Neue SetPoint Software für DiNovo


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Hallo, Leute!

Die SetPoint 1.05 ist draussen...
Aus irgendeinem Grund sind das jetzt 29MB im Download (Bluetooth-Stack inclusive)

Download hier:,CRID=1796,contentid=7692

If you are using the Mobile Phone Suite, the older version will not work with Setpoint 1.05. Please download the new Mobile Phone Suite 1.02.

Changes in the Logitech SetPoint 1.05 Full Release:
  • Added Microsoft Outlook support for the MediaPad (applicable to the
  • Logitech diNovo Media Desktop only)
  • Updated the Bluetooth stack
  • Added "Middle button" button assignment
  • Fixed issue with Custom Menu not saving settings
  • Fixed device disconnection issues
  • Fixed compatibility issues with third party software (Norton AntiSpam, VCOM PowerDesk, LynxOne, Matrox Parhelia).
If you are using the Logitech Media Desktop (Logitech® diNovo™ only), please download the Media Desktop Update as well.
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