To all Swiftech res rev 2 users


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Hi all,

I was wondering if i could use 3/8 compression fittings on the swiftech micro reservoir REV 2? I have 10 x Enzotech 3/8 compression fittings see link:

The swiftech rev2 res has g1/4 threads the reason i ask this question is because the barb fittings that where supplied with the res have thicker rubber o-rings then those on the enzotech compression fittings. My first thought this should not be any problem the res has g1/4 threads. But just to be on the save side is it good to use the compression fittings? I mean whats the point of using compression fittings mainly for a good seal and looks if i cant use them and instead go with the not so good looking swiftech plastic barbs.

Could some one confirm there is no issue with the compression fittings on the res? PS i know 1/2 compression wont fit on the res because you cant screw them in the res thread to big of a diameter.

Thanks in advance
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