Wie viel hast du denn für den KH bezahlt? Sicher nicht 130-150€, da er ja aus dem letzten Jahr ist.
Der M50x klingt etwas besser, hat bessere Polster und kommt mit drei austauschbaren Kabeln. Mehrwert ist also durchaus gegeben.
Wenn man sich die Graphen anschaut, so sind die Unterschiede minimal. Allein die Serienstreuung und die leicht veränderten Ohrpolster machen das schon aus.In the above photo of the M50 and M50x disassembled, you can see that, from a cursory look, they appear much the same. I can tell you that I looked at everything i could get to and they appear to be identical, and I was very happy to see a substantial amount of damping material in there. I wish more makers would do that. The only difference I observed between the two models is that the driver baffle plate and capsule housing of the M50 had a mold mark that read "1", and the M50x had mold marks that read "2". However, the small circular drive cap that holds the ring of damping material on the M50x a mold mark of "1", while the M50 said "2"—the exact opposite of the other mold marks. My assumption at this point is that the mold marks identify the mold being used and there's likely at least two sets of molds. The point is, I saw no remarkable differences between the two headphones.
Ob jetzt der alte oder neue besser klingt oder bequemer ist, hängt von der Kopf- und Ohrform des Nutzers ab.