = null;
var del_rating_font = null;
var mini_font = gdi.Font("uni 05_53", 8, 0);
var ww = 0, wh = 0;
var mouse_x = 0, mouse_y = 0;
var g_textcolor = 0, g_textcolor_sel = 0, g_textcolor_hl = 0, g_backcolor = 0, g_backcolor_sel = 0;
var g_backcolor_R = 0, g_backcolor_G = 0, g_backcolor_B = 0;
var g_metadb;
var bool_on_size = false;
var g_search_string = "";
var incsearch_font = gdi.Font("lucida console", 9, 0);
var incsearch_font_big = gdi.Font("lucida console", 20, 1);
var clear_incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer = false;
var g_playing_item_y = null;
var g_seconds = 0;
var foo_playcount = utils.CheckComponent("foo_playcount", true);
var g_tooltip = window.CreateTooltip();
var g_tooltip_timer = false;
var show_tooltip = false;
var g_menu_displayed = false;
var g_add_items_timerID = false;
var g_drag = false;

panel = {
    themed: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.themed", true),
    wallpaper_path: window.GetProperty("*USER.background.image.path", ".\\images\\background.jpg"),
    wallpaper_img: false,
    show_wallpaper: window.GetProperty("*USER.background.image.enabled", false),
    show_shadow_border: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.shadow.border.enabled", true),
    opacity: window.GetProperty("*USER.panel.opacity.level [0,255]", 255),
    custom_textcolor: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.text.color.normal", "RGB(200,200,210)"),
    custom_textcolor_selection: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.text.color.selection", "RGB(64,128,200)"),
    custom_textcolor_highlight: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.text.color.highlight", "RGB(150,200,250)"),
    custom_backcolor: window.GetProperty("*USER.custom.background.color", "RGB(30,30,35)"),
    custom_colors: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.custom.colors", false),   
    nogroupheader: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.no.group.header", false),
    tag_separator: window.GetProperty("*USER.title-artist.separator", "|"),
    properties_separator: window.GetProperty("----------------------------", "----------------------------")

dragndrop = {
    enabled: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.dragndrop.enabled", true),
    drag_id: -1,
    drop_id: -1,
    timerID: false,
    drag_in: false,
    drag_out: false

clipboard = {
    selection: null

columns = {
    playicon: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playicon.enabled", true),
    playicon_x: 0,
    playicon_w: 0,
    tracknumber: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.tracknumber.enabled", true),
    tracknumber_x: 0,
    tracknumber_w: 0,
    title: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.title.pattern", 1),
    title_x: 0,
    title_w: 0,
    rating: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.rating.enabled", true),
    rating_x: 0,
    rating_w: 0,
    rating_timerID: false,
    rating_drag: false,
    mood: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.mood.enabled", true),
    mood_x: 0,
    mood_w: 0,
    mood_timerID: false,
    mood_drag: false,
    bitrate: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.bitrate.enabled", false),
    bitrate_x: 0,
    bitrate_w: 0,
    duration_x: 0,
    duration_w: 0,
    playcount: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playcount.enabled", true)

list = {
    theme: false,
    first_launch: true,
    total: 0,
    total_gh: 0,
    total_with_gh: 0,
    nbvis: 0,
    gridx: 0,
    item: Array(),
    hlist: Array(),
    empty: Array(),
    groups: Array(),
    collapse: false,
    handlelist: null,
    metadblist_selection: plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(plman.ActivePlaylist),
    focus_id: 0,
    tocut: 0,
    mousewheel_scrollstep: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.mousewheel.scrollstep", 3),
    nowplaying: 0,
    SHIFT_start_id: null,
    SHIFT_count: 0,
    inc_search_noresult: false,
    keypressed: false,
    buttonclicked: false,
    gradient_lines_show: window.GetProperty("*USER.items.gradient.lines", false)
row = {
    h: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.row.height", 25),
    parity: 0,
    show_progress: window.GetProperty("*USER.show.progress.bar", true),
    buttons_hover: false
group = {
    nbrows_default: window.GetProperty("*USER.group.rows.number", 3),
    nbrows: 0,
    min_item_per_group: 5,
    type: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", 0),
    key: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group_pattern_album),
    w: 0
toolbar = {
    h: 0,
    lock: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.toolbar.lock", false),
    buttons: Array(),
    timerID_on: false,
    timerID_off: false,
    timerID1: false,
    timerID2: false,
    collapsed_y: -24,
    delta: 0,
    step: 3,
    state: false
vscrollbar = {
    theme: false,
    show: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.vscrollbar.visible", true),
    visible: true,
    hover: false,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    default_w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
    w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
    h: 0,
    button_total: 2,
    default_step: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.vscrollbar.step", 3),
    step: 3,
    arr_buttons: Array(),
    letter : null
scrollbarbt = {
    timerID1: false,
    timerID2: false,
    timer1_value: 400,
    timer2_value: 60
button_up = {
    img_normal: null,
    img_hover: null,
    img_down: null,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    w: vscrollbar.default_w,
    h: vscrollbar.default_w
button_down = {
    img_normal: null,
    img_hover: null,
    img_down: null,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    w: vscrollbar.default_w,
    h: vscrollbar.default_w
cursor = {
    bt: null,
    img_normal: null,
    img_hover: null,
    img_down: null,
    popup: null,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    w: vscrollbar.default_w,
    h: vscrollbar.default_w+3,
    default_h: vscrollbar.default_w+3,
    hover: false,
    drag: false,
    grap_y: 0,
    timerID: false,
    last_y: 0
cover = {
    show: window.GetProperty("*USER.cover.art.enabled", true),
    draw_glass_effect: window.GetProperty("*USER.cover.art.glass.effect.enabled", true),
    keepaspectratio: window.GetProperty("*USER.cover.keep.aspect.ratio", true),
    visible: true,
    margin: 6,
    w: 0,
    nbrows: 0,
    h: 0,
    top_offset: 0,
    load_timer: false

// stats globals (used in on_playback_time & on_playback_new_track Callbacks)
stats = {
    metadb: null,
    path_prefix: "",
    taggable_file: false,
    enabled: window.GetProperty("SYSTEM.statistics.enabled", false), 
    updated: false,
    foo_playcount: utils.CheckComponent("foo_playcount", true),
    tf_length_seconds: fb.TitleFormat("%length_seconds_fp%"),
    tf_first_played: fb.Titleformat("%first_played%"),
    tf_play_counter: fb.Titleformat("%play_counter%"),
    tf_play_count: fb.Titleformat("%play_count%"),
    time_elapsed: 0,
    delay: 0,
    limit: 0

//=================================================// Playlist load
function refresh_spv_cursor(pls) {
    // RAZ actual list
    list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
    list.tocut = 0;

    // calc ratio of the scroll cursor to calc the equivalent item for the full playlist (with gh)
    var ratio = (cursor.y-vscrollbar.y) / (vscrollbar.h-cursor.h);
    // calc idx of the item (of the full playlist with gh) to display at top of the panel list (visible)
    var idx = Math.round((list.total_with_gh - list.nbvis) * ratio);
    // search what's the item that is the first to display in the list, and calc the list.tocut if needed
    var start_id_min = Math.floor(idx / (group.nbrows+1));
    var b = 0;
    for(var id = start_id_min; id < list.total; id++) {
        b = id + (list.hlist[id]*group.nbrows);
        if(b >= idx) {
    // item (id) is found, now we check how many line are to cut (c)!
    if(b > idx) {
        var c = b - group.nbrows;
        for(var d = 1; d < group.nbrows+1; d++) {
            if(idx == c + d) {
                list.tocut = d;
    } else if(b == idx) {
        if(id==0) {
            list.tocut = group.nbrows;
        } else {
            if(list.hlist[id] > list.hlist[id-1]) {
                list.tocut = group.nbrows;
            } else {
                list.tocut = 0;
    if(id<=0) {
        id = 0;
        var previous_group_key = null;
    } else {
        var previous_group_key = list.hlist[id-1];
    var i = id;
    var k = 0;
    while(i < list.total && k<=list.nbvis+group.nbrows) {
        list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        if(group.nbrows>0) {
            if(list.hlist[i] != previous_group_key) {
                list.item[k].gridx = 1;
                for(var j = 1; j < group.nbrows; j++) {
                    list.item.push(new item(i, k, j+1));
                list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        previous_group_key = list.hlist[i];
    // affect group index of each track of each group in list.item[]

