Synology veröffentlicht DiskStation Manager 6.2.2-24922-6

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Sollte nicht schon längst die DSM 7 da sein...
DSM 7 kommt erst irgendwann 2021, die Testphase wurde aufs 3. Quartal 2020 verschoben.
Ähm, mein DS188 meldet noch keine neue Firmware. Es meint die Version: 6.2.2-24922-4 sei immer noch die aktuellste.
Wird das Update wie bei den Handyherstellern in Etappen und nach Seriennummern verteilt?
Ähm, mein DS188 meldet noch keine neue Firmware. Es meint die Version: 6.2.2-24922-4 sei immer noch die aktuellste.
Wird das Update wie bei den Handyherstellern in Etappen und nach Seriennummern verteilt?
Steht auch im Artikel
Synology gab bekannt, dass die neue Firmware in den nächsten Tagen in allen Regionen zur Verfügung stehen wird. Wer jedoch nicht so lange warten will, hat die Möglichkeit, das Update hier herunterzuladen.
Heute schaue ich auf das NAS und siehe da: Ich habe das Update erhalten!
Und was hat sich geändert ?
Die Oberfläche hat sich nicht geändert.
Alles ist wohl so wie in der Beschreibung:
Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. RS4017xs+ now supports D4EC-2666-16G memory module.

Fixed Issues

  1. Improved drive migration compatibility for certain combinations of devices and DSM versions.
  2. Improved the stability of iSCSI sessions on VMware hosts running EXSi 6.7 U3.
  3. Fixed an issue where the system might unexpectedly reboot when users run remote virtual machines on certain models in an unstable network environment.
Also keine änderungen für Homeanwender.
Gerade hat mich das NAS über eine neue Software informiert:
Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. If you want to update to the latest version now, please go to Download Center and manually update your DSM.
  2. This update includes fixes to the below issues mentioned in 6.2.3-25423.
    • Fixed the issue where the automatic mounting of encrypted shared folders might result in the loss of indexing rules and the failure of the search function.
    • Fixed the issue where the Synology NAS equipped with NVMe device might be woken up from hibernation by the update of NVMe device's health status cache.
  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.
  4. Removed the support for Google Cloud Print in DSM 6.2.3 and above.
  5. To avoid the interruption of iSCSI service, the automatic DSM update and your power schedule to shut down may not be executed as expected if there are any active iSCSI sessions.
  6. Removed TWNIC from the list of DDNS service providers on DSM 6.2.3 since TWNIC will stop accepting new registrations for DSM as of Jul. 1, 2020. Your current TWNIC DDNS services can still be used and edited but will not be available again once deleted from DSM.
  7. This is the last major DSM version (6.2) that supports the video conversion to .flv and MPEG-4 Part 2 on certain models (RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS216se, DS215j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS213j, DS120j, DS119j, DS115, DS115j, and DS114) in consideration of the termination of Adobe's support for Flash Player by the end of 2020.

What's New in DSM 6.2.3

  1. Thin Provisioning LUN will become protected upon insufficient volume space, preventing clients from writing data to the LUN while allowing read-only access to the existing data.
  2. Added support for domain users to sign in to DSM using a UPN (user principal name) via file protocols (including SMB, AFP, FTP, and WebDAV).
  3. Added support for the option of forcing password changes for importing local users.
  4. Enhanced the compatibility of the imported user list, providing clearer error messages when the imported file contains syntax errors.
  5. Added support to record only the events of SMB transfer selected by the user, providing transfer logs that meet the requirements more closely.
  6. Added support for client users to monitor the changes of subdirectories under shared folders via SMB protocol.
  7. Added details of desktop notifications to facilitate users' timely responses.
  8. Added support for external UDF file system devices.
  9. Added support for the Open vSwitch option in a high-availability cluster.
  10. Added support for IP conflict detection, providing logs and notifications accordingly.
  11. Added support for Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates for Synology DDNS.
  12. Added support to waive the need of DSM login again through an HTTPS connection after a change in client's IP address.
  13. Added support for hardware-assisted locking for Thick Provisioning LUN on an ext4 volume.
  14. Added support for customized footer message on DSM login pages.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where certain cities might be mapped to incorrect time zones.
  2. Fixed the issue where LDAP users could not be notified of the upcoming password expiration.
  3. Fixed the issue where the upload of LDAP certificate could not overwrite the original one with the same file name.
  4. Fixed the issue where the application permissions settings might not be applied properly to the Domain Users group when such group in Windows AD domain was named other than "Domain Users".
  5. Fixed the issue of inaccurate time of usage history in Resource Monitor.
  6. Improved system responsiveness by reducing the latency of the Btrfs file system in certain scenarios.
  7. Fixed the issue where SNMP did not provide the indices of Disk and RAID correctly.
  8. Fixed the issue where the recycle bin of an encrypted shared folder might not be emptied properly.
  9. Enhanced the DSM login performance for multiple concurrent logins.
  10. Adjusted the personal notification mechanism to comply with the latest Gmail API.
  11. Fixed the issue where the iSCSI service might be interrupted when the LUN backup task is stopped.
  12. Removed the function of expanding the capacity of a block LUN.

