AMD verbessert Schutz vor Fälschern

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AMD verbessert Schutz vor Fälschern
Nach den letzten Meldungen über tausende gefälschte AMD Prozessoren, die auch den Weg in den deutschen Markt gefunden haben sollen, hat AMD nun den Schutz vor Fälschern verbessert. In optimiertes holografisches Logo soll dabei zumindest die Sicherheit bei "Processor in a Box" oder PIB Modellen verbessern.

AMD today announced an educational campaign focused on the security features of AMD boxed processors (also known as Processor-in-a-Box, or PIB) in order to help ensure high customer satisfaction. By promoting a newly designed AMD holographic label using one of the most secure authentication technologies available, AMD is committed to helping customers more easily authenticate AMD PIB products. Genuine AMD boxed processors purchased through an authorized AMD distributor or reseller helps ensure that customers are receiving a high-performance AMD processor that meets AMD’s rigorous qualification requirements, an AMD approved thermal solution, and a three-year limited warranty. [center][img][/img][/center]

“As a customer-centric company, AMD is always striving to improve the overall computing experience for end users,” said Marty Seyer, corporate vice president and general manager, Microprocessor Business Unit, Computation Products Group, AMD. “AMD believes these security enhancements provide customers a fast, effective way of authenticating AMD PIB, and also help better protect their consumer rights upon purchase.”

Boxed processors are a popular choice for PC consumers and system builders who want the flexibility of choosing their components to assemble their PC. Each PIB product includes an AMD-branded processor, an AMD qualified heatsink and fan, and a three-year limited warranty.

“As a worldwide distributor, Avnet welcomes any activities from its suppliers that allow its customers to easily identify original product through the channel and to the point of purchase,” said Raj Suman, European product marketing director, Avnet EMEA. “We believe that AMD’s educational campaign on authentic “Processor-in-a- Box” can only help to ensure our customers are even better protected moving into 2005.”

All authentic boxed AMD Athlon™ 64 FX, AMD Athlon 64, AMD Sempron™ and AMD Opteron™ PIB products have the holographic label on the bottom left corner of the packaging. AMD is among the first in the industry to adopt a 3-D holographic label produced using Dupont Izon technology. The label combines overt authentication feature, tamper evident construction and a tightly controlled secure supply chain, making it extremely difficult to duplicate. It consists of a three-dimensional, full-parallax view surrounding the AMD Arrow logo that shows dots arranged in a pattern: from one dot to two dots, three dots and four dots as it is viewed from different angles. AMD will use various communication vehicles to inform worldwide customers about this new feature, including e-communication, customer training, and point-of-sale marketing materials. For more information, visit
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