//=================================================// Playlist scroll down
function scrolldown_spv(pls, step) {
    if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) return true;
    var last_item_id = list.item[list.item.length-1].id;
    if(last_item_id >= list.total-1) {  // dernier item id = le dernier id de la playlist!
        var last_item_gridx = list.item[list.item.length-1].gridx;
        if(last_item_gridx>0) {
            var k = list.item.length;
            for(var j=last_item_gridx+1;j<=group.nbrows;j++) {
                list.item.push(new item(last_item_id, k, j));
            list.item.push(new item(last_item_id, k, 0));
        } else {
            // is last_item already visible? otherwise, no scroll to do, bottom reached!
            var idx_last_item_vis = list.tocut+list.nbvis-1;
            if(idx_last_item_vis>list.item.length-1) idx_last_item_vis = list.item.length-1;
            var last_item_vis_gridx = list.item[idx_last_item_vis].gridx;
            if(last_item_vis_gridx>0) {
                var last_item_vis_id = list.item[idx_last_item_vis].id - 1;
            } else {
                var last_item_vis_id = list.item[idx_last_item_vis].id;
            if(last_item_vis_id >= last_item_id) {
                return true;
            } else {
                // scroll to do (no new item to add at bottom, but tocut index to increase)
    } else {
        // on n'est pas sur le dernier id, on peut en ajouter un au tableau item!
        var last_item_group_key = list.hlist[last_item_id];
        var last_item_gridx = list.item[list.item.length-1].gridx;
        if(last_item_gridx > 0) {
            if(last_item_gridx < group.nbrows) {
                var next_item_id = last_item_id;
                var next_item_gridx = last_item_gridx + 1;
            } else {
                var next_item_id = last_item_id;
                var next_item_gridx = 0;
        } else {
            var next_item_id = last_item_id + 1;
            if(list.hlist[next_item_id] != last_item_group_key) {
                if(group.nbrows>0) {
                    var next_item_gridx = 1;
                } else {
                    var next_item_gridx = 0;
            } else {
                var next_item_gridx = 0;
        // add the next item (new one) to the array
        list.item.push(new item(next_item_id, list.item.length, next_item_gridx));
        if(list.item[list.item.length-2].gridx>0) {
            list.item[list.item.length-1].grp_idx = 0;
        } else {
            list.item[list.item.length-1].grp_idx = list.item[list.item.length-2].grp_idx + 1;
        // remove the first item of the array, to always keep the same number of items in the Array
    var len = list.item.length;
    for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
        list.item[i].idx = i;
        list.item[i].defaulty = toolbar.h + i * row.h;
        list.item[i].y = list.item[i].defaulty - (list.tocut * row.h);


//=================================================// Playlist scroll up
function scrollup_spv(pls, step) {

    if(list.item.length<list.nbvis) return true;
    var first_item_id = list.item[0].id;
    if(first_item_id <= 0) {
        // is the first id already visible? otherwise, no scroll to do, top of the list is already reached!
        var first_item_vis_id = list.item[list.tocut].id;
        if(first_item_id >= first_item_vis_id) {
            if(group.nbrows > 0) {
                var first_item_gridx = list.item[0].gridx;
                if(first_item_gridx==1) {
                    if(list.tocut==0) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // prev item to add to complete the group header of the first item
                    var prev_item_id = first_item_id;
                    var prev_item_gridx = (first_item_gridx==0) ? group.nbrows : first_item_gridx - 1;
                    // add the next item (new one) to the array
                    list.item.unshift(new item(prev_item_id, 0, prev_item_gridx));
                    // set group index value of the new item
                    if(prev_item_gridx>0) {
                        list.item[0].grp_idx = 0;
                    } else {
                        if(list.item[1].gridx>0) {
                        } else {
                            list.item[0].grp_idx = list.item[1].grp_idx - 1;
                    // remove the last item of the array, to always keep the same number of items in the Array
        } else {
            // scroll to do (no new item to add at top, but tocut index to decrease)
    } else {
        if(list.tocut>group.nbrows) {
        } else {
            // on n'est pas sur le premier id, on peut en ajouter un au tableau item!
            var first_item_group_key = list.hlist[list.item[0].id];
            var first_item_gridx = list.item[0].gridx;
            if(first_item_gridx > 0) {
                if(first_item_gridx == 1) {
                    var prev_item_id = first_item_id - 1;
                    var prev_item_gridx = 0;
                } else {
                    var prev_item_id = first_item_id;
                    var prev_item_gridx = first_item_gridx - 1;
            } else {
                var prev_item_id = first_item_id - 1;
                if(list.hlist[prev_item_id] != first_item_group_key) {
                    if(group.nbrows>0) {
                        prev_item_id = first_item_id;
                        prev_item_gridx = group.nbrows;
                    } else {
                        prev_item_gridx = 0;
                } else {
                    prev_item_gridx = 0;
            // add the next item (new one) to the array
            list.item.unshift(new item(prev_item_id, 0, prev_item_gridx));
            // set group index value of the new item
            if(prev_item_gridx>0) {
                list.item[0].grp_idx = 0;
            } else {
                if(list.item[1].gridx>0) {
                } else {
                    list.item[0].grp_idx = list.item[1].grp_idx - 1;
            // remove the last item of the array, to always keep the same number of items in the Array
            if(list.item.length - list.tocut > list.nbvis+1+group.nbrows) {
    var len = list.item.length;
    for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
        list.item[i].idx = i;
        list.item[i].defaulty = toolbar.h + i * row.h;
        list.item[i].y = list.item[i].defaulty - (list.tocut * row.h);

//=================================================// Playlist load
function refresh_spv(pls, force) {
    var nbvis = Math.ceil((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h);
    var mid_nbvis = Math.round(nbvis / 2) - 1;
    // test if center focus item required   
    if(!force && list.item.length>0) {
        var vis_min_idx = list.item[list.tocut].id;
        var delta2max = (list.tocut+list.nbvis) - 1;
        if(delta2max<list.item.length) {
            vis_max_idx = (list.item[delta2max].gridx==0) ? list.item[delta2max].id : (list.item[delta2max].id - 1);
        } else {
            vis_max_idx = list.item[list.item.length-1].id;
        if(list.focus_id>=vis_min_idx && list.focus_id<=vis_max_idx) {
            if(button_up.timerID && list.focus_id==0 && list.item[list.tocut].gridx!=1) {
            } else {
                return true;
    var m;
    var focus_idx = 0;
    list.tocut = 0;

    // RAZ actual list
    list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
    if(list.total<=0) return true;
    var r = list.focus_id - list.nbvis;
    if(r<=0) {
        r = 0;
        var previous_group_key = null;
    } else {
        var previous_group_key = list.hlist[r-1];
    var i = r;
    var k = 0;

    while(i < list.total && k<=((group.nbrows>0?(list.nbvis*group.nbrows):list.nbvis)*2)) {
        list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        if(group.nbrows>0) {
            if(list.hlist[i] != previous_group_key) {
                list.item[k].gridx = 1;
                for(var g=1;g<group.nbrows;g++) {
                    list.item.push(new item(i, k, g+1));
                list.item.push(new item(i, k, 0));
        if(list.item[k].id == list.focus_id) focus_idx = k;
        previous_group_key = list.hlist[i];
    // calc value of list.tocut
    if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) {
        list.tocut = 0;
    } else {
        list.tocut = focus_idx - mid_nbvis;
        if(list.tocut<=0) {
            list.tocut = 0;
        if(focus_idx+mid_nbvis+1>list.item.length-1) {
            list.tocut = list.item.length - list.nbvis;
    // affect group index of each track of each group in list.item[]

    if(vscrollbar.show) {
        if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) vscrollbar.visible = false; else vscrollbar.visible=true;
    } else {
        vscrollbar.visible = false;
    var ratio = list.nbvis / list.total_with_gh;
    if(ratio>1) ratio = 1;
    cursor.h = Math.round(ratio * vscrollbar.h);
    // boundaries for cursor height
    if(cursor.h>vscrollbar.h) cursor.h = vscrollbar.h;
    if(cursor.h<cursor.default_h) cursor.h = cursor.default_h;
    // redraw cursor image
    // set cursor position


function set_grp_idx_all() {
    if(list.item.length<=0) return true;
    if(group.nbrows>0) {
        var id = list.item[0].id;
        var key1 = list.hlist[id];
        var key2 = null;
        var grp_idx = 0;
        if(list.item[0].gridx==0) {
            while(id>0) {
                key2 = list.hlist[id-1];
                if(key2 != key1) {
                    id = 0;
                } else {
        id = list.item[0].id;
        for(var i=0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
            if(list.item[i].gridx==0) {
                list.item[i].grp_idx = grp_idx;
            } else {
                list.item[i].grp_idx = 0;
                grp_idx = 0;
    } else {
        for(var i=0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
            list.item[i].grp_idx = list.item[i].id;

function set_grp_idx_first() {
    if(list.item.length<=0) return true;
    if(group.nbrows>0) {
        var id = list.item[0].id;
        var key1 = list.hlist[id];
        var key2 = null;
        var grp_idx = 0;
        if(list.item[0].gridx==0) {
            while(id>0) {
                key2 = list.hlist[id-1];
                if(key2 != key1) {
                    id = 0;
                } else {
            list.item[0].grp_idx = grp_idx;
        } else {
            list.item[0].grp_idx = 0;
    } else {
        for(var i=0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
            list.item[i].grp_idx = list.item[i].id;

//=================================================// Offset calculations
function setcursory() {
    if(list.item.length<=list.nbvis) {
        cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
    } else if(list.item.length>list.tocut){      
        var first_id = list.item[list.tocut].id;
        if(list.item[list.tocut].gridx == 0) {
            var ratio = (first_id + ((list.hlist[first_id]-0) * group.nbrows)) / (list.total_with_gh-list.nbvis);
        } else {
            var ratio = (first_id + ((list.hlist[first_id]-0) * group.nbrows) - (group.nbrows+1-list.item[list.tocut].gridx)  ) / (list.total_with_gh-list.nbvis);
        if(ratio<0) ratio = 0;
        if(ratio>1) ratio = 1;
        cursor.y = vscrollbar.y + Math.round((vscrollbar.h-cursor.h) * ratio);

function init_active_pls() {
    var temp_key1;
    var temp_key2;
    var gh_count = 0;
    var empty = 0;
    var count = 0;
    var grp_length = 0;
    var metadb;
    //var d1 = new Date();
    //var t1 = d1.getSeconds()*1000 + d1.getMilliseconds();
    list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
    list.empty.splice(0, list.empty.length);
    list.groups.splice(0, list.groups.length);
    if(list.handlelist) list.handlelist.Dispose();
    list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist);
    list.total = list.handlelist.Count;
    if(group.nbrows>0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < list.total; i++) {
            metadb = list.handlelist.Item(i);
            temp_key2 = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(metadb);
            if(temp_key1 != temp_key2){
                if(i>0) {
                if(i>0 && count<group.min_item_per_group) {
                    empty += (group.min_item_per_group - count);
                count = 0;
                //grp_length = 0;
                temp_key1 = temp_key2;
            //grp_length += metadb.Length;
            // on last item
            if(i == list.total-1) {
    } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < list.total; i++) {
    list.total_gh = gh_count;
    list.total_with_gh = list.total + (list.total_gh * group.nbrows);
    //var d2 = new Date();
    //var t2 = d2.getSeconds()*1000 + d2.getMilliseconds();
    //fb.trace("pl old apres="+t2+" ==> delta = "+Math.round(t2-t1)+" /list.hlist.length="+list.hlist.length);

