Wie man in der Überschrift lesen kann möchte ich C&C Gernals/Zero Hour auf meinem 24" in 1920x1200 zocken.
Hab jetzt schon das ganze Internet durchgeforstet und auch schon Lösungen gefunden aber bei mir will das nicht so recht klappen zuerst mal ein Bild als Beispiel:
so sieht es momentan aus

und so will ich es hinbekommen

Habe dies aus dem widescreengamingforum angewendet funktioniert aber nicht bin genau so vorgegangen wie es hier steht:
So sieht meine Option.ini aus:
und so meine gamedata.ini hab nicht alles kopiert nur was wichtigste sonst würde es zu lang werden.
kopiert hab ich die gamedata.ini zu:
Kann mir einer sagen was ich falsch mache ich weis echt keinen rat mehr.
Hab jetzt schon das ganze Internet durchgeforstet und auch schon Lösungen gefunden aber bei mir will das nicht so recht klappen zuerst mal ein Bild als Beispiel:
so sieht es momentan aus

und so will ich es hinbekommen

Habe dies aus dem widescreengamingforum angewendet funktioniert aber nicht bin genau so vorgegangen wie es hier steht:
* RESOLUTION - Change it by editing OPTIONS.INI under your "my documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data" folder as previously listed above.
Want to be able to pull out the camera further ? ... - You can download ... Neo's C&C generals widescreen file
(should work fine in 1.06 and 1.08 too). UNZIP the file GAMEDATA.INI to: "%your install path%\Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Data\INI". If you want to return Generals back to normal, just delete gamedata.ini.
Modding the camera position yourself: for leet hax0rs
if you want to edit it yourself, google "FinalBig" and download it, open INIZH.BIG (located where you installed C&C Generals Zero Hour), extract GAMEDATA.INI, edit "MaxCameraHeight" from a default value of 310 to something higher, then save your modified gamedata.ini to "%your install path%\Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Data\INI".
Zero Hour ... the addon for Generals, creates its own seperate install. So instead of editing the value in "inizh.big" (which is where "gamedata.ini" mentioned above comes from) you would edit the same field in "ini.big" in the generals root dir.
Zero Hour creates it's own installation, you *must* still have the original Generals installed - otherwise ZH doesn't load.
When you unpack the gamedata.ini you DO NOT have to re-insert it into "INIZH.BIG". You can if you want to be super-leet, but it's easier to edit when left in the INI folder.
So sieht meine Option.ini aus:
AntiAliasing = 1
DrawScrollAnchor =
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = false
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 57
Resolution = 1920 1200
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 69
SFXVolume = 62
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
StaticGameLOD = High
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
VoiceVolume = 64
und so meine gamedata.ini hab nicht alles kopiert nur was wichtigste sonst würde es zu lang werden.
ShellMapName = Maps\ShellMapMD\ShellMapMD.map
MapName = Assault.map
MoveHintName = SCMoveHint
UseTrees = Yes
UseFPSLimit = Yes
FramesPerSecondLimit = 30
ChipsetType = 0
;Windowed = No
;XResolution = 1920
;YResolution = 1200
MaxShellScreens = 8
UseCloudMap = Yes
UseLightMap = Yes
BilinearTerrainTex = Yes
TrilinearTerrainTex = Yes
MultiPassTerrain = Yes
AdjustCliffTextures = Yes
StretchTerrain = No
UseHalfHeightMap = No
ShowObjectHealth = Yes
HideGarrisonFlags = No
Use3WayTerrainBlends = 1
DrawEntireTerrain = Yes
TerrainLOD = DISABLE ; should be handled by options screen.
TerrainLODTargetTimeMS = 45
TextureReductionFactor = 0; 1 is half res, 2 querter res, etc.
RightMouseAlwaysScrolls = Yes
UseWaterPlane = Yes
UseCloudPlane = Yes
UseShadowVolumes = Yes
UseShadowDecals = Yes
