
Intels CEO Bob Swan tritt zurück

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Intels CEO Bob Swan tritt zurück


Wie CNBC berichtet, wird Intels CEO Bob Swan zum 15. Februar von seinem Posten als Chief Executive Office (CEO) bei Intel zurücktreten. Er wurde erst im Januar 2019 Nachfolger von Brian Krzanich. Der aktuelle CEO von VMWare, Pat Gelsinger, soll seinen Posten übernehmen. Gelsinger war bereits als CTO und Senior Vize-Präsident sowie Manager der Digital Enterprise Group bei Intel tätig. Im September 2009 verließ Pat Gelsinger das Unternehmen.

Swan war zuletzt in die Kritik geraten, da es auch in der Fertigung in 7 nm zu Verzögerungen gekommen ist. Investoren forderten schon den Verkauf der eigenen Fabriken und weitere Maßnahmen, wie etwa das Outsourcing weiter Bereiche der Fertigung. In einem seiner letzten Interviews wies Swan diese Forderungen aber zurück und stellte allenfalls eine Lizenzfertigung in den eigenen Fabriken in den Raum.

Die Rufe nach einem CEO mit einem technischen Hintergrund wurden immer lauter. Sollte Pat Gelsinger tatsächlich neuer CEO werden, würde er zumindest dieses Anforderungsprofil erfüllen.

Bisher gibt es noch keine offizielle Stellungnahme seitens Intel.


Inzwischen hat Intel den Weggang von Bob Swan bestätigt. Am 15. Februar wird Pat Gelsinger seinen Posten antreten will auch Intels Board of Directors beitreten.

In einem ersten Statement sagte Gelsinger:

"I am thrilled and humbled to be returning to Intel as CEO. I was 18 years old when I joined Intel, fresh out of the Lincoln Technical Institute. Over the next 30 years of my tenure at Intel, I had the honor to be mentored at the feet of Grove, Noyce and Moore. Intel then helped me continue my education at Santa Clara University and Stanford University. The company also gave me the opportunity to work on the forefront of silicon innovation with the best and brightest talent in the industry.

My experience at Intel has shaped my entire career, and I am forever grateful to this company. To come back “home” to Intel in the role of CEO during what is such a critical time for innovation, as we see the digitization of everything accelerating, will be the greatest honor of my career.

I have tremendous regard for the company’s rich history and the powerful technologies created here that have transformed, and continue to transform, the world’s digital infrastructure. We have incredible talent and remarkable technical expertise that is the envy of the industry.

I look forward to working with all of you to continue to shape the future of technology. While Intel’s history is rich, the transformation from a CPU to multi-architecture XPU company is exciting and our opportunity as a world-leading semiconductor manufacturer is greater than it’s ever been. I will be sharing more in the near-term about my vision and strategy for Intel, but I know we can continue to accelerate innovation, strengthen our core business and create value for our shareholders, customers and employees.

I want to extend my gratitude to Bob for his leadership and significant contributions to Intel through this critical period of transformation. I welcome his counsel and ongoing guidance through the transition period to make it as seamless as possible for our customers and all of you.

I’m sure you will have many questions about what is to come, and I look forward to hearing them, even if I won’t have all the answers on day one. I can’t wait to resume this journey with all of you.

– Pat"

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