//=================================================// Colour & Font Callbacks
function on_font_changed() {
    columns.duration_w = 0;
    columns.bitrate_w = 0;
    refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);

function on_colors_changed() {
    g_image_cache = new image_cache;

//=================================================// Init
function on_init() {   
    tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);

//=================================================// OnSize
function on_size() {
    if (!window.Width || !window.Height) return;
    window.DlgCode = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
    bool_on_size = true;
    if(g_instancetype == 0) { // CUI
        window.MinWidth = 200;
        window.MinHeight = 100;  
    } else if(g_instancetype == 1) { // DUI
        window.MinWidth = 200;
        window.MinHeight = 100;
    ww = window.Width;
    wh = window.Height;
    if(wh<100) wh = 100;
    // set wallpaper
    panel.wallpaper_img = FormatWP(gdi.Image(panel.wallpaper_path), ww, wh);
    // only on first launch
    if(list.first_launch) {
        list.first_launch = false;
    } else {
        // if just a window resize, refresh list.item and repaint :)
        refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        vscrollbar.w = vscrollbar.visible?vscrollbar.default_w:0;

//=================================================// OnPaint
function on_paint(gr) {
    // default background
    if(panel.opacity>=255) {
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_backcolor);
    } else {
        if(panel.show_wallpaper) {
            if(panel.wallpaper_img) {
                gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_backcolor);
                gr.DrawImage(panel.wallpaper_img, 0, 0, ww, wh, 0, 0, panel.wallpaper_img.Width, panel.wallpaper_img.Height, 0, 255-panel.opacity);
            } else {
                gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, panel.opacity));
        } else {
            gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, panel.opacity));

    // draw items
        g_playing_item_y = null;
        var draw_limit = list.tocut+list.nbvis+group.nbrows+1;
        if(draw_limit>list.item.length) draw_limit = list.item.length;
        for(var idx=list.tocut;idx<draw_limit;idx++) {
            list.item[idx].draw(gr, list.item[idx].id, idx);
    } else {
        vscrollbar.visible = false;
        vscrollbar.w = 0;

        if(fb.PlaylistCount>0) {
            var text_top = fb.GetPlaylistName(plman.ActivePlaylist);
            var text_bot = "This playlist is empty";
        } else {
            var text_top = "Br3tt's WSH Playlist Viewer";
            var text_bot = "Create a playlist to start!";
        // if empty playlist, display text info
        gr.DrawString(text_top, gdi.Font("tahoma", 17, 0), g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, 0, toolbar.h-20, ww, wh, cc_stringformat);
        gr.DrawString(text_bot, gdi.Font("tahoma", 13, 0), g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, 0, toolbar.h+20, ww, wh, cc_stringformat);
        gr.FillGradRect(40, toolbar.h+Math.floor(wh/2), ww-80, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor&0x40ffffff, 0.5);

    // draw toolbar
    if(!toolbar.state && !toolbar.timerID1) {
        // draw marker to indicate toolbar expandable
        gr.DrawLine(Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)-3, 2, Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+3, 2, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gr.DrawLine(Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)-2, 3, Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+0, 5, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gr.DrawLine(Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+2, 3, Math.floor((ww-vscrollbar.w)/2)+1, 4, 1.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
    if(toolbar.state || toolbar.timerID1) {
        gr.FillRoundRect(09, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) - 10, ww-vscrollbar.w-20 + 2, Math.abs(toolbar.collapsed_y) + 10 + 1, 6, 6, RGBA(0,0,0,60));
        gr.FillRoundRect(10, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) - 10, ww-vscrollbar.w-20, Math.abs(toolbar.collapsed_y) + 10, 5, 5, RGBA(0,0,0,190));
        gr.DrawRoundRect(11, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) - 10, ww-vscrollbar.w-20-2, Math.abs(toolbar.collapsed_y) + 10-1, 4, 4, 1.0, RGBA(250,250,250,40));
        // draw toolbar buttons
        for(i=0;i<toolbar.buttons.length;i++) {
            switch (i) {
             case 0:
                toolbar.buttons[i].draw(gr, 16, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) + 3, 255);
             case 1:
                toolbar.buttons[i].draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w-30-15, (toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta) + 3, 255);

    // draw vscrollbar
    if(vscrollbar.visible && vscrollbar.show) {
        // draw scrollbar background
        try {
            vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 1);
            vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh);
        } catch(e) {
            gr.FillGradRect(ww-vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh, 0, RGBA(0,0,0,10), RGBA(255,255,255,5), 0.5);
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w, 0, 1, wh, RGBA(0,0,0,20));
        // draw cursor
        cursor.bt.draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, 255);
        try {
            vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(9, 1);
            vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, cursor.w, cursor.h);
        } catch(e) {};
        // draw scrollbar buttons (up/down)
        for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            switch (i) {
             case 0:
                vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, button_up.y, 255);
             case 1:
                vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].draw(gr, ww-vscrollbar.w, button_down.y, 255);
        if(cursor.drag) {
            vscrollbar.letter = list.item[list.tocut].group_key.substring(0,1).toUpperCase();
            cursor.popup && gr.DrawImage(cursor.popup, ww-vscrollbar.w-cursor.popup.Width, cursor.y+Math.floor(cursor.h/2)-Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height/2), cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
            cursor.popup && gr.GdiDrawText(vscrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, ww-vscrollbar.w-cursor.popup.Width, cursor.y+Math.floor(cursor.h/2)-Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height/2), cursor.popup.Width-5, cursor.popup.Height, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);
    if(panel.show_shadow_border) {
        // vertical left borders (Sunken effect)
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
        gr.FillSolidRect(1, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
        gr.FillSolidRect(2, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        // and the right one, only if scrollbar is hidden
        if(!vscrollbar.visible || !vscrollbar.show) {
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-1, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-2, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-3, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        } else {
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-1, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,10));
            gr.FillSolidRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-2, toolbar.h-1, 1, wh+1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        // top border
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
        gr.FillSolidRect(1, 1, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
        gr.FillSolidRect(2, 2, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));
        // bot border
        gr.FillSolidRect(0, wh-1, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,30));
        gr.FillSolidRect(1, wh-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,15));
        gr.FillSolidRect(2, wh-3, ww-vscrollbar.w, 1, RGBA(0,0,0,5));

    // Incremental Search Tooltip
    if(g_search_string.length>0) {
        var tt_x = Math.floor(((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2));
        var tt_y = Math.floor((wh/2) - 30);
        var tt_w = Math.round((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
        var tt_h = 60;
        gr.FillRoundRect(tt_x, tt_y, tt_w, tt_h, 5, 5, RGBA(0,0,0,150));
        gr.DrawRoundRect(tt_x, tt_y, tt_w, tt_h, 5, 5, 2.0, RGBA(255,255,255,200));
        gr.DrawRoundRect(tt_x+2, tt_y+2, tt_w-4, tt_h-4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,150));
        gr.GdiDrawText(g_search_string, incsearch_font_big, RGB(0,0,0), tt_x+1, tt_y+1 , tt_w , tt_h, DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER);
        gr.GdiDrawText(g_search_string, incsearch_font_big, list.inc_search_noresult?RGB(255,75,75):RGB(250,250,250), tt_x, tt_y , tt_w , tt_h, DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER);

//=================================================// Mouse Callbacks
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {

    g_drag = true;
    bool_on_size = false;
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    // check toolbar buttons
    if(toolbar.state) {
        for(var j=0;j<toolbar.buttons.length;j++) {
            toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("down", x, y);
    if(y>toolbar.delta) {
        // check items
        var len = list.item.length;
        row.buttons_hover = false;
        for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {
            list.item[i].checkstate("down", x, y, i);
    // check scrollbar
    if(vscrollbar.visible && vscrollbar.show) {
        if(cursor.bt.checkstate("down", x, y)==ButtonStates.down) {
            cursor.drag = true;
            cursor.grap_y = y - cursor.y;
            cursor.last_y = cursor.y;
        if(vscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
            vscrollbar.step = list.nbvis;
            if(y<cursor.y) {
                if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                    list.buttonclicked = true;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                            if(vscrollbar.hover) {
                                if(mouse_x>ww-vscrollbar.w && cursor.y > mouse_y) {
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
            } else {
                if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                    list.buttonclicked = true;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                            if(vscrollbar.hover) {
                                if(mouse_x>ww-vscrollbar.w && cursor.y+cursor.h < mouse_y) {
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        // check other vscrollbar buttons
        for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            switch(i) {
             case 0:
                if(vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("down", x, y)==ButtonStates.down) {
                    if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                        list.buttonclicked = true;
                        scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                                scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
                            }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value);
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
             case 1:
                if(vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("down", x, y)==ButtonStates.down) {
                    if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                        list.buttonclicked = true;
                        scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
                        scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                            scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                                scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
                            }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value);
                        }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, mask) {

    if(y<toolbar.delta) {
    } else if(x<ww-vscrollbar.w) {
        var len = list.item.length;
        row.buttons_hover = false;
        for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {
            list.item[i].checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i);
    } else {
        on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y);

