Enermax mit neuem 1.000 Watt Netzteil

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Enermax mit neuem 1.000 Watt Netzteil
Bereits auf der Games Convention im August 2005 stellte [url=]Enermax[/url] sein erstes 1.000 Watt Netzteil vor, welches allerdings bis heute nicht auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Konkurrenten bieten bereits Netzteile mit 1.000 Watt Leistung an. Enermax will allerdings einen Schritt weiter gehen und stellte nun das Galaxy 1000 EGA1000EWL mit 1.000 Watt und das Galaxy 850 EGA850EWL mit 850 Watt vor. Diese neuen Modelle verfügen anders als die meisten bisherigen Netzteile über fünf 12 Volt Spannungsschienen, was unter anderem eine Vorraussetzung in Intels EPS12V PSU Design Guide enthalten sein wird. Dieses Merkmal könnte zu einem Pflichtfeature für Quad-Core, Quad-CPU oder Triple-GPU Systeme werden. Die neue Galaxy Serie soll ab Juli im Handel erhältlich sein.After showing the world's first 1000W class PSU prototype in August 2005 at Games Convention show in Germany, the world wondered, why it has not been released ever since. The reason was a redesign to newest technology. While all other manufacturers have released since only ordinary 1000W class PSU's with normal 4 rail technology, ENERMAX decided to design a PSU, which would be able to power 2007 & 2008 server systems to give customers the utmost benefit possible.

The result: Five 12V rails, which are an integral part of the upcoming revision of EPS12V PSU design guide by Intel, which will specify 1000W class PSUs and respective technical requirements especially five rails as a must to be versatile enough to power QUAD CORE & QUAD CPU systems as well as QUAD graphics (GPU) systems (= TRIPLE QUAD). Moreover, it can power even TRIPLE QUAD + 24, because it is modular. Besides 6 natively connected drives, up to 18 additional drives can be connected. The sophisticated 6-pin sockets allow SATA and PATA connection without restrictions.

Fully rated at 50C the output per model is 850W & 1000W. This ability is not only based on its rail design, but also on the delay of its release. Continuous meetings with other key players in the IT industry gave essential information on power consumption of their future products and ENERMAX distributed the connectors to these products perfectly on the five rails. Its single PCB allowed to integrate 13.5cm & 8cm fans, which cool it permanently for 24/7 full power output even at 50C.

Product codes are: ENERMAX GALAXY 1000 EGA1000EWL (1000W), ENERMAX GALAXY 850 EGA850EWL (850W)

GALAXY will be available from July onwards. Prices and detailed specs will be released soon.

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