UT2004 Bonus Mega Pack auch für den Pinguin

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UT2004 Bonus Mega Pack auch für den Pinguin
Nachdem das Bonus Material für die Windows Version von Unreal Tournament 2004 bereits einige Zeit verfügbar ist, werden nun auch die Linux Gamer versorgt. Natürlich enthält die Erweiterung für das Open Source Betriebssystem die gleichen Inhalte wie sein Windows-Pendant. Dies schließt auch ein Update auf die neueste UT2004 Version und den kompletten Inhalt des ersten -Editor's Choice- Bonus Packs mit ein. Weiterhin bietet das Update neue Maps, Player-Models und Fahrzeuge. Eine komplette Liste der Neuerungen finden Sie in der anfolgenden Liste.

Unreal Tournament 2004 BONUS MEGAPACK

(C) 2003 Epic Games

Thanks for downloading the MegaPack!

This pack is our way of saying "Thanks" for purchasing UT2004. We hope you enjoy it!

This bonus pack includes everything you need to update UT2004 to the most current version, including the latest patch, and the content from the first (Editor's Choice Edition) bonus pack for UT2004. You can install this bonus pack on any version of UT2004.

The MegaPack includes the following maps:

Intense space fighting and on-foot combat combine in this recreation of the historic Skaarj invasion of the Acatana asteroid belt.

Be part of the elite team that infiltrated and hijacked the first warp capable Jumpship.

City slickers just took over the outback’s top brewery – get over there pronto and stop the production of their tasteless Zero Beer before it takes over Oz!

Fight your way into a Liandri research facility and steal the original plans for the Redeemer.

A recreation of the infamous destruction of the Saturn IX rocket where a team of rebel fighters launched it unguided and half fueled into hostile waters.

Tall spires tower over this Capture the Flag battle set on a derelict outpost deep in the Elorean Seas.

This twin complex of concrete and metal combines the beauty of nature with the harsh lines of industrial architecture to create a fierce battle arena.

The courtyards of Calandras were once beautiful and welcoming. While the Temple’s interiors have been preserved, a new less-inviting use has been found for the exteriors.

For centuries the Nali monks managed to keep this sacred burial ground hidden until Liandri satellites discovered the location during a routine satellite sweep. The area was mined, and what remained was converted into a tournament arena, corpses and all.

The content from the first bonuspack, also included, is:


Three new vehicles:

SPMA (Self Propelled Mobile Artillery)
The SPMA is a two person vehicle, with the driver controlling a long range artillery piece. Alt-fire deploys the spotter camera. Enemies will want to shoot down the spotter camera as soon as they see it, to keep the SPMA from raining destruction from afar. An AVRiL at the spotter camera will automatically re-direct toward the SPMA if it ever becomes visible to the AVRiL.

The Paladin is a defense focused vehicle, with a powerful energy projectile cannon and a defensive shield alt-fire. Firing the cannon while the shield is deployed will heavily damage nearby players.

The two-man Cicada ground attack bomber is a powerful weapon against ground targets, but is easy prey for Raptors. The pilot can fire missiles, or use the alt-fire to specify a target. While holding alt-fire, multiple missiles are loaded up, and released when alt-fire is released. These missiles will all track toward the specified target location, so the alt-fire can be used to avoid enemy fire while loading up missiles. The second seat in the Cicada is an energy beam turret located on the belly of the Cicada. Its alt-fire is chaff that can be used to confuse incoming AVRiLs.

Six new characters:

Mekkor (Skaarj)
Mekkor is from the Black Fist Clan, sworn enemies of the Iron Skull Clan. Severely injured in battle, he is testing his new cybernetic armor in the Tournament.

Skrilax (Skaarj)
Skrilax is from the Black Fist Clan, sworn enemies of the Iron Skull Clan. Alongside his brother Mekkor, he was severely injured while fighting the Iron Skull Clan."

Barktooth (Iron Guard)
Barktooth would rather rip an opponent to shreds with his bare hands than fight from afar. He also finds close range Flak shots very satisfying."

Karag (Iron Guard)
Before joining the Iron Guard, Karag honed his weapon handling skills during a long stint as a Marshall for the Terran Colonial Authority. His style and panache already have the the Tournament audience abuzz."

Kragoth (Necris)
After an absence of several years, the Necris are preparing a return to the Tournament. Known as the 'Star Slayer,' Kragoth is a dread Necris Phayder assassin. He is rumored to have single handedly killed the entire crew of an ICV Star Cruiser."

Thannis (Necris)
After an absence of several years, the Necris are preparing a return to the Tournament. Thannis is participating to scout the competition."
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