Signs of reality addiction...
How to tell if you're a non-cognitive reality addict..
There's a very important distinction between a reality addict and someone whose mind is waking and become more aware of "things".
Reality addicts tend not to think logically about things. Things in this case being the nature of reality and the questions about reality that we don't have answers for (consciousness/what reality is/what lies beyond).
I have realised something recently regarding reality addicts... They respond to questions on the unknown in a purely emotional manner. Where logic should be employed, the reality addict reacts with emotion.
“There is a 50 50 chance reality may be holographic/illusory in nature and everyone in it also holographic...”
The reality addict will REACT to such a statement in a purely emotional way...
"You need your head examined"
"Where is the scientific proof"
"too far-fetched"
"You've been watching the matrix" könnte von hier stammen
All of the above reactions are EMOTIONAL. They are automated and immediate reactions to something the reality addict finds alien. That which falls outside of his narrow acceptance of normality. The reality addict will reject/dismiss/ridicule anything he regards as alien. He may react in a hostile manner, this is another sign of his addiction to reality.
When an addict has their addiction challenged, they can often react with some hostility ("you need to get your head examined"). This happens because the reality addict wants to maintain his safe and narrow perception of things. That which is familiar. That which is alien must be regarded as a threat and so dismissed. Ridiculing is a common tactic the reality addict uses to try and convince his peers that the threat must be silenced at all costs.
Another common sign or reality addiction is the "I demand proof"... The reality addict's world is very simple... If it hasn't been proven by science then it can't exist or is improbable. There is a fundamental flaw in this belief because it implies that reality and everything contained within is determined by the word of the scientist.
The reality addict fails to understand the role of science... It is to find answers and create repeatable results. It is not to limit what is possible according to a scientists perception of what is possible. What is possible will be possible regardless of whether the scientist thinks so. Ironically the physicists who question the nature of reality and talk of this reality being possibly computer generated, are demonstrating clearly they are open-minded. The reality addict is either unaware of such research or pompously dismisses it as time-wasting (thus implying that the reality addict has a greater understanding of what is possible than the physicist who has an open mind and is seeking answers).
So, in summary… The way a reality addict reacts is in an automated emotional way. No logic, just emotion. This is why they react in a dismissive/hostile/ridiculing way if their view of reality is challenged.
So the first important distinction between reality addict and someone whose mind is awakening is:
Emotion versus logic.
The reality addict will be react immediately in a purely emotional way and be dismissive.
The person whose mind is awakening will think about the statement in a logical way (there is no place for emotion when discussing the nature of reality/that which is unknown).
“'There is a 50 50 chance reality may be holographic/illusory in nature and everyone in it also holographic...”
The awakening mind logic will consider things on many levels. Consider what we already know about the multi-dimensional nature of space/time versus what we don’t know. We don’t know how many dimensions exist or what they may contain. We don’t know if reality is holographic in nature, we can’t assume it is real because there is no absolute proof. We are born with no conscious memory. As if we all have amnesia and must seek answers. We don’t know if consciousness is purely electro-chemical or if the soul exists outside the physical. Logically speaking something doesn’t need to be proven in order for it to be possible. It will be possible regardless of what science dictates where the question relates to the great unknowns: what is reality/what lies beyond/what am I? So in the absence of proof for or against (conclusive proof), there is a 50 50 chance something may be possible versus not.
Crucially at this point the reality addict often misinterprets 50/50 believing it should apply to everything…
A reality addict recently used this argument to try and prove his narrow view of things was correct…
“If everything was 50/50, then an iron could fall on my head any second”
This is a perfect example of the reality addict failing to grasp 5050 probability. The problem is the iron and the head both relate to defined reality… In other words we already know that irons don’t randomly fall out of the sky and onto someone’s head. The argument is null because it is nonsensical. 50/50 should be applied to that which falls outside of DEFINED REALITY… That which is unknown and that which doesn’t relate to defined objects…
Another perfect example of reality addict insanity was this counter-argument…
“If 5050 were true, then a chicken could drive a car…”
Again, you can see the reality addict chooses objects relating to DEFINED REALITY. The chicken and the car are both objects which belong to defined/known reality.
An example of a valid question would be…
“Is the chicken real… Is the car real?”
“does the chicken have a consciousness? Does the consciousness extend beyond physical reality?”
So, to summarise…
Reality addict uses emotion where logic should be employed thus failing to use his mind and consider what is possible.
Another great distinction between reality addict and the awakening mind is that the reality addict will DEMAND PROOF…
Whenever they are confronted with something that seems alien or falls outside of mundane belief, the reality addict will demand proof.
I try to explain that it is NOT IMPORTANT to have proof for everything. The most important thing is to remove stop giving automated responses based on emotion and question in a logical way.
Das hat mein Freund in einem anderen Forum gepostet, nachdem wir eine lange Zeit darüber geredet haben. Von Ihm kommt die 50 zu 50 Theory.
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