iPhone 3G S auf Herz und Nieren getestet

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iPhone 3G S auf Herz und Nieren getestet


Einen Tag vor dem offiziellen Verkaufsstart des iPhone 3G S trudeln so langsam aber sicher die ersten Reviews ein. Wie so oft in der Vergangenheit, konnten renommierte US-Journalisten wie Walt Mossberg oder David Plogue die neueste iPhone-Reinkarnation bereits vorab testen. Das Kredo zum neusten Apple-Sprößling fällt dabei gemischt aus: Zwar sind die schnellere Hardware, die aufgewertete Kamera und die Sprachsteuerung durchaus einen Kauf wert, doch sollten sich Besitzer eines iPhones 3G den Umstieg genau überlegen, gibt es doch zahlreiche Neuerungen dank des Betriebssystem-Updates für lau.

Wallt Mossberg über das iPhone 3G S:

„Both the new iPhone and iPhone OS are packed with features that make a great product even better. But, for many users, the software may be enough of a boost to keep them from buying the new model.“

David Plogue über das iPhone 3G S:

„All of these changes make it much harder to resist the iPhone on intellectual, feature-counting grounds. The new iPhone doesn’t just catch up to its rivals — it vaults a year ahead of them.

At this point, the usual 10 rational objections to the iPhone have been whittled down to about three: no physical keyboard, no way to swap the battery yourself and no way to avoid using AT&T as your carrier.

In short, the substantially improved, still elegant iPhone 3G S makes it dangerously easy for your heart and your head to agree.“

Steven Levy über das iPhone 3G S:

„In short, the 3GS offers a boatload of improvements on the iPhone 3G with no real downside and the same price. Brand-new iPhone customers should have no hesitation before buying: Considering the huge variety of apps, there's no better smartphone to buy today.

Current iPhone users have a tougher decision ahead. First they must ask themselves if the features offered exclusively on the phone (as opposed to the free upgrade, which they should download immediately) are worth the expense of a new phone. For some users, Voice Control, the new camera, and the speed boost will be worth the cost. For others, it won't be a huge sacrifice to go without."

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