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
    vscrollbar.step = vscrollbar.default_step;

    // scrollbar button up and down RESET
    list.buttonclicked = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = false;

    // check toolbar buttons
    if(toolbar.state) {
        for(var j=0;j<toolbar.buttons.length;j++) {
            switch(j) {
                case 0:
                    if(toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("up", x, y)==ButtonStates.hover) {
                        g_menu_displayed = true;
                        settings_menu(x, y);
                case 1:
                    if(toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("up", x, y)==ButtonStates.hover) {
                        g_menu_displayed = true;
                        sort_group_menu(x, y);

    if(list.total>0) {
        // check scrollbar buttons
        cursor.bt.checkstate("up", x, y);
        for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("up", x, y);
        if(cursor.drag) {
            window.RepaintRect(ww-vscrollbar.w-cursor.popup.Width-5, 0, cursor.popup.Width+vscrollbar.w+5, wh);
            cursor.drag = false;
        } else {
            // check items
            var len = list.item.length;
            row.buttons_hover = false;
            for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
                list.item[i].checkstate("up", x, y, i);

    // Drop items after a drag'n drop outside the playlist (e.g. to a WSH playlist tab manager panel)
    if(dragndrop.drag_out) {
        if(!panel.ishover) {
            window.NotifyOthers("WSH_playlist_drag_drop", list.metadblist_selection);
            dragndrop.drag_out = false;
    // Drop items after a drag'n drop inside the panel playlist
    if(dragndrop.drag_in) {
        if(panel.ishover && dragndrop.drag_id>=0 && dragndrop.drop_id>=0){
            var nb_selected_items = list.metadblist_selection.Count;
            if(dragndrop.drop_id > dragndrop.drag_id) {
                // on pointe sur le dernier item de la selection si on move vers le bas
                var new_drag_pos = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(nb_selected_items-1));
            } else {
                // on pointe sur le 1er item de la selection si on move vers le haut
                var new_drag_pos = list.handlelist.Find(list.metadblist_selection.item(0));
            var move_delta = dragndrop.drop_id - new_drag_pos;
            plman.MovePlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, move_delta);
    dragndrop.drag_id = -1;
    dragndrop.drop_id = -1;
    dragndrop.drag_in = false;
    dragndrop.drag_out = false;
    dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
    dragndrop.timerID = false;
    g_drag = false;
    // toolbar collapse if mouse out after a lbtn up
    if(!toolbar.lock) {
        if(y>30 || x<10 || x>ww-vscrollbar.w-10) {
            if(toolbar.delta==0) {
                toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
                toolbar.timerID_on = false;
            if(toolbar.state) {
                if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                    if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                        toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                            if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                                toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                    toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                    if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                        toolbar.delta = 0;
                                        toolbar.state = false;
                                        toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                    window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                                }, 30);
                            } ;
                            toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                            toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                        }, 400);

function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x, y) {
    bool_on_size = false;
    var len = list.item.length;
    row.buttons_hover = false;
    for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {
        if(list.item[i].checkstate("right", x, y, i)==-1) break;

function on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y) {
    if(!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
        return true;

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
    var txt = "";
    show_tooltip = false;
    if(x==mouse_x && y==mouse_y) return true;
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    panel.ishover = (x>=0 && x<=ww && y>=0 && y<=wh);
    if(dragndrop.enabled && (dragndrop.drag_in || dragndrop.drag_out)) window.SetCursor(IDC_HELP); else window.SetCursor(IDC_ARROW);

    if(y>toolbar.delta) {
        var len = list.item.length;
        var move_limit = list.tocut+list.nbvis+group.nbrows+1;
        if(move_limit>len) move_limit = len;
        row.buttons_hover = false;
        for(var j=list.tocut;j<move_limit;j++) {
            list.item[j].checkstate("move", x, y, j);
            if(list.item[j].ishover && x>columns.title_x && x<columns.title_x+columns.title_w) {
                if(group.nbrows==0 || (columns.title==1 && list.item[j].artist!=list.item[j].albumartist) || columns.title==2) {
                    txt = list.item[j].title+" "+panel.tag_separator+" "+list.item[j].artist;
                } else {
                    txt = list.item[j].title;
                if(txt) {
                    if(txt.length>0 && list.item[j].tooltip && !g_tooltip_timer) {
                        show_tooltip = true;
                if(g_tooltip.Text != txt) {     
                    g_tooltip.TrackActivate = true;
                    g_tooltip.Text = txt ? txt : "";
                    g_tooltip.TrackPosition(columns.title_x-6, list.item[j].y+Math.floor(row.h/2)-(18/2));
    } else {
        // check toolbar buttons
        if(toolbar.state) {
            for(j=0;j<toolbar.buttons.length;j++) {
                toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("move", x, y);

    if(show_tooltip) {
        g_tooltip.TrackActivate = true;
    } else {
        g_tooltip.TrackActivate = false;
    if(list.item.length>0 && vscrollbar.visible && vscrollbar.show) {
        vscrollbar.hover = (x>=ww-vscrollbar.w && x<=ww && y>=vscrollbar.y && y<=vscrollbar.y+vscrollbar.h);
        cursor.hover = (x>=cursor.x && x<=cursor.x+cursor.w && y>=cursor.y && y<=cursor.y+cursor.h);
        // check buttons
        cursor.bt.checkstate("move", x, y);
        for(var i=0;i<vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length;i++) {
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("move", x, y);
        if(cursor.drag && mouse_y!=y) {
            cursor.y = y - cursor.grap_y;
            // check boundaries
            if(cursor.y<vscrollbar.y) cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
            if(cursor.y>vscrollbar.y+vscrollbar.h-cursor.h) cursor.y = vscrollbar.y+vscrollbar.h-cursor.h;
            if(!cursor.timerID) {
                cursor.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                    cursor.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(cursor.timerID);
                    cursor.timerID = false;
                }, 30);
    show_tooltip = false;
    if(dragndrop.drag_in) {
        if(y<toolbar.h && y > toolbar.h-row.h) {
            if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                list.buttonclicked = true;
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                    for(i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                        scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
                }, 100);
        } else if(y>wh && y < wh+row.h) {
            if(!list.buttonclicked) {
                list.buttonclicked = true;
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                    for(i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                        scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
                }, 100);
        } else {
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
            list.buttonclicked = false;
            if(Math.floor((y-toolbar.h)/row.h)!=Math.floor((mouse_y-toolbar.h)/row.h)) {
                if(!dragndrop.timerID) {
                    dragndrop.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        dragndrop.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(dragndrop.timerID);
                        dragndrop.timerID = false;
                    }, 30);
    // hide/show toolbar
    if(!toolbar.lock && !g_drag) {
        if(y>=0 && y<=15 && x>10 && x<ww-vscrollbar.w-10) {
            if(!row.buttons_hover && !dragndrop.drag_in && !dragndrop.drag_out) {
                if(toolbar.delta==toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                    toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                    toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                if(!toolbar.timerID_on) {
                    if(toolbar.delta==0) {
                        toolbar.timerID_on = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                            toolbar.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(toolbar.timerID2);
                            toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                            if(!toolbar.timerID1) {
                                toolbar.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                    toolbar.delta += toolbar.step;
                                    if(toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta >= 0) {
                                        toolbar.delta = toolbar.collapsed_y*-1;
                                        toolbar.state = true;
                                        toolbar.timerID1 = false;
                                    window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                                }, 30);
                            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
                            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
                        }, 400);
                    } else if(toolbar.timerID2) {
                        toolbar.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(toolbar.timerID2);
                        toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                        if(!toolbar.timerID1) {
                            toolbar.timerID1 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                toolbar.delta += toolbar.step;
                                if(toolbar.collapsed_y + toolbar.delta >= 0) {
                                    toolbar.delta = toolbar.collapsed_y*-1;
                                    toolbar.state = true;
                                    toolbar.timerID1 = false;
                                window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                            }, 30);
        } else if(y>30 || x<10 || x>ww-vscrollbar.w-10) {
            if(toolbar.delta==0) {
                toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
                toolbar.timerID_on = false;
            if(toolbar.state) {
                if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                    if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                        toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                            if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                                toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                    toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                    if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                        toolbar.delta = 0;
                                        toolbar.state = false;
                                        toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                    window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                                }, 30);
                            } ;
                            toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                            toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                        }, 400);
    mouse_x = x;
    mouse_y = y;

function on_mouse_wheel(delta) {
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    var abs_delta = Math.abs(delta);
    if(abs_delta==1) {
        if(delta>0) {
            for(var i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
        } else {
            for(var i=0;i<list.mousewheel_scrollstep;i++) {
                scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);
    } else if(delta>0) {
        for(i=0;i<delta;i++) {
            scrollup_spv(act_pls, 1);
    } else {
        for(i=0;i<abs_delta;i++) {
            scrolldown_spv(act_pls, 1);

function on_mouse_leave() {

    // check buttons
    if(list.total>0) {
        cursor.bt.checkstate("leave", 0, 0);
    for(var i in vscrollbar.arr_buttons) {
        vscrollbar.arr_buttons[i].checkstate("leave", 0, 0);
    for(var j in toolbar.buttons) {
        toolbar.buttons[j].checkstate("leave", 0, 0);

    var len = list.item.length;
    row.buttons_hover = false;
    for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
        list.item[i].checkstate("leave", 0, 0, i);

