Holzis Ex-Interner WaKü Club "as good as it gets" ;) "Eine Reise von der Eiswand bis zum Mora"

So basically I tried to understand your experience with your bykski waterblock using google translate and as far as I understood you had an issue similiar to mine. Right now I have a 6900 XT Phantom D and a Bykski waterblock for it. The delta between the GPU edge temperature and water temperature is generally about 23c. The delta between GPU edge temperature and GPU hotspot is generally about 20c. I get 61 edge and 75 hotspot at 280 watts power limit and water temp is 39c. I think my GPU temps are way too high for a custom loop and my GPU-water delta is high as well. I am not sure what causes this but I guess it is the thermal paste or the included 1.8mm thermal pads. The thermal pads are really bad in quality anyway, I get 70c vram temperature while mining. Anyway, I remounted the block a few times but the temps were always bad and nothing changed. I am planning to use liquid metal and 1.5mm Gelid Extreme pads just like you did. Is this a good idea or do you have any other suggestions? To be honest I am scared to use liquid metal because it may break my card.
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I am planning to use liquid metal and 1.5mm Gelid Extreme pads just like you did. Is this a good idea or do you have any other suggestions?

You can do that in this way, important is that the pads are in 1.5mm not above.
If the pads are above 1.5mm you will get problems with the contact.
You can do that in this way, important is that the pads are in 1.5mm not above.
If the pads are above 1.5mm you will get problems with the contact.
The thing is you had a XFX card but I have a Asrock card so the PCB is different. I am not sure if 1.5mm is going to do proper contact with my asrock card but the only way to know is to try I guess. Do you know any methods to apply liquid metal safely?
but think so, in the area of the chip all the block are comparable and the suggestion for Bykski is 1.5mm in general.

Which size do have your pads in stock?
alright try the 1.5mm and you will have proably succes :)
the following pages deals about LM:
Do I need 2mm pads for the backplate?
for backplate you can use also the orignal pads
Alright, so I just read like 15 pages of the thread and saw all the issues you had with contact and liquid metal, your hotspot was increasing to 100 degrees instantly. But I couldn’t understand the reason for it, did it happen because your thermal pads were too thick? Can you shortly summarize the situation. Liquid metal just keeps getting more scary as I read.
2 would just enough, yes i bort 4 but it is not neccesary
Therefore i Used the original Pads by Bykski.

This thermal pad placment is correct right? Did I miss out on any spots
Better you cut every pad in exact Size of the vram Chips like you have done on the right side, for better contact of the cooler.
Yes it is save also on riser Card ;)
At least 2 netter 3
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