Kings Of Chaos

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hier die FAQ:

forgot my password/email/id number.
On a failed login with your username, you will be given an option to resend the activation email. This contains your username, password, and ID.
When I try to log in it says my account is not activated.
When you register, an email is sent to the email address you specified. This email contains a link for you to go to so that you can activate your account.

My account was suspended. Why?
Probably because you violated the rules, most likely spamming on IRC. If you do not feel you are in violation of the rules, feel free to argue your point.

I am an orc and when I attack I don't eat anyone even when I win
An example: an orc with an army of 3 attacks someone with an army of size 2. If the attacking orc was to eat even one person, it would destroy half of the defending team's army! The number of people eaten is based partly on how big the defending army is, so while powerful orcs become very strong, small orcs are very weak. Keep this in mind when choosing your race.

How are some people so strong?
Read the rules for legal means of sending your link to other people.

I keep losing battles when I attack
Remember, the damage that you inflict on your opponent is based on your power, and weapons that you might have. Try attacking someone weaker than you at first to win battles.

How come I don't kill any enemy soldiers?
The stronger you are the more casualties you are likely to suffer. Armies small enough will not usually suffer casualties because this would hurt the army much more.

How do I change my race?
If you have played Chaos in a previous age, the first time you log in you will be asked to select the race you want to play for the rest of that age. If you are new you will choose your race when you register.

How do I keep much stronger people from beating up on me? Why can't I attack player ___?
A warlord can only attack someone if they are at least 1/2 of his power. Power is based on armysize, but also on weapons.

What is the deal with race bonuses?
Each race has a special charactaristic. Humans get 25% more money per turn than another warlord with the same army size. Elves defend 25% stronger than other warlords, and Dwarves cause 25% more attacking damage than other warlords. Orcs are unique, instead of stealing money when they win an attack, they eat members of the other army. They get money based on how many people they eat.

How do I hurt someone who is much stronger than me?
Every time you attack, your army suffers casualties and your opponent's army suffers casualties based on your power, and on the outcome of the battle. By attacking someone stronger than you, alone you might not cause a lot of damage but attacks from many warlords against a strong person can bring them down through attrition, even if the attacks aren't always victorious.

How do I know beforehand how much money I will take from someone if I win?
The amount of money you plunder is based on the number of attack turns you use in the battle, and on the wealth your target. Their wealth is determined by the money they have onhand and the value of their normal weapons. After they lose all of their money, some of their weapons are destroyed.

What is the difference between normal weapons and siege weapons?
When you buy a normal weapon a soldier in your army is made stronger so your army gains offensive or defensive power based on the attack and defense bonus of the weapon. Siege weapons are generally much stronger and more expensive than regular weapons. You cannot purchase more than 1 offensive siege weapon and 1 defensive fortification, instead you upgrade your current siege weapons in the armory. Your siege weapons are also special because they cannot be destroyed during battle, even if all your money is stolen and all of your normal weapons destroyed.
Mich könnt ihr auch mal unterstützen

Bitte jeder mal draufklicken :)HEIR KLICKEN

Und wenn ihr schon dabei seit könnt ihr euch ja auch über meinen Link anmelden ;) Dann bekomme ich mehr Geld und mehr Soldiers :d
ich finds nur scheisse, dass man da ständig aktualisiern muss, ewig nicht zu erreichen die page :(
so ab heute gibbtet ja "AGE 1", dass heisst, so wie ich des verstanden hab wieder alles auf 0 zurücksetzten :(
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