    // toolbar is to hide if visible or amorced
    if(toolbar.delta==0) {
        toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
        toolbar.timerID_on = false;
    if(!toolbar.lock && !g_drag) {
        if(!g_menu_displayed) {
            if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                    if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                        toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                            toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                            if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                toolbar.delta = 0;
                                toolbar.state = false;
                                toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                            window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                        }, 30);
                    } ;
                    toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                    toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                }, 400);

//=================================================// Callbacks

function refresh_playlist_content() {
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    list.focus_id = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(act_pls);
    refresh_spv(act_pls, true);
    vscrollbar.w = vscrollbar.visible?vscrollbar.default_w:0;

function on_playlist_switch() {
    if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
    } else {
        // test if there is an active playlist focused (may happen whenyou delete a playlist from pl manager)
        var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
        var pls_count = plman.PlaylistCount;
        if(act_pls < 0 || act_pls > pls_count) {
            if(pls_count>0) {
                act_pls = 0;
                plman.ActivePlaylist = 0;

function on_playlist_items_added(playlist_idx) {
    if(playlist_idx==plman.ActivePlaylist) {
        // timer to avoid freeze due to many tracks added at the same time, with this tweaks, refresh will be done when last item added only!
        if(g_add_items_timerID) {
            g_add_items_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(g_add_items_timerID);
            g_add_items_timerID = false;
        } else {
            g_add_items_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                g_add_items_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(g_add_items_timerID);
                g_add_items_timerID = false;
            }, 250);

function on_playlist_items_removed(playlist_idx, new_count) {
    if(playlist_idx==plman.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_playlist_items_reordered(playlist_idx) {
    if(playlist_idx==plman.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_selection_changed(metadb) {

function on_playlist_items_selection_change() {

function on_item_focus_change(playlist, from, to) {
    if(!ww || !wh) return true;
    if(to<0) { // after a remove item in playlist!
        return true;
    if(playlist!=plman.ActivePlaylist) { // case of the item played was from the queue but was the last queued so now queue is empty
        return true;
    list.focus_id = to;
    refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, bool_on_size);
    bool_on_size = false;

function on_metadb_changed(metadb_or_metadbs, fromhook) {
    var len = list.item.length;
    for(var i=0;i<len;i++) {

function on_focus(is_focused) {
    if(is_focused) {
    } else {
        g_tooltip.TrackActivate = false;
        g_tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(g_tooltip_timer);
        g_tooltip_timer = window.SetTimeout(function() {
            g_tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(g_tooltip_timer);
            g_tooltip_timer = false;
        }, 500);

//=================================================// Keyboard Callbacks
function on_key_up(vkey) {
    vscrollbar.step = vscrollbar.default_step;
    // scroll keys up and down RESET (step and timers)
    list.keypressed = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = false;
    if(vkey==VK_SHIFT) {
        list.SHIFT_start_id = null;
        list.SHIFT_count = 0;

function on_key_down(vkey) {
    if(dragndrop.drag_in) return true;
    var mask = GetKeyboardMask();
    var act_pls = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    if (mask == KMask.none) {
        switch (vkey) {
        case VK_SHIFT:
            list.SHIFT_count = 0;
        case VK_BACK:
            if(g_search_string.length>0) {
                var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
                var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
                var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
                var tt_h = 60;
                g_search_string = g_search_string.substring(0, g_search_string.length-1);
                window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, tt_h+4);
                clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
                incsearch_timer && window.ClearTimeout(incsearch_timer);
                incsearch_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    incsearch_timer = false;
                }, 400);
        case VK_ESCAPE:
        case 222:
            var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
            var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
            var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
            var tt_h = 60;
            g_search_string = "";
            window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, tt_h+4);
        case VK_UP:
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id>0)?list.focus_id-1:0;
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id>0)?list.focus_id-1:0;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+5);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_DOWN:
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1)?list.focus_id+1:list.total-1;
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1)?list.focus_id+1:list.total-1;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+5);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_PGUP:
            var delta = 0;
            var step = 0;
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                delta = list.tocut;
                step = list.focus_id - list.item[delta].id;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id-step-1>0)?list.focus_id-step-1:0;
                list.focus_id = new_focus_id;
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        delta = list.tocut;
                        step = list.focus_id - list.item[delta].id;
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id-step-1>0)?list.focus_id-step-1:0;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_PGDN:
            var delta = 0;
            var step = 0;
            var new_focus_id = 0;
            if(!list.keypressed) {
                list.keypressed = true;
                delta = (list.tocut+list.nbvis<list.item.length)?list.tocut+list.nbvis:list.item.length-1;
                step = list.item[delta].id - list.focus_id;
                new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1-step)?list.focus_id+step:list.total-1;
                list.focus_id = new_focus_id;
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
                    scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                        delta = (list.tocut+list.nbvis<list.item.length)?list.tocut+list.nbvis:list.item.length-1;
                        step = list.item[delta].id - list.focus_id;
                        new_focus_id = (list.focus_id<list.total-1-step)?list.focus_id+step:list.total-1;
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, new_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, new_focus_id, true);
                    }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value+30);
                }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value);
        case VK_RETURN:
            // play focus item
            if(!isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(act_pls, list.focus_id);
        case VK_END:
            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.total-1);
            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.total-1, true);
        case VK_HOME:
            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, 0);
            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, 0, true);
        case VK_DELETE:
            if(!fb.IsAutoPlaylist(act_pls)) {
                if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
                    var affected_items = Array();
                    var first_focus_id = null;
                    var next_focus_id = null;
                    for(var k=0; k<list.total; k++) {
                        if(plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(act_pls, k)) {
                            if(first_focus_id==null) fist_focus_id = k;
                            next_focus_id = k + 1;
                    if(next_focus_id>=list.total) {
                        next_focus_id = fist_focus_id;
                    if(next_focus_id!=null) {
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, next_focus_id);
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, next_focus_id, true);
                } else {
                    plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(act_pls, false);
                plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(act_pls), true);
    } else {
        switch(mask) {
            case KMask.shift:
                if(vkey==VK_UP) { // SHIFT + KEY UP
                    if(list.SHIFT_count==0) {
                        if(list.SHIFT_start_id==null) {
                            list.SHIFT_start_id = list.focus_id;
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                        if(list.focus_id>0) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else if(list.SHIFT_count<0) {
                        if(list.focus_id>0) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else {
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, false);
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                if(vkey==VK_DOWN) { // SHIFT + KEY DOWN
                    if(list.SHIFT_count==0) {
                        if(list.SHIFT_start_id==null) {
                            list.SHIFT_start_id = list.focus_id;
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                        if(list.focus_id<list.total-1) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else if(list.SHIFT_count>0) {
                        if(list.focus_id<list.total-1) {
                            plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, true);
                            plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
                    } else {
                        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(act_pls, list.focus_id, false);
                        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(act_pls, list.focus_id);
            case KMask.ctrl:
                if(vkey==65) { // CTRL+A
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Select all");
                if(vkey==67) { // CTRL+C
                    clipboard.selection = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(plman.ActivePlaylist);
                if(vkey==86) { // CTRL+V
                    // insert the clipboard selection (handles) after the current position in the active playlist
                    if(clipboard.selection) {
                        if(clipboard.selection.Count>0) {
                            try {
                                if(list.total>0) {
                                    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist, list.focus_id+1, clipboard.selection);
                                } else {
                                    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist, 0, clipboard.selection);
                            } catch(e) {
                                fb.trace("WSH Playlist WARNING: Clipboard can't be paste, invalid clipboard content.");
                if(vkey==70) { // CTRL+F
                if(vkey==78) { // CTRL+N
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/New playlist");
                if(vkey==79) { // CTRL+O
                if(vkey==80) { // CTRL+P
                if(vkey==83) { // CTRL+S
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Save playlist...");
            case KMask.alt:
                if(vkey==65) { // ALT+A
                    fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Always on Top");

function on_char(code) {
    if(list.total>0) {
        var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
        var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
        var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
        var tt_h = 60;
        if(code==32 && g_search_string.length==0) return true; // SPACE Char not allowed on 1st char
        if(g_search_string.length<=20 && tt_w<=ww-vscrollbar.w-20) {
            if (code > 31) {
                g_search_string = g_search_string + String.fromCharCode(code).toUpperCase();
                window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww, tt_h+4);
                clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
                clear_incsearch_timer = false;
                incsearch_timer && window.ClearTimeout(incsearch_timer);
                incsearch_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
                    incsearch_timer = false;
                }, 400);

