CoD2 Performance verbessern


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Performance Commands

ai_corpseCount [0 - 64] - Determines the maximum number of corpses visible on screen at any time. Usually determined by the in-game setting Number of Corpses, you can set a specific value between 0 and 64 here, with the lower the number, the greater your FPS in heavy combat scenes. Note, setting a value of 0 will cause the game to crash.

cg_brass [0,1] - If set to 0, disables all ejecting brass, such as expended shells from your gun. This can improve FPS slightly when firing your weapon.

cg_drawGun [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 0, removes the gun model from in front of the player. In effect the gun becomes hidden, and this can improve performance by removing the complex gun model from the screen.

cg_drawHealth [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 1, draws a health bar on the screen.

cg_drawMantleHint [0,1] - If set to 0, disables the grey 'press Space to Mantle' prompt when you are close to climbable objects.

cg_hintFadeTime [0 - *] - Determines the time in seconds before an onscreen hint is removed. The time can be any value 0 or higher.

cg_marks [0,1] - If set to 0, disables all marks made by weapons, explosions etc - such as bullet impact marks and charring on the ground. This can improve performance in heavy combat scenes.

cl_avidemo [0,1] - If set to 1, begins recording frames for a demo movie. These frames are stored in .tga format in your \Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2 Demo\Main\screenshots folder. Note that enabling this option can severely slow down your system, and it can be disabled at any time by setting cl_avidemo to 0.

cl_mouseAccel [0 - 100] - If set to 1 or higher, accelerates your mouse movements. The higher the value used, the quicker your movements will accelerate your mouse. This can make aiming difficult, so set to 0 if you want to disable this option.

com_hunkMegs [80 - 512] - Determines the amount of memory (in MB) to allocate to the game to help smooth out in-game loading. You should not allocate any more than half your system RAM to this option (i.e. if you have 1GB of RAM, set this cvar to 512).

com_maxfps [0 - 1000] - Determines the maximum frames per second (fps) possible. If set to 0, disables the FPS cap. Any value higher than 0 caps your FPS to that level. The main reason to use this command would be to smooth framerate fluctuation, as framerate spikes can cause jerky gameplay.

con_minicon [0,1] - If set to 1, shows the text output of console commands and game engine functions on the main screen. You can use the con_miniconlines and con_minicontime cvars to set the number of visible lines and the amount of time text output stays visible on screen respectively.

con_typewriter_printspeed [0 - 400] - Controls the print speed of text written on the screen using the 'typewriter effect', such as objective notifications. The higher the value, the quicker text will be written to the screen.

developer [0,1] - If set to 1, enables developer mode, which shows the game code and allows a range of functions for testing the code.

fx_enable [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 0, disables a range of special effects in the game. This can improve performance at the cost of image quality.

r_anisotropy [0-16] - If Anisotropic Filtering is enabled in the in-game settings, this cvar sets the level of Anisotropic Filtering used. The default is 8x, however you can set a value between 1x and 16x, with the higher the sample rate, the better texture quality but the lower your performance. Anisotropy can have a significant impact on performance on certain systems.

r_drawDecals [0,1] - If set to 1, disables all decals - that is, marks on the wall from gunfire, explosions, etc. Similar to the cg_marks command.

r_drawSun [0,1] - If set to 0, disables the sun effect in the sky - the sun disappears. This can improve performance slightly, and also removes the 'sunblind' effect when starting at the sky.

r_drawWater [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 0, disables water effects. This improves performance in areas with water.

r_fog [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 0, disables any visible fog. This can improve performance in such circumstances.

r_forceLod [0,1,2,3,4] - (cheat) Sets the Level of Detail (LOD). 0 is High, 1 is Medium, 2 is Low, 3 is Lowest and 4 is None.

r_fullscreen [0,1] - If set to 0, changes from fullscreen to windowed mode. This can help performance if the window is smaller than your current desktop resolution. Game must be restarted for windowed mode to come into effect.

r_gamma [0.5 - 3.0] - Sets the level of the in-game Gamma (brightness). Normal gamma has a value of 1, 3 is very bright, 0.5 is dark.

r_glow [0,1] - If set to 0, disables the in-game 'glow' which certain bright objects (such as the clouds) emit. This can noticeably improve performance, especially for lower-end graphics cards, without a major reduction in image quality. Some people prefer to disable the glow effect as they find it annoying.

r_lodBias [-1000 - 0] - Controls the Level of Detail (LOD) Bias. The default is 0, and values below 0 progressively make distant models (e.g. soldiers) more detailed. At -1000 the level of detail of all models is at its highest, but performance also takes a signficant negative hit.

r_lodScale [1 - 4] - Determines the rate at which the LOD Bias value comes into effect. That is, models closer to you will lose more details more quickly the higher the lodscale value.

r_picmip [0,1,2] - Controls the mipmap level which affects texture quality. A value of 0 seems to give the best image quality, while 1 and 2 provide poorer image quality at better performance. It appears this setting is autodetected and can't readily be changed in the game.

r_picmip_bump [0,1,2] - Controls the bump mapping on textures. A value of 0 seems to give the best image quality, while 1 and 2 provide poorer image quality at better performance. It appears this setting is autodetected and can't readily be changed in the game.

r_picmip_spec [0,1,2] - Controls the specular light map used for textures. A value of 0 seems to give the best image quality, while 1 and 2 provide poorer image quality at better performance. It appears this setting is autodetected and can't readily be changed in the game.

