kommt immer drauf an welches BIOS man
verwendet. Mit dem BIOS vom 5.6.03 gehört es auf jeden Fall zu den schnellsten Mainboards, welche derzeit verfügbar sind. Beweise
gibts hier (bei bleedinedge sind komischerweise ebenfalls Asus respektive Abit-Canterwoods getestet worden):
Let us sigh a breath of relief…for this has been a journey into a new world of computer hardware. Not only did I finally enter the 800MHz FSB realm but I did it in style with some sweet PCB and a hot bundle to boot. I have had almost nothing but praise for DFI and due to the promised as delivered performance of this 875 PRO I am once again a full supporter of the DFI way of things. They really have it all, customer service, BIOS updates, rich feature lists, a culturally tuned mega-bundle and a really thoughtful, attractive PCB design (did I mention this thing overclocked like a maniac?).
There were really only a few lingering “downfalls” if you will. While the 2.7V max VDIMM did not seem to limit my overclocks I would have preferred a somewhat higher option. The other faults were really not “faults” at all, just my inability to use all of the features they packed into this overstuffed suitcase of silicon. To really utilize all that this board has to offer you really should invest in some crazy peripherals (USB 2.0), get a Gigabit LAN connection, buy some SATA drives and RAID them, get some IDE drives and RAID them as well, and then max out every other crazy slot on this mainboard. It really has a lot to offer…
All in all I would say the DFI Lanparty 875 PRO is a really gamer targeted mainboard offering; the good looks and overclock competency make it hard to resist. And to be honest it seems like the first “major upgrade” I have considered taking since moving to the kt333 chipset, the bandwidth, features and speed are just too much to ignore. If you are thinking of making the jump up, or the jump to Pentium like I did keep this mainboard in your sites!
(Quelle: subzerotech)
Neuer 3DMark2001SE Rekord- “Was kann ich mehr sagen, als dass ich den bislang höchsten Wert bei 3DMark2001SE erreicht habe. Der Testaufbau beinhaltete das DFI 875PRO LANPARTY, 3.0 mit 1.6v, 964FSB (441) OCZ 3700GOLD, 2x256MB mit 2.6v Dimm als 2.5-7-3-3, eine Visiontek 9800PRO 128mb mit 443/752 (376) und zwei Western Digital 10,000rpm Raptor Festplatten in einem Intel SATA RAID Array.”
Letztendlich können wir sagen, dass das LANPARTY PRO875 Motherboard das beste Endergebnis abgegeben hat:
Fazit- “Das Layout des Boards ist beeindruckend und seine Performance ist hervorragend… seine Leistung und Stabilität sind das beste, was wir bislang gesehen haben.”
Abzielend auf Hardware Enthusiasten und High-End LAN Party Gamer bietet DFI durch die Verwendung seiner besten Herstellungs- und Designfähigkeiten auf dem LANPARTY PRO875 dem Anwender ungeahnte Möglichkeiten. Wir sind fest davon überzeugt, dass die LANPARTY Serie einen Meilenstein setzen wird und Konkurrenten zu Nachahmern macht.
(Quelle: Bleedinedge)