Gaming PC Graphic Card (GPU) Issue

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I hope you're all having a fantastic gaming experience on your PCs. I've been facing a bit of a problem with my gaming rig, particularly with my Graphic Card (GPU). I thought I'd turn to this amazing community for some guidance and support.
My gaming PC has been a trusty companion for a while now, but recently, I've been encountering some graphical issues while playing games. It's been quite frustrating, and I suspect it's related to my GPU. Here are the symptoms:
  1. Screen Artifacts: During gameplay, I've noticed strange artifacts like flickering textures, random pixels appearing, and even some screen tearing.
  2. Frame Drops: Games that used to run smoothly are now experiencing sudden frame rate drops, making them almost unplayable at times.
  3. Driver Errors: I've also been getting occasional error messages related to my GPU drivers, like "Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered."
My gaming rig:
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
  • CPU: Intel Core i9-10900K
  • RAM: 32GB DDR4
  • Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix Z490-E
  • PSU: Corsair RM850X
  • Monitor: ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q (1440p, 165Hz)
I'm not a total newbie when it comes to troubleshooting, so I've already attempted a few things:
  1. Driver Updates: I've updated my GPU drivers to the latest version, but the issue persists.
  2. Temperature Check: My GPU temperatures seem to be within a normal range during gaming, so I don't think overheating is the problem.
  3. Re-seating: I re-seated my GPU, ensured all power connections are secure, and cleaned the dust from my system.
  4. Fresh Windows Install: As a last resort, I performed a fresh Windows install, hoping it might resolve the issue, but it didn't help.
I'm running out of ideas, and I really want to get back to a smooth gaming experience. If anyone has experienced similar problems or has expertise in GPU troubleshooting, I would greatly appreciate your advice and insights.

Thank you in advance for your assistance, and I look forward to hearing from the wonderful gaming community here. Let's get my gaming rig back in shape! 🎮💻🙏
Best regards,
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random pixel patterns over the screen is mostly gpu related and these are not good news.

is this problem reproducible?
Those symptoms could indicate that your GPU is about to die.

Since you already figured out that it's not a software issue, then there remains a few hardware related things you can try:
- Try a different DisplayPort cable (or HDMI, whatever you use)
- Try a different DisplayPort connector from your card (and monitor, if available -> if you use HDMI then try DisplayPort)
- Try a different monitor
- Try a different GPU power cable
- Try to install your card on the second PCIe X16 slot of your mainboard
- If your card has a Dual-BIOS switch, try the other BIOS
- Try a different graphics card (maybe you can borrow one from a friend or relative? It doesn't matter which, any can do.)
-> Remove display drivers using Guru3D's DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) in safe mode before installing a new card
-> Download DDU at and only there.

If symptoms persists even after that, then check if your card is still under warranty and make use of it.
Good luck mate!

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Try to lower the VRAM clock and see if that helps. If it does one is about to die.
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