Far Cry Patch 1.4 verfügbar nix mehr mit beta


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Patch Notes:

General changes

* Added remakes of assault maps (Project FiXit)
* Closed several security holes
* Joypad support has been added
* Several console commands have been deactivated and are only available in DEVMODE

Multiplayer General changes

* Added automatic kicking of team killers for violating default limit (integrated with Punkbuster)
* Added broadcast and spawn message capability
* Added center red dot to the scope of the sniper rifle
* Added command which allows the gameplay to start at a specific flag for training
* Added first person spectator view. It is considered beta and will not be officially supported
* Added GUI buttons for players to easily vote
* Added GUI voting panel to initiate votes for map changes and kicking players
* Added ingame server administrator panel for real time GUI admin capability
* Added ingame text flood kicking (integrated with Punkbuster)
* Added IP and server name to scoreboard
* Added Join server by IP function
* Added option to disable voting
* Added option to remove enemy nametags from cross-hair
* Added team kill punish and forgive system
* Fixed "CD Key In Use" issue with automatic server kick
* Fixed binocular/sniper rifle bug
* Fixed bug in mp_airstrip which lead to a server crash
* Fixed bug where players were missing their scoreboard (getting refreshed automatically now)
* Fixed gameplay issues on mp_jungle
* Fixed grenade bug
* Fixed scoreboard so that it now properly shows ping
* Increased amount of damage inflatable boat can take
* Server browser list updated for easy navigation. Many filters and a favourite server section added

Multiplayer Gameplay changes

* Added MP5 and Shocker to Assault game mode
* Added occlusive damage to vehicle explosions (player cannot die due to an explosion while behind a solid object any more)
* Fall damage reduced
* General weapons balancing
* Health and armor adjusted amongst the classes to give the Grunt the most, Engineer medium and Sniper least.
* New OICW grenade launcher interface
* New RL fire mode
* Server and client optimizations for smoother gameplay
* Stamina increased 50%
* Sticky bombs replaced with "Beta" C4
* Wrench now has melee capability

* Features Manual for Far Cry Patch 1.4 (A detailed description about the newly added features)
* Server Command Table (Lists all the new commands available for Far Cry multiplayer with explanations)
* Project Fixit (A detailed explanation of changes from the stock assault maps)

Hat ja länger gedauert aber jetzt ist er endlich da *freu*
Wer eine x1xxx Karte hat bitte bilder posten!
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Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
für den kompletten Patch 1280 MB - geil xD
Hab vom 1.4er keinen Nutzen irgendwie - werd ihn nicht installieren...
Gähn, den Patch habe ich mir vor nem halben Jahr geladen und da war der schon alt.
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