Laing D5 at 24V, anyone tried?


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I would squeeze a bit more power from my D5 pump, I read that the pump works from 8 to 24V. A normal PSU for pc gives only 12V, so I wondered if anyone tried to connect the pump at 24V.
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I didn't tried it, but if the manual or the manufacturers' instructions says, that the pump can work with 24V, just try it.
when its damaged after that, its a case of warranty, i think.

if you really want to be certain, that you got warranty, go to a electronic-store and let them put 24V on it. they are the "qualified personnel" so often described in the manuals.

the problem of getting 24V from a PSU i can't solve. perhaps there are special PSUs, which can give you 24V, but i don't know any.

i hope i wrote understandingly...
BigKahuna schrieb:
I think this could be the right thing for you:

It has one channel which offers 24 V and up to 4 A. That should be enough. And there are several other things you can do with it!
mh wo sollen da die 24V herkommen?

oder ist da ein extra netzteil dabei?
zooster schrieb:
I don't see that it's not enough 30W at 24V in that pdf...
But the question is: would 24V increase performances of pump??
yes, that's what I've meant with: "but 30W aren't enough for the pump @ 24V:"

24V are 5W too much for the power supply

24V should increase power, but I don't know how much
Perhaps the difference idle/load will decrease, but don´t forget: The pump will also emit more heat to the water.
Ok, thanks. I'm gonna overvolt the pump till 12,8V by my PSU with adjustable voltages, since in they said that over 12,8V there is no gain in performances.
Too bad that there isn't a better pump for my system... :( A dual DDC Ultra has smaller tubes, and a lower flow rate. I'd need a better pressure at my flowrate (1500l/h).
No, it produces much heat...
Does my Nf7-S 2.0 like 12,8V?
12.8V runs out of the ATX-Specifications, so i wouldn´t try that with my MB.
CodeName 87 schrieb:
mh wo sollen da die 24V herkommen?

oder ist da ein extra netzteil dabei?

Lol, woher kommen denn die 12 Volt im PC? Da wird einfach die Spannung gewandelt auf 24 Volt.
naja, anders kann ichs mir nicht vorstellen. Ein netzteil ist nicht dabei, und ich glaube denen schon, was die in den Shop schreiben, also denke ich wird das so gelöst worden sein...
BigKahuna schrieb:
naja, anders kann ichs mir nicht vorstellen. Ein netzteil ist nicht dabei, und ich glaube denen schon, was die in den Shop schreiben, also denke ich wird das so gelöst worden sein...

theoretisch ist das bestimmt möglich, nur schau dir mal die platine an...

das sieht er danach au, dass das relais da max 24V schalten kann, aber ich glaub 24V liefern kann die net
My PSU has ~13V and my K7VTA3 (old Socket 462 MB) seams to accept this...
Ah ok, I didn't get that "power point", maybe he meant PSU.

And what about Laing S1?? The power consumption is only 25W, is it better than D5?
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