[Sammelthread] Dishonored I / Dishonored II


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Offizielle Website: Dishonored
Release: 09. Oktober (Nordamerika), 11. Oktober (Australien), 12. Oktober (Europa)
Systeme: XBOX360, PS3, PC
Publisher: Bethesda
Entwickler: Arkane Studios
Genre: First-Person-Stealth, Action

Pre-Order: Dishonored


You are the once-trusted bodyguard of the beloved Empress. Framed for her murder, you become an infamous assassin, known only by the disturbing mask that has become your calling card. In a time of uncertainty, when the city is being besieged by plague and ruled by an oppressive government armed with neo-industrial technologies, dark forces conspire to bestow upon you, abilities beyond those of any common man – but at what cost? The truth behind your betrayal is as murky as the waters surrounding the city, and the life you once had is gone forever.

Improvise and Innovate

Approach each assassination with precise first-person control and creatively combine your abilities and gadgets to eliminate targets with your own ruthless strategy. Improvise and innovate to define your play style.

Action with Meaning

Move like a ghost and resist corruption, or show no mercy and leave a path of destruction in your wake. Decide your approach for each mission, and the outcomes will change as a result.

A City Unlike Any Other

Enter an original world envisioned by Half-Life 2 art director Viktor Antonov. In a place where industry and mysticism collide, the world is yours to discover.

Supernatural Abilities

Teleport for stealth approaches, possess any living creature, or stop time itself to orchestrate unearthly executions. Combining your suite of supernatural abilities and weapons opens up even more ways to overcome obstacles and eliminate targets.




Dishonored -- Debut Trailer - YouTube
Dishonored Interview - PC Gamer - YouTube
Dishonored Exclusive: Stealthy, Gruesome Murder - YouTube
Dishonored: Creating Steampunk Beauty - YouTube
Dishonored: Debut Gameplay & Details! (PS3, Xbox and PC) - YouTube
Dishonored - QuakeCon 2011 Preview (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) - YouTube


Dishonored preview: power, possession and pacifism in a hand-crafted world | PC Gamer
Corvo Blimey: A Dishonored Preview | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Year Of The Rat: Dishonored Preview | Rock, Paper, Shotgun


August Cover Revealed: Dishonored - News - www.GameInformer.com
Getting To Know Dishonored - Dishonored - Xbox 360 - www.GameInformer.com
Dishonored: The Heritage Of Arkane Studios - Features - www.GameInformer.com
The World Of Dishonored - Features - www.GameInformer.com
Co-Creating Dishonored: An Interview With The Directors - Features - www.GameInformer.com
The Look And Feel Of Dishonored - Features - www.GameInformer.com
Choose Your Path Through Dishonored - Features - www.GameInformer.com
Modeling Morality: The Chaos Of Dishonored - Features - www.GameInformer.com
Modeling Morality Pt 2: The Choices Of Dishonored - Features - www.GameInformer.com
Dishonored And The Importance Of Creative Control - Features - www.GameInformer.com
Special Edition Podcast: Dishonored - Podcasts - www.GameInformer.com
Harv And Raph: Gabbin’ ‘Bout Dishonored | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
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Hatte eig. gedacht das 2012 nen ziemlich lausiges Spielejahr wird aber bei dem Spiel habe ich viele Hoffnung, da mich das Setting und die Grafik anspricht, ich hoffe sie machen was drauß, freu mich auf jeden fall schon drauf. Aber dennoch, sonst ist dieses Jahr groß nichts los worauf man sich freuen kann, letztes Jahr kamen halt einfach zuviele gute AAA Titel raus :d
das sieht richtig vielversprechend aus...mal wieder ein spiel, das was ganz besonderes werden könnte! bin auf jeden fall sehr gespannt drauf!

so ein bischen DeusEx gemischt mit Vampire: Bloodlines und dazu noch "by Half-Life 2 art director Viktor Antonov" :love:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wenn dir DARK MESSIAH OF MIGHT AND MAGIC eventl. schon gefallen hat, dann solltest du DISHONORED auf jedenfall weiter beobachten. Ist vom gleichen Studio.
ahh danke! Dark Messiahs fand ich auch richtig gut!

schon das der art direktor von HL² mit an bord ist, läst auf ne richtig geile atmo schleißen!
screens und trailer sehen auch fett aus!
super! mitlerweile freue ich mich wenn spiele Steam-gebunden rauskommen! PC spiele verkaufe
ich eh nicht, entweder ist es top und man wills vielleicht irgendwann nochmal zocken, oder es
ist müll-durchschnitt und ist einigen monaten eh nix mehr wert!

bei Steam hat man wenigstens alles unter einem "dach" und man kann ohne schlechtes gewissen
mal ordentlich platz auf der platte schaffen und mit einem klick die games wieder laden!
Na super ... Steam ist ja prinzipiell nicht schlecht wäre da die nicht die Gängelung dank der deutschen USK. Entweder wird zensiert oder man kann es erst gar nicht aktivieren. Das nervt einfach an der Steam Platform.

