Call of Duty 3 - Xbox 360-Patch im Anmarsch

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Call of Duty 3 - Xbox 360-Patch im Anmarsch

Wie ein Mitarbeiter des Entwicklers Treyarch im offiziellen verlauten ließ, wird es in absehbarer Zeit einen Patch zum WWII-Shooter Call of Duty 3 geben. Während beim Vorgänger Spieler lange auf einen Patch warten mussten, wollen die Entwickler diesmal den Patch schnellstmöglich zum Download anbieten. Man werde sich intensiv mit den Problemen und Sorgen der Communitiy befassen um Bugs zu beheben, dabei wird der Mulitplayer-Modus im Vordergrund stehen. Einen genauen Termin nannte man jedoch nicht. Den kompletten Foreneintrag findet Ihr unter 'read more'.

Entwickler Treyarch kündigt Patch für CoD3 an:
Hey Call of Duty fans,

I’m Dan, the producer from Treyarch for Call of Duty 3 multiplayer. First, I would like to say thank you to everyone for playing the game. In the week since the release of Call of Duty 3, the development team has been playing online with the community and gathering feedback on the multiplayer experience. The feedback has been incredible, and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed every minute online with you guys.

We have also read every post on the forums, and we are working as quickly as we can to address the issues that gamers are experiencing. We are in progress on an update, in which we are working to alleviate the connectivity issues with Ranked and Player Matches. We are also adding several improvements based on feedback that we have gathered from the community.

Again, thank you for your support, patience and feedback. As we make progress with the update, we will keep you posted.

-Treyarch Multiplayer Team

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