Windows Phone 7

Apps auch von Mitarbeitern?

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Apps auch von Mitarbeitern?


Eine kürzlich veröffentlichte E-Mail von Andy Lees, dem Chef für Mobiles bei Microsoft, ermutigt die Mitarbeiter des Konzerns, in ihrer Freizeit Applikationen für das Betriebssystem zu schreiben. Das zumindest berichtet die Webseite "TechFlash", die die E-Mail veröffentlicht hat. Ein eigens eingerichtetes "Employee Developer Program" soll die Mitarbeiter dazu animieren, die Plattform zu stärken. Zum Produktstart möchte der Hersteller einige Applikationen im Marketplace vorweisen können, weshalb man auch auf die Hilfe von den eigenen Mitarbeitern angewiesen ist. Es ist den Mitarbeitern untersagt, kostenpflichtige Applikationen zu erstellen. Ebenso dürfen keine von ihnen implementierten Funktionen von Windows Phone 7 genutzt werden. Ob die im Nachfolgenden zitierte E-Mail die Mitarbeiter wirklich motiviert, Applikationen zu schreiben, ist fragwürdig.

"From: Andy Lees
To: "Microsoft - All Employees
Subject: Getting you in the game with Windows Phone 7

Momentum is building for Windows Phone 7! Last week we released the WP7 Tech Preview and beta development tools on the web, and started shipping phones to developers and some early reviewers. Excitement will continue to build as we accelerate to launch for Fall, disclosing more details on final hardware design from our partners, unique applications, and Xbox Live games and much more!

With all the buzz, a lot of you are asking how you can get your hands on a phone and get more involved. So, I am thrilled to announce that a new Windows Phone 7 will be made available to every Microsoft employee as we launch in each market around the world. The process will vary based on your market, your carrier, and your launch date so stay tuned for more information closer to launch.

When you get your phone, the first thing you can do it MAKE IT PERSONAL! Pick up the phone, turn it on, download mail, get directions, make calls, find friends…. In short USE IT! The experience of Windows Phone 7 is special and a big step toward our future in the mobile phone business. We’d love all of you to love it as much as we on the team love it. To do that we need to you to use your phone and find the things that make it personal and valuable to you.

There is also a lot you can do while we are heading to launch even before you get your phone including:

Understand the unique value of Windows Phone 7 and evangelize to your customers, partners, friends and family! Windows Phone 7 is a different kind of phone, designed to bring together the things you care about most. The new smart design makes even basic tasks more efficient while Windows Phone Hubs organize the web and applications to simplify what you do every day. It is much more than a phone operating system, it is software and services integrated to create a new type of experience. WP7 has been a cross company effort bringing together an amazing breadth of Microsoft assets for the first time including Windows, Windows Live, Bing, Zune, Xbox Live, Office, Exchange, SharePoint, Silverlight, .NET, XNA and Visual Studio!

Develop! With the help of the developer division, we just shipped the Final Beta of the Windows Phone Developer Tools. They absolutely rock, and you should download them now The package includes everything you need to start building apps. In addition, we’ve introduced a new employee developer program which makes it much easier for you to develop apps for Marketplace in your spare time. ... And if you need some help jumpstarting your development, check out the Windows Phone Developer Training Kit. ...

Get involved in launch. Dedicate time to get involved as WP7 launches in your market. ...

We can’t wait to launch. We’ve got a great product and a great team in all of you. There is a phone being built with your name on it! Get in the game of delighting the world with Windows Phone 7! ...


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