X-Bock gecracked ?? neue infos..


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habe diese infos von nem privaten board erhalten... weis auch net ob da was dran ist... aber hört sich interessant an..

hey peeps I got some info on the xbox
looks like it will be fairly easy to play games on ur pc
or copied games on the xbox itself

Emulating the X-Box
Emulators are currently a sticky situation for console manufacturers, what with Bleem! and Ultra HLE. But with the X-Box, it looks like things have just got a whole easier for emulator writers.

Currently, in order to write an emulator, you need to know the system you are emulating inside out. You need to emulator to not only replicate the instructions of the CPU, but also of any other custom processors in the machine for sound and graphics. However, with the X-Box, most of the hardware will already exist in some form on the machines running the emulator. This mean that there is no need to emulate those bits of hardware as instructions can be passed straight to them.

What makes it even easier to write an emulator is the fact that in most cases, the emulator developer won't need to emulate any hardware, but instead creating a compatible API (Application Programmers Interface). Projects to emulate the win32 API already exist and prove that this can be done, one of the leading projects is WINE for Linux. This already provides most of the win32 API so that Windows applications can be run on another operating system and has the added advantage that it is open source so that any one can tweak it as they see fit. In order to make an X-Box emulator, a developer would only need to download the source code for WINE, tweak it to make it compatible with win2K, link it to the DirectX API and bang, you have the basis for an X-Box emulator without all the extra hassle of trying to work out how the system works in the first place..

Although this is no easy task in its self, there are some very dedicated programmers out. You need look no further than the Linux community and I would guess that within the first 6 months of the X-Box release, simple emulators will be available. They wont be perfect, but they will prove the concept. A year after the X-Box release, the emulators will be nearly perfect. They'll be slow until PC hardware catches up, but they will run almost everything without a fault.

So what can Microsoft do about this? Not a lot really. After all, you're running x86 code on an x86 machine, you may well even be running the emulator under Windows, with is the same operating system as the X-Box. As far as I know, there are no laws against running an x86/Windows application on an x86/Windows machine and if there were any copyright infringements, I'm sure the Microsoft boys would have had the WINE project stopped a long time ago. Microsoft's only answer solution could be to release their own X-Box emulator. It's highly unlikely that they would do such a thing, but it would at least claw back some of the X-Box market from third part emulators.

But Microsoft shouldn't be the only people thinking about the effects of an X-Box emulator. Developers of X-Box titles may well want to think about including emulator friendly features in their games. After all, there will always be some people who wont want to buy the system but will happily buy the games to play on an emulator. If their games works well on an emulator, they will be selling to a wider audience of both X-Box and PC gamers which could mean the sale of a few hundred extra copies that put the game at the top of the charts.

So, in conclusion, emulators are here to stay and will probably get a whole lot better with the arrival of the X-Box. Manufacturers and developers will soon have to sit up and take notice by acknowledging the market instead of trying in vain to make emulators illegal and pretending that they seriously hurt the income of the income of the manufacturers.

It is 100% official, X-Box has been cracked. All I can tell you is that a group of old-school ripper have cracked the X-Box. Details include :

you will NOT need a modchip i repeat NO MODCHIP..
NO, games wont need to be burned in DVDRs
NO, games wont be burned in 5 or 6 CDs
CDRWs will probably be used instead of CDRs (not sure yet, depends on whether a boot disk will be used...)
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