Der brutal ernste Persönlichkeitstest (nimmt kein blatt vor dem mund)

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was ist idealistisch?
was meint er damit:Are you more interested in the details or in the big picture?
der sagt ich bin ein Freak!


verdammt ist der gut! :fresse: :bigok:
Näää, da kommt nur Müll raus... ich bin angeblich ein Verrückter...

Your Score: Crackpot - INTJ
46% Extraversion, 53% Intuition, 60% Thinking, 73% Judging

People hate you.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Stimmt doch gar nicht :hwluxx:
Ich bin der lebende Beweis, daß Intelligenz auch kuhl sein kann :banana: :banana: :banana:

ich hab mich auf der seite etz etwas umgeschaut und scheint recht interessant zu sein man kann noch weitere fragen beantworten und mit ein wenig glück findet man den perfekten partner :d
Ne, danke. Nach dem Ergebnis bekomm ich sicher eine fette Sau mit gutem Charakter...
(backward-quoting rul0rt)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich hab mich auf der seite etz etwas umgeschaut und scheint recht interessant zu sein man kann noch weitere fragen beantworten und mit ein wenig glück findet man den perfekten partner :d
My score on The Brutally Honest Personality Test:

Crackpot - INTJ
(33% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 73% Judging)

"People hate you.

Paris Hilton hates Nicole Richie. Lex Luther hates Superman. Garfield hates Mondays.
But none these even rates against the insurmountable hate, people have for you.

I mean, you're pretty damn clever and you know it. You love to flaunt your potential. Heard the word "arrogant" lately? How about "jerk?" Or perhaps they only say that behind your back.

That's right. I know I can say this cause you're not going to cry. You're not exactly the most emotional person. You'd rather spend time with your theoretical questions and abstract theories than with other people.

Ever been kissed? Ever even been on a date? Trust me, your inflated ego is a complete turnoff with the opposite sex and I am telling you, you're not that great with relationships as it is. You're never going to be a dude or chick magnet, purely because you're more concerned with yourself than others. Meh. They all hate you already anyway.

How about this- "stubborn?" Hrm? Heard that lately? All those facts which don't fit your theories must just be wrong, right? I mean, really, the vast amounts of time you spend with your head in the're just plain strange.

ziemlich passend wenn auch extrem überspitzt. aber die tendenz ist vollkommen richtig
One word. Boring. Sums you up to a tee. You're responsible, trustworthy, serious and down to earth. Boring. Boring. Boring.

You play by the rules. You follow tradition. You encourage structure.

You insist that EVERYBODY do EVERYTHING by the book. Seriously, is there even an ounce of imagination in that little brain of yours? I mean, what's the point of imagination, right? It has no practical value...

As far as you're concerned, abstract theories can go screw themselves. You just want the facts, all the facts and nothing but the facts.

Oh. And you're a perfectionist. About everything. You know that the previous sentence was gramattically incorrect and that "gramattically" was spelt wrong. Your financial records are correct to 25 decimal places and your bedroom is in pristine condition. In fact, you even don't sleep on your bed anymore for fear that you might crease the sheets.

Thankfully, you don't have anyone else to share the bed with, because you're uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. Too bad.

Your Score: Dictator- ENTJ
53% Extraversion, 53% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 56% Judging

Have you no soul? It's clear you have no heart and that your blood runs cold, but really, do you have even one redeeming factor?

Sure. You're a natural born leader. So was Hitler. You just don't like people, do you?

You don't play games. You take charge. And there's very little room for mistakes in your world. You're forceful, intimidating and overbearing.

Heard of the word "patience?" Trust me, it's a word and it's something you're sorely lacking. Believe it or not, you're not always right. Learn to have some patience for those who think differently from you, knobflap.

From the way people's knees knock when they see you, you should have realised by now that you're not exactly a "people-person." You're more of a "people-eater." You just ain't tuned into people's feelings and probably couldn't care less whether you were anyway. Maybe you're not from this planet but the rest of us are.

Sure, you're intelligent. So what? You have some semblance of power. Big deal.

At least people LIKE the rest of us.

o_O ich bin ein Diktator ^^
You scored higher than 50% on Extraversion
You scored higher than 0% on Intuition
You scored higher than 83% on Thinking
You scored higher than 33% on Judging
40% Extraversion, 33% Intuition, 86% Thinking, 46% Judging
criminal istp (d.h. was?)

<DIV id="testResultInfo">
<H1><!--t-->Your Score<!--/t-->: <SPAN>Criminal- ISTP</SPAN></H1>
<H2>40% Extraversion, 33% Intuition, 86% Thinking, 46% Judging</H2>
<DIV id="testResultInfoImg"><IMG src=""></DIV>
Rules? Hah! Who needs rules? They merely prevent you from doing your own thing, right? Down with the MAN! <P>

Wow. I wasn't aware that you had access to OKCupid! in prison. And if you're not behind bars, all signs say you're well on your way there in the near future. <P>

You love taking risks. You love the adrenaline rush of extreme sports. You love taking action. Generally, anything that's idiotic, you're in. Wanna light yourself on fire and dive from a 500 metre high cliff into shark-infested waters? I'll write your name down. <P>

However, you do need a lot of alone time because that's when you can finally sort things out in your mind most clearly. <P>

If it wasn't for your analytical and logical skills, I'd vouch that you didn't have a brain at all. The fact that you do have a brain merely means that the likelihood of you being a criminal has just gone up. <P>

Thankfully, you're most probably a good athlete, which will help when running away from the police. If not, prison doesn't seem too far away from you at all. <P>

Just please... stay far away from me.

