Bitte berichtigen ,hinzufügen und ich bräuche noch zwei passende fragen auf die beiden antworten wo keine frage gestellt wurde .
Bitte auf englisch zwei fragen zu "They hunted,fished and collected berries" ne englische frage zb. " Wie sieht der alltag im leben eines ureinwohners in amerika aus "und "the native americans lived in "tipis" a kind of a ten " zb."HAUSTYP; wodrin leben sie , wohnart"
I want tell you something about the native americans !!!
Where the Native Americans came from ? -
The Native Americans came from Northeast Asia to America.
They hunted,fished and collected berries.
The Native Americans lived in "tipis" a kind of a tent .
How they communicate?
They communicate with they language or sign language.
For what are the Native Americans famous ?
The Native Americans are famous for there paintings.
What are the famous tribes ?
The famous tribes are "Sauk" ,"Apachen" and "Lakota Sioux"
But there are many more tribes.
What are the famous Native Americans ?
The famous Native Americans are :
Black Hawk ,he was a member by the tribe "Sauk".
Sitting Bull ,he was a member by the tribe "Lakota Sioux" and Big Foot was a member by the tribe "Lakota Sioux" too.
bitte , bitte , bitte , ganz drinngend.
auch wenn ich vllt. das falsche forum gewählt habe , ich weiß grad echt nicht ob das hier richtig ist , aber hoffe ihr hilft mir trotzdem .
danke schonmal .
Bitte auf englisch zwei fragen zu "They hunted,fished and collected berries" ne englische frage zb. " Wie sieht der alltag im leben eines ureinwohners in amerika aus "und "the native americans lived in "tipis" a kind of a ten " zb."HAUSTYP; wodrin leben sie , wohnart"
I want tell you something about the native americans !!!
Where the Native Americans came from ? -
The Native Americans came from Northeast Asia to America.
They hunted,fished and collected berries.
The Native Americans lived in "tipis" a kind of a tent .
How they communicate?
They communicate with they language or sign language.
For what are the Native Americans famous ?
The Native Americans are famous for there paintings.
What are the famous tribes ?
The famous tribes are "Sauk" ,"Apachen" and "Lakota Sioux"
But there are many more tribes.
What are the famous Native Americans ?
The famous Native Americans are :
Black Hawk ,he was a member by the tribe "Sauk".
Sitting Bull ,he was a member by the tribe "Lakota Sioux" and Big Foot was a member by the tribe "Lakota Sioux" too.
bitte , bitte , bitte , ganz drinngend.
auch wenn ich vllt. das falsche forum gewählt habe , ich weiß grad echt nicht ob das hier richtig ist , aber hoffe ihr hilft mir trotzdem .
danke schonmal .