Starship Troopers kaufen? Was denkt ihr?


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Bin mir am überlegen Starship troopers zu kaufen wenn es released wird in Dland, was denkt ihr? Ist das game in den USA erhältlich wenn ja hat es jemand und kann sagen wie es ist?
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also die screenshots und meinungen die ich bisher drüber gelesen / gesehen habe waren sehr mies :(
aus nem anderen forum:

"All settings are set to high, controls configured quickly, and off I go.

....and I wish I never had.

The beginning shows me clips of the movie, where the youngsters apply for their soldier career. Me not liking the movie in the first place am already turned off by the game. I look closer: are these pixel-errors? No, the game uses the movie-clips in a VHS-format! Oh dear, could they not have taken the DVD? Or better, could they just removed them alltogether?

What the FUCK??? Did I accidentially set the game to "low" quality? I check, and no, that is actually the highest quality the game is.
Physics are pretty much non-existent, explosions look below average, sound effects are there...but I switched them off cause they are getting on your nerves and distract badly from what is going on on the screen.

The story is between "crap" and "non-existent", apparently this game is set 5 years after Buenos Aires was destroyed by the bugs, and it seems like the Earthlings did nothing in regards to upgrading their weaponry, as the weapons still look like in the movie, the ships are still the same sad block of metal, and worse than that, if the game is set 5 years after the movie, why does the game torture me then with clips from the friggin' movie and did not come up with something more a different story line, or just different clips? Maybe that would require a brain... "
back2newbelf schrieb:
aus nem anderen forum:

"All settings are set to high, controls configured quickly, and off I go.

....and I wish I never had.

The beginning shows me clips of the movie, where the youngsters apply for their soldier career. Me not liking the movie in the first place am already turned off by the game. I look closer: are these pixel-errors? No, the game uses the movie-clips in a VHS-format! Oh dear, could they not have taken the DVD? Or better, could they just removed them alltogether?

What the FUCK??? Did I accidentially set the game to "low" quality? I check, and no, that is actually the highest quality the game is.
Physics are pretty much non-existent, explosions look below average, sound effects are there...but I switched them off cause they are getting on your nerves and distract badly from what is going on on the screen.

The story is between "crap" and "non-existent", apparently this game is set 5 years after Buenos Aires was destroyed by the bugs, and it seems like the Earthlings did nothing in regards to upgrading their weaponry, as the weapons still look like in the movie, the ships are still the same sad block of metal, and worse than that, if the game is set 5 years after the movie, why does the game torture me then with clips from the friggin' movie and did not come up with something more a different story line, or just different clips? Maybe that would require a brain... "

Gut das ich in Englisch immer aufgepasst habe.

@ Threadstarter: Game nicht kaufen :fresse:
Timewarp82 schrieb:
Gut das ich in Englisch immer aufgepasst habe.

@ Threadstarter: Game nicht kaufen :fresse:

looool !
Naja schade, Starship Troopers scheint wieder eines der Spiele zu sein woraus man was hätte machen können aber wieder einmal die falschen Leute drann saßen!

@Akba die Screens auf der Hersteller Seite sehen ja gut aus ... mal wieder geschönte Pics!
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