Known Issues & Limitations

  1. Due to Apple's new security requirements for trusted certificates, after a DSM update from an older version, the access to DSM via HTTPS using Google Chrome on a client device running macOS 10.15 might fail because of a certificate error. You may renew the default certificate on the Synology NAS to resolve this issue.
  2. To run Centralized Management System (CMS) on Surveillance Station after updating to DSM 6.2.3-25426, Surveillance Station 8.2.7 or above is required.
Störend ist m.E.n. besonders der uralter 3.x Linux-Kernel sowie die steinzeitliche QEMU-Version. Windows-Guests mit QXL oder noch besser GVT-G virtueller Intel-GPU würden sogar Windows 10, wenn nötig, benutzbar machen.
So eben erreicht mich die Nachricht von der neuen Version 6.2.3-25426-2
  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click hereto manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. Added support for Synology Expansion Unit FX2421.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where a DS920+ or DS720+ might not enter hibernation when its connected expansion unit has entered deep sleep.
  2. Fixed the issue where drive status LED indicators on a connected expansion unit might not work properly when the expansion unit wakes up from deep sleep.
  3. Fixed the issue where daylight saving time might not display correctly in certain time zones (e.g., Dublin, Casablanca).
  4. Fixed the issue where mounted remote shared folders on a Synology NAS may cause volumes to operate improperly or the Synology NAS unable to shut down in certain scenarios.
  5. Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt "drive slot disabled” notice when a DS413 or DS213+ wakes up from deep sleep.
  6. Enhanced the performance in writing a large number of files to a Btrfs volume with RAID 1 configuration using hard disk drives (HDD).
  7. Fixed the issue where Synology Universal Search and Synology Drive might consume excessive CPU resources when the option "Utilize unused memory as database cache to improve (search) performance" has been enabled.
  8. Fixed the issue where domain-related services might not resume working because the update of domain data could not be complete.
  9. Fixed security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-20:18).
  10. Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt IP address conflict warning if a network interface card is attached to Synology NAS and the option "Reply to ARP requests if the target IP address is a local address configured on the incoming interface" is disabled.
  11. Fixed the issue where the status of an Ethernet port might not be detected properly when the Ethernet port is not connected to a network cable while Open vSwitch has been enabled.
Heute habe ich die Version DSM 6.2.3-25426 Update 3 erhalten.
Link zu den Notes:

Version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 3​


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click hereto manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Compatibility & Installation

  1. Photo Station must be updated to version 6.8.14-3501 or above to be compatible with this update.

What's New

  1. Enhanced NFSv4 connection stability.
  2. Increased the maximum number of IP camera channels on FS6400 to 150.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where support ticket submissions might fail in a certain version of Google Chrome.
  2. Fixed an issue where Windows 10, version 2004 virtual machines might fail to power on when users select UEFI as the firmware.
  3. Fixed an issue where there might be network disconnections on Virtual DSM.
  4. Enhanced the stability of SSD caches when multiple processes are accessing the same cache at the same time.
  5. Fixed an issue where CMS managed servers might not connect to the CMS host after they restarted.
  6. Fixed an issue where disks in Resource Monitor performance charts were not displayed in the correct sequence. Affected models include:
    • 21-series: DS1621+
    • 20-series: FS6400, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS420+, DS220+
  7. Fixed an issue where when users access files on DSM using Windows software via SMB, system performance might be affected. This is because of Windows software's continuous attempts to access the shared folders to which it has no permissions.
  8. Fixed an issue where Windows File Explorer might not update file deletion or removal in real time when folders are mounted via SMB.
  9. Fixed an issue where the system might not report the power status correctly on SA3200D.
  10. Fixed an issue where the setting pages after first-time DSM installation might not launch on Synology NAS models with multiple LAN ports.
  11. Fixed an issue where users were not able to empty the recycle bin of the "usbshare" shared folder.
  12. Fixed an issue where administrators were not able to change the "User must change password at next logon" setting via Windows RSAT.
  13. Fixed an issue where domain users could not be added to built-in groups via Windows RSAT.
  14. Fixed an issue where enabling the "Collect debug logs" option for SMB might result in excessive system space usage.
  15. Fixed an issue where the system might send incorrect port forwarding notifications after a restart.
  16. Fixed an issue where SHA-1 certificates might disappear when users click "Upgrade certificate".
  17. Fixed an issue where DSM might block users' IP addresses and create excessive logs when they tried to sign in after re-installing DSM.
  18. Fixed an issue where incorrect drive compatibility information was displayed after drive migration.
  19. Enhanced the stability of network interface cards on certain models.
  20. Fixed an issue where links in password reset emails did not work when the URLs exceed the maximum length.
  21. Fixed an issue where packages did not update automatically due to dependency problems.
  22. Enhanced SAS controller stability during system shutdowns.
  23. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-20:26)
  24. Supports Let's Encrypt ISRG certificates.
Ja, gab nichts neues. Warte noch immer auf DSM 7.0, aber das wird sich wohl noch sehr lange ziehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja, gab nichts neues. Warte noch immer auf DSM 7.0, aber das wird sich wohl noch sehr lange ziehen.
Bei DSM6 waren es glaube ich 6 Monate Beta Phase. Ich hoffe, dass das also in den nächsten Monaten released wird. Ansonsten kannst du ja schon mit der Beta rum spielen =)
Die machen momentan ziemlich viel Werbung für das DSM 7. Sogar per Mail wollen die schon Feedback haben!? Dabei spiele ich nie mit irgendwelchen Beta.
Ich habe DSM7 mal testweise installiert um mir die Migration von "Photo Station" und "Synology Moments" , also "Synology Photos" anzuschauen. Funktionieren tut erstmal alles wie es soll und die Steuerung via Browser ist deutlich reaktiver geworden.
bei mir ist nun auch DSM 6.2.3-25426 Update 3 aktiv, problemlos.

ich halte dennoch immer eine geclonte pre-release in der Rückhand.
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