Hilfe bei Gigabyte ep45-ud3p, q9550, gskill 9600cl5d setup


Thread Starter
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Hallo zusammen,

ich habe mir letzte Woche einen neuen Satz Arbeitsspeicher zugelegt.

4GB Kit G.Skill F2-9600 CL5D 1200 Mhz 5-5-5-15 4GBPI

Dadurch ergibt sich mein derzeitiges System wie folgt:

Mainboard: Gigabyte EP45-UD3P
CPU: Q9550 cooled by Scythe Mugen2
RAM: 4GB KIT G.Skill F2-9600 CL5D 1200 Mhz 5-5-5-15 4GBPI
Graka: Zotac GTX 460 AMP Edition

Leider bekomme ich mein System nicht stabil zum laufen, selbst bei FSB 375 bekomme ich nach ca. 30 min. Stresstest mit prime95 einen bluescreen.

Da ich auf dem Gebiet des OC noch nicht sehr fit bin habe ich erstmal zur allgemeinen Übersicht mein Bios Template dargestellt.


[u]MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8x
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.+0.50
CPU Frequency ...........................: 3,180Ghz
Clock Chip Control 
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Enabled] 
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:375Mhz
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:[Auto]
C.I.A. 2........................................:Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 700mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 700mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0ps
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0ps
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: [Standard]
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: [Disabled]
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
System Memory Multiplier ..............:[Auto]
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 1,200Mhz
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual] 
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................:  15
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:2

Channel A

Channel A Timings Settings [Press Enter] 
Static tRead Value.........................:Auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen....................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ..................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment...................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
DDR Write Training........................:Auto
Channel A Driving Settings [Press Enter] 
Driving Strength Profile.................:Auto

Data Driving Pull-Up Level.............:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level..............:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level.............:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level..............:Auto 

Data Driving Pull-Down Level..........:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level...........:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level...........:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level............:Auto 

Channel B

Channel B Timings Settings [Press Enter] 
Static tRead Value.........................:Auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen....................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ..................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment...................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
DDR Write Training........................:Auto
Channel B Driving Settings [Press Enter] 
Driving Strength Profile.................:Auto

Data Driving Pull-Up Level..............:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level...............:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level................:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level.................:Auto 

Data Driving Pull-Down Level...........:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level............:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level............:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............:Auto 

{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Loadline Calibration.………................Disabled 
CPU Vcore….……….........................:1,21250 (Auto)
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: Auto
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: Auto
CPU Referen.…………....0.760V*.......: Auto
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1.160v
MCH Reference….…….0.760V...........; Auto
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: Auto
ICH I/O……………….....1.500V............: Auto
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: Auto
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2.100v
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: Auto
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: Auto
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: Auto
[b]{U]Advanced Settings[b]{U]
Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Enabled]
C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
CPU EIST Function.........................: [Enabled]
Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled]

Könnt ihr mir sagen was ich hier ändern muss um das System stabil zum laufen zu bekommen?

Ich hatte ursprünglich die Hoffnung mit einem FSB über 400 hinkommen zu können. Auch der RAM sollte doch eigentlich mehr als die 1200 Mhz können?

Aber das ist Zukunftsmusik, erstmal möchte ich das System wie es ist stabil bekommen.

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen.


Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Hi, so liefs bei mir mit meinem alten Speicher bei 471MHz FSB

Robust Graphics Booster ...................: Auto…
CPU Clock Ratio ..................................: 8,5
CPU Frequency ..................................: 4004MHz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control......................:Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ...............: 471
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) ............: 101
C.I.A. 2................................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive..................................: 800mV
PCI Express Clock Drive......................: 900mV
CPU Clock Skew (ps)...........................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)..........................: 100
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance........................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.)......: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...................: 333MHz
System Memory Multiplier ...............: 2.00
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ................: 942MHz

DRAM Timing Selectable ...................: 
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time..............................: 5
tRCD ..................................................: 5
tRP'....................................................: 5
tRAS...................................................: 15

Motherboard Voltage Control:
Loadline Calibration.……….................: Disabled
CPU Vcore….……….............................: 1,4000V
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*........: 1,30V
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*........: normal
CPU Referen.…………....0.760V*........: normal
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,30V
MCH Reference….…….0.760V...........: normal
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V..........: normal
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V.............: normal
ICH Core…………...……1.100V.............: 1,10V
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V.............: 2,14V
DRAM Termination .…0.900V...........: 1,07V
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: 1,07V
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: 1,07V

Mit dem neuen Speicher bin ich grad noch am testen.
Ich habe jetzt aktuelle folgendes Setup stabil bekommen bei FSB 375.


[u]MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8x
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.+0.50
CPU Frequency ...........................: 3,180Ghz
Clock Chip Control 
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Enabled] 
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:375Mhz
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:[Auto]
C.I.A. 2........................................:Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 700mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 700mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0ps
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0ps
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: [Standard]
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: [Disabled]
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
System Memory Multiplier ..............:[Auto]
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 1,200Mhz
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual] 
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................:  15
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:2

Channel A

Channel A Timings Settings [Press Enter] 
Static tRead Value.........................:Auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen....................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ..................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment...................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
DDR Write Training........................:Auto
Channel A Driving Settings [Press Enter] 
Driving Strength Profile.................:Auto

Data Driving Pull-Up Level.............:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level..............:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level.............:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level..............:Auto 

Data Driving Pull-Down Level..........:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level...........:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level...........:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level............:Auto 