<P> ***************** <P>

If you want to learn more about your personality type in a slightly less negative way, <A href="">check out this.</A>

<P> ***************** <P>

<B> The other personality types are as follows... </B> <P>
<A href="">Loner</A> - <I>Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving</I> <BR>
<A href="">Pushover</A> - <I>Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging</I> <BR>

<A href="">Borefest</A> - <I>Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging</I> <BR>
<A href="">Almost Perfect</A> - <I>Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving</I> <BR>
<A href="">Freak</A> - <I>Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging</I> <BR>
<A href="">Loser</A> - <I>Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving</I> <BR>
<A href="">Crackpot</A> - <I>Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging</I> <BR>

<A href="">Clown</A> - <I>Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving</I> <BR>
<A href="">Sap</A> - <I>Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging</I> <BR>
<A href="">Commander</A> - <I>Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving</I> <BR>
<A href="">Do Gooder</A> - <I>Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging</I> <BR>
<A href="">Scumbag</A> - <I>Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving</I> <BR>
<A href="">Busybody</A> - <I>Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging</I> <BR>
<A href="">Prick</A> - <I>Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving</I> <BR>
<A href="">Dictator</A> - <I>Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging</I> <BR>

<table cellpadding=20><tr><td><!--t-->Link: <a href=''>The Brutally Honest Personality Test</a> written by <a href=''>UltimateMaster</a> on <a href=''>OkCupid Free Online Dating</a>, home of the <a href=''>The Dating Persona Test<!--/t--></a></td></tr></table>
Your Score: Loner - ISFP
26% Extraversion, 40% Intuition, 46% Thinking, 33% Judgin

passt gut, ja...
My score on The Brutally Honest Personality Test:

Crackpot - INTJ
(33% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 73% Judging)

ziemlich passend wenn auch extrem überspitzt. aber die tendenz ist vollkommen richtig

Hab auch sowas gehabt, nur mit 96% Judging.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
80% Extraversion, 46% Intuition, 60% Thinking, 60% Judging

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You scored higher than 99% on Extraversion
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You scored higher than 99% on Intuition
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You scored higher than 99% on Thinking
free online dating free online dating
You scored higher than 99% on Judging
Crackpot - 40% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 60% Thinking, 73% Judging
Your Score: Dictator- ENTJ
60% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 73% Thinking, 80% Judging

Have you no soul? It's clear you have no heart and that your blood runs cold, but really, do you have even one redeeming factor?

Sure. You're a natural born leader. So was Hitler. You just don't like people, do you?

You don't play games. You take charge. And there's very little room for mistakes in your world. You're forceful, intimidating and overbearing.

Heard of the word "patience?" Trust me, it's a word and it's something you're sorely lacking. Believe it or not, you're not always right. Learn to have some patience for those who think differently from you, knobflap.

From the way people's knees knock when they see you, you should have realised by now that you're not exactly a "people-person." You're more of a "people-eater." You just ain't tuned into people's feelings and probably couldn't care less whether you were anyway. Maybe you're not from this planet but the rest of us are.

Sure, you're intelligent. So what? You have some semblance of power. Big deal.

At least people LIKE the rest of us.

You scored higher than 99% on Extraversion
You scored higher than 99% on Intuition
You scored higher than 99% on Thinking
You scored higher than 99% on Judging

Hm, soso, ich bin ein Diktator, alles klar. :P
kann mirjemand sagen was der fuern passwort will?
der hat ja nichtmal nach ner email gefragt oo
Your Score: Crackpot - INTJ
40% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 60% Thinking, 60% Judging

People hate you und so.
Your Score: Borefest - ISTJ
20% Extraversion, 33% Intuition, 93% Thinking, 73% Judging

da müsste egtl mehr Judging und mehr intuition rein, ansonsten passts ganz gut...
46% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 60% Thinking, 66% Judging

People hate you.

Paris Hilton hates Nicole Richie. Lex Luther hates Superman. Garfield hates Mondays.
But none these even rates against the insurmountable hate, people have for you.

I mean, you're pretty damn clever and you know it. You love to flaunt your potential. Heard the word "arrogant" lately? How about "jerk?" Or perhaps they only say that behind your back.

That's right. I know I can say this cause you're not going to cry. You're not exactly the most emotional person. You'd rather spend time with your theoretical questions and abstract theories than with other people.

Ever been kissed? Ever even been on a date? Trust me, your inflated ego is a complete turnoff with the opposite sex and I am telling you, you're not that great with relationships as it is. You're never going to be a dude or chick magnet, purely because you're more concerned with yourself than others. Meh. They all hate you already anyway.

How about this- "stubborn?" Hrm? Heard that lately? All those facts which don't fit your theories must just be wrong, right? I mean, really, the vast amounts of time you spend with your head in the're just plain strange.
Your Score: Borefest - ISTJ

13% Extraversion, 46% Intuition, 53% Thinking, 73% Judging

You scored higher than 2% on Extraversion
You scored higher than 19% on Intuition
You scored higher than 34% on Thinking
You scored higher than 92% on Judging

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