Kinder schreien nach Hilfe !!!!


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Hallöle !! Vor einigen Monaten haben sich unsere Kinder das Spiel " Quack Attack" besorgt. Alles gut und schön . Nun sind Sie bei so einem Endgegner da beisse sogar ich mir die Zähne aus. Ist so eine Hexe die mit Kürbissen nach einem schmeisst und den Spielcharakter von einem Holzboden katapultiert. Ich habe schon das gesamte Net abgegrast und keinen Tip bzw. eine Lösung dafür gefunden. Vielleicht hat es ja einer von Euch schon mal durchgespielt. Ich wäre für jeden Tip dankbar.Bis denn !!!:wall:
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Strategy - I'll start off by saying there is a definite increase in
difficulty from the second boss to this boss, so be ready to spend a few
lives here. You enter the level and see Magica hovering in the air. She
welcomes you by saying, "Welcome to your doom, for this is your tomb." The
fight begins on the wooden platform you're standing on. Magica begins by
using her magic to send a pumpkin on the platform that will sprout legs and
chase you around. You need to punch it toward the edge and send it flying
off of the platform. After killing the pumpkin, Magica will start shooting
electric charges on the floor that will spread out in a circle. Just jump
away from where they first land and you will be fine. After shooting three
of these. Magica flies down the hallway and you chase after her by leaping
onto the nearby coffin. She pulls up a metal fence like thing ahead of you
and also behind you to prevent you from going back. There will be four
coffins here and they will start blinking green one by one. After a few of
the coffins have blinked, one of them will start flashing repeatedly and a
noise will sound along with the blinking. Leap onto this coffin and after a
second or two spikes will pop up from the other three coffins. While the
spikes are up on the other coffins, a skull bomb will drop onto the coffin
you're standing on. The fuse will start burning quickly, so you need to go
up to the skull and simply PUNCH THE SKULL. Punching the skull will send it
flying toward the fence in front of Magica and damage the fence (not her).
You need to repeat this process two more times and after the third one, the
fence in front of her will disappear and she will finally have a health block
removed. You advance further down the hall onto another wooden platform.
Also, right after damaging her, you receive full health again! You will get
your health back every time you damage her from now on. She does the same
thing again and throws a pumpkin at you, but upon its defeat, she'll throw
another pumpkin. She'll start throwing some electric charges again, but this
time she does four charges. And then you advance to another set of coffins,
but this time there are five. You do the exact same thing as last time,
which is punching the skull and standing on the blinking coffin. After the
third time you've hit her, you go to another wooden platform, and she'll
throw three pumpkins and six electric charges. Advance to a set of six
coffins and repeat the same procedure to defeat her. She'll disappear and
say, "Defeated by Donald Duck, what bad luck."


Ich hoffe, das ist das was du suchst.
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