Star Wars

Empire at War Patch 1.1

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Empire at War Patch 1.1
Für das vor kurzem erschienene "Star Wars: Empire at War" wurde der erste Patch veröffentlicht. Die Version 1.1 behebt unzählige Bugs, und steigert allgemein die Stabilität und Performance des Spiels. Zusätzlich wurde durch den 19,7 MB großen Patch das Balancing deutlich verbessert. Die komplette Liste aller Änderungen sowie Downloadlinks gibt es wie immer unter "read more".

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For PC: 1.01 update

Posted: 02/16/06

Installation: This is a self extracting exe. Double-clicking on this file installs the patch.

This update addresses the following:

General Issues
- Corrected an issue that could prevent progress past mission 4 in the Rebel Campaign.
- Added AI improvements for Land Control games.
- Corrected an issue to count troop transports towards unit cap in space tactical battles.
- Improved AI to move units within firing range when using Tractor Beam/Proton beam weapons.
- Corrected an issue where proton torpedoes would ignore hardpoints when applying damage.
- Corrected an issue in tutorial mission 5 that caused hint Voice Overs to stop repeating if the reinforcements objective has not been completed.
- Corrected multiple text and voice issues in Japanese, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Polish versions of the game.
- Corrected an issue that prevented two Force-sensitive heroes from targeting the same building.
- Corrected an issue that caused ground troops to be destroyed in space tactical battles when using Auto-Resolve.
- Corrected an issue that prevented enemy units from displaying their team color in the mini-map.
- Corrected an issue with the magnapulse cannon that required double-clicking in order to target enemies.
- Corrected a collision issue with Land Skirmish map "Clash on Tatooine" that allowed units to fire through the terrain.
- Disabled Save/Load functionality when in tutorial missions.
- Corrected an issue that allowed AI to use Luke Skywalker's special ability without waiting for the recharge timer.
- Corrected multiple issues with the cinematic camera.
- Corrected an issue that allowed the Interdictor Cruiser's Gravity Well to remain active after it was destroyed.
- Corrected an issue that prevented multiple units from using the Barrage ability on the same target.
- Corrected an issue that allowed the Death Star to fire after a tactical battle completed.

Performance Issues
- Corrected performance issues with particle effects.
- Improved path-finding and collision for troop transports in space maps.
- Corrected performance issues caused by ToolTips in tactical battles.
- Improved load times.

Graphics Issues
- Corrected an issue with the shadow mesh for X-wings.
- Improved accuracy for auto-detection of graphics Detail Level.
- Corrected an issue that did not pause the demo-attract cutscenes behind full-screen menus.
- Corrected a sizing issue with ToolTips in menu screens after changing the Video Resolution.
- Corrected issues with the Fog-of-War in the Collector's Edition bonus maps.
- Adjusted the tactical camera for widescreen aspect ratios.

Multiplayer Issues
- Increased Multiplayer stability for LAN and Internet games.
- Disabled the Fast Forward and Play buttons in Multiplayer games.
- Corrected an issue that caused Game Speed settings to revert to defaults when changing modes in Multiplayer.
- Corrected a crash issue caused by clients joining a game without selecting the same map as the host.
- Corrected multiple issues that caused text to word wrap in Multiplayer screens and menus.
- Added a message in the lobby to inform clients when they were missing maps for some hosted games.
- Corrected Save/Load issues in Multiplayer Campaign games.
- Added a message box to state when players leave Galactic mode in Multiplayer Campaign games.
- Corrected an issue that prevented double-clicking to select all of a unit type in Multiplayer games.
- Corrected an issue that allowed two players to use the same player color.
- Corrected an issue that allowed the droid log to retain information from previous Multiplayer games.
- Corrected an issue that caused players to lose Skirmish battles when a different player would quit the game.
- Corrected an issue that caused custom game names to display incorrectly.
- Corrected an issue that caused the mini-map to appear black after completing successive Multiplayer games.
- Corrected an issue that allowed too many AI units in Multiplayer games.

Balance Issues
- Updated Tech Level build times for Command Centers
o Tech 2:
. Previous Build Time 40 seconds
. New Build Time: 60 seconds
o Tech 3:
. Previous Build Time 50seconds
. New Build Time: 85 seconds
- Updated Tech Level 3 costs for Command Centers
o Previous Cost: 3800
o New Cost: 4000
- Reduced the amount of time that Force Corrupt will affect vehicles.
o Previous Time: 120 seconds
o New Time: 90 seconds
- Reduced fighter laser damage against capital ship and space station shields.
- Reduced damage caused by AT-ST units against infantry.
- Increased the cost of AT-ST units in Skirmish games.
- Increased the recharge timer for the Millennium Falcon's special ability.
- Reduced Millennium Falcon's shields and health.
- Increased the cost of Emperor Palpatine in Skirmish Multiplayer games.
- Increased the cost of Colonel Veers in Multiplayer games.
- Adjusted the radius and recharge timer for Colonel Veers' special ability.
- Increased Vader's TIE Advanced fighter to have 50% more health and double the firepower.
- Increased the amount of shield damage caused by the larger ion cannons.
- Increased the health for Mineral extractors.
- Increased Anti-Aircraft damage against Airspeeders.
- Reduced AT-AA damage against infantry.
- Increased the rotation speed for the turret of AT-AA units.
- Corrected an issue with Fighter damage verses armor.
- Increased the health of Darth Vader's escort fighters.
- Increased the amount of damage Obi-wan does to buildings.
- Increased the cost and build time of missile cruisers.
- Decreased the amount of damage to turrets, vehicles, and buildings caused by Airspeeders.
- Corrected an issue that prevented Colonel Veers from being vulnerable to the cable attack.
- Increased the recharge timer for Red squadron's lucky shot.
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