Buyer's Guide: Ein Gaming-Mini-ITX-System

I have to answer in english unfortunatly, since my german isnt good enough. Price/performance or value in any form was never a factor in this guide since the intention was to use as powerful components as possible. And that we could get our hands on.

I had a few Components already, and some were sent just for the guide. If you do a guide with no installation/tests then it would be easy to just pick from everything on the market. But then I wouldnt be sure that it actually fit or would be compatible, or the temperature/noice level etc. If I work with to many manufacturers (not all will be intrested) then it usually take longer to get everything as well.
I fully expect that people will choose other components than in the guide.

The motherboard was the best we had available (at Hardwareluxx Sweden), and in my view its only major disadvantage is overclocking since it dont allow changes in vcore. So instead of 4,4 GHz it would probably be possible to reach 4,7 GHz with another motherboard (the cpu I have can handle about 4,8 GHz with more extreme vcore, but its probably not a 24/7 setting). So overclockers should use another model if they want to raise vcore. I could have been more informative in the text on that. The 4,5 GHz in the diagram is wrong, I missed changing on all the diagrams. I had run most tests with 4,5 GHz, but that setting wasnt 100% stable.

The main idea for me was to show one mini-itx option (Bitfenix Prodigy), with watercooling, Core i7 3770K and GTX 690. And to provide information about installation, temperature, noice, power consumption and so on. Suggestions on new builds or anything in general what can be improved is welcome. Build guides is hard to make perfect, but my main hope is that it can provide information and ideas that help with similair builds.

Best regards,

Öjvind Karlsson
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Hi Öjvind,

your system is very nice and a real peace of luxorious hardware (as it should be for Hatdware Luxx !!). It was really good idea to put a GTX690 into this system.
the most powerful you can do at the moment (without ruining ears).

Thanks a lot
Hi Öjvind,

your system is very nice and a real peace of luxorious hardware (as it should be for Hatdware Luxx !!). It was really good idea to put a GTX690 into this system.
the most powerful you can do at the moment (without ruining ears).

Thanks a lot

Thx!, let me know if you have any suggestions for new builds.

Best regards,

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