Channel B

Channel B Timings Settings [Press Enter] 
Static tRead Value.........................:Auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen....................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ..................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment...................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  
DDR Write Training........................:Auto
Channel B Driving Settings [Press Enter] 
Driving Strength Profile.................:Auto

Data Driving Pull-Up Level..............:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level...............:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level................:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level.................:Auto 

Data Driving Pull-Down Level...........:Auto 
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level............:Auto 
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level............:Auto 
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............:Auto 

{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Loadline Calibration.………................Disabled 
CPU Vcore….……….........................:1,3125
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: Auto
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: Auto
CPU Referen.…………....0.760V*.......: Auto
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1.00v
MCH Reference….…….0.760V...........; Auto
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: Auto
ICH I/O……………….....1.500V............: Auto
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: Auto
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2.16v
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: Auto
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: Auto
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: Auto
[b]{U]Advanced Settings[b]{U]
Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Disabled]
C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled]
Note: * refers to 45nm CPU

Leider schaffe ich es immernoch nicht darüber stabil zu bleiben. Ich denke die ganzen [Auto]-Werte sollte ich mal langsam ad-acta legen.

Hab ihr Intensionen für mich wie diese Einstellungen aussehen könnten?


Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Hier im Starpost stehen über das Board ziemlich viele Informationen.

Zudem wäre das hier auch nicht schlecht für dich.


Und Auto Spannungen sind immer schlecht weil das Board stark overvoltet;)


[u]MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio
..........................: 8x
Fine CPU Clock Ratio
CPU Frequency
...........................: 3,180Ghz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control
..................: [Enabled]
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:375Mhz] [400]
PCI Express Frequency
(Mhz) .........:[Auto] [100]
C.I.A. 2........................................:Disabled
Advanced Clock Control
[Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 700mv [800]
PCI Express Clock Drive
.................: 700mv [900]
CPU Clock Skew
(ps)....................: 0ps
MCH Clock Skew
(ps)...................: 0ps
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance
...................: [Standard]
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: [Disabled]
G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto] [333]
System Memory Multiplier ..............:[Auto] [2.00b]
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 1,200Mhz [800Mhz]
DRAM Timing Selectable
................: [Manual]
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time
........................: 5
.........................................: 5
...........................................: 5
..........................................: 15
Advanced Timing Control
[Press Enter]
Command Rate
(CMD) ....................:2

Channel A

Channel A Timings Settings
[Press Enter]
tRead Value.........................:Auto [10]
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen
tRD Phase1 Adjustment
tRD Phase2 Adjustment
tRD Phase3 Adjustment
(Different Rank)....................:Auto
(Different Rank)...................:Auto
(Different Rank)...................:Auto
(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control
DDR Write Training
Channel A Driving Settings
[Press Enter]
Driving Strength Profile.................:Auto

Data Driving Pull
-Up Level.............:Auto
Cmd Driving Pull
-Up Level..............:Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull
-Up Level.............:Auto
Clk Driving Pull
-Up Level..............:Auto

Data Driving Pull
-Down Level..........:Auto
Cmd Driving Pull
-Down Level...........:Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull
-Down Level...........:Auto
Clk Driving Pull
-Down Level............:Auto

Channel B

Channel B Timings Settings
[Press Enter]
tRead Value.........................:Auto [10]
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen
tRD Phase1 Adjustment
tRD Phase2 Adjustment
tRD Phase3 Adjustment
(Different Rank)....................:Auto
(Different Rank)...................:Auto
(Different Rank)....................:Auto
(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control
DDR Write Training
Channel B Driving Settings
[Press Enter]
Driving Strength Profile.................:Auto

Data Driving Pull
-Up Level..............:Auto
Cmd Driving Pull
-Up Level...............:Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull
-Up Level................:Auto
Clk Driving Pull
-Up Level.................:Auto

Data Driving Pull
-Down Level...........:Auto
Cmd Driving Pull
-Down Level............:Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull
-Down Level............:Auto
Clk Driving Pull
-Down Level..............:Auto

{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Loadline Calibration.………................Disabled
CPU Vcore…
.……….........................:1,21250 (Auto) [Selber testen]
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: Auto [1.20v]
CPU PLL…………………
....1.500V*.......: Auto [1.50v]
CPU Referen
.…………....0.760V*.......: Auto
MCH Core……………
.....1.100V...........: 1.00v [Würde ich 1.20v machen damit kommst du erstmal eine Weile aus^^]
MCH Reference…
.…….0.760V...........; Auto
/DRAM Ref.......0.900V...........: Auto
/O……………….....1.500V............: Auto [1.50v]
ICH Core…………
...……1.100V............: Auto [1.10v]
DRAM Voltage ……
....1.800V............: 2.16v
DRAM Termination
.…0.900V............: Auto
Channel A Reference 0.900V
............: Auto
Channel B Reference 0.900V
............: Auto
[b]{U]Advanced Settings[b]{U]
Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Disabled]
C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled]
Note: * refers to 45nm CPU

So,alles Rote kannst du so mal einstellen,danach brauchst du vermutlich erstmal nur noch den FSB hochschrauben und die V-Core ausloten,ab ca. 470 FSB wirst du nicht mehr um die Skews wie die GTL`s (CPU-MCH Referencen) herumkommen.
Wichtig ist das du deine CPU kennlernst wieviel V-Core sie für X Takt braucht.

Ich hoffe ich habe keinen Murks geschrieben:fresse:

mfg Sascha
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