Fractal Design R5 - clean strip on up panel on moduvent cover


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Hello. I have an question. My case is Fractal Design R5. I have pc few months and of course which is normal many dust on case on up panel on moduvent cover.

Screen from internet case and panel moduvent( not mine screen etc ). Case panel from screen is clean without dust but it is only for show:


There are many dust on my case on up panel on moduvent cover. But…i dont know why some day i saw on moduvent covers a scratch ( not physically scratch but a trial looking like scratch ),like somebody used a pen or pencil to remove dust . . But like i said i dont touch case, dust dissapeared itself in this part. Is this possible?

One day i saw a clean strip on the dusty case, as if someone had dragged a pencil's eraser end or a finger across it, and i wondering if the strip could possibly have appeared by itself and not caused by someone or something, as if by magic.

I dont have any extra added vents in case. Only gpu and cpu fan. Thats all. I swear i dont touch case and my mother dont touch too. Please explain me . Thanks.Or maybe i am lunatic?

Its looking like this ( not my case,just pic to show issue :) lol ) :

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Ähm mein englisch ist sehr eingerostet, versteh ich das jetzt richtig und er will uns damit sagen wie schön sein Gehäuse jetzt nach dem reinigen ist?:confused:

Wenn ja, dann hohl ich die Trollkrone raus. *Trollkrone zück und bereit leg*

i said i dont have cat and nothing touched for my information. I dont touch ,. no bugs no spiders, my mother not touch. I trust her dudes, really smile.gif Weird huh?
Sieht aus wie eine klebrige Masse, so in etwa wie die Blüten von einem Baum, die Abdrücke finde ich schon seltsam fast so als ob das was drauf lag. Katzenpfoten wären eindeutig sichtbar, kommt drauf an wann die Katze daruf herum geturnt hat. Wo stand denn das Gehäuse zuletzt?

@Luxxer: Wer spielt denn die Translator-Fee.

@Memo an mich selbst: *Trollkrone zück und mir selbst aufsetz* Richtig lesen sollte man und dann die Bilder etwas genauer betrachten.:wall:
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Like somebody used a pen or pencil to remove dust . . But like i said i dont touch case, dust dissapeared itself in this part. Is this possible?

One day i saw a clean strip on the dusty case, as if someone had dragged a pencil's eraser end and i wondering if the strip could possibly have appeared by itself and not caused by someone or something, as if by magic.

I dont touch case, no bugs no spiders, my mother not touch. I trust her dudes.

So maybe i was sleepwalking?
Keep the black Things clean and the problem is solved. Or paint everything grey.
Is this possible that maybe static electricity,or maybe something with this do that?
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