//=================================================// Playback Callbacks
function on_playback_new_track(info) {
    g_seconds = 0;
    g_metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying();

function on_playback_stop(reason) {
    if(reason==0) { // on user Stop
        g_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
    g_seconds = 0;

function on_playback_pause(state){

function on_playback_seek(time) {

function on_playback_time(time) {
    // refresh now playing track in the playlist (play icon + time elapsed/remaining)
    g_seconds = time;
    if(g_playing_item_y!=null && plman.PlayingPlaylist==plman.ActivePlaylist) {
        if(g_playing_item_y>=0-row.h && g_playing_item_y<=wh+row.h) {
            if(g_playing_item_y<0) {
                g_playing_item_y = 0;
            if(g_playing_item_y>wh-row.h) {
                g_playing_item_y = wh-row.h;
            window.RepaintRect(0, g_playing_item_y, ww-vscrollbar.w, row.h);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
    // Statistics TAGs Engine (v1.0 by Br3tt)
    // Update the TAGs below after 50% time played :
    // <FIRST_PLAYED>, <LAST_PLAYED>, <PLAY_COUNTER> (<PLAY_COUNT> replaced if found)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
    if(time <= 1) {
        stats.updated = false;
        stats.metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying();
        stats.path_prefix = stats.metadb ? stats.metadb.rawpath.substring(0,4) : "";
        stats.taggable_file = (stats.path_prefix == "file" || stats.path_prefix== "cdda");
    if(stats.metadb && stats.taggable_file && fb.IsMetadbInMediaLibrary(stats.metadb)) {
        if(time <= 1) {
            var total_seconds = stats.tf_length_seconds.Eval();
            stats.time_elapsed = Math.floor(time);
            if(total_seconds >= 10) {
                stats.limit = total_seconds - 5;
                stats.delay = Math.floor(total_seconds / 2);
            } else {
                stats.limit = total_seconds - 1;
                stats.delay = 2;
            if(stats.delay < 0) stats.delay = 0;
        } else if(stats.time_elapsed > 0) {
        if(stats.time_elapsed >= stats.delay && time <= stats.limit) {
            stats.time_elapsed = 0;

            var new_play_counter;
            var old_play_count, old_play_counter;
            old_play_count = stats.tf_play_count.Eval();
            old_play_counter = stats.tf_play_counter.Eval();

            var timestamp = getTimestamp();

            if(old_play_count >= 0 && old_play_counter == "?") {
                new_play_counter = Math.floor(old_play_count) + 1;
            } else if(old_play_counter=="?") {
                new_play_counter = 1;
            } else {
                new_play_counter = Math.floor(old_play_counter) + 1;
            var firstplayed_ts = stats.tf_first_played.Eval();

            // UPDATE TAGs
            if(stats.enabled && !stats.foo_playcount && !stats.updated) {
                if(firstplayed_ts != "?") {
                    var bool = stats.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("LAST_PLAYED", timestamp, "PLAY_COUNTER", new_play_counter, "PLAY_COUNT", "");
                } else {
                    var bool = stats.metadb.UpdateFileInfoSimple("FIRST_PLAYED", timestamp, "LAST_PLAYED", timestamp, "PLAY_COUNTER", new_play_counter, "PLAY_COUNT", "");
                stats.updated = true;
                // report to console
                fb.trace("WSH: Statistics updated to file at : " + fb.PlaybackTime + ".");

//=================================================// Font & Colors
function get_font() {
	if (g_instancetype == 0) {
		g_font = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.items, "{82196D79-69BC-4041-8E2A-E3B4406BB6FC}");
		g_font_headers = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.labels, "{C0D3B76C-324D-46D3-BB3C-E81C7D3BCB85}");
	} else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
		g_font = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.playlists);
		g_font_headers = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.tabs);
    if(g_font_guifx_found) {
        rating_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 17, 0);
        del_rating_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 13, 0);
        mood_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 16, 0);
    } else {
        rating_font = gdi.Font("tahoma", 22, 0);
        del_rating_font = gdi.Font("tahoma", 22, 0);
        mood_font = gdi.Font("tahoma", 16, 1);

function get_colors() {
	if (g_instancetype == 0) {
		g_textcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.text);
		g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_text);
		g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.active_item_frame);
		g_backcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.background);
		g_backcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_background)
	} else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
		g_textcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.text);
		g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.selection);
		g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.highlight);
		g_backcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.background);
		g_backcolor_sel = g_textcolor_sel

    // Custom colors set in Properties of the panel
    if(panel.custom_colors) {
            if(panel.custom_textcolor.length>0) g_textcolor = eval(panel.custom_textcolor);
            if(panel.custom_textcolor_selection.length>0) {
                g_textcolor_sel = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_selection);
                g_backcolor_sel = g_textcolor_sel;
            if(panel.custom_backcolor.length>0) g_backcolor = eval(panel.custom_backcolor);
            if(panel.custom_textcolor_highlight.length>0) g_textcolor_hl = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_highlight);
        } catch(e) {};

	g_backcolor_R = getRed(g_backcolor);
	g_backcolor_G = getGreen(g_backcolor);
	g_backcolor_B = getBlue(g_backcolor)

//=================================================// Images (general)
function set_scroller() {
    var gb;
    try {
        cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
    } catch(e) {
        cursor.h = cursor.default_h;
        cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
    gb = cursor.img_normal.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(3, 1);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h);
    } catch(e) {
        gb.FillSolidRect(3, 0, cursor.w-6, cursor.h, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);

    cursor.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
    gb = cursor.img_hover.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(3, 2);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h);
    } catch(e) {
        gb.FillSolidRect(3, 0, cursor.w-6, cursor.h, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);
    cursor.bt = new button(cursor.img_normal, cursor.img_hover, cursor.img_hover);

function init_vscrollbar_buttons() {
    var i, gb;

    cursor.popup = gdi.CreateImage(27, 22);
    gb = cursor.popup.GetGraphics();
    var points = Array(22-2,7, 22-2+6,11, 22-2,22-7);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_textcolor, 0, points);
    gb.DrawPolygon(RGBA(0,0,0,150), 1.0, points);
    button_up.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
    gb = button_up.img_normal.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 1);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, 10, mid_x+0, 5, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, 6, mid_x+3, 10, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);

    button_up.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
    gb = button_up.img_hover.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 2);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, 10, mid_x+0, 5, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, 6, mid_x+3, 10, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);

    button_up.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
    gb = button_up.img_down.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 3);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, 10, mid_x+0, 5, 2.0, g_textcolor);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, 6, mid_x+3, 10, 2.0, g_textcolor);

    button_down.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
    gb = button_down.img_normal.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 5);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, button_down.h-11, mid_x+0, button_down.h-6, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, button_down.h-7, mid_x+3, button_down.h-11, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x44ffffff);

    button_down.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
    gb = button_down.img_hover.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 6);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, button_down.h-11, mid_x+0, button_down.h-6, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, button_down.h-7, mid_x+3, button_down.h-11, 2.0, g_textcolor&0x88ffffff);

    button_down.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
    gb = button_down.img_down.GetGraphics();
    // Draw Themed Scrollbar (lg/col)
    try {
        vscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 7);
        vscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h);
    } catch(e) {
        var mid_x = Math.round(button_up.w/2);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x-4, button_down.h-11, mid_x+0, button_down.h-6, 2.0, g_textcolor);
        gb.DrawLine(mid_x+0, button_down.h-7, mid_x+3, button_down.h-11, 2.0, g_textcolor);

    vscrollbar.arr_buttons.splice(0, vscrollbar.arr_buttons.length);
    for(i=0;i<vscrollbar.button_total;i++) {
        switch(i) {
         case 0:
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons.push(new button(button_up.img_normal, button_up.img_hover, button_up.img_down));
         case 1:
            vscrollbar.arr_buttons.push(new button(button_down.img_normal, button_down.img_hover, button_down.img_down));

//=================================================// Init Icons and Images (no_cover ...)
function init_icons() {
    var i;
    var gb;
    var gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 15, 0);
    glass_reflect_img = draw_glass_reflect(120, 120);
    playicon_off = gdi.CreateImage(20, row.h);
    gb = playicon_off.GetGraphics();
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = Math.floor(row.h/2) - 6;
    var x2 = 12;
    var y2 = Math.floor(row.h/2);
    var x3 = 0;
    var y3 = Math.floor(row.h/2) + 6;
    var points = Array(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_backcolor, 0, points);
    gb.DrawPolygon(g_textcolor, 1.0, points);

    playicon_on = gdi.CreateImage(20, row.h);
    gb = playicon_on.GetGraphics();
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = Math.floor(row.h/2) - 6;
    var x2 = 12;
    var y2 = Math.floor(row.h/2);
    var x3 = 0;
    var y3 = Math.floor(row.h/2) + 6;
    var points = Array(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);    gb.FillPolygon(g_backcolor, 0, points);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_backcolor, 0, points);
    gb.FillPolygon(g_textcolor_sel&0x77ffffff, 0, points);
    gb.DrawPolygon(g_textcolor, 1.0, points);
    // singleline group header icon 
    singleline_group_header_icon = gdi.CreateImage(18, 16);
    gb = singleline_group_header_icon.GetGraphics();
    // drag_n_drop markers around line of insert
    icon_arrow_left = gdi.CreateImage(8, 8);
    gb = icon_arrow_left.GetGraphics();
    gb.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, 7, 1.0, g_textcolor);
    gb.DrawLine(1, 1, 1, 7-1, 1.0, g_textcolor);
    gb.DrawLine(2, 2, 2, 7-2, 1.0, g_textcolor);
    gb.DrawLine(3, 3, 3, 7-3, 1.0, g_textcolor);

    nocover = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
    gb = nocover.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 108, 1);
    gb.DrawString("NO", gui_font, g_textcolor&0x25ffffff, 0, 0, 200, 110, cc_stringformat);
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 48, 1);
    gb.DrawString("COVER", gui_font, g_textcolor&0x20ffffff, 1, 70, 200, 110, cc_stringformat);
    gb.FillSolidRect(24, 155, 152, 20, g_textcolor&0x15ffffff);
    noartist = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
    gb = noartist.GetGraphics();

    streamcover = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
    gb = streamcover.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 42, 0);
    gb.DrawString("stream", gui_font, g_backcolor, 1, 2, 200, 190, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString("stream", gui_font, g_textcolor&0x99ffffff, 1, 0, 200, 190, cc_stringformat);