Wollen wir hoffen, dass das alles nicht auf diese Game zutrifft :) .
Von full-REGION-locks geanz zu schweigen :) Dank leuden die lieber alles in der Cloud als bei sich auf HDD haben, hab ich da leider keine Hoffnung :asthanos:
Zum Spiel gibt es einen tumblr:

Dort sind auch ein paar neue Artworks/Screenshots/Snippets zu sehen.
E3 2012 Gameplay Trailer:

Dishonered - E3 2012 Exclusive Gameplay Trailer - YouTube
Dishonored: A Narrow-Focused game with Loads of Choice - YouTube
wow...hammer videos!

spielaufbau etwa wie DeusEX oder Thief, art-design HL² like und das gameplay erinnert stark
an Dark Messiahs...für mich, das spiel, auf das ich mich in diesem jahr am meisten freue!

die grafik sieht zwar technisch nicht besonders aus, aber die beleuchtung, das welt-design,
die gegner und die atmo kommen echt einmalig rüber!

hoffentlich muss es nicht zu sehr geschnitten werden, sieht stellenweise schon recht brutal
aus! wobei es bei der USK ja große pluspunkte gibt, wenn man die meisten kills durch stealth
uä. umgehen kann!

...und dass es schon am 12.9 rauskommen soll ist auch geil!...ich hasse dieses "3jahre auf DAS
spiel warten und am ende enttäuscht werden"!
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Weekly Dishonored Q&A | Bethesda Blog

Q: How does mana work in Dishonored?

A: A small portion of the mana bar regens; just enough to use powers like Blink and Dark Vision, making them basically free. Beyond that, for the expensive powers like Possession or Bend Time, the player must rely on Piero’s Spiritual Remedy (mana potions).

Q: How many different powers will there be?

A: There are six major active powers and four enhancements (passive powers), in addition to weapons and gadgets; plus there are 40 bone charms in the game that grant small supernatural perks. But no one can have all of these things in one playthrough.

Q: How long will the game be?

A: Play-style matters a lot. Very direct players will probably get through the game in 12 or 14 hours. Explorers who eavesdrop a lot will take twice as long.
Dishonored on PC “has its own different interface,” PC standards are “a religion” | PC Gamer

“Our background is very PC for sure,” said Colantonio. “And now in this game we have a mix of strong console players and fans, and also hardcore PC people. So both sides are very influential, and in the end, yes, the PC has its own different interface.”

E3 Wrap: Dishonored, Part 1 | Bethesda Blog
E3 Wrap: Dishonored, Part 2 | Bethesda Blog

Dishonored: Die Maske des Zorns erscheint am 12. Oktober 12 100 % ungeschnitten in Deutschland | Bethesda Blog Germany
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Stealth Answers from Arkane | Bethesda Blog

Q: Does the AI stay aggressive after your character has been spotted or can it become unsuspecting again when hiding? Also, will guards alert other guards of your presence? (Fabian K.)

A: The AI has several states of “alertness“, so it goes from totally unsuspecting, to suspecting, to aware, to search, then it cools down to search patrol in high alert but it never cools down to the initial state. Also, AI communicate their level of alertness to allies within range and therefore they let each other know about the presence of the player when he’s been spotted.

Q: Will there be a “game plus ” after completing the game and having all the powers and upgrades for this ” game plus “? (Sea Gull)

A: We encourage multiple playthroughs with Dishonored as 1) you can’t get all the powers and upgrades in one playthrough, and 2) there are different endings based on how you play: surgical assassin or sneaker vs. brutal killer.
Dishonored - Golden Cat Demo (Stealth) - YouTube
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Definitiv. Interessant finde ich ja, dass man das Spiel beenden kann, ohne jemanden zu töten inkl. Zielpersonen.

Und das Gameplay ist typisch Arkane, das wird wieder sauber von der Hand gehen. :)
Ja das sieht wirklich klasse aus. Finds super das man so viele Möglichkeiten hat. Am " coolsten " ist natürlich in andere Körper zu gehen.
Zur Vollständigkeit noch das "Violent-Playthrough" der gleichen Mission:

Dishonored Golden Cat Violent Walkthrough [HD] - YouTube
Stealth Answers From Arkane Studios | Bethesda Blog

Q: In the Dishonored gameplay videos Corvo seems capable of hiding from enemies who are very close, even when they’re looking in his direction. Is he cloaked or are cheats enabled for the demos? (from StealthAssassin)

A: In Dishonored, stealth is occlusion-based, meaning it’s mostly based on enemy view cone and hiding behind objects or architecture. (At a significant distance, lighting is also a factor.) What you might be describing is the Lean feature. If Corvo is hidden behind something, he can lean out to see ahead, eavesdrop, and observe the situation. As long as Corvo’s body is hidden, enemies up ahead will not see him. Dishonored also allows players to peep through keyholes, and the game has a Dark Vision power that can be obtained. Dark Vision displays enemies and their view cones through walls, and it features an abstract representation of the sounds the player makes.