r_showTris [0,1,2] - (cheat) If set to 1 or 2 enables simple or detailed wireframe mode.

r_skinCache [0,1] - If set to 1, caches model skins, resulting in smoother gameplay. However caching takes up some memory, so for those with very low system RAM, disabling skincaching may reduce loading times and improve performance. For most everyone else, keep this enabled.

r_zfeather [0,1] - If set to 0, disables zfeather smoke effects. These effects are covered in the In-Game Settings section of this guide. Note that almost all ATI graphics cards and many older Nvidia graphics cards do not have sufficient hardware support for zfeather smoke, and hence can't be forced to use it.

snd_bits [8 - 16] - Sets the bitrate of audio in the game. The default is 16-bit audio which provides best audio quality, however you can set this to 8-bit audio, which may improve performance at the cost of some loss in audio quality.

snd_enable2D [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 0, disables 2D sounds - that is, sound effects such as clicking buttons and background music.

snd_enable3D [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 0, disables 3D sounds - that is, most sound effects in the game.

snd_enableReverb [0,1] - (cheat) If set to 0, disables reverberation effects used in EAX 3D sound. This can improve performance, but lessens the reality of 3D sound.

sys_sysMB [*] - Shows the amount of system memory (RAM) detected by COD2. E.g. 1024 is 1024MB, which is 1GB of system RAM. Unfortunately COD2 doesn't seem to detect system memory correctly at the moment, since my 2GB of RAM is incorrectly shown by the game as 1GB. This command doesn't seem to allow a change either, regardless of where it is used.

Loadgame [name] - Loads a saved game of the name specified. Your saved games are stored in the \Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2 Demo\Main\players\default\save directory.

Common Commands

cg_drawFPS [0,1,2,3] - Displays the frames per second (FPS) counter at the top right of the screen. In simple mode (1) shows the average and current (low and high) FPS. In Verbose mode (2), additionally shows vertex counts. In Time mode (3) shows the time taken to draw the current frame in milliseconds (ms).

monkeytoy [0,1] - If set to 0, enables the in-game console and if set to 1 disables the console. This seems a little contradictory, but that appears to be its function. Useful if you find that your enable console option doesn't "stick" each time you open COD2. This command is best used in the Target box of your COD2's launch icon.

com_introplayed [0,1] - If set to 1, skips the introductory Activision/Infinity Ward movies played at Call of Duty 2's launch. This option is best used in the COD2 icon Target box (see above).

sv_cheats [0,1] - If set to 1, enables the use of cheat commands on a server, such as those denoted by (cheat) in this list. Best used in the Target box of the COD2 launch icon. This cvar doesn't appear to work for single player cheats - use the instructions for enabling cheats in the Cheat Mode section above.

Quit - Quits the game back to desktop. Also skips the annoying screens which usually appear when you exit the demo.

Bind [Key, Commandname] - Binds a particular command to the specified key. To see a list of current bindings and commands, use the Bindlist command.

Dvarlist - Shows a list of all major variables used in the game. Note that there are additional variables not in this list, and these can be seen by typing the first letter of the command.

Condump [Filename] - Dumps the current contents of the console to the specified filename. For example, type Dvarlist, then type Condump variables.txt, and the full dvarlist will be saved to the file variables.txt in your Main COD2 directory.

Exec [Cfg Filename] - Executes the contents of the config (.cfg) file specified. The config file must be in your \Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2 Demo\Main\players\default directory to be executed.

God - (cheat) Toggles God mode, meaning you can't be killed.

Noclip - (cheat) Toggles no clipping, which means you can fly around and into/through solid objects.

Giveall - (cheat) Gives the character all available weapons, only 2 can be carried at one time.

Giveammo - (cheat) Refills the ammo of all the guns you're carrying.

Demo Commands

Record [demoname] - Starts recording an in-game demo with the filename you specify. The file is saved under your \Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2 Demo\Main\demos directory as a .spd file.

StopRecord - Stops recording the current demo.

Demo [demoname] - Plays back the pre-recorded demo specified. Note, to play back a demo you must be in the game menus - demos can't be played back while you're in-game.

timedemo [0,1] - If set to 1, enables timedemo mode. Once a pre-recorded demo is played, the timedemo results are shown in the extended console, and the results are saved as a .csv file in your \Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2 Demo\Main\demos directory.


bei mir hats ne Menge gebracht! außerdem nutzt es viel DX7 zu nutzen. z.b. hat man dann kein Schneegestöber mehr und außerdem hab ich so ca. 40 FPS mehr als wenn ich DX9 nutze (Standard ist Automatisch).
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Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Die liste kenn ich auch schon, aber sehr schlau das du die ganzen cheats mitpostest :lol:
copy&past 2 win :o
#Puma' schrieb:
Die liste kenn ich auch schon, aber sehr schlau das du die ganzen cheats mitpostest :lol:
copy&past 2 win :o

schön das du die kennst, andere nicht... darum kann es für manche hier wohl noch hilfreich sein.

natürlich ist es nur kopiert, was sollte ich denn deiner Meinung nach machen? also bitte oO

€: und das ich die Cheats mitposte ist doch völlig latte. der Server muss im developer Modus sein damit man die nutzen kann und welcher Server läuft so schon bitte ;)
aber nicht die die da oben drinstehen ;) die gab es schon zu CoD1 zeiten :d für die Cheats muss der Server im Developer Mode laufen, dies geht per Konsolenbefehl.
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