geil das neue steam update ist da mit den neuen player models!!! weiß gar nicht was ihr euch aufregt, die server müssen auch erstmal geupdatet sein!!!
Full Change History:
[-] December 19, 2005 (current release)
Added G.I.G.N and Guerilla player models
Sniper rifles that are in the process of zooming in don't get the zoomed-in accuracy bonus
Fixed crosshairs when running in a widescreen aspect ratio
Added a 'nextlevel' server side command to force intermission and a switch to the specified map after the current round
Fixed bug where players were able to throw grenades through thin walls
Added a server message for teammate attacks
Fixed buy menu not having mouse focus
Fixed buy menu re-opening when you try to close it.
Fixed centerprint panel and frames per second panel not resizing correctly after a resolution change.
'&' chars in player names show in the scoreboard and spectator UI
In-eye spectators see punch angles
Fixed bots thinking they are still on a higher nav area when they fall off
Added nav area ID to the bot debug prints
Extended the bot_add*, bot_kick, and bot_kill commands to accept skill (easy, normal, hard, expert) and/or weapon preference (sniper, shotgun, etc) arguments. For example, typing ‘bot_add_ct expert” will add a random bot of ‘expert’ difficulty to the CT team.
Added difficulty, weaponclass, and skill modifiers to the bot_prefix string
Navigation mesh editing - raising/lowering corners correctly snaps adjacent corners to the same height
rofl, die einen terrormodels sehen total gay aus...
aber cool ist das man sich die models in 2 versionen aussuchen kann.