Prime 95 Benchmark


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Da der P4 bei SuperPI bekanntlich kaum an den P-M bzw. A64 rankommt, interessiert mich, ob dies generell auf Numbercrunching zutrifft. Seti lief damals auf meinem Northwood eigentlich ziemlich schnell.

Mich würden daher mal euere P95 Benchmarks intessieren, das Tool sollte ja weit verbreitet sein. Ich benutze V 24.14 des Original P95 Clients.

Folgenden Text habe ich meiner results.txt im Prime Verzeichnis entnommen:

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
CPU speed: 4005.01 MHz
CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, MMX, SSE, SSE2
L1 cache size: 16 KB
L2 cache size: 2048 KB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 32-bit version 24.14, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 512K FFT length: 11.898 ms.
Best time for 640K FFT length: 15.251 ms.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 18.679 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 22.840 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 26.002 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 32.075 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 38.785 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 46.905 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 51.953 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 68.726 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 82.744 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 100.201 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 110.910 ms.
Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 6.957 ms.
Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 6.871 ms.
Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 6.900 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 6.918 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 9.600 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 9.585 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 11.018 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 10.988 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 10.857 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 10.969 ms.

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Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 170
CPU speed: 2649.76 MHz
CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, 3DNow!, MMX, SSE, SSE2
L1 cache size: 64 KB
L2 cache size: 1024 KB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
L1 TLBS: 32
L2 TLBS: 512
Prime95 32-bit version 24.14, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 512K FFT length: 17.772 ms.
Best time for 640K FFT length: 23.195 ms.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 28.111 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 33.717 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 37.476 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 47.798 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 58.490 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 70.761 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 79.033 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 103.536 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 128.176 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 153.682 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 170.727 ms.
Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 4.543 ms.
Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 4.525 ms.
Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 4.504 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 4.543 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 8.149 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 8.176 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 10.537 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 10.495 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 10.479 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 10.494 ms.
Ich grab den alten Thread mal wieder aus... Könnte vielleicht mal jemand C2D Werte posten?
Ok, bin ich der erste ?

[Tue Oct 31 19:43:47 2006]
Compare your results to other computers at
That web page also contains instructions on how your results can be included.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz
CPU speed: 2995.21 MHz
CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, MMX, SSE, SSE2
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: unknown
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: unknown
Prime95 32-bit version 24.14, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 512K FFT length: 8.576 ms.
Best time for 640K FFT length: 11.661 ms.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 14.362 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 17.220 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 19.062 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 24.238 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 29.522 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 35.114 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 39.165 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 51.741 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 62.935 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 76.903 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 86.129 ms.
Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 3.723 ms.
Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 3.752 ms.
Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 3.743 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 3.738 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 5.973 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 5.989 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 5.725 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 5.716 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 5.714 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 5.701 ms.

Rechner steht in der Sig.

Komisch das bei L2-Cache unknown steht, ich habe auf jedenfall 4MB.

Geil, ich habe mal den Compare-Link angeklickt und toppe den Xeon 5160 (Woodcrest) mit 3000 MHz, lol
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Prime scheint neutraler auf verschiedene Architekturen zu reagieren als SuperPI.

Leider liefert es bei mir fehlerhafte Werte :( Weil der FSB erst in Windows übertaktet wird.
AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
CPU speed: 1342.84 MHz
CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, 3DNow!, MMX
L1 cache size: 64 KB
L2 cache size: 256 KB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
L1 TLBS: 24
L2 TLBS: 256
Prime95 32-bit version 24.14, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 512K FFT length: 58.383 ms.
Best time for 640K FFT length: 81.393 ms.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 99.946 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 123.102 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 138.396 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 179.718 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 216.148 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 261.057 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 298.325 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 400.126 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 485.567 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 592.464 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 668.377 ms.
Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 9.633 ms.
Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 10.489 ms.
Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 10.290 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 10.561 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 18.126 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 18.433 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 44.878 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 45.454 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 46.994 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 47.762 ms.


Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz
CPU speed: 1994.88 MHz
CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, MMX, SSE, SSE2
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: unknown
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: unknown
Prime95 32-bit version 24.14, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 512K FFT length: 12.775 ms.
Best time for 640K FFT length: 17.345 ms.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 21.389 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 25.549 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 28.271 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 36.009 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 44.016 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 52.349 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 58.041 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 76.702 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 93.379 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 112.901 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 126.504 ms.
Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 5.591 ms.
Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 5.644 ms.
Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 5.607 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 5.604 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 8.974 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 8.949 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 8.573 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 8.509 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 8.513 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 8.477 ms.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wie kann man denn Prime95 in mehrfachen Instanzen ausführen? Bei mir wird nur die bereits laufende Instanz nach vorn gebracht, wenn ich versuche eine weitere zu starten.
Wie kann man denn Prime95 in mehrfachen Instanzen ausführen? Bei mir wird nur die bereits laufende Instanz nach vorn gebracht, wenn ich versuche eine weitere zu starten.

Schau mal in den Core2Duo Overclockingthread da wird es auf der ersten Seite erklärt!
@Ali Baba: Du brauchst zweimal komplett das Programm Prime95 auf der Festplatte. Zweimal auf ein und diesselbe exe-Datei klicken bringt also nix. Dann startest Du einfach jedes Prime95 ganz normal und hast dann dementsprechend zwei Instanzen laufen...
Okay, das hat geklappt. Man braucht tatsächlich auch nur die Executable ein zweites mal und den ganzen anderen Kram aus dem Installationsordner nicht unbedingt. Dankesehr.
Ich steuere mal die 64-Bit-Variante bei. Auffällig ist, daß es gegenüber der 32-Bit-Variante nur geringfügig (ca 3%) schneller ist.

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz
CPU speed: 4002.74 MHz
CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, MMX, SSE, SSE2
L1 cache size: 16 KB
L2 cache size: 2048 KB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 64-bit version 24.14, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 512K FFT length: 11.471 ms.
Best time for 640K FFT length: 14.612 ms.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 17.917 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 21.860 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 25.057 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 30.879 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 37.268 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 44.761 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 49.965 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 66.645 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 80.004 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 96.029 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 107.216 ms.
Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 5.813 ms.
Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 5.867 ms.
Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 6.097 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 6.279 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 8.024 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 9.418 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 11.102 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 12.289 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 12.192 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 12.172 ms.
Schaut interessant aus, habs vorher auch noch nie durchlaufen lassen...

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz
CPU speed: 3710.22 MHz
CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, MMX, SSE, SSE2
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: unknown
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: unknown
Prime95 32-bit version 24.14, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 512K FFT length: 6.871 ms.
Best time for 640K FFT length: 9.309 ms.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 11.488 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 13.728 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 15.193 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 19.374 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 23.654 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 28.104 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 31.242 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 41.198 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 50.153 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 60.636 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 67.978 ms.
Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 3.011 ms.
Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 3.034 ms.
Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 3.022 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 3.012 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 4.808 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 4.812 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 4.607 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 4.575 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 4.579 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 4.557 ms.
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