    // Toolbar buttons
    // Settings Menu button
    bt_settings_off = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_settings_off.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 28, 1);
    gb.DrawString("*", gui_font, RGB(150,150,150), 0, 2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(140,140,140));

    bt_settings_ov = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_settings_ov.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 28, 1);
    gb.DrawString("*", gui_font, RGB(190,190,190), 0, 2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(180,180,180));
    bt_settings_on = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_settings_on.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 28, 1);
    gb.DrawString("*", gui_font, RGB(230,230,230), 0, 2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(220,220,220));

    // Sort/group Menu button
    bt_sort_off = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_sort_off.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 15, 0);
    gb.DrawString("Az", gui_font, RGB(140,140,140), 0, -2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(140,140,140));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(140,140,140));

    bt_sort_ov = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_sort_ov.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 15, 0);
    gb.DrawString("Az", gui_font, RGB(180,180,180), 0, -2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(180,180,180));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(180,180,180));
    bt_sort_on = gdi.CreateImage(30, 20);
    gb = bt_sort_on.GetGraphics();
    gui_font = gdi.Font("Tahoma", 15, 0);
    gb.DrawString("Az", gui_font, RGB(220,220,220), 0, -2, 20, 20, lc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-4, 8-2+2, 16+8+4, 8-2+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-3, 8-1+2, 16+8+3, 8-1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-2, 8-0+2, 16+8+2, 8-0+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.DrawLine(16+8-1, 8+1+2, 16+8+1, 8+1+2, 1.0, RGB(220,220,220));
    gb.FillSolidRect(16+8-0, 8+2+2, 1, 1, RGB(220,220,220));

    toolbar.buttons.splice(0, toolbar.buttons.length);
    for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
        switch(i) {
         case 0:
            toolbar.buttons.push(new button(bt_settings_off, bt_settings_ov, bt_settings_on));
         case 1:
            toolbar.buttons.push(new button(bt_sort_off, bt_sort_ov, bt_sort_on));

function recalc_datas() {
    if(toolbar.lock) {
        toolbar.delta = toolbar.collapsed_y*-1;
        toolbar.state = true;
    if(panel.nogroupheader) {
        group.nbrows = 0;
    } else {
        group.nbrows = group.nbrows_default;
    list.nbvis = (((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h) == Math.ceil((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h)) ? Math.ceil((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h) : Math.ceil(((wh-toolbar.h)/row.h)-1);
    if(panel.themed) {
        vscrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar");
        list.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("listview");
    } else {
        vscrollbar.theme = false;
        list.theme = false;
    button_up.y = 0;
    button_down.y = wh - button_down.h;
    vscrollbar.y = button_up.h;
    vscrollbar.h = wh - button_up.h - button_down.h;
    cursor.x = ww-vscrollbar.w;
    cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
    if(cover.show) {
        cover.w = group.nbrows*row.h;
    } else {
        cover.w = 0;
    if(cover.w>row.h) {
        cover.visible = true;
        cover.h = cover.w;
        cover.nbrows = Math.ceil(cover.w/row.h);
    } else {
        cover.visible = false;
        cover.h = cover.w;
        cover.nbrows = Math.ceil(cover.w/row.h);

function redraw_stub_images() {
    nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w-cover.margin*2), (cover.h-cover.margin*2));
    noartist_img = FormatCover(noartist, (cover.w-cover.margin*2), (cover.h-cover.margin*2));
    streamcover_img = FormatCover(streamcover, (cover.w-cover.margin*2), (cover.h-cover.margin*2));

function SelectGroupItems(start_id) {
    var count = 0;
    var affectedItems = Array();
    if(!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {

    for(var i = start_id; i < list.total; i++) {
        if(list.hlist[i] != list.hlist[start_id]) {
        } else {
        if(count>9999) break;
    plman.SetPlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, affectedItems, true);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, start_id);

function SelectAtoB(start_id, end_id) {

    var affectedItems = Array();
    if(list.SHIFT_start_id==null) {
        list.SHIFT_start_id = start_id;
    var previous_focus_id = list.focus_id;
    if(start_id<end_id) {
        var deb = start_id;
        var fin = end_id;
    } else {
        var deb = end_id;
        var fin = start_id;        

    for(var i=deb;i<=fin;i++) {
    plman.SetPlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, affectedItems, true);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, end_id);
    if(affectedItems.length>1) {
        if(end_id > previous_focus_id) {
            var delta = end_id - previous_focus_id;
            list.SHIFT_count += delta;
        } else {
            var delta = previous_focus_id - end_id;
            list.SHIFT_count -= delta;

function ShowNowPlaying() {
    if(fb.IsPlaying) {
        if(plman.PlayingPlaylist!=plman.ActivePlaylist) {
            plman.ActivePlaylist = plman.PlayingPlaylist;
        if(plman.PlaylistItemCount(plman.PlayingPlaylist)==0 || !fb.GetFocusItem(false)) return true;
        list.nowplaying = plman.GetPlayingItemLocation();
        var pid = list.nowplaying.PlaylistItemIndex;
        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid, true);
        if(pid>=0 && pid<list.total) {
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, false);
    } else {
        var pid = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(plman.ActivePlaylist);
        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid, true);
        if(pid>=0 && pid<list.total) {
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, false);

function ShowSelectedItem(pid) {
    if(list.total==0 || !fb.GetFocusItem(false)) return true;
    if(pid<0) {
        pid = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(plman.ActivePlaylist);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid);
    plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(plman.ActivePlaylist, pid, true);

function IncrementalSearch() {
    var count=0;
    var albumartist;
    var chr;
    var gstart;
    var pid = -1;
    // exit if no search string in cache
    if(g_search_string.length<=0) return true;
    // 1st char of the search string
    var first_chr = g_search_string.substring(0,1);  
    var len = g_search_string.length;
    // which start point for the search
    if(list.total>1000) {
        albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(Math.floor(list.total/2)));
        chr = albumartist.substring(0,1);
        if(first_chr.charCodeAt(first_chr) > chr.charCodeAt(chr)) {
            gstart = Math.floor(list.total/2);
        } else {
            gstart = 0;
    } else {
        gstart = 0;

    var format_str = "";
    for(var i=gstart;i<list.total;i++) {
        albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
        format_str = albumartist.substring(0,len).toUpperCase();
        if(format_str==g_search_string) {
            pid = i;
    if(pid>=0) { // found!
    } else {
        list.inc_search_noresult = true;
    clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
    clear_incsearch_timer = window.SetInterval(function () {
        // reset incremental search string after 1 seconds without any key pressed
        var tt_x = ((ww-vscrollbar.w) / 2) - (((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2)) / 2);
        var tt_y = (wh/2) - 30;
        var tt_w = ((g_search_string.length*13)+(10*2));
        var tt_h = 60;
        g_search_string = "";
        window.RepaintRect(0, tt_y-2, ww-vscrollbar.w, tt_h+4);
        clear_incsearch_timer && window.ClearInterval(clear_incsearch_timer);
        clear_incsearch_timer = false;
        list.inc_search_noresult = false;
    }, 1000);

//=================================================// Item Context Menu
function new_context_menu(x, y, id, array_id) {
    var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var Context = fb.CreateContextMenuManager();
    var _child01 = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _child02 = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    list.metadblist_selection = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(plman.ActivePlaylist);
    Context.BuildMenu(_menu, 1, -1);
    _child01.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Selection...");
    _child01.AppendMenuItem((fb.IsAutoPlaylist(plman.ActivePlaylist) || isQueuePlaylistActive())?MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED:MF_STRING, 1000, "Remove");
    _child02.AppendTo(_child01, MF_STRING, "Send to...");
    _child02.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 2000, "a New playlist...");
    _child02.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, "");
    var pl_count = plman.PlaylistCount;
    for(var i=0;i<pl_count;i++) {
        if(i!=plman.ActivePlaylist && !fb.IsAutoPlaylist(i)) {
            _child02.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 2001+i, plman.GetPlaylistName(i));

    var ret = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
    if(ret<800) {
        Context.ExecuteByID(ret - 1);
    } else if(ret<1000) {
        switch (ret) {
        case 880:
    } else {
        switch (ret) {
        case 1000:
            plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, false);
        case 2000:
            fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/New playlist");
            plman.InsertPlaylistItems(plman.PlaylistCount-1, 0, list.metadblist_selection, false);
            var insert_index = plman.PlaylistItemCount(ret-2001);
            plman.InsertPlaylistItems((ret-2001), insert_index, list.metadblist_selection, false);
    return true;

function sort_group_menu(x, y) {
    var idx;
    var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _sort = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _groupby = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    _sort.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Sort");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 100, "Sort by album");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 110, "Sort by artist");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 120, "Sort by file path");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 130, "Sort by date");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 140, "Sort by genre");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 150, "Randomize");
    _sort.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 160, "Reverse");
    _groupby.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Group/Sort");
    _groupby.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 200, "Group/Sort by album");
    _groupby.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 201, "Group/Sort by artist");
    _groupby.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 202, "Group/Sort by file path");
    idx = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
    switch(idx) {
        case 100:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_album, false);
        case 110:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_artist, false);
        case 120:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_path, false);
        case 130:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_date, false);
        case 140:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, sort_pattern_genre, false);
        case 150:
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "", false);
        case 160:
        case 200:
            group.type = 0;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", group.type);
            group.key = group_pattern_album;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group.key);
            tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "%album artist% | %date% | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", false);
        case 201:
            group.type = 1;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", group.type);
            group.key = group_pattern_artist;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group.key);
            tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "%artist% | %date% | %album% | %discnumber% | %tracknumber% | %title%", false);
        case 202:
            group.type = 2;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group.type", group.type);
            group.key = group_pattern_path;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.group Key", group.key);
            tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(group.key);
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
            plman.SortByFormat(plman.ActivePlaylist, "%path%", false);

    g_menu_displayed = false;
    // collapse toolbar
    if(!toolbar.lock) {
        if(toolbar.delta==0) {
            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
        if(toolbar.state) {
            if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                    toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                            toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                    toolbar.delta = 0;
                                    toolbar.state = false;
                                    toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                            }, 30);
                        } ;
                        toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                        toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                    }, 400);
    return true;

function settings_menu(x, y) {
    var idx;
    var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _columns = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    var _appearance = window.CreatePopupMenu();
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1, "Lock Toolbar");
    _menu.CheckMenuItem(1, toolbar.lock?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Appearance");
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 100, "Use Themed Style");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(100, panel.themed?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 110, "Use Custom Colors");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(110, panel.custom_colors?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 120, "No Group Header");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(120, panel.nogroupheader?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 130, "Light Shadow Border (sunken effect)");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(130, panel.show_shadow_border?1:0);
    _appearance.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 140, "Show Scrollbar");
    _appearance.CheckMenuItem(140, vscrollbar.show?1:0);

