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Metro Exodus Enhanced 12900K and Rtx 4090 bottleneck?scene
Last question.
Hi. I compared fps with someone with Rtx 3080 Ti and 12700K,and on exactly the same spot , he have 100fps using 1440P DLSS PERFORMANCE ( RT ULTRA ) .Hes usage is 95% ( screen ).
Link :
II tested the same place and i have 85 fps with the same settings ( DLSS PERFORMANCE no change in fps ) because i am bottlenecked in this place ( ram or cpu ). And my question is. Why 3080 ti have more fps here? Its because my DLSS PERFORMANCE not working because i am bottlenecked.
But somehow on 3080 ti DLSS PerFORMANCe its working and thats why he have better fps. Yes?