my waterchill by skirms_fr


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Paris (France)
Hi all from france :wink:

here's my waterchill made by skirms_fr

compressor: danfoss nl11f
gas: r507
tank: home made and insulated with integrated evap
pump: maxi-jet 1000
waterblock: home made by skirms_fr with 939/am2/775 fix
thermostat -30 to +30°C












what he told me is -35°C fluid temperature without load

i'm waiting now skirms_fr finishing my waterblock and fix and the sending of the parcel.

more to come :)

Here is more skirms_fr's achievements

PM him on OCM forums for more informations.

here's an example of what he can do :d change/dod mach2 n2/100_0920.jpg change/dod mach2 n2/100_0944.jpg
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salut :P

quelle capacite a ton reservoir?
Tres bien, j' aimes le chiller .
Skirms_fr est le francais cold_ice :p ?
tyrou makes phase units too, but I think skirms_fr's does better.
for the capacity, i'll ask skirms soon

i'll receive some awesome CPUs this month, i hope to get some WR's

overcrash's opty 144 WRman
my last 3700+ @ 3638MHz
a 3000+ 0517dpmw
a new opty 165 (bought 85€ in a shop in france :p)
and my x2 3800+ toledo

I see that there are certain French-speaking people here :)
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time to crack my 3667mhz :shot:

how much did the ciller cost?
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Can i order one from him? Or a version with little bit less power?

Whoa thats a very nice Chiller and I checked out your links to his other Chillers and Phase Change Units and I have to say that it's very great work!
They just look amazing and I think they'll perform the way they are looking ;)

And his prices seem to be very fair.

Je parle francais aussi, mais tres mauvaise ;)
J'ai francais en ecole trois ans mais je ne sais pas beaucoup :fresse:
... bevor ihr euch was aus Frankreich holt, fragt doch erstmal die deutschen Kälteprofis... da kommt ihr noch günstiger weg.
... bevor ihr euch was aus Frankreich holt, fragt doch erstmal die deutschen Kälteprofis... da kommt ihr noch günstiger weg.

i do not doubt there are good german cooling professionals here.

but it's not a reason not to look what other people do in other countries, like Piotres, chilly1, ... all of them do a very good work
Ice-Man, Unrockstar, Entsafter, Jan (nicht mehr so aktiv) und ich zb. kann man durchaus nach sowas fragen. Ein wenig Vorahnung sollte man schon haben und nicht einfach fragen: "Kannst doch bauen, für wieviel?".
You're totally right but i think he should ask the german cooling pros also.
Wer baut denn nun auf Bestellung? Bestimmt nicht jeder von denen, oder?
Kannst ja mal nach dem User Iceman suchen.........dann siehste wieviele Icemans es hier gibt. Welcher ist es?

Erstmal ne PN :d . Mit Wunschverbrauch, deinem System, deine Tempanforderung, und deinem vorhandenen Budget.
PN angekommen?


edit: sie.
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pics chiller @ home

waterblock made by skrims_fr and all socket compatibl fix

i'm preparing mobo and waterblock insulation now :xmas:
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Starotise: nice chiller :bigok:

let us see some results :bigok:

Dynamic @ dg-ocing
some pics of the insulation, don't worry about the dfi and 448spaw, both are dead :p

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