UseBehindBuildingMarker = Yes
DefaultOcclusionDelay = 3000 ; in ms
OccludedColorLuminanceScale = 0.5
WaterPositionX = 0.0
WaterPositionY = 0.0
WaterPositionZ = 7.0
WaterExtentX = 2000.0
WaterExtentY = 2000.0
WaterType = 0
; when a structure is reduced to rubble, set its z-height to this if nothing else is specified.
DefaultStructureRubbleHeight = 10.0
;the following are for vertex animated water
VertexWaterAvailableMaps1 = Maps\nVidiaDemo\nVidiaDemo.map
VertexWaterHeightClampLow1 = 0.0
VertexWaterHeightClampHi1 = 16.3
VertexWaterAngle1 = 45 ;in degrees
VertexWaterXPosition1 = 2700.0
VertexWaterYPosition1 = -750.0
VertexWaterZPosition1 = 2.9
VertexWaterXGridCells1 = 65
VertexWaterYGridCells1 = 360
VertexWaterGridSize1 = 10.0
VertexWaterAttenuationA1 = 1.0
VertexWaterAttenuationB1 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationC1 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationRange1 = 20.0
;the following are for vertex animated water
VertexWaterAvailableMaps2 = Maps\CHI03\CHI03.map
VertexWaterHeightClampLow2 = 0.0
VertexWaterHeightClampHi2 = 31.2
VertexWaterAngle2 = -12 ;in degrees
VertexWaterXPosition2 = 282.0
VertexWaterYPosition2 = -20.0
VertexWaterZPosition2 = 3.0
VertexWaterXGridCells2 = 100
VertexWaterYGridCells2 = 200
VertexWaterGridSize2 = 11.0
VertexWaterAttenuationA2 = 1.0
VertexWaterAttenuationB2 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationC2 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationRange2 = 20.0
;the following are for vertex animated water
VertexWaterAvailableMaps3 = Maps\GLA01\GLA01.map
VertexWaterHeightClampLow3 = 0.0
VertexWaterHeightClampHi3 = 45.0
VertexWaterAngle3 = -12 ;in degrees
VertexWaterXPosition3 = 1424.0
VertexWaterYPosition3 = -270.0
VertexWaterZPosition3 = 2.0
VertexWaterXGridCells3 = 75
VertexWaterYGridCells3 = 360
VertexWaterGridSize3 = 10.0 ;11.0
VertexWaterAttenuationA3 = 1.0
VertexWaterAttenuationB3 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationC3 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationRange3 = 20.0
;the following are for vertex animated water
VertexWaterAvailableMaps4 = Maps\USA06\USA06.map
VertexWaterHeightClampLow4 = 0.0
VertexWaterHeightClampHi4 = 16.3
VertexWaterAngle4 = 45 ;in degrees
VertexWaterXPosition4 = 2700.0
VertexWaterYPosition4 = -750.0
VertexWaterZPosition4 = 2.9
VertexWaterXGridCells4 = 65
VertexWaterYGridCells4 = 360
VertexWaterGridSize4 = 10.0
VertexWaterAttenuationA4 = 1.0
VertexWaterAttenuationB4 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationC4 = 0.0
VertexWaterAttenuationRange4 = 20.0
DownwindAngle = -0.785 ; Northeast! AKA "Away and to the right"
DrawSkyBox = Yes
SkyBoxPositionZ = -100.0 ; lowers center of skybox under terrain
SkyBoxScale = 8.4 ; good for default 96 x 96 map, make 17.5 for 256x256
CameraPitch = 37.5
CameraYaw = 0.0
CameraHeight = 232.0
MaxCameraHeight = 610.0
MinCameraHeight = 120.0
CameraAdjustSpeed = 0.3 ; between 0 and 1 - this is how fast the camera snaps to the desired height
ScrollAmountCutoff = 50.0 ; arbitrary units - above this value, we don't update height while scrolling
EnforceMaxCameraHeight = No ; Obey max camera height while scrolling?
TerrainHeightAtEdgeOfMap = 100.0
UnitDamagedThreshold = 0.7
UnitReallyDamagedThreshold = 0.35
GroundStiffness = 0.8
StructureStiffness = 0.3
; acceleration due to gravity, in dist/sec^2
; note that our distance units are roughly one foot, so
; this corresponds to earth-normal gravity (32 ft/sec^2)
;Gravity = -32.0
; this "feels" better... (srj)
Gravity = -64.0
kopiert hab ich die gamedata.ini zu:
einen ini Ordner gibts ja nicht.C:\Programme\EA Games\Command & Conquer Die ersten 10 Jahre\Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour\Data
Kann mir einer sagen was ich falsch mache ich weis echt keinen rat mehr.