    _columns.AppendTo(_menu, MF_STRING, "Columns");
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 200, "Play Icon");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(200, columns.playicon?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 210, "Track Number");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(210, columns.tracknumber?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 330, "Title");
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 331, "Title (Smart)");
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 332, "Title / Artist");
    _columns.CheckMenuRadioItem(330, 332, columns.title+330);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 300, "Playcount");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(300, columns.playcount?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 310, "Rating");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(310, columns.rating?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 320, "Love Track");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(320, columns.mood?1:0);
    _columns.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 340, "Bitrate");
    _columns.CheckMenuItem(340, columns.bitrate?1:0);
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(fb.IsPlaying?MF_STRING:MF_GRAYED|MF_DISABLED, 6, "Show Now Playing");
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(plman.IsPlaybackQueueActive()?MF_STRING:MF_GRAYED|MF_DISABLED, 7, "Show Queue Playlist");
    _menu.AppendMenuItem((cover.show && list.total>0 && group.nbrows>1)?MF_STRING:MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED, 8, "Refresh Covers");
    if(!stats.foo_playcount) {
        _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 10, "Enable Playback Statistics");
        _menu.CheckMenuItem(10, stats.enabled?1:0);
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 20, "Properties");
    _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 21, "Configure...");
    idx = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
    switch(idx) {
        case 1:
            toolbar.lock = !toolbar.lock;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.toolbar.lock", toolbar.lock);
        case 6:
            if(plman.ActivePlaylist != plman.PlayingPlaylist) {
                if(list.handlelist) list.handlelist.Dispose();
                list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(fb.PlayingPlaylist);
                list.total = list.handlelist.Count;
                plman.ActivePlaylist = plman.PlayingPlaylist;
            } else {
        case 7:
        case 8:
            g_image_cache = new image_cache;
        case 10:
            stats.enabled = !stats.enabled;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.statistics.enabled", stats.enabled);
        case 20:
        case 21:
        case 100:
            panel.themed = !panel.themed;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.themed", panel.themed);
            if(panel.themed) {
                panel.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar");
            } else {
                panel.theme = false;
        case 110:
            panel.custom_colors = !panel.custom_colors;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.panel.custom.colors", panel.custom_colors);
        case 120:
            panel.nogroupheader = !panel.nogroupheader;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.no.group.header", panel.nogroupheader);
        case 130:
            panel.show_shadow_border = !panel.show_shadow_border;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.shadow.border.enabled", panel.show_shadow_border);
        case 140:
            vscrollbar.show = !vscrollbar.show;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.vscrollbar.visible", vscrollbar.show);
            if(list.item.length>list.nbvis) {
                if(vscrollbar.show) {
                    vscrollbar.visible = true;
                } else {
                    vscrollbar.visible = false;
            } else {
                vscrollbar.visible = false;
        case 200:
            columns.playicon = !columns.playicon;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playicon.enabled", columns.playicon);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 210:
            columns.tracknumber = !columns.tracknumber;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.tracknumber.enabled", columns.tracknumber);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 300:
            columns.playcount = !columns.playcount;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.playcount.enabled", columns.playcount);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 310:
            columns.duration_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate_w = 0;
            columns.rating = !columns.rating;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.rating.enabled", columns.rating);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 320:
            columns.duration_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate_w = 0;
            columns.mood = !columns.mood;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.mood.enabled", columns.mood);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 340:
            columns.duration_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate_w = 0;
            columns.bitrate = !columns.bitrate;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.bitrate.enabled", columns.bitrate);
            refresh_spv(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
        case 330:
        case 331:
        case 332:
            columns.title = idx - 330;
            window.SetProperty("SYSTEM.columns.title.pattern", columns.title);

    g_menu_displayed = false;
    // collapse toolbar
    if(!toolbar.lock) {
        if(toolbar.delta==0) {
            toolbar.timerID_on && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_on);
            toolbar.timerID_on = false;
        if(toolbar.state) {
            if(!toolbar.timerID_off) {
                if(toolbar.delta == toolbar.collapsed_y*-1) {
                    toolbar.timerID_off = window.SetTimeout(function() {
                        if(!toolbar.timerID2) {
                            toolbar.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function() {
                                toolbar.delta -= toolbar.step;
                                if(toolbar.delta <= 0) {
                                    toolbar.delta = 0;
                                    toolbar.state = false;
                                    toolbar.timerID2 = false;
                                window.RepaintRect(0, 0, ww, 30);
                            }, 30);
                        } ;
                        toolbar.timerID_off && window.ClearTimeout(toolbar.timerID_off);
                        toolbar.timerID_off = false;
                    }, 400);
    return true;

//=================================================// Drag'n'Drop Callbacks
var wsh_dragging = false;

function on_drag_enter() {
    wsh_dragging = true;

function on_drag_leave() {
    wsh_dragging = false;

function on_drag_over(action, x, y, mask) {
    on_mouse_move(x, y);

function on_drag_drop(action, x, y, mask) {
    wsh_dragging = false;
    // We are going to process the dropped items to a playlist
    action.Playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist;
    action.ToSelect = false;

//=================================================// Queue Playlist features

function on_playback_queue_changed(origin) {
    if(isQueuePlaylistActive()) {
    } else {

function isQueuePlaylistActive() {
    var queue_pl_idx = isQueuePlaylistPresent();
    if(queue_pl_idx<0) {
        return false;
    } else if(plman.ActivePlaylist == queue_pl_idx) {
        return true;

function isQueuePlaylistPresent() {
    for(var i=0; i<plman.PlaylistCount; i++) {
        if(plman.GetPlaylistName(i)=="Queue Content") return i;
    return -1;    

function SetPlaylistQueue() {
    var total_pl = plman.PlaylistCount;
    var queue_pl_idx = isQueuePlaylistPresent();
    if(queue_pl_idx<0) {
        return true;
    } else {
        var total_in_pls = plman.PlaylistItemCount(queue_pl_idx);
        if(total_in_pls > 0) {
            var affected_items = Array();
            for(var i=0; i<total_in_pls; i++) {
            plman.SetPlaylistSelection(queue_pl_idx, affected_items, true);
    var queue_total = plman.GetPlaybackQueueCount();
    var vbarr = plman.GetPlaybackQueueContents();
    var arr = vbarr.toArray();
    var q_handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(queue_pl_idx);
    for(var j=0; j<queue_total; j++) {
    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(queue_pl_idx, j, q_handlelist, false);

function ShowPlaylistQueue(focus_id) {
    var total_pl = plman.PlaylistCount;
    var queue_pl_idx = isQueuePlaylistPresent();
    if(queue_pl_idx<0) {
        plman.CreatePlaylist(total_pl, "Queue Content");
        queue_pl_idx = total_pl;
        plman.ActivePlaylist = queue_pl_idx;
    } else {
        plman.ActivePlaylist = queue_pl_idx;
    var queue_total = plman.GetPlaybackQueueCount();
    var vbarr = plman.GetPlaybackQueueContents();
    var arr = vbarr.toArray();
    var q_handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(queue_pl_idx);
    for(var i=0; i<queue_total; i++) {
    plman.InsertPlaylistItems(queue_pl_idx, i, q_handlelist, false);
    plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(queue_pl_idx, focus_id);

Fantastisch! Das macht mir das Stöbern durch die Musiksammlung deutlich einfacher.
Vielen Dank dafür!

Keine Ursache. Freut mich natürlich, dass es bei Dir ebenso klappt. :wink:

Weiß vielleicht einer von euch, ob es für MacOS einen Player gibt, der vom Funktionsumfang vergleichbar mit Foobar2000 ist?
Ich habe zur Zeit nur einen Mac und vermisse Foobar2000 doch sehr, besonders den Masstagger, die Möglichkeit ID3-Tag Versionen zu ändern und eine eine Auswahl von Dateien nach bestimmten Mustern kopieren zu können.

ob es einen ähnlichen Player wie foobar2000 für MacOS gibt kann ich mangels Erfahrung mit dem OS nicht sagen, aber man kann wohl foobar2000 mit Wineskin zum laufen bekommen.

Ansonsten könntest Du vielleicht auch nochmal diese Liste durchstöbern: foobar2000 alternatives for Mac OS X

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