Q: How will the save system work? Does the game have checkpoints or can I save everywhere I want? (Sebastien H.)

A: Both. You can’t save during combat, that is the only constraint.

Q: How is gameplay varied based on the difficulty level you choose? (Cory G.)

A: (courtesy of Game Designer/Associate Producer, Dinga Bakaba): Dishonored features four levels of difficulty, ranging from a casual experience to a demanding challenge. The main factors affected by difficulty are enemy perception, damage and responsiveness, as well as health and mana potion potency. Easy also causes part of your health to regenerate over time.
richtig geiles game :)
Ich hoffe, dass es das wird. Das klingt/sieht/liest (sich) bis jetzt noch zu gut (aus) um wahr zu sein. ^^
Stealth Answers from Arkane Studios, Pt. 4 | Bethesda Blog

Q: Are there ways to distract enemies or lure them? (Anthony T.)

A: Enemies respond to sound, so firing a crossbow bolt into the wall or throwing a bottle will cause an enemy to come investigate.

Q: How will climbing/parkour work in the game? (Angela E.)

A: We’re not a parkour game (in the sense of wall running) so much as a supernatural jump/blink-teleport/climb up game. We do also have lean and slide, which feel good and support stealth. Our climb is more like a pull up, allowing you to grab ledges or the top of small structures. Vertical space and exploration are important in the game, for sure.

Q: Will Corvo’s opponents have supernatural abilities? (Carcharoth)

A: A few. The Outsider shows up to people who are potentially pivotal in some way, marking them and granting access to supernatural powers. Each person marked has access to different powers.

Q: Are Corvo’s powers available 100% at the beginning? If not, how are they made available? (Carcharoth)

A: Not at the start; developments through the game make the supernatural powers available. And the way they work is through a Rune economy. During gameplay, you’ll search for runes that allow you to obtain or upgrade powers.

Q: How many discs will Dishonored be on Xbox 360? (Luis A.)

A: Dishonored’s content fits on one Xbox 360 DVD.
Es gibt erste Screenshots von der PC-Version und deren UI-Optionen:
A look at Dishonored’s many UI options | Bethesda Blog

A few options not featured in these screens that we also wanted to mention:
  • The FOV slider for changing your field of view. (PC Only)
  • Controller and mouse sensitivity options, as well as four different options related to auto aim strength and aim assist.
  • The mouse smoothing/acceleration slider and enable/disable options. (PC only).
  • Graphics options for the full spectrum of monitor resolutions, anti-aliasing, and various other graphical toggles. (PC only).

Meine Meinung: So und nicht anders! Danke Arkane!
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danke für die ganzen infos!

hört sich alles sehr gut an! ich glaub das wird definitiv nen hit, wüsste nicht was da schiefgehen
könnte!? auf jeden fall das PC game, auf das ich dieses jahr am meisten warte!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bitte gerne. Ich hab da - nach Arx Fatalis und DMoMM - eine Menge Vertrauen in Arkane und bin seit der Ankündigung von DISHONORED sehr gespannt auf dieses Spiel. :)

Und ob was schiefgehen könnte? Alles ist möglich. ;)
Stealth Answers from Arkane | Bethesda Blog

Q: I would like to know if you can take out a target while controlling someone? I was also wondering if you take over the target can’t you make him jump from the balcony then blink out of him to avoid the fall ? or is the only way to push him over with the other ability? (Exocd)

Arkane: When possessing humans, control is rudimentary. You can walk, open doors and collect things, but not fight. Note that your speed is dependent on what you possessed (i.e possessing a wolfhound will let you move around pretty fast)

Q: Does anybody know, if PC version will have normal FOV? (Kethoth)

Arkane: On PC, you can adjust FOV options in the menus from 65 – 85 degrees. For more PC settings, check out this Bethesda Blog post.

Q:Will the game have subtitles or it will be in other language? (Charlie Pacheco)

Arkane: You can always turn on subtitles. And, the game will also be fully voiced in multiple languages.

Q: Will the game be separated by “levels” you will be able to choose from once you’ve completed them, like a campaign mode in FPS games? (Will Y.)

Arkane: Yes, the game is divided into missions, made up of multiple levels. After completing a mission, you can choose it from the main menu. It uses the very first save game from your play-through as a starting point.

Q: When performing your abilities, it looks like the blue bar on the top right corner is depleted. How do you regain your ‘mana/powers’ abilities – is it a time thing, is it by defeating enemies non-lethally (like earning marks in splinter cell conviction) or is it through collectibles in the world? (Matt)

Arkane: A small portion of the mana bar recharges, making Blink and Dark Vision effectively free to use (if you wait for the recharges). You refill the mana bar with a potion called Piero’s Spiritual Remedy, one of the elixirs that people in the world use to prevent the plague.
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