Probleme mit dem Programm Mircstats

Prediger Kane

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Mitglied seit

Also, ich hab ma das mircstats runter geladen. Jetzt ist da so eine Datei dabei, die nennt sich mirc_parse oder ähnlich.

Auf jeden Fall muss man sich da irgentwie so .. Variablen oder so anlegen.
Nur ich check das nichtganz ....

Könnt ihr mir da weiter helfen ?

Das ganze sieht so aus:

[mIRCStats parser configuration file]

// File information (these lines are shown in mIRCStats)

[File Description]
mIRC 6.14 compliant


// Allowed variables are:
// Single-word variables: 
//    %nick%, %nick2%, %addr%, %channelname%, %monthname%, %ampm%, %anyword%
// Numeric variables:
//    %hour%, %minute%, %second%,
//    %day%, %month%, %year%, %anynum%
// Multi-word variables (only one allowed per line): 
//    %text%, %mode%, %anytext%

// Main rules: 
// - Variables have to be delimited by some non-variable characters like [%hour%:%minute%]
//   (unless they are fixed length ones like %2hour% (2-digit numeric hour).
// - You can only use one multi-word variable per line.
// - Don't use the same variable multiple times on any line.
// - Use "Test Parser" option to verify your new parsing rules ("Log parser"-settings page).
// - Check mIRCStats help for more info ("Setting options/Log parser")

// ----------------Parser configuration rules start here-------------------------------

// timestamp parsing rules:


// Parsing patterns in order of probability:

[Normal line]
 %nick% %text%

* %nick% %text%

[Mode change]
* %nick% sets mode: %mode% %text%
*** %nick% sets mode: %mode% %text%

* %nick% (%addr%) has joined %channelname%
* %nick% hat %channelname% betreten
* Joins: %nick% (%addr%)
* Rejoined channel %channelname%
*** %nick% (%addr%) has joined %channelname%
*** %nick% has joined %channelname%
*** Joins: %nick% (%addr%)
*** Rejoined channel %channelname%

* %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname% (%text%)
* %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname%
* %nick% has left %channelname% (%text%)
* %nick% has left %channelname%
* Parts: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname% (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname%
*** %nick% has left %channelname% (%text%)
*** %nick% has left %channelname%
* Parts: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)

* %nick% (%addr%) Quit (%text%)
* %nick% (%addr%) Quit
* %nick% Quit (%text%)
* %nick% Quit
* Quits: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)
* %nick% has quit IRC (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) Quit (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) Quit
*** %nick% Quit (%text%)
*** %nick% Quit
*** Quits: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)
*** %nick% has quit IRC (%text%)

[Session Start]
Session Start: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%
Session Start: %anyword% %monthname%  %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%

// skip close message at 00:00:00 (Daily logs) to prevent empty day appearing in the stats
Session Close: %anyword% %anyword% %day% 00:00:00 %anynum%
Session Close: %anyword% %anyword%  %day% 00:00:00 %anynum%

[Session Close]
Session Close: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%
Session Close: %anyword% %monthname%  %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%

[Session Time]
Session Time: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%
Session Time: %anyword% %monthname%  %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%

[Own normal line]
> %text%

* Now talking in %channelname%
*** Now talking in %channelname%
Session Ident: %channelname%

* %nick% is now known as %nick2%
*** %nick% is now known as %nick2%

[Topic change]
* %nick% changes topic to '%text%'
*** %nick% changes topic to '%text%'

* %nick% was kicked by %nick2% (%text%)
*** %nick% was kicked by %nick2% (%text%)
* You were kicked by %nick2% (%text%)
*** You were kicked by %nick2% (%text%)

// skip these unused lines
*** %nick% sets mode: %anyword%
*** Topic is %text%
* Disconnected
*** Disconnected

// If you use %monthname% in your parser configuration
// you need to define 12 month strings that are converted
// into a month number here

[Month names]

Ich kann da nix anfangen damit und Stats werden bie mir auch keine erzeugt deswegen. Der sagt mir immer, dass da in dieser Datei irgentwo ein Fehler drin sei.

Kann mir da jemand weiter helfen ?
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Sorry ich versteh nicht wo das problem liegt!
Kopier das script einfach und füg es bei dir im Irc in einen der 3 "Script Bereiche" ein
Ansonsten falls lies dir das mal genauer durch und wenn du es nach 2 Stunden nicht hinbekommst dann lass es und such dir simplere dinge in dieser Welt.
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