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In einer Reddit Diskussion fand ich folgende Erklärungen dazu: “The problem is that The Win32 API call GetICMProfile() that applications use to retrieve the ICC profiles installed on the system doesn't actually return anything at the moment, so any application that uses that API function think that there are no profiles at all installed.” “Seems like Affinity Photo (at least) and the built-in Photos app aren't impacted by this bug at least” “The built-in Windows 11 Photos app is a UWP application, which use a different API to retrieve the system ICC profiles. Never used Affinity Photo before.” https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/qg8dcg/for_those_of_you_going_crazy_over_icc_profiles/
Ich konnte das mit einer aktuellen Win11 Installation nachvollziehen.
Hi,I recently installed Windows 11 beta (22000.100) on one of my computers and it's been very stable so far. However, I